Faced with a serious and well-founded nonsense, Chu Antian believed it.

Then the two jumped lightly and directly over the wall and headed towards the girls' dormitory.

"Green slaves have a keen perception of sound, so they don't need to be grabbed outside, and they can be cut down quickly and fiercely on the head."

"Of course, you can use your abilities if you want, you can familiarize yourself with your abilities, but the speed must be fast, try not to make a sound."

The two of them each held a Tang knife and walked all the way, Mu Yun explained the precautions to Chu Antian.

"Wouldn't it be faster if we put them together and I solved them in one shot?"

Chu Antian imagined a group of green slaves shooting long strips, and then a final flash of his own burst out, killing in an instant.

It's cool to think about.

"What lets you come to practice, not let you open and hang."

Mu Yun gave a white look, "If that's the case, what else will happen to you when my domain opens." "

Oh, okay." Chu Antian shrugged.

Chu Antian's ability is very strong, and his spiritual talent has also reached the level of SSS, but the pattern is too small.

To open.

Neither the recognition of the end times nor the control of human nature is far from enough.

Mu Yun hopes to cultivate her into a strong person who can stand alone, not her own follower, and she must adapt to this cruel world faster.

The so-called experience is like this, it is not that you kill a few green slaves to get you promoted, and sometimes you have to kill....


The two soon came downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

At this moment, the dormitory building was shrouded in a strange atmosphere, quiet and terrifying, and no sound could be heard.

There were also several bloody corpses downstairs, seemingly caused by falling from a tall building.

As for whether he was forced to helplessly or to escape, it is unknown.


The moment he pushed the door open, a thick and pungent smell of blood came to his nose, and the entire space was filled with the smell of blood, which made Chu Antian couldn't help but frown.

Mu Yun made a gesture to move on.

The two tiptoed upstairs, and a lot of white slime dripped from the stairs.

This is the product of the solidification of the transparent mucus droplets on the green slave, and it can be seen from the amount of mucus that there are many green slaves in this building.

Mu Yun came to the first room at the entrance of the stairs and tried to twist the handle.


The door was not locked, it was directly opened, and Chu Antian and Mu Yun walked in together.

The room was empty, with large sheets of liquid left on the four beds, and apparently, the owner of the room had been killed.

The two looked at each other and continued to walk towards the next room.



I saw a green slave wearing pink pajamas appear in front of the two.

The sticky rattan is entangled, even if the face in front of this female student is very good-looking, but how disgusting and disgusting it is at the moment.

When the green slave heard the movement, he subconsciously rushed towards the two people outside the door.

"Ho ho!"

Mu Yun's eyes were quick, and the Tang Dao exuded a broken cold radiance.


A green head flew into the sky and then fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Antian was a little disgusted when he saw this picture, but he still endured the nausea and did not speak.

Seeing this, Mu Yun leaned in and whispered, "It's good to get used to these things, and you will get used to it." The

nonsense master went online, and was glanced at by Chu Antian, and the discomfort in his heart was slightly reduced.

"You will dig this psionic crystal nucleus."

Mu Yun took out a dagger and handed it over, and Chu Antian reached out and took it.

Forcibly endured the churning in her stomach, she directly inserted the dagger into the green slave's skull, and after a burst of tinkering, a transparent spiritual energy crystal nucleus was picked out by her.


Handed the spiritual energy crystal nucleus back to Mu Yun.


Mu Yun sincerely admired, being able to adapt so quickly, Chu Antian's psychological quality was really strong.

Chu An Tian proudly raised his white chin covered by a black mask, "That's, your woman can be bad."

"Okay, then you can come to the next room."

"I'll come, I'll come.

With that, she walked to another room.

Following Mu Yun's method, Chu Antian gently twisted the doorknob to reveal a gap and looked inside.

Inside stood two green slaves in rags, and under the fifteen-fold increase in physique, Chu Antian's speed was extremely fast, carrying knives, pushing doors, and swinging knives.

The action is done in one go, without dragging mud and water.

"Poof—" "

Poof—" The

blade flashed, and the two heads flew up directly.

One knife, two lives, simple, crisp, sharp!

Mu Yun looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but smack his tongue, a high starting point is good, directly crushed.

Thinking about his previous life, he was armed at the beginning in order to kill a green slave, and he struggled to barely kill.

Now, it's like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, it's too easy.

Chu Antian looked at the two heads in front of him, smiled with satisfaction, and suddenly found that these guys were not so disgusting.

Taking out the crystal nucleus, she took the initiative to go to the next room.

Open the door, go out of the knife, and collect the crystal nucleus.

Chu An Tian became more and more excited the more she killed, she seemed to be a little in love with this feeling of killing, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her eyes were evil.

Mu Yun felt creepy when he looked at it on the side, this girl was too ferocious, could it be that something strange had awakened?

But this is worthy of him!

Mu Yun's heart suddenly came up with such an idea, I don't know what was going on, looking at Chu Antian's appearance, he actually had a trace of inexplicable appreciation.

But it didn't take long for the heroic and spirited Chu Antian to notice that Mu Yun's gaze was a little wrong when he looked at him.

So a towering chest said triumphantly, "How about husband, your wife is handsome, are you fascinated?"

Mu Yun: "..."

Well, handsome for only three seconds.

"I still like the way you looked just now, or... Do you recover it? Mu Yun's expression changed.

Chu Antian's chest straightened up again, "I have the look you like, and I will take any posture you want." "

Mu Yun's face is full of black lines, where did this girl learn these meat jokes?

But this flirting feels good, adding endless fun to the boring post-apocalyptic life.

"Okay, don't be poor, next you clean up from the bottom up, I will go from the top down, and we will meet on the middle floor."

"No problem."

Saying that, the two had a clear division of labor, and began to quickly clean up the green slaves in the dormitory building.

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