Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1028 The Embankment Of A Thousand Miles Was Destroyed By Tofu Residue

After Pudong received support from all over the world, its defensive strength increased immediately, and there was no longer any need to worry about being attacked by midges in the sky, because Shen Feng was in the sky to ensure that midges could not fly easily.

It is different on the ground, everyone is already fighting hard, but the bugs in the water and on the water are still appearing in the city one after another, and there is no hope of getting rid of them all, because the way the bugs enter the city is different. , the bugs come in from the sewers, not from the land.

The most unbearable thing about this situation is Mu Ying, she watched as she had already cleaned up the bugs in the surrounding area, and thought that she was the first to complete the battle goal, but the result was that the bugs in the water could not be killed at all .

When the sea striders on the water surface have frozen their four legs, there will soon be heavy rain from the sky, and the ground will soon be flooded with accumulated water, and the sea striders will soon walk on the water, and the water The same is true for spiders, as long as there is a waterway to walk, water spiders from other places will come immediately.

"People over there, go and find me the map of your Pudong sewer, now I will block all the sewer exits, so as not to keep these damn bugs from appearing all the time!" Mu Ying couldn't bear it anymore, So he spoke directly to the staff in the distance.

This staff member is from Pudong, and after hearing what Mu Ying said, he quickly said, "No, if you open the drain, it will definitely cause water to accumulate in the city. If it rains, if the accumulated water in the city cannot be drained, the city will be flooded!"

"Can you not be so short-sighted? If there is water, then it will be good to drain the water later. Now the bugs are still appearing continuously. If this continues, no amount of support will be useless!" Mu Ying said in a deep voice. .

"However, there are still many poor people living in low-lying areas in Pudong. If the sewers are blocked, these people will have no place to live!" The staff was still explaining carefully.

"Then you should take a look. How much water is there in the city now? A lot of the water is poured in from outside the city. If the sewers are not blocked, there will be more water in the city!" Sakura said bitterly.

The staff also reacted later, so they quickly said, "Please wait a moment, I will go to explain the situation to my superiors immediately, and then bring me the wiring diagram of the sewer."

Countless people in the city are extremely worried because of the sudden crisis. What they are most worried about now is that Pudong will not be able to survive this crisis safely, and many people can only show up in the corridor with their families. It's not that they don't want to go back home, but that those of them who have no money can only live in low-lying places in the city, and now the sea water has poured into the city, and their homes have been submerged.

So people who lost their homes could only hide helplessly in the corridors, quietly waiting for the end of the disaster.

"I don't know when the rainy season will end!" Everyone sighed in their hearts when they were hiding from the accumulated water in the city. Now everyone is looking forward to the early end of the rain. The reason is also very simple. The sea water appeared, so as long as the sea water no longer rises and the accumulated water in the city is discharged, then Pudong will be safe.

This year's climate is too abnormal. First of all, the large-scale drought in spring caused a large number of locusts to flood. The winter wheat harvest in many places has been reduced, and this is not the end, because when summer comes, The crisis in Pudong has just begun. The appearance of the rainy season should have alleviated the drought in various places, but the appearance of a heavy rain has caused floods in East China, and countless insects have appeared along with the floods.

And the place farther north has not been moistened yet, and the wind and rain seem to love Pudong very much. Countless cumulonimbus clouds stop over Pudong and will not leave, and then there will be continuous heavy rain. 1500 millimeters of precipitation is a torrential rain. As a result, the rain in Pudong can reach the standard of a torrential rain every day.

Now the casualties in Pudong are very serious. I don’t know how many people died on the bed in a daze while sleeping, because if you are not careful, the bugs will drill into the house, especially when you encounter mosquitoes and midges. Even if you walk on the street, you have to be careful of the bugs that may be hidden in the stagnant water. The three kinds of bugs are all meat-eating bugs, and they will secrete a lot of toxins in their mouths. will be killed.

If it weren't for the fact that the city of Pudong is full of water and the roads are muddy and difficult to walk due to heavy rain, these people would have started to flee long ago.

"Oh my God, just open your eyes and look at us. In the ten years of the apocalypse, we can barely survive!" Someone was looking at the city where it was raining heavily, and couldn't help but pray to the sky.

In the apocalypse, the order has completely collapsed, and all places can only maintain the safety of the city. Everyone is looking forward to a peaceful day in the world. Only when the world is peaceful can they live a good life, but it has passed. Ten years on, the apocalypse seems to have no end in sight.

The gust of wind continuously displays its abilities in the sky, gathering the wind to form a huge whirlwind. Even in the city, you can only hear the sound of whistling wind. The whistling wind is very strong, and mosquitoes flying in the sky The midges were swept up by the strong wind and flew around. At this time, it was raining heavily. After the rain wet the wings, these insects were also difficult to fly. Unexpectedly, the strong wind started to howl again, and all the insects in the sky were blown away immediately. .

"I can deal with the bugs in the sky by myself, but I don't know if the people below can deal with the bugs on the ground!" Shen Feng was observing the situation on the ground while flying in the sky.

