Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1031: A Second Generation Ancestor

Shen Feng didn't think that he would encounter this kind of thing. He had just left Pudong for four or five days, but he suddenly learned the bad news. There are four masters among those capable, Shen Feng is one of them, and the other three are Muying, Li Xiankang and Wang Aoye. According to common sense, Muying must also be very powerful, but it is so strange that she is dying at this time up.

It is impossible for Shen Feng to ignore death at the moment. After all, this is his sister-in-law anyway. If she doesn't go back, Muying is very likely to die in Pudong. Although I don't know what happened, Pudong has already Speaking so seriously, it shows that Mu Ying's current situation is not optimistic.


After Shen Feng left the conference room, everyone began to discuss how to break through the bug's nest. In everyone's eyes, it was just a very simple matter to deal with a group of bugs with low IQ. Even children can trample bugs to death. Humans have the advantage of their size, and bugs are no match for humans at all.

While everyone in the conference room was discussing how to fight next, in a luxurious manor in Pudong, a young man was kneeling on the ground, and a middle-aged man walked in front of him with a stick in his hand Go, look very serious.

"I've told you before, don't be greedy for petty gains, what's the result? You just didn't listen to me, and now the retribution is coming? What do you want me to say about you?" The middle-aged man was constantly yelling at himself. son, and the young man knelt on the ground like dead ashes.

"Father, I know I was wrong now. I shouldn't have embezzled the money for building the city wall, but I never thought that the city wall built by the people below would be so fragile that it would collapse after just being soaked in sea water!" the young man said. The man knelt on the ground and cried.

It turned out that this guy caused the collapse of the city wall in this battle.

After hearing his son's cry, the middle-aged man scolded, "Are you ashamed to say that the money for building the city wall can be greedy? If there is no city wall, we will all be killed by various dangers. In the end, you are fine. You are so daring, you even got greedy for the money to build the city wall, and now the higher ups are investigating, how can I protect you?"

Wu Kai quickly said, "I'm not the only one who is greedy. There are many people under the old man who are also greedy. I just passed the first time, and the rest of the money was taken away by the old man. Now If it is tracked down, it is not my responsibility alone."

Hearing his son's defense, Wu Hexing shook his head helplessly and said, "Who made you the person in charge? No matter how much you took, you took it anyway, and if you don't take it, how dare others take it? Now you want It's hard to keep you, I really don't know what you are thinking, you dare to covet the construction money of the city wall, how can I help you now?"

Wu Kai still knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, just begging his father to beg him now.

Wu Hexing was really disappointed with his son, because he was so courageous that it would be fine to do a little trick at ordinary times, but in the end he dared to start with the money for building the city wall, and now everyone in the city is Find out who built the city wall. Before, everyone was defending against insect attacks and didn't have much time to take care of it. But now that the city is safe, everyone in the city is now asking to find the person who built the city wall.

"Let me ask you, how many people have received money?" Wu Hexing asked hastily.

Wu Kai nodded quickly, and said, "Many, many important people around the old man have been taken in! I was also instigated by these people, should I confess these people? Let them take the blame?"

"Confused! How could you do this? If you dare to confess to them, believe it or not, they will pour all the dirty water on you? The most important thing now is to unite these people, everyone is a grasshopper on the same line Fortunately, the old man is confused now, as long as he gives a reasonable explanation, the old man can be fooled!" Wu Hexing suddenly thought of a way, that is to unite the majority of people to create a truth.

"Is it useful? If someone sees through our trick, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?" Wu Kai couldn't help asking.

"What do you know?

All surnames are blindly followed. Our purpose is not to make everyone want to believe the truth we made up, but to make most people believe it. Then this matter will be over. Go find a few contractors and let them They put the blame on the top! "Wu Hexing couldn't help cursing.

"Okay, okay, I'll find someone right away, and I'll make them confess!" Wu Kai saw the hope of surviving.

If this matter is finally found out, Wu Kai will definitely be cleared even if he has a powerful father, but if someone can replace the crime, he will have a chance to survive.

Wu Hexing took advantage of the present to quickly contact the rest of the people. As long as everyone is united, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

So after the next day, the person in charge of investigating the quality of the city wall in Pudong caught several contractors who cut corners, and the biggest one was the boss in charge of building materials. People heard that they had caught the culprit. , very excited, rushed to the front of the city lord's mansion, demanding that these contractors must be executed.

If it was in the past, it would have to go through the process of trial, but now, people's voices are extremely strong, and it is really to the extent that not killing is not enough for the people to be angry, so in the morning of the same day, these people who were investigated were revealed Canon punishment.

"Okay, these nasty bastards killed thousands of people just because of the tofu project they built!"

"I think it's cheaper for these people. They are dead, but if their family members are still alive, they should also kill their family members!"

"It's too much, it's not advisable to be implicated, and ah, if it is really implicated, it will definitely implicate too many people!"

