Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter One Thousand And Nine

The three of them forcibly broke into the closed door, only to find that this room was no longer a room for detaining women, but a place where a large number of files were stored.

"We were lucky. We discovered this storage room, and it is also a place for storing materials." Shen Feng said with a smile.

Then the three of them started searching for information in the storage room, wanting to see what secrets existed on this mountain.

But at this moment, Yue Hengyi suddenly discovered a dusty document that read "Strategy of Yanjing!"

Obviously Yanjing has been destroyed at this time, and it wants to rebuild but has not yet completed the reconstruction. Why is there a special strategy for such a worthless city? Out of curiosity, Yue Hengyi opened it, ready to take a look at this dusty document.

However, when Yue Hengyi opened this document and read it carefully, his face turned ashen, because he saw a very shocking thing. The destruction of the past was actually premeditated. It is these families in Taiyuan who are responsible for this matter.

"These families are really a disaster for the country and the people. I didn't expect that in the end, these families are still thinking about their future power and prestige. They have done so many outrageous things for their own selfish desires!" Furious.

Shen Feng and Jin Zijue approached immediately after hearing this, wanting to know what kind of content this information was, which could make a seventh-level ability user so furious.

Yue Hengyi handed this document to Shen Feng to look at it, and later found out that, in fact, a long time ago, many families in Taiyuan wanted to further their authority, but there were obstacles, and the biggest obstacle was Yanjing. As long as Yan Kyoichi exists, it is impossible for these families in Taiyuan to expand.

So these families in Taiyuan thought of a strategy, that is to find a way to weaken the strength of Yanjing. Only if Yanjing's strength is weakened, then these families can get the opportunity to expand. In the end, these families in Taiyuan spent a lot of money Resources, cultivated an organization of supernatural beings.

This organization of supernatural beings is very mysterious. They stay on the mountain all year round and will not be dispatched, but as long as they set off, they will complete the task perfectly. This organization is the Thirteen Taibao of Luliang Mountain. These people sound more like a gang of bandits than an official organization.

"It turned out that these people on the mountain gathered together to weaken Yanjing. Behind them are these families from Taiyuan." ulterior purpose.

The way these families think of to weaken Yanjing is very simple, that is to sow dissension. If Yanjing is monolithic, then these families have no chance to weaken Yanjing's strength at all, but as long as they provoke the relationship between various forces in Yanjing, the next It's much simpler, let these forces in Yanjing fight among themselves, and these families can benefit from it.

Ever since, the families in Taiyuan are constantly carrying out plans to sow dissension. One of the forces is the supernatural beings, which involves the infighting among the supernatural beings who provoke Yanjing. , so as to provoke internal fighting between these two organizations, and after the Tianxuan Bureau was destroyed, Yanjing formed the Tianlong Bureau, so these people in Taiyuan sent the unpopular Chen Xinzhi to the Tianlong Bureau to continue to provoke .

And when they learned that Qin Kewei had a lot of supernatural potions, these families also planned to seize the supernatural potions and control Qin Kewei. At that time, Qin Kewei was alone in Yanjing, and she didn't get anyone's help Help, so after a month of torture, Qin Kewei was successfully controlled.

All these things seem to be going according to the ideas of these families in Taiyuan. It seems that Yanjing's weakening is just around the corner. After a while, Taiyuan's right to speak in the north will become stronger and stronger.

But there was an accident in all these situations, that is, Yue Hengyi came back, and after he came back, all these things were messed up.

So the families in Taiyuan sent out the supernatural beings on Luliang Mountain, and after learning the route of this group of people returning to China, they laid an ambush at sea, trying to kill these two people.

Killing at sea, thousands of calculations, did not expect the typhoon to appear suddenly, but took Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi away, and the two survived by luck.

In the end, although Yue Hengyi returned to Yanjing, he didn't know who the enemy was hiding behind the scenes, so he was caught off guard again and was plotted again. After his back arrived at the designated place, he accidentally killed thousands of people.

It was only at this time that Yue Hengyi realized that his original mistakes were all within the expectations of these people.

"I didn't expect that all the things that happened back then were planned by them alone. I only now know who is behind the scenes. It turned out to be these families in Taiyuan! For a long time, these families have been invisible, but they have been manipulating behind the scenes. The direction of power." Yue Hengyi knew the truth of the matter at this time, and he was immediately annoyed.

