Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1012 I'm Here To Save You

After encountering indiscriminate attacks, people inside and outside Taiyuan City scattered and fled in all directions, not daring to stand under the city for a long time.

But this kind of behavior undoubtedly angered many people. They came here just to see the devil being executed, but at this time they didn't see the devil being killed. Attacking themselves, do they have no humanity at all?

"You bastards, you did this to us, we pay taxes every year."

"Since you are the rulers of Taiyuan, you should protect us common people. How can you attack indiscriminately now?"

The people in the city then began to scold the streets, pointing at the soldiers on the top of the city and swearing. These soldiers were supposed to protect the people, but instead they attacked people indiscriminately. Such people should not be left behind. In Taiyuan.

The people below the city dropped hundreds of corpses, and then fled far away, only those who did not escape were all enemies.

He Qiuan had already brought people to the vicinity at this time. He wanted to launch an attack by surprise, but he didn't expect that these people on the bow were so inhumane that they started shooting directly. Instead, they exposed themselves. When he couldn't go down, he yelled directly, "Let's go up together, prepare to attack!"

The plan this time is very simple, that is to fight each other, each fights its own way, there is no plan at all, as long as it can win, no matter what means are used.

There are more than 30 supernatural beings gathered below the city. These supernatural beings are all from Bingcheng and Yuzhou. There are only a dozen supernatural beings in Yuzhou, and among these supernatural beings, most of them are The teenagers, the main staff are these supernatural beings from Ice City.

After Taiyuan's radar detected an unidentified flying object in the distant sky, it launched a missile directly to shoot down the object in the sky.

These people are very clear that now Shen Feng can move freely in the sky, so once he appears in the sky, it will be very dangerous, and it must not be allowed to come close, so no matter what kind of flying object it is, it must be Just shoot it down.

Shen Feng was indeed flying freely in the sky at this time. After the three of them discovered the confidential information in the manor on the mountain, they chose to attack Taiyuan, but the attack methods of the three were different, because Shen Feng could fly in the sky. Flying in the middle, so his target is also the most obvious, so the task he undertakes is to distract the attention of the radar.

At the moment, more than a dozen missiles flew towards Shen Feng. These missiles were very fast, and could surpass the speed of sound in the sky. Ordinary fighter jets couldn't dodge it at all.

But at this time, a strong tornado suddenly appeared in the distant sky. After the tornado appeared, it continued to wreak havoc, rolling countless dust on the ground into the sky, causing the visibility in the sky to plummet. The appearance of the missile directly interfered with the radar detection. Although the missile hit the tornado, it did not cause any harm after falling into the tornado and exploding.

The target of the tornado was really too big, even if the missile hit the tornado, the explosion would not be enough to hurt Shen Feng, let alone Shen Feng could protect himself with a barrier.

Seeing that he had completed the task of restraining the opponent's firepower, Shen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart, "Xiao Yue, now I have created a good opportunity for you, don't let me down!"

In fact, whether it is Shen Feng or Jin Zijue, they are all creating opportunities for Yue Hengyi. According to the abilities of these two people, they can easily destroy this city, but they don't want to do this. The opportunity was given to Yue Hengyi.

After Chen Xintie discovered that the enemy's offensive was very fierce, he immediately started to attack, but this attack was not aimed at other people, but at Qin Kewei who was imprisoned on the top of the city. Now this woman has been tied to a chair, It only takes one blow to kill him.

"Now you are useless, we have used you to recruit other supernatural beings, and then you are going to die!" Chen Xintie held a short knife in his hand, and then walked towards Qin Kewei.

Qin Kewei looked at the guy who was walking towards her step by step, and closed her eyes silently. She knew that she was doomed this time, and no one would be able to save her.

But at this moment, the radar suddenly detected another flying object, so it quickly issued a warning, "Another UFO appeared in the sky. I don't know who it is. Now this guy is falling rapidly from our heads."

After everyone heard about this incident, they quickly raised their heads and looked towards the sky, only to find that a black spot suddenly appeared above their heads. This black spot was rapidly enlarging, and finally turned into a huge round black object. After the object, the crowd then started shooting towards the sky.

Countless bullets were fired into the sky, and almost everyone was worried that the object in the sky would hit them, so they were all shooting, trying to shoot it down.

The number of bullets is very large, and many bullets hit objects falling in the sky, but then there was a "jingling" sound, and the bullets could not penetrate. When the bullets hit this object, they could only Seeing countless fire lights flickering and sparks jumping wildly, this object hardly suffered any damage.

"What exactly is it?" After everyone discovered that the guns in their hands could not harm this object, they all had such a question in their hearts.

After Chen Xintie saw the appearance of this thing, he hurriedly quickened his pace, wanting to kill Qin Kewei as soon as possible. In this way, his goal was achieved.

But suddenly a black spot appeared in the sky, and the speed of this black spot falling was even greater than the object just now. It turned out to be a rock the size of a head, and it fell very fast.

"Boom", the stone happened to fall in Chen Xintie's direction. Fortunately, Chen Xintie dodged in time at this time. When he saw the stone falling, he immediately dodged in the direction of the surroundings. The huge stone fell on the city wall. , At that time, a huge hole was smashed in the city wall.

Chen Xintie's reaction was quick, and he could dodge the rock's attack, but other people couldn't dodge this kind of attack. He saw a lot of stones suddenly dropped from the disk in the sky. As soon as these stones were thrown out, the speed immediately Speed ​​up, falling on the top of the city like cannonballs.

