Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1041 Specially Kills The Old And The Weak

The city of Yuzhou is divided into an inner city and an outer city. This is an urban area that was slowly built in the apocalypse. The inner city was established first, while the outer city was built later, because at the beginning, the population of Yuzhou was also Very few, just hundreds of thousands, and the rest of the people have already left, but with the stability and prosperity of Yuzhou, all the surrounding citizens have come back, the population has further increased, and the urban area has had to expand.

As a result, the situation of the inner city and the outer city finally formed. The first group of people who followed Shen Feng basically lived in the inner city, while the later people, including the mercenaries who appeared later, also lived in the outer city. As for people living outside the outer city, it is inconvenient to manage living in these places, and soldiers in the outer city basically do not go to patrol outside the city.

But just today, suddenly there was a fierce gunshot in a theater. Originally, the soldiers wanted to go there later, but they suddenly got a shocking news, that is, the young master and the young lady Went in this direction.

If it is ordinary, other people's children are fine, but they are the children of the city lord, if there is danger, they can't bear it.

The soldiers from the outer city quickly assembled and rushed towards the theater. When they came outside the theater, they could only see the flames inside. The theater was already on fire, and no one knew what was inside. Happening.

When everyone was panicking, a figure came quickly from a distance, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Qi Lingshan, the deputy leader of the intelligence team. After he appeared, he immediately said to the surrounding soldiers, "All follow!" I'm going in, I'm not going to let you burn."

After saying these words, Qi Lingshan rushed out immediately, and at the same time he cast it, gathering countless nitrogen gas around him.

Nitrogen is an inert gas, it will not burn or react with oxygen under normal circumstances. About 70% of the air is nitrogen, so as long as there is enough nitrogen, it can isolate the combustibles and oxygen. Let the burning things stop burning.

When Qi Lingshan rushed in, the soldiers seemed to have accepted this encouragement, and they all followed him and rushed into the theater. This place was originally an abandoned factory before, but it was given by someone later. I bought it, and now it has been converted into a theater. The theater was filled with a lot of burning, and now there are still raging fires.

"As long as it's not one of our own, just shoot and kill them. All the assassins appearing here are assassins, so there's no need to show mercy to these people!" Qi Lingshan said hastily.

The crowd then rushed in, shooting directly as long as they saw someone who was not their own. The soldiers had also fought many times, and they knew that they must not be soft on the enemy, otherwise these enemies might be the first to strike first. Then hurt yourself.

This is also a very coincidental thing, because Qi Lingshan is in the nearby area. After hearing the gunshots here, he immediately contacted the nearest intelligence that an assassin had arrived near Yuzhou, so he immediately went to When I rushed over, I didn't expect to encounter the assassination of the young master and the young lady.

Everyone kept marching towards the inside of the factory, looking for the way out for the young master and young lady while walking. Only when they saw that they were safe would their mission be considered complete.

If the young master or young lady is injured, it will be troublesome, and they will be punished for ineffectiveness in the end. One thing to know is that Shen Feng has been the lord of the city for more than ten years, and now only There are three children by his side, these three children are already extremely precious, if there is any damage, it will definitely cause the city lord to be furious.

However, after everyone rushed to the inside of the factory, they unexpectedly discovered that countless people fell to the ground here, and they were still twitching continuously. Among them, even two supernatural beings also fell to the ground. There were three corpses beside him, looking horrible.

"These three boys seem to be the three apprentices of the city lord. They seem to have been killed!" A soldier recognized them. These three boys seemed to be the three apprentices adopted by the city lord. They thought they would have a bright future in the future, but they didn't. Thinking of being killed in the factory now.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lingshan quickly said, "Quickly search for the whereabouts of the young master and young lady, and don't let them be taken away!"

The soldiers quickly searched around, trying to find the whereabouts of the young master and the young lady, but there were too many obstacles in the factory, and flames appeared in many places, it was difficult to find these people around the flames .

When Qi Lingshan passed by the two supernatural beings, he found that the two supernatural beings were very burly, with particularly well-developed muscles. It seemed that they were all supernatural beings who strengthened their bodies. The weapons were long knives and iron rods. Judging from the injuries, the three apprentices of the city lord were killed by these two people.

"Big brother, big brother, what's wrong with you?" A crying voice came from inside the factory at this moment, judging from the sound, it seemed to be Shen Yishi's crying.

So many soldiers hurriedly followed the sound to the inside of the factory, and finally found the three children hiding in a corner. From the outside, the three children were not injured. Although there was a lot of dust on their bodies, they were in good health. complete.

"Young Master, Miss, are you all right?" After seeing the Young Master and Miss, the soldiers immediately rushed over to protect them and check their injuries, wanting to know how they are now.

Both Shen Yishi and Shen Xingzhi were crying, and Shen Yishi was still crying and said, "A moment ago, there was a bad guy who wanted to hurt us. We, the big brother, suddenly changed and drove the bad guy away, but after that, big brother fell into a deep sleep!"

