Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1033: The Worm Storm

Everyone got up from the bed as soon as they heard the alarm, and then quickly took the equipment around them to the deck, and then asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"Insects have attacked our ship, and it's right on the ship's wall!" The soldier on duty reported the situation in an instant.

All of a sudden, they looked at the ship's wall, only to find dense worms lying on both sides of the ship's wall, leaving clear tracks on the ship's wall every time they crawled.

"Hey, this thing is so disgusting, how can there be such strange bugs in the sea?" After seeing the worms on both sides of the ship wall, everyone showed disgusted expressions immediately, obviously they hated this kind of slimy bugs pole.

"Now is not the time to express your opinions, but to deal with the bugs on both sides of the ship's walls. If you are not careful, there will be more dangers if these bugs come to the deck. After all, we all don't know these things. What kind of function does the bug have?" Yun Laizhe said calmly.

"This kind of bug looks like a snail without a shell. I heard that as long as you sprinkle salt on the back of the snail, the snail will turn into water. Now let's try this method!" Hu Xueli made comments.

"Can you think about it seriously? We are at sea now. How could there be a lack of salt in the sea? These bugs came out of the sea, so they will definitely not be afraid to sprinkle salt!" Wang Aoye saw his subordinates making suggestions, and they were bad ideas. , immediately shook his head helplessly.

"I don't think there is any need to be nervous about these worms, because if you look closely, you can find that these worms are not climbing fast, like snails. After they climb up, everyone can sweep them away with a broom Go down." Ke Yiming said quickly.

"This is indeed a good way, but we don't know what kind of attack methods these worms have. If we ignore them and let them lie on the boat, it will be bad if they cause danger." Mu Ying also said. Said quickly.

"It is true that these worms cannot move freely, because if you look carefully, there are many traces on both sides of these ship walls. The mucus secreted by some worms is corrosive, even if there are many coatings on the ship , can't stop the corrosion of these mucus at all." Li Xiankang saw this situation and immediately reminded everyone.

The others didn't dare to be careless at all, and looked at the sides of the ship one after another. They found many scratches on the ship, and these places were twisted lines. Where it has crawled, many coatings have been corroded.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that there were other bugs in the sea that would pose a threat to us, but we could encounter such a bad thing after staying in the sea overnight!" Wu Kai couldn't help complaining.

In fact, many people's hearts are also full of surprises. They didn't expect that there are other dangerous bugs hidden in the sea. They thought that their target was the bugs in the nest, but when they really got to the sea, they found that the bugs in the sea were not only so Several simple arthropods, as well as strange worms.

At the time of departure, no one expected to encounter such a thing, and they did not prepare insecticides specially designed to deal with worms. Some people used the insecticides on board to deal with water spiders and sea striders and wanted to try it. Whether this pesticide can kill the worms, but the result is very uncomfortable. The worms have no reaction at all after being sprayed with the pesticide, indicating that they will not respond to the pesticide.

"This kind of bug is really disgusting. It may not harm humans, but this kind of bug can corrode our ships." Ke Yiming shook his head helplessly.

Yun Laizhe frowned even more. He had a deeper understanding of the corrosion of ships, because a group of them went out to sea a few years ago, and they encountered sea beasts that could use strong acid to corrode ships. Once the ship is silent, the people on board will also usher in a catastrophe.

"If it really doesn't work, I can only use the most stupid method, which is to plate a layer of copper around the ship. Copper is more stable, and it will not be corroded under normal circumstances. But in this way, by tomorrow I may not be able to attend

Fighting, because copper plating is too exhausting. "Yun Laizhe said with a frown.

"At this time, you all get out of the way, let me do it, I just need to use the ability around the ship, so that the side walls of the ship are protected by ice, and it is impossible for the worms to climb onto the deck!" Ki Sakura Yun Laizhe was interrupted.

After hearing this, everyone came to their senses. They really wanted to deal with these worms, and the easiest way was to ask Mu Ying to do it.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Ying cast her abilities on the ship, and the surrounding temperature began to drop instantly, and then white frost appeared around the hull, but in just a split second, the side walls around the hull were covered by ice. Covered, countless worms are frozen in it. There seem to be more worms in the sea, ready to climb up the wall of the ship, but after these worms climbed on the ice, they will soon be unable to move, because the mucus on their bodies will freeze quickly, let alone Continue to climb, even if you want to move, you can't do it at all.

