Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1057 Too Late To Regret

When everyone came to the back of a boulder and found a place to talk, countless refugees began to cry, and these refugees all had one thing in common, that is, they were all Chinese, precisely because they all spoke the same language, Only then naturally began to hug a group to keep warm.

"Now I need to know your real situation so that I can help. If you dare to deceive me, I will definitely not show any mercy, so you'd better tell me your real situation!" Xu Xing said seriously Said with many refugees.

These refugees then spoke one after another, "Actually, we all immigrated to North America in the past ten years or so. At that time, we reminded the interpreters of many immigration agencies, thinking that in North America, the welfare must be good, and the environment It’s a beautiful place, you can enjoy excellent policies here, and it’s better than domestic ones, but we found out that there is a shortage of labor in North America after we came here, so they came up with new opportunities and tried to lure other countries The arrival of immigrants, and the Chinese are a very good source of labor, so we were targeted.”

"Oh, I understand what you mean. It turns out that you came to these countries for good welfare, beautiful environment, and good policies, so you came to these countries and became permanent residents of these countries. After arriving here, you realized that you just became They are in urgent need of labor, so there is a gap in their hearts, isn't that right?" Xu Xing came to her senses, and then asked.

The Xu Xing now is fundamentally different from the one back then. The Xu Xing back then naturally believed what was said on TV, without any doubts at all. But later, Xu Xing experienced a lot of things and found out Most people in this world have their own purpose. If you want to know the behavioral logic of these people, you must know what their purpose is.

But now Xu Xing has seen the reason for the appearance of these refugees. It turned out that they were neglected in North America, so they wanted to return to China. They didn't want to continue to be a labor force here, so they wanted to go back. After knowing this After one o'clock, Xu Xing felt dissatisfied immediately.

"If we are only treated as a labor force, then we will not have a big psychological gap, because we all believe in one thing, that is, God rewards hard work, as long as we work hard, one day our living conditions There will be changes, but the reality is not like this, because the end will come soon!" Seeing the change in Xu Xing's face, the others hurriedly added.

"Oh, keep talking!" Xu Xing nodded, continuing to listen to what these people said.

The refugees then said, "After the end of the world, there was chaos in the whole society. Whether it was thieves or criminals, they all ran out, and as long as there were resources, they would plunder. Many of us are immigrants. We were very honest and never fought against others, so we became weak and deceitful people. These people took guns and robbed valuable things from our house, even food for subsistence.”

"At this time, you should fight. How can you keep being weak? The weaker you are, the more others will bully you. Don't you all understand this truth?" Xu Xing said dissatisfied.

"How could we not know this truth? After all, we have all read books and received good education. We also know that princes and generals have kindness, but when we wanted to resist, we were resisted by the whole society. !” A Chinese said helplessly.

"Just when we bought guns and prepared to huddle together for warmth and fight, the whole society began to target us immigrants, including Chinese compatriots who had immigrated for two or three generations, and they all began to oppress us." Another person said distressedly.

"It's not right. If everyone is of Chinese descent, they should have hugged each other to keep warm, but how could these people who have immigrated for two or three generations kill you? I can't figure it out." Xu Xing was very honest Expressed the doubts in his heart.

When she talked about this incident, the refugees around seemed to express their resentment, so they all said, "Although these people are also Chinese, they can't even speak Chinese. Became North American, they don't care if we're them

As for our compatriots, these people are completely second devils, and they are relentless in dealing with compatriots. Many policies against us come from the hands of these second devils. "

"We are not allowed to have a home in the city, because those people in the city are worried that we will rebel, and many people are driving us out of the city, and we will be plundered even if we want to farm. We grow food, and it will be robbed one day later, so we hide in the mountains, and these people are merciless, even controlling drones to bomb us. So we are in North America, and this land has no food at all. We have a sense of belonging, and we live a life where people are not ghosts or ghosts, and we dream of going back to the country.” Someone said crying.

After Xu Xing heard the stories of the people around her, she probably understood the situation of these people. They are indeed very miserable here, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to go back to China, but obviously she can't help them, because she is following The owner of the ship will come to North America, and the way of action is to take a glider.

Two people can take a glider and cross the Pacific Ocean directly by relying on supernatural powers, but if they take too many people with them, they will be unable to move at all. Even a plane with so many people will not be able to carry them at all, not to mention that they will have to wait for them on the way back. Bring precious cultural relics, these precious cultural relics are much more expensive than human gold.

"I want to help you, but I can't do anything now. I have no way to bring you back, and the risk is too high if you take a ship. If you encounter a sea beast at sea and a disaster occurs, then Everyone is going to die in the sea, and it’s not easy if you take a plane.” Xu Xing honestly told her plight, she really wanted to help, but there was nothing she could do.

"Master Xingxian, please help me, we immigrant Chinese are almost unable to survive, if you don't help us, we will really die in a foreign country, there is no place to bury us, please look at us For the sake of our compatriots, take us back!" The refugees around cried out.

Xu Xing has always been a soft-hearted person. After seeing the people around her crying, she couldn't bear it very much. She was thinking whether she should ask the city lord to take pity on these people, and then find a way to bring them back to the country.

Just when Xu Xing was hesitating, a woman holding a child suddenly appeared in front of Xu Xing. Her face was haggard and she looked to be in her thirties. At this time, she said excitedly, "My father is Niu Baiye. Professor, I heard that he works in Yuzhou, please take us back in front of my father!"

"What? You are Dean Niu's daughter? He seems to have never mentioned this to us!" Xu Xing was shocked when she heard this.

The woman quickly said, "This is true. At the beginning, my mother and I immigrated to North America, wanting to get a better life, but my father firmly disagreed, so we left China on our own initiative, but we didn't expect the end to happen." This has happened, we have been treated coldly here, two years ago, my mