The group did not go far and stopped at a high-end community closest to the manor.

Without Mu Yun giving an order, everyone consciously rushed into the community with a rope.

Just now, Mu Yun had already told them the method of artificial third-order green corpses, and at this moment, all the women were very excited to start the hunting journey.

You know, they have obtained more than 10,000 spiritual energy crystal nuclei before, and they are having a headache how to absorb them quickly.

Now that a solution has finally been found, all the women are naturally full of energy.

Mu Yun and Chu Antian were not idle and joined the ranks of capturing green slaves.


At the same time, the bases of the military district.

Yang Chen was carefully pondering the message Mu Yun had just sent.

Although it is not clear why the other party wants to close the survivors, he also refused the helping hand extended by his side.

But one thing he knew very well was that this Dragon Court was definitely his own.

Not only help them solve the tide of corpses, but also prepare to help them settle survivors, proper benevolent people.

Even if he guessed wrong, this force is not a person from the central government, so he solved two big problems for himself at the other party, and he also made up his mind about this friend.

After touching his chin and pondering for a moment, Yang Chen decided not to contact the other party for the time being, and first solved the problem on his side.

The remaining thirteen drones were all shot down, and then they had to rely on fighters as bait to lure the tide of corpses out of the city.

"Are you all ready?"

Standing up, Yang Chen shouted.

The warriors immediately straightened their bodies: "Report sir, get ready!"


With Yang Chen's order, five military jeeps left the base and headed towards the Z1 area.

There were only twenty people in this operation, but they were the twenty third-order superpowers that Yang Chen had created with all his spiritual energy crystal nuclei.

Everyone has about eight times the physique of ordinary people, plus their special abilities, they may be able to retreat all over when facing the tide of corpses.

In this, the loss of any one person was enough to make Yang Chen feel painful.

Half an hour later, Yang Chen and the others arrived at the target area, and looking at the densely packed green slaves in the distance, he couldn't help but feel a tingling in his scalp.

But he is a soldier, protecting the people is his duty, no matter what the cost of this operation, he must grit his teeth and persevere!

"Follow me!"

With a low roar, Yang Chen led twenty heavily armed warriors to the other end from the side bypassing the corpse tide.

Since the main road was full of green slaves, and the rest of the road was covered with green vines, they had to abandon the car and use their legs to go around the front to lure the tide of corpses.

The process of rushing was relatively smooth, and only some scattered green slaves were encountered, which were solved by them.

After arriving at the destination, Yang Chen's face was solemn, "Are you ready?"

"Ready, sir!"

Twenty people brushed in unison, looking solemn.

"Good! After a while I shouted retreat, everyone do not hesitate, there is hope for survival!

Yang Chen's words fell, and he immediately began to act according to the plan discussed in advance.

I saw one of the soldiers carrying a stereo, and suddenly the entire area echoed with deafening music.

If you listen carefully, you will find that it is a BGM that belongs to Qiao Feng.

"Dengdendeng~Dengden~Dengden..." The

green slave, who had been wandering around aimlessly, suddenly heard this familiar melody, and immediately rushed to the source of the sound like a cat smelling fishy, and even chased this song even if he stepped on the corpse of his companion.

Yang Chen immediately beckoned everyone to run outside the city.


Wha-" "Roar—"

A hoarse cry came from behind him, making the hearts of everyone who was running with all their strength tremble.

After running for a while, the soldier carrying the stereo gasped, handed the stereo to the others and continued to run.

Their real danger is not the tide of corpses behind them, but the other green slaves in front of them who are attracted by the sound.

These green slaves will slow them down and surround them.

Sure enough, as time passed, more and more green slaves appeared on the road ahead, and Yang Chen had to slow down his speed and take action to solve these green slaves who were blocking their way.


" "Boom—" The

sound of gunfire and howls continued to resound in this silent suburb.

They did not dare to stay, once entangled by this group of green slaves, what awaited them was an endless tide of corpses.


Suddenly, with a loud roar, a black shadow rushed out of the building next to the road and quickly and fiercely pounced on the soldier carrying the stereo.


Yang Chen reacted extremely quickly, raised his hand and pulled the trigger, shooting the opponent in the chest.


The bullet was resisted by the vine, Yang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly turned the muzzle and added a few more shots.

"Ding! Bite! Clang! This

mutant green slave was extraordinary, and green vines flew quickly, forming an airtight protective wall in front of it.

The bullet fired by Yang Chen could not penetrate the defense at all, but was entangled in vines and ejected to the side.

"Damn it!"

Yang Chen cursed, his body began to turn into steel, and when he stepped on his feet, his figure shot out, and his fist smashed on the surface of the vine.


The cracks on the vine were dense, and they instantly shattered and exploded, revealing the hideous face of the mutant green slave.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Chen went up and kicked a flying kick on the head of the mutant green slave.

The huge force burst out, and the head of the mutant green slave was directly kicked and sunken, lying limply on the ground.


" "Ho-ah-" Seeing

that the corpse tide behind him was about to catch up, he didn't even have time to collect the crystal nucleus of the mutant green slave, so he pulled out his legs and ran.


Suddenly, a heart-rending scream came, and he turned his head to look, but saw that a warrior was accidentally grabbed by a mutant green slave with a body wrapped around flames, and the entire arm was scorched in an instant, and his body was wrapped in raging flames.

"Leave me alone, let's go!" The warrior struggled and yelled.

Yang Chen frowned, "Go!" At

this time, if they went back to the rescue, it was likely that the entire army would be destroyed, and Yang Chen decisively ordered to continue to run for his life.

The situation became more serious, and two more soldiers were killed by the mutant green slave who suddenly appeared.

Yang Chen's heart was trembling.

This is the main force of their base, and three people were sacrificed in less than half an hour.

At the moment, there are at least twenty kilometers outside the city, and with their speed, they will definitely not be able to reach it in two hours.

If these people really lose here, I am afraid that their base will be greatly damaged.

"Nope! Can't go on!

His eyes were blood-red, and his heart began to retreat.

Just as he was about to order the whole crew to abandon the stereo and retreat, an extremely cold chill hit.

Ice powers?

Yang Chen looked around in amazement, only to see that the surrounding environment had turned blue.

The cold ice that froze everything spread towards them, not only the ground and the surrounding mutated green plants, but even the corpse tide behind them froze.

"What the hell is this?!"

"I can't move!"

This strange sight frightened everyone, and they panicked and wanted to leave the area, but as soon as they took a step, the ground was blocked by thick ice, and their lower bodies were directly frozen and stiffened in place.

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