People saw with their own eyes that the people who built the bean curd project were shot, and they felt extremely happy in their hearts, and they stood on the street and discussed it.

The realization of justice is naturally an exciting thing, and now everyone also feels a sense of anguish, and some people even set off firecrackers to celebrate that the scourge in Pudong has been cleaned up.

However, such a situation cannot be hidden from the truly smart people. Some people have already keenly discovered one thing, that is, they are all small fish and shrimps, but the people in the city will catch and kill them. It is too abnormal for a small fish and shrimp to report wantonly.

"Hehe, a ridiculous carnival!" The wise man saw a group of people who didn't know the truth cheering, and couldn't help but shook his head and left. This kind of carnival is destined to be just blind.

These revelers are doomed not to know the real situation. The information they get is filtered. They can only know what others want them to know. Therefore, the most real situation is only known to the top.

After the people in Pudong planned to attack the worm's lair, they started preparations. The first thing was to find enough warships. Without warships, they would not be able to fight at sea.

And when everyone was preparing, Wu Hexing said to his son Wu Kai, "This time I arranged for you to participate in the sea operation. Of course, I didn't let you go to the battlefield. You just participated as a civilian. When you were on the ship, you didn't have anything to do." Don't do it, just stay at ease!"

"Are you going to let me do military merits? I understand this, and I will do it right away." After Wu Kai heard what his father said, he immediately became excited.

It is not so easy to get a promotion in the apocalypse, at least you have to have some credits on your body, and if you want to accumulate credits, you usually have to fight. As long as you win, you can have some military merits .

But Wu Kai himself knows that he is not a material for fighting, and he probably will be killed by the enemy as soon as he arrives on the battlefield, but now that his father wants to find a job with mixed qualifications for himself, he must participate. Anyway, he is just a civil servant, and he doesn't need to be afraid when he is on the battlefield, because he will not participate in the battle anyway.

"After you get on the boat, you must behave well. Next, I will find a way to create momentum for you, and then let you have a good future. Just remember that you must not act recklessly when you are on the boat!" Wu Hexing said seriously to his son Said.

Wu Kai obviously kept these words in his heart.

, and then have the qualifications to participate in the crusade against the insect nest.

During the day, thousands of soldiers came to the fleet. There were five ships, two of which were elite ships, and the other three were converted merchant ships.

Mu Ying participated in this operation. She still remembers that when she left Jinling, she took advantage of the dark night to find Gu Yanxiao and asked her for advice. How can I make my body weak?

Gu Yanxiao's answer is very simple, "There are many ways to make the body weak. Generally speaking, it is illness. After suffering from illness, the body will naturally become weak. In addition, there is injury. The most important thing is to The loss of fresh blood. The ability of human beings to produce blood is limited, so as long as a large amount of blood is lost, the human body will naturally become weak, but one thing needs to be noted, if there is too much blood loss, the superhuman will also die."

So, Mu Ying had an idea, "If I lose too much blood under normal circumstances, then Shen Feng will definitely see through my strategy, but if I lose too much blood on the battlefield, then Shen Feng must have nothing to say .”

This time, Muying's goal is very simple. Apart from destroying the bug's nest, she also needs to find a way to intentionally get injured during the battle, so that she has the opportunity to continue to blackmail Shen Feng.

The nests of the two kinds of bugs are 200 kilometers away from Pudong, and it only takes one day to reach their destination. These bugs follow the ocean currents to the coast every night, and finally attack humans. Although they don’t know How the bugs' nests are fixed at sea, but don't worry about it so much, as long as you find the nests of these two kinds of bugs and directly cover them with firepower, they can be destroyed immediately.

"Ms. Mu Ying, I didn't expect you to like looking at the sea so much. Do you have any wonderful feelings about the sea?" Wu Kai suddenly appeared beside Mu Ying and said to her.

At this time, Mu Ying is beside the railing on the boat. She is free now, and can only stand by the railing and look at the long sea water below the boat. She is already thinking about things on the battlefield. When the battle starts, she needs to Sell ​​an opening, and then create the illusion of bleeding and injury.

But she didn't expect that when she was meditating, someone beside her interrupted her thoughts. Looking back, she found that the person standing beside her was a young man in military uniform, but judging from his figure and expression, it seemed Not like a real soldier.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's best not to disturb me!" Mu Ying said lightly.

In fact, Mu Ying doesn't like many men, which has a lot to do with her experience. When the end came, she hid in a club with her boyfriend. She originally thought that she could leave when she was safe. Unexpectedly, he met a second-generation ancestor with many bodyguards around him, and then killed her boyfriend in front of her, humiliated her for a month, and finally threw her into the dirty sewer.

Fortunately, Mu Sakura was very lucky. There were enough zombie viruses in the sewers. After being infected with Mu Sakura, Mu Sakura survived. Not only did she have antibodies in her body, but she also got the virus that carried many extraterrestrial elements. Eventually become a supernatural being.

So after experiencing these things, Mu Ying has an instinctive hatred for men.

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