Just when the artillery was under fire outside and everyone in the group was talking about it, the atmosphere in the survivor base of the military region was a little tense.

It was not about the sudden rise of the Dragon Court forces that slapped the military in the face, but an unexpected force suddenly appeared.

Sun Jianguo with a hundred or so subordinates was standing at the gate of the barracks with an arrogant face.

If these hundred or so people were just ordinary people, Yang Chen, who was holding them with them, would definitely order his subordinates to take down this group of people as soon as possible.

However, this group of people were real second-order powers.

Sun Jianguo, who was the leader, had already reached the level of a third-order superpower.

"Major Yang, ten rifles for one Awakening Fruit, you shouldn't lose money in this deal, right?"

Sun Jianguo said with a smile, although his tone was polite, his attitude was very tough.

Seeing Yang Chen's gloomy face and did not speak, Sun Jianguo took out a cigar without hurry, and with a pinch of his fingertips, a flame ignited, and he lit a cigarette roll at will and smoked.

"Major Yang, you and I are both smart people, you know the value of the Awakening Fruit better than anyone, you might as well think about it?"

Yang Chen said coldly, "Sun Jianguo, don't think that you are a third-order powerhouse who can fight us, believe it or not, I will immediately send troops to surround you!"

Sun Jianguo laughed when he heard this, "Surround me? I'm so scared. "

Before the green tide broke out, Sun Jianguo collected a lot of devil fruits, and after shooting his precious son in the villa the night before, he began to gather his subordinates to solve all the monsters in the hotel.

And based on the hotel, we began to collect manpower and materials.

When he learned the true use of the Devil Fruit yesterday, the anger that was originally because of his son's tragic death instantly turned into ecstasy.

This miraculous fruit can actually make people awaken and become stronger, and their physique multiplied.

Sun Jianguo has no doubt that as long as he awakens to become a supernatural and obtains a strong physique, when the time comes, he will be old and strong, and his son will be regenerated.


One is not enough, at least ten!

Sun Jianguo's mood was agitated, and he couldn't wait to eat a red fire demon fruit, of course, the seeds in the fruit must have been taken out.

After becoming a superpower, Sun Jianguo's ambition suddenly skyrocketed.

Since he has so many awakening fruits, why can't he build a super power to dominate the doomsday!

Thinking of this, Sun Jianguo rushed directly to the next door, and two shots solved his in-laws, that is, Wu Xue's parents.

A big wave of your hand.

Not only swallowed up the power of the Wu family, but also appropriated the devil fruits they collected.

Yesterday, Sun Jianguo and his men began to awaken madly.

Although they had almost consumed their reserves of Devil Fruit, in Sun Jianguo's opinion, everything was worth it.

Don't see that there are only a hundred subordinates around him now, but all of them are second-order powers, and there are thousands of first-order powerhouses in the camp of the hotel.

It can be said that Sun Jianguo is fearless, and he is not afraid of Yang Chen's army.

Even if the army has powerful thermal weapons, Sun Jianguo is not stupid, he can't fight and run.

As for now, Yang Chen did not dare to start a war at the base, otherwise these survivors around him would suffer.

Pinching this point, Sun Jianguo has no fear, and he is as arrogant as he is.

Yang Chen was so angry at this moment that his eyes were spitting fire.

Their army did find a lot of devil fruits on the way here, but those were sent back to the ninth district halfway for sealing.

At this moment, he only had more than thirty awakening fruits and thousands of white fruits in his hands.

The central government's aid had not yet arrived at the moment, so he had to eat this dumb loss temporarily, and wait until the ninth district sent the materials before settling the general account with Sun Jianguo.

Moreover, he is the youngest major in Huaxia, and it is not necessary to use force to deal with such a reckless person.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen's eyes rolled around, "Sun Jianguo, don't forget, your brothers Sun Jianhua and Sun Jianchuan are all in my hands." Hearing

this, Sun Jianguo was slightly stunned.

Immediately, he sneered, "I almost forgot, my two good brothers have fallen into your hands, if you want to threaten me..."

Saying that, a cruelty flashed in the corner of Sun Jianguo's eyes.

"If you want to kill, I will burn more paper money to worship them, hahahaha..."

His smile became more and more exaggerated, as if he had heard some big joke, tears and snot flew all over his eyes, and the whole person looked like a madman.

Yang Chen frowned, but the corners of his mouth outlined a meaningful arc, "You can even abandon your own brother." "

Huh." Sun Jianguo sneered, "From the day I awakened, I was destined to stand on a high place and look down on this land, and they would only be a burden to me.

"In the cruel environment of the end times, even a half-brother may not be reliable, you say."

Sun Jianguo looked at Yang Chen with a smile, and the corners of his mouth raised a hideous color.

I have to admit that Sun Jianguo sees the end times extremely thoroughly, but it is useless to see it thoroughly, and he must have enough means to convince his subordinates.

Just now, when Sun Jianguo said that, the expressions on the faces of his subordinates were wonderful.

When you come out to mix, the most important thing is righteousness.

Sun Jianguo's vision as a businessman may be okay, but if he wants to be the boss, it is estimated that he will not live more than three chapters.

"Mr. Sun is really honest."

Yang Chen's eyes were full of ridicule, and the anger just now had dissipated, but there was a little more mockery.

To deal with this kind of person, Yang Chen had already thought of countermeasures, perhaps without waiting for the support of the ninth district, the strength of his base would be greatly improved.

"Don't talk nonsense, my patience is not very good, just ask you to exchange one awakening fruit for ten guns, do you change it or not?"

Sun Jianguo snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed, and his body was full of anger.

Yang Chen shook his head indifferently, "Did you misunderstand something.

"Although I can't help me now, you don't seem to be able to help me, right?"

Saying that, Yang Chen's hand waved, a sound of footsteps sounded, a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition walked out from behind the house, and the swarthy muzzle of the gun was suddenly aimed at Sun Jianguo.

There were at least two hundred soldiers, including thirty second-order powers.

Sun Jianguo's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"You... You were prepared? His face was livid, and his eyes flickered brightly and darkly.

"That's not it, who let you talk too much nonsense and gave me time to prepare."

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