"Why are there still enemies? Where are the enemies?" Qi Lingshan immediately became vigilant when he heard this. He has not found any traces of the enemy until now. He froze the two of them, but now that he learned from the young lady that there was another supernatural being, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Sister Wang Xiran went after her, and I don't know how she is doing now!" Shen Xingzhi also said hastily.

While everyone was talking, a voice suddenly came from a distance, and then Wan Wushou's voice appeared in the factory. Along with him, there was a large dense phantom. There could be forty or fifty phantoms in these phantoms. , Almost instantly, the entire factory was surrounded by these phantoms.

"She is dead now! I will send you to accompany her soon, don't worry!" Wan Wuchou said with a sneer.

The number of these phantoms that appeared in the factory was very large, and these phantoms were seen with the eyes, and it was impossible to distinguish whether they were real or fake. A delicate figure was thrown over, and finally fell heavily on the ground. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Wang Xiran. At this time, her body was covered with blood, and there were four or five stab wounds on her torso.

Wang Xiran was thrown to the ground like this, she was not breathing at this time, and she looked very desolate.

"You bastard, you are looking for death! Not only did you come to our territory, but you even dared to hurt our people, now I will take care of you!" Qi Lingshan was very angry after seeing this scene, several apprentices of the city lord Basically, they are all gone, they are probably dead, and the assailant is an adult, it is really shameless to bully the small.

After saying these words, Qi Lingshan rushed over immediately, surrounded by white liquid nitrogen flowing, the temperature that liquid nitrogen can cause is very low, so as long as people are soaked in liquid nitrogen, it only takes a few minutes In less time, people can be frozen into popsicles.

However, when the liquid nitrogen spread over, it just hit these phantoms, and then the phantoms disappeared, and they were all illusions created by photons.

"If you want to kill me, find my real body first. I don't know if you have the ability to distinguish my real body. If you don't have this ability, just accept death for me!" Wan Wuchou said with a sneer .

After one of the phantoms in the factory disappeared, another one would appear immediately. These phantoms enveloped the crowd, and it was impossible to find out which one it was.

The soldiers also started to attack at this time. They raised their rifles and kept shooting at the phantoms around them. At this time, they just wanted to kill the hateful enemies, but even if they kept shooting, eventually It didn't cause any damage either, because all the bullets hit were phantoms, and even supernatural beings might not be able to separate the real body from the fake body.

Soldiers simply don't want to find the enemy.

At this time, Wang Xiran's body changed. Originally, there were many wounds on her body. These wounds were bleeding continuously and could not stop the blood loss at all. But as time went by, the wounds on her body were getting worse. With continuous healing, the originally pale complexion is also becoming rosy.

Finally, Wang Xiran regained her breathing and came back to life from the previous dead person. After she opened her eyes, she immediately looked around and sat up.

After seeing this scene, the soldiers thought that Wang Xiran was not dead, so they hurriedly said, "Quickly step back, don't come to the front, and protect the young master and young lady."

Wan Wuchou is still entangled in the factory at this time, and now he has seen that these people on the opposite side are not his opponents, they can't find their real bodies at all, so he just needs to keep entangled, and wait until the bullets on the soldiers To be exhausted, you can find a chance to kill the three children.

Wan Wuchou's plan is very simple, that is to kill Shen Feng's child and use this action to take revenge on Shen Feng. He dare not appear in front of Shen Feng directly. The strongest person recognized in the world, Wan Wuchou is not Shen Feng's opponent at all, and now he can only attack Shen Feng's family.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Wan Wuchou, "Do you really think that you are invincible? It's a pity that you meet me now, so go die!"

Wan Wuchou turned his head and looked behind him, but he didn't realize that there was anyone behind him. When he turned his head, he found a young man appeared at the entrance of the factory. He had a gloomy expression on his face. He was very angry, and the person who came here was Lin Yue.

Lin Yue held a corpse in his hand, and when he appeared, he said, "This guy is your teammate, right? His skills are really powerful, and he can actually control the actions of ordinary people. It took a lot of time to track down you these days." I have worked hard!"

After saying this, Lin Yue threw the murdered person in front of Wan Wuchou, Wan Wuchou looked down, the dead guy was indeed his teammate, and what surprised him most was that the other party knew his Location.

"Others can't see my position at all, they all think I'm a phantom in the back, how did he find me?" Wan Wuchou's heart skipped a beat, and the other party threw the corpse directly in front of her, which meant that he recognized me. lost his real body.

After thinking of this, Wan Wuchou hastily used his supernatural ability, and in an instant, several phantoms that could confuse others formed around him. These phantoms looked exactly like him, and they walked around. In the middle of the action, I want to change the position at this time.

But Lin Yue didn't care about this, he could hear the heartbeat of everyone present, and when he heard the heartbeat, he could know where the real body of the enemy was. Then Lin Yue rushed over and fired sonic bombs continuously.

"Boom..." After the sonic bomb was fired, it hit Wan Wuchou instantly, causing Wan Wuchou to be seriously injured.

At this time, all the phantoms in the factory had disappeared, leaving only Wan Wushou who was seriously injured, and many other desperadoes had not yet stood up.

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