"Ding! Boom! Bang! A

pile of steel was taken out by Mu Yun, and he immediately ordered everyone to build a simple large iron shed.

Several sheets of iron cover were placed on the roof of the shed, and the dense raindrops crackled on the iron sheets.

Chu Antian's magical energy also disappeared at this moment due to the exhaustion of energy.

Iron and concentrated sulfuric acid do not react at room temperature.

When iron and concentrated sulfuric acid are in contact at room temperature, they will react on the surface to form a dense oxide protective film to prevent concentrated sulfuric acid from continuing to react with iron.

Only when heated, iron and concentrated sulfuric acid accelerate the reaction.

The reaction equation is: 2Fe+6H₂SO₄(concentrated)=Fe₂(SO₄)₃+3SO₂↑+6H₂O.

After doing this, Mu Yun ordered to start hunting the corpse tide on the other side.

Not only the corpse tide in the Z7 region on the opposite side, but even the corpse tide Mu Yun in other areas was ready to catch up.

A year later, the green slave had already evolved to a certain extent, and even if he did not use vines to defend against the corrosiveness of black rain, he already had quite strong defensive power.

As a result, the human race, which had gradually gained a foothold, was once again in a weak position.

A large number of defensive buildings were destroyed, water sources were directly polluted, and many weak survivors were directly killed.

In the midst of the chaos, the power of mankind has plummeted.

But in this life, interesting things happen.

Originally, the green tide was followed by an extremely hot natural disaster, but unexpectedly, a black rain suddenly came, which caught all this by surprise.

The destruction of the water source in advance will definitely lead to a skyrocketing value of drinking water, and what interesting stories will happen in the future, even Mu Yun, a reborn, can no longer understand.

The most important point is that the black rain at this moment can cause terrifying damage to the green slave, which is an excellent time.

There must be a silver lining in the midst of natural disasters.

Mu Yun saw through the key point of this natural disaster at a glance, if he could take this opportunity to pocket all the spiritual energy crystal nuclei of City B, the entire city would be controlled by himself by that time.

Now, this Longbei River is Mu Yun's best way to deal with the green corpse tide.


Dense gunfire continued to sound, and black bullets rained down on the opposite bank.

The purpose is not to kill the green slaves, but to attract more green corpses.

Attracted by the sound of gunfire, a large number of corpses poured in from the other side of the river, and for a while, the river was full of densely packed corpses.

The body was smoking black smoke, which gradually decomposed into a pool of black water under the corrosion of dilute sulfuric acid and merged into the river water.

A strong stench filled the air, and everyone frowned to hold back the nausea in their stomachs, desperately firing and strafing.

At this moment, everyone had already understood Mu Yun's thoughts, and the excitement on their faces could not be concealed at all, and they all poured bullets towards the opposite bank.

One by one, the crystal clear spiritual energy crystal nuclei were decomposed with the corpse, and all sank to the bottom of the lake.

Just wait for the black rain to end and find a way to drain the river... Well, it seems a bit difficult.

But you can send a gold-based supernatural like Zhang Lan with steeling skills to go into the water to salvage, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more ways than difficulties.

But now there is a problem, that is, as the rain grows, the originally calm Longbei River gradually begins to flow.

This means that the nuclei under the water may be washed away by the water.

Mu Yun and Chu Antian were fully absorbing spiritual energy at the moment to accelerate the restoration of energy in their bodies.

Twenty minutes later, the two opened their eyes.

"Da Zhuang, here is left to you to be responsible, Zhong Li, you pay attention to watch around, be careful not to be attacked by Old Six." Mu Yun ordered.

"Yes! City Lord! X2

Mu Yun turned to Chu Antian and said, "Let's go."

Nodding, Chu Antian's defensive golden light enveloped the two, and then left the iron boron and walked downstream.

Without going far, the two stopped fifty meters from the bridge.

"Husband, what are we going to do next?"

"Build a."

"Huh?" Chu An Tian blinked, what did she hear just now?

Build a?!

"Just the two of us?"

Mu Yun shook his head, "To be precise, it's just me.


"Don't worry." Mu Yun reached out and patted her shoulder, revealing a confident smile, "Your husband can endure a lot."

Although Chu Antian was still a little worried, she chose to believe Mu Yun, after all, this man had never disappointed her.

"So what do we do next?" Chu Antian asked.

"Look at me."

Saying that, Mu Yun's domain expanded again, but this time it only maintained a ten-meter range, which could save the consumption of spiritual energy.

Immediately afterwards, he took out several huge barbed wire, which are only used to build large buildings, and used to pour into the walls to strengthen them.

Previously, he hoarded a lot in the name of building a shopping mall, which was enough for Mu Yun to create a huge base city.

Now for the sake of a massive amount of spiritual energy crystal nuclei, Mu Yun is ready to use some of them first.

Several sheets of barbed wire of three meters by ten meters were suspended in mid-air in Mu Yun's domain.

"Borrow your red hot light and use it."

"Uh... You wouldn't want me to be a welder, would you? "

Smart!" Mu Yun gave a thumbs up, showing eight white teeth on his face, and a teachable expression.

The corners of Chu Antian's mouth twitched slightly, his husband was really a ghost.

No way, Chu Antian had to turn into an electric welder, and the red light shot wildly against the iron mesh, sparks splashed, very professional.

After a while, the barbed wire was welded by Master Chu into a large iron net of twenty-one meters by ten meters.

Then Mu Yun took out six I-shaped steel bars and gave Chu Antian a "you know" expression.


With a long sigh, she was a little tired.


Under Chu Antian's professional welding, Mu Yun obtained two twenty-four-meter-long steel bars.

Seeing this, Chu Antian understood.

Without Mu Yun's words, she consciously welded the steel bars to both ends of the barbed wire.

Thus, a ten-meter-long and twenty-one-meter-high interception iron net was completed.

This is the final step.

Mu Yun's absolute domain range is directly driven to the maximum, the depth of the Longbei River is twenty meters, and Mu Yun's domain range is thirty meters, which is completely capable of driving the interception iron net into the bottom of the lake.

The extra part of the steel bar is inserted right into the depths of the ground, firmly fixing the iron net to the bottom of the river.

The extra meter of the iron net just exposes the surface of the river, so that even the bodies floating on the surface of the river will not be washed away.

The Longbei River is 50 meters wide, and one net is obviously not enough.

While absorbing the psionic crystal nucleus, the two continued to make interception iron nets.

With great effort, the task was finally completed.

Five 10-meter-long interception nets entered the bottom of the river one by one, successfully sealing off the entire section of the river.

Some people will definitely ask, how did the iron network in the center of the river penetrate the bottom of the river, and the distance between the fields is not enough?


Mu Yun can fly in the field, it's as simple as that.

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