It is said that there is a legend circulating in the Northeast, that is, in winter, the railings are sweet. This legend is nothing more than deceiving people to lick the railings with their tongues. As long as they lick it, their tongues will be frozen at once. The reason is also very The simplicity is that the water on the tongue will freeze when it encounters a low temperature environment, thus freezing the tongue.

The same is true for the worms on the sea now. The moment they hit the ice, the mucus on their bodies has already started to freeze, making the worms unable to move at all.

"The Ice Maiden has a solution. Now that I have made a move, these worms can't pose any threat to us at all!" Everyone around immediately began to praise Mu Ying.

Mu Ying shrugged and said helplessly, "It's not a big deal, it just happens that my ability can play a huge role in the sea."

The ship that Mu Ying was on had resolved the danger, but the other four ships had not yet resolved the crisis, so the captain hurriedly let the boat down, and asked Mu Ying to go and cast the power on the other ships, as long as the power was cast around the ship, using ice package, the worm is no longer a threat.

After Mu Ying finished this task, she was still very energetic. For her, putting a layer of ice on a few boats was just an easy task.

"Okay, okay, now the crisis is over, everyone hurry up and go to sleep, the battle will start tomorrow morning, and then there will be no time to rest." Seeing that the crisis has been resolved smoothly, everyone is relieved Went back to his room to sleep.

In one night, none of the worms could break through the ice barrier. Usually, these worms just climbed onto the ice on the ship and were immediately frozen by their bodies, and then frozen to death on the ice. After two days of daytime, these worms disappeared from the sea surface, presumably these worms acted at night.

"Everyone, get ready. It is estimated that we will arrive near the worm's nest within an hour. When the battle begins, everyone must work together. We must not protect ourselves wisely! This will cause our actions to be in vain!" the captain said seriously to everyone. Said.

"Understood!" Everyone replied loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the captain ordered the people below to sail the boat and head towards the direction of the bug's nest.

Someone keenly noticed one thing, that is, Wu Kai seemed to have disappeared. After everyone found out about this, they came outside Wu Kai's room and knocked on the cabin door.

"Wu Kai, are you okay? How is your health? Why didn't I see you go to the meeting just now?" Everyone stood outside the door and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little seasick, so I'm not used to it, now I want to rest for a while, and I will definitely show up when the battle starts." Wu Kai replied in the room.

Everyone didn't feel strange after hearing this answer, because they all knew that the guy in this room was sent in for seniority, and it would be the same with him or without him. Since he is being lazy, then don't worry about it.

"I didn't get seasick yesterday, but I got seasick after one night. According to me, I'm just being lazy!" Someone expressed his opinion.

"You are talking nonsense, according to me, he is simply afraid of death! Carefully

Think about it, a young master who is pampered and used to living in the city, is going to sea for the first time, and will participate in such an intense battle, how could he not be afraid? The other people laughed teasingly.

Everyone walked to the deck talking and laughing, and the air was full of joy.

But Wu Kai was staying in his room with red eyes at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, his whole face was haggard, and he was holding a mirror in his hand, constantly observing himself, he I found that my skin has changed.

"Why did I encounter such an outrageous thing? Last night I watched a scene, but I didn't expect that there would be bugs entering my body!" Wu Kai was full of despair, and now there were bugs in his brain. At that time, he could still feel a piercing pain, but he couldn't yell out, because as long as he wailed in pain, other people would immediately notice the abnormality.

The reason why this kind of thing happened is that after he returned to his room last night, when he was sleeping with his head up, a worm suddenly fell from the top of his head, and then it got into his mouth in an instant, and went down the esophagus. to the abdomen.

Wu Kai didn't know why there were worms in the cabin, maybe a soldier on the deck was negligent and accidentally let the worms appear in the cabin.

But this matter is not the most important thing, the most important thing now is that Wu Kai has been parasitized by worms!

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