"Boom, boom, boom..." These huge stones kept falling, hitting the top of the city with a loud sound. Many soldiers couldn't dodge enough and were hit by the stones in time, and their whole bodies were smashed into pieces. Beach Bolognese.

The disc slowly descended from the sky, and at this time a person on the disc revealed his true colors. He turned out to be Yue Hengyi, and what he was stepping on was a rock plate. Naturally, mere bullets could not cause damage to the steel disc. In the hands of others, the disk is nothing more than scrap iron, but in the hands of Yue Hengyi, the disk is definitely an artifact that can fly freely.

"Yue Hengyi, how can you still be alive? We have already executed you!" Chen Xintie was shocked when he saw Yue Hengyi appear. A person who should have died suddenly appeared in front of him. Is it okay?

Yuanpan was floating in the air, and Yue Hengyi said to Chen Xintie lightly, "Before, you hateful guys plotted against me, this time I came back from hell to take revenge!"

After saying these words, Yue Hengyi came to Qin Kewei's side, and disassembled the chair made of alloy with both hands. He is now a seventh-level superhuman, and an alloy chair is not enough to cause him trouble .

Qin Kewei looked at Yue Hengyi who appeared in front of her eyes, and shed tears unconsciously. This is the person she has been thinking about day and night. She did not expect to appear in front of her eyes now, and she couldn't help asking, "Am I at this time Are you dreaming? Or do you mean I have already entered the illusion?"

Yue Hengyi stretched out a hand and hugged Qin Kewei in his arms, not caring that her body was covered with dirty things, and not caring that she could always smell the stench in her nose.

"Aren't you doing it now? In fact, I have not died these years. I have been living in a mountain. I have lost my memories these years. I didn't find those memories until a few days ago. I will save you It is!" Yue Hengyi said in a deep voice.

"If this is a beautiful dream, then let me not wake up!" Qin Kewei threw herself on Yue Hengyi's body and kept crying. She couldn't believe that what happened before her eyes was real. She would rather believe that she had already Entered the illusion.

Qin Kewei was actually desperate just now, she knew that she was bound to die, and she was treated the same as Yue Hengyi back then. She was executed in public, and she was notorious, even if she passed by on the street, she heard only abuse voice, but now suddenly Yue Hengyi appeared in front of her and rescued herself. It was as if someone suddenly lifted her up to the clouds when she fell into the abyss. Such a huge change made her suspect that in a dream.

If this is really a dream, I would rather not wake up for the rest of my life.

"It's too early for you to be happy now, no matter how many people there are, they must die here today!" Chen Xintie found that a person who should have died appeared in front of his eyes, but he didn't care. The supernatural beings wiped them all out.

Chen Xintie took out the walkie-talkie, and after giving the command, many supernatural beings suddenly appeared nearby. These supernatural beings all had a piece of red cloth tied to their arms to distinguish themselves from the enemy. The city wall has been surrounded by supernatural beings.

The surviving soldiers on the top of the city raised their rifles one after another, pointed at Yue Hengyi and started shooting, but at this moment, Jin Zijue also appeared on the city wall, and countless lightning flashes burst out from his body. After hitting the soldiers, countless soldiers fainted directly on the ground.

The battle between the supernatural beings cannot be intervened by ordinary people, because the supernatural beings have a way to make all ordinary people fall for it in an instant, but if the supernatural beings start fighting, ordinary people had better stay away from each other. The farther the better, obviously, these soldiers in Taiyuan did not know this truth.

"At this moment, a couple of lovers reunite, how can they mess around?" Jin Zijue said flatly.

Shen Feng also flew over from a distance. He also got rid of the missile attack a long time ago. Seeing Qin Kewei and Yue Hengyi hugging each other, he knew that these two people had finally untied their knots. It was a pity that it was a coincidence. On the battlefield.

At this time, the camera was still aimed at Qin Kewei, and it was broadcasting live to the whole country. After all, today is the time for Qin Kewei to be executed live. Unexpectedly, Yue Hengyi suddenly appeared here, and countless people who watched the live broadcast were shocked It exploded.

"Why is this Demon Lord alive? Yue Hengyi once killed too many innocent people. He was clearly killed before, but now he appears on the battlefield!"

"A few years ago, I had clearly seen the picture of Yue Hengyi being killed, but now he has appeared in good condition and can fly in the sky. What does this mean??"

"Have we all been deceived? In fact, Yue Hengyi didn't die, he was just hidden, until now he came back out of the rivers and lakes?"

Everyone speculated endlessly, and never thought that a dead person could come back alive. In the eyes of many people, this is the appearance of two demons together. Beijing's downfall, these two people are the heinous guys, but they are still hugging each other now.

Yue Hengyi said slowly to the camera, "A lot of things happened in the past, but now I want to say that these mistakes are not my fault, the faults are those families in Taiyuan, what happened to us was planned by these families !"

After hearing this, Chen Xintie was startled and said to himself, "Could it be that these guys already know about the previous conspiracy?"

It's just that there is no time to investigate these things now, so Chen Xintie took out the walkie-talkie and directly ordered, "Cut off all the signals here, absolutely don't let the things on the city wall be broadcast live."

A moment later, the cameras on the city wall lost their signal, and the live broadcast of Qin Kewei's execution was cut off.

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