Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1004: Restoring Memory

When Tianci saw his son and daughter being kidnapped, he was very flustered, so he immediately wanted to catch up, but his speed was not as fast as the two of them, so he was quickly thrown away.

Seeing this scene, Bai Tianci was already full of doubts in his heart, because he knew that Shen Feng and Jin Juejuu were already well-known outside the world, Shen Feng is a world-renowned wind god, and basically he would not do harm to the world Even if Jin Juezi's reputation is a little bit worse, he is still a hero. As a result, these two well-known heroes in the Jianghu actually kidnapped his own child. At this time, Tianci already felt something was wrong.

"Now that the child has been taken away, it is impossible for me to just sit and watch the child be taken away. I will go to the appointment on time tomorrow. You should protect yourself at home, understand?" Bai Tianci was full of doubts, But now there is no way to get rid of cranky thoughts. Only by going to the meeting first can we figure out the situation.

And Bai Fengying's face turned pale immediately after hearing this, because she knew that the worst result had already appeared.

Therefore, after returning to her home, Bai Fengying said to her husband, "Actually, I have been worried about one thing about you, that is, you will leave our home after you recover your memory, so I have been preventing If this kind of thing happens, if you recover your memory, will you leave me then?"

Immediately after hearing this question, Bai Tianci swore, "Just don't worry, I will never leave this house. Who do you think I am? I'm not Chen Shimei, who was always in chaos and never gave up."

Next, Bai Tianci had to swear to the sky in order to prove his sincerity, but was persuaded by Bai Fengying, and finally the two fell asleep on the bed. After Bai Tianci fell into a deep sleep, he did not move much, but Bai Fengying tossed and turned It's hard to fall asleep.

Shen Feng and Jin Zijue quickly returned to the military camp in the northern part of the Taihang Mountains, carrying two crying children with them. These two children were crying all the time, because they both found that they had been arrested by a strange uncle After going to the outside world, is it really difficult to be sold out?

After Lu Kaiyang heard that the city lord brought people to the north to take revenge, he also brought a group of teenagers to appear here. He thought that the city lord would find a way to take revenge after he came, but that was not the case. At this time, the city lord returned to the barracks with two children.

"City Lord, are you trying to kidnap people?" Lu Kaiyang asked directly after seeing the City Lord.

Shen Feng replied, "Don't talk nonsense, these two children are Yue Hengyi's children, I just want to force him to regain his original style at this time."

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng bent down and said to the two children, "I'm not a bad person, I'm your uncle, you two will stay here for the next few days, I'll let someone take care of you, understand? "

Shen Feng originally thought that after he explained his identity, the two children would stop crying, but he miscalculated. The two children had already known that they were taken away and would be sold, so at this time, Still crying.

"I want to go home, you are a bad person, you will sell us." The two children continued to cry.

Shen Feng said helplessly, "Uncle will not sell you, as long as you are obedient, I will send you back in a few days."

"Really?" The two children were already tired from crying, and now they heard Shen Feng's words, and then stopped crying.

"Of course it's true. Uncle won't lie to you. When your father recovers his memory, I'll send you back." Shen Feng hastily made a promise at this time.

Seeing the current appearance of the city lord, Lu Kaiyang seemed to be seducing two ignorant children, and said to himself, "The city lord was in the past, maybe he had the superficial quality to become a human trafficker."

The names of these two children are very easy to remember. One is Bai Cangshan and the other is Bai Bitao. The implication is also very simple.

Shen Feng asked people to prepare a room and arranged for two children, and then started the next plan with Jin Zijue, which was to let Yue Hengyi restore his former strength, even if

He has lost his memory now, but he always has supernatural powers on him. During these years, Yue Hengyi has been living in the mountains, and what he does is to collect tolls. He must have no chance to fight, so The ability has not been awakened, and now he probably thinks that he is a human being with a slightly stronger power.

"In the future, we will lure Yue Hengyi to fight. As long as he continues to fight with us, he will continue to be stimulated. At that time, Xiaoyue will fall into despair, and he will definitely explode at the critical moment of life and death." Shen Feng faced Jin Zijue stated his purpose.

After Jin Zijue heard it, he frowned and thought about it, and said, "What if Yue Hengyi never recovered his memory? What should we do?"

Shen Feng took out a red stone from his body and said, "If this kind of battle can't restore his memory, then I can only give him an evolutionary crystal, maybe he can heal his brain during the evolution process, thus Restore your memory."

Hearing Shen Feng's follow-up plan, Jin Zijue couldn't help but said, "If I want an evolutionary crystal, I need to give you a battle, but Yue Hengyi hasn't recovered any memory yet, so you are going to give him an evolutionary crystal, right?" Too extravagant?"

Shen Feng said with a smile, "I can't help it, who made me his sworn brother? I have lied to him to eat fish for half a month before, this time I should give some compensation, and his parents are both in Yuzhou , after he regains his memory, where else can he go? Shouldn’t he go to Yuzhou to do something for me?”

It turned out that Shen Feng had planned a long time ago. As long as Yue Hengyi recovered his memory, he would go to his own Yuzhou to do business sooner or later. It would definitely be a great thing for such a powerful supernatural being to be under his command.

After Jin Zijue heard Shen Feng's plan, he could only wait for tomorrow's action, just counting the time, there are still five days before Qin Kewei will be executed in public, these actions must be completed as soon as possible, otherwise , may not catch up with the rescue.

On the second day, Shen Feng and Jin Zijue handed over the two children to Lu Kaiyang to take care of, and Lu Kaiyang also acted as a shopkeeper once, handing over the two children to the teenagers under him to take care of them. child.

Fortunately, these teenagers all grew up in the Fengshen Palace, and Shen Feng's three children were also more naughty than the other, so these teenagers learned to coax their children since they were young, and it is not difficult to take care of them now.

Shen Feng and Jin Zijue came to the hillside on the west side of Guanyin Village. Here is a gravel beach with many weeds on it, but there are no trees. There is no way to hide people here. Sure enough, Tianci came here at this time. When he came to the appointment, there were more than a dozen people behind him. These people all looked fierce, not the appearance of a good person. new

"You two bastards, where are my son and daughter? I didn't offend you before, why did you take my child away? You know, Shen Feng! Your apprentice was rescued by us before, you like that Isn't this behavior repaying kindness and revenge?" When Bai Tianci saw the appearance of these two guys who had kidnapped his child, he immediately became angry, and immediately began to accuse Shen Feng of repaying revenge for kindness.

Shen Feng shrugged helplessly, and said, "Now your memory has not recovered, and your power has not yet awakened, so you treat our kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, but we believe in one thing, that is, after you recover your memory, you will definitely be grateful Ours, as for now, you should compete with one of my generals."

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng nodded at Jin Zijue, and Jin Zijue walked up, and said to Baici, "As long as you can beat me today, you can take your two children away, but if you can't If you do, then don’t blame me for being ruthless! Don’t even think about seeing your child in your life!”

After saying these words, Jin Zijue stretched out his finger at Tianci, and hooked his fingers twice. Baitianci felt that he was insulted, because the other party's actions obviously looked down on him, so Baitianci rushed away immediately. Go up, holding a machete in his hand, the blade is very thin but the back is very thick.

As for Jin Zijue's charge, more than a dozen brothers behind him also rushed up, as if they wanted to swarm up and kill the two of them at this time.

Many people have found

The gun aimed at Jin Zijue and Shen Feng and then fired, but at this moment, Jin Zijue cast his supernatural power, and a strong current spread along the ground, and hit the ground after the strong current passed through the ground. These bandits directly made them tingle and twitch, and finally fell to the ground.

Bai Tianci was also attacked by the electric current at this time, and he also knelt on the ground softly, but his physical fitness was always much stronger than that of ordinary people. After kneeling on the ground, he quickly stood up again, and then committed suicide The direction continues to approach.

"What did you do to my brothers?" Bai Tianci asked with red eyes at this time.

Bai Tianci didn't know what happened now, the other side obviously didn't do anything, but something happened on his side, and the people under him fell down in an instant, and he didn't know if the other side knew some magic tricks.

Jin Zijue said indifferently, "They are not dead, I have a sense of proportion, they are just paralyzed by my electric current, as long as you can defeat me, now I can make them return to normal."

After Tianci heard this, he rushed up with the big knife in his hand, slashing at him one knife after another, wishing to kill this terrifying guy in front of him at this time.

After a heavy sword was swung, it immediately slashed at Jin Zijue one after another. This kind of attack is very dangerous. The weight of the sword itself is already very high. It can cut humans in half, but Jin Zijue keeps dodging. Although the machete's lethality is very high, as long as it doesn't get hit, nothing will happen.

Shen Feng was watching from the side at this time, Jin Zijue's attack also touched him just now, fortunately Shen Feng is already an eighth-level supernatural being, although the current is very strong, but Shen Feng soon got used to it Then, in order to prevent himself from being accidentally injured again, he flew into the sky and watched the battle from the sky.

Bai Tianci saw that there was another person flying into the sky on the opposite side, and was taken aback. If these two people attacked him, he would definitely lose. However, Shen Feng in the sky didn't seem to have any intention of attacking at all, so Tianci could only concentrate on dealing with the guy in front of him.

At this moment, Jin Zijue said while dodging Tianci's attack, "Your knife is too slow, too slow, go faster!"

Bai Tianci became ruthless. He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong that he could dodge his own attack. No one could block his attack before, but now, his attack was actually blocked! If he doesn't believe that he can't defeat the supernatural being!

"Hurry up, right? Then look forward to it!" Bai Tianci continued to wield the big knife vigorously, and each knife was as fast as a knife.

Facing the opponent's big sword attack, Jin Zijue dodged unhurriedly, and continued to speak provocative words in his mouth, "Your sword is so slow, why come out to eat?"

Tianci finally unleashed all the power in his body, but Jin Zijue was still helpless, and Jin Zijue also started his own attack. Some small arcs appeared in Jin Zijue's hands, and these arcs "cracked" in the air. The chaotic noise can often emit a burnt smell.

These small electric arcs are constantly attacking Tianci, making Baici's body constantly appear, seriously affecting Baici's movement.

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