Then the three of them continued to look down along the information, and finally saw even more exaggerated content, which turned out to be something related to Shen Feng.

The reason why Shen Feng broke with Yanjing at the beginning was actually because his wife and children were bullied, but this incident was also planned. Under normal circumstances, the relationship between Shen Feng and Yanjing would not deteriorate , but in the end under the planning of these families, a group of people from the Tianlong Bureau attacked Yuzhou. It happened that Shen Feng came back at this time, so Shen Feng went on a killing spree and killed all the people from the Tianlong Bureau in Yuzhou. Jing, thus making enemies with Yanjing.

"These bastards are really insidious. I didn't expect them to do so many outrageous things behind their backs!" Shen Feng was also angry at this time, because he didn't expect that these families had been plotting against others for their own power, regardless of The survival of the people below is only about playing tricks and tricks.

These families almost use all forces as pawns, and they seem to be the only ones who are the operators, but the price of this is that they calculated too many people, so that too many people died, and now they have not given up on continuing to expand their power.

The demise of Yanjing was something no one expected, and these families could not expand in a short period of time, and the surrounding areas were all starved to death. After occupying these areas, they would have to support more people. His family is very conservative and has no plans to expand at all.

However, after the expansion of Bingcheng, these families could not sit still. If Yanjing was annexed by the Northeast forces, the power in their hands would be further reduced, so in the end these families thought of a trick, that is Creating civil strife, He Qiuan had no choice but to retreat outside the pass.

The matter was indeed a success, but only half the success, because this matter was exposed by He Qiuan, and then He Qiuan led troops to attack Taiyuan, and Taiyuan urgently recalled the 13th Taibao of Luliang Mountain, allowing these elite superpowers protect yourself.

"At this moment, I just want to kill people, I want to kill all the people in these families!" Yue Hengyi said angrily, he felt that his life was ruined by these people.

If he hadn't been plotted against, he would have married Qin Kewei a long time ago, and the various hardships that followed would never have occurred. Six years have passed, and Yue Hengyi finally learned of the various conspiracies that have occurred, and he just wants to We must kill these behind-the-scenes black hands one by one.

After reading these contents, Shen Feng and Jin Zijue also took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress their anger, and said, "I thought these families were irrelevant, but now it seems that they are too hateful. We rushed into Taiyuan early in the morning and uprooted these families."

It just so happened that a strong alarm sounded outside at this time. It turned out that the people in the monitoring center were discovered. At this time, many soldiers realized that someone had invaded the mountain, so they searched the mountain one after another.

"If you want to uproot these families, you must not show mercy. These soldiers are controlled by the families, and no one can be left behind!" Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

In the end, the three of them closed the reference room, took the information about Yanjing with them, and then left the ground. After the soldiers saw an outsider appear, they raised their rifles and started shooting without saying a word. But these weapons can't pose a threat to supernatural beings at all.

Shen Feng disappeared in place in an instant, his speed had already reached three times the speed of sound,

Now his speed has reached the level of being able to dodge bullets, and then he was casting supernatural powers. Countless wind blades appeared in the air, and the wind blades pierced through the bodies of these soldiers. In an instant, blood splashed everywhere on the field, and countless people fell Under the invisible attack.

Jin Zijue released countless lightning bolts on his body. Before the electric arc he controlled hit humans, these people would not be injured, but would be paralyzed for a long time, but now he started to use his abilities mercilessly, these lightning bolts After hitting a human being, the human being could be electrocuted at that time.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't even deal with some simple supernatural beings, not to mention that all the people who appeared on the mountain this time were people with seventh-level supernatural powers or above, so after being attacked, these soldiers fell down one after another.

Yue Hengyi didn't make a move at this time, not because he was not strong enough, but because once he used his supernatural ability, he would kill too many innocent people, so he chose to stop.

The three spent an hour killing all the soldiers on the hill, and then released all the women imprisoned underground, and said to these tortured women, "Don't be afraid, we are here to rescue you. , but you also need to help us, and that is to only recognize the crimes of these demons."

These women have no right to resist at all, and now they can only agree to it. They have been imprisoned for a long time, and now they are finally free.

After getting the information, the three left the mountain and flew towards the sun at a speed similar to that of a bird. In this way, even if they were detected by radar, they would not necessarily be hit.

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