Soon a staff member found Pudong's underground drainage system, and handed it to Mu Ying respectfully, saying, "Ice girl, the underground drainage system you want is already here, if you want to cut off the underground pipes, Just hurry up."

"You don't need to remind me about this matter, I have my own measure!" Mu Ying said lightly.

After getting the underground drainage system, Ki Sakura started to act. She no longer has the idea of ​​freezing the accumulated water on the ground. Her goal is the underground drainage pipes.

Ki Sakura didn't dare to freeze all the pipes in an area, because if he did so, the accumulated water would expand after freezing, and the volume of ice cubes would be larger than that of water. If all the pipes in an area were frozen , then the pressure caused by the expansion of these ice cubes will definitely break the pipe, so Mu Ying can only freeze a certain part of a pipe, in short, it is enough to stop the flow of water.

The torrential rain in the sky has never stopped, even now it has not stopped, but as the pipes have been frozen one after another, the number of bugs in the city has also decreased a lot. This is because the underground pipes have been blocked, and the bugs outside cannot enter the city through the sewers, and the soldiers and supernatural beings in the city are killing the bugs, so the number of bugs is constantly decreasing.

After seeing the gradual reduction of bugs, the residents of the city finally felt comforted. They found that these bugs are not invincible. At least now the bugs are about to be wiped out. That's enough.

With the continuous efforts of everyone, they finally killed all the bugs that could be found in the city. The fighting power of these bugs is actually mediocre. As long as ordinary people step on them, even children can trample two or three to death. The only thing that needs to be worried It is these bugs that may sneak attack when they are lurking, but when the people of the whole city work together to eliminate the bugs, the bugs in the city will soon disappear without a trace, leaving only corpses all over the place.

"Ice Maiden has a way. She just cut off the way for these bugs to enter the city, so the danger will naturally be relieved." After killing all the bugs in the city, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now the crisis in Pudong It was finally lifted temporarily, thanks to Mu Ying's method.

Mu Ying said calmly, "It's not that my method is good, but that many of you are reluctant to do it, for fear of damaging the pipeline. If you cut off the way for these bugs to enter the city earlier, the crisis in Pudong would have been resolved long ago! "

"It seems that this is really the case, but now, even if the way for the bugs to enter the city is cut off, it is not too late." Everyone said with a smile.

After the sewers in the city are blocked, bugs cannot come in from the outside, but the stagnant water in the same city cannot be discharged. The torrential rain in the sky seems to be endless, and it keeps dumping. Soon, the stagnant water in the city will disappear. It has already deepened, and if it continues, the residents of the city will suffer from floods.

Many soldiers came to Pudong from a long way to fight. They were already very tired, and they hardly fell asleep last night. Seeing that the battle had come to an end, they also began to look for an open place to sleep.

But just two hours later, there was a loud noise on the beach in the distance, and everyone was stunned. There was also a city wall in the direction of the sea, and now there was a roar, and they all had a bad feeling .

Afterwards, everyone rushed towards the seaside, and when they arrived at the seaside, they found that many city walls had collapsed by the seaside.

"Why is your city wall in Pudong so fragile? It collapsed so easily. It seems that there was no external damage, and it collapsed on its own." Li Xiankang couldn't help questioning after seeing this scene.

"This kind of city wall cannot be described as fragile anymore. It has not been damaged by external forces, but collapsed after being soaked in sea water. It can be described as bean curd!" Wang Aoye said with a frown.

Many staff members in Pudong were sweating profusely. After seeing the collapse of the city wall by the sea, they all became ants on the hot pot, because the tide on the beach had already risen, and the city wall just collapsed at this time. Many tides even entered the city along the gaps in the city walls.

The sea water entered the city through the gap, which also means that many bugs in the sea can also enter the city along the tide, which means that Mu Sakura's previous goal of blocking the sewer has failed.

"What should we do now? Should we hurry up and plug the gap?" Yun Laizhe couldn't help asking.

"At present, we need to prevent bugs from entering the city through this gap. We can only find a way to block the city wall. I don't know if there are enough sandbags in the city!" Ke Yiming said with a frown.

So at this time, a part of the city wall of Pudong has fallen down. Fortunately, the gap is not big enough, and the rising tide is not too big. As long as there are enough sandbags, it can still be blocked.

But while everyone was discussing, a section of the city wall in the distance fell down again, "Boom", this section of the city wall collapsed very fast, it fell down almost instantly, splashing countless water splashes.

"If there is a gap, you can say that you were careless when building the city walls, but now that there are two gaps in a row, do I mean that these walls are useless at all?" Li Xiankang couldn't help but said.

Yi Xingzhong stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed a brick on the city wall, pulled it hard, and even pulled the brick out, and slashed down with one hand, splitting the brick.

"This is a complete bean curd dregs project. Unexpectedly, we tried our best to kill the bugs, but in the end we would be defeated on the bean curd dregs city wall!" Ke Yiming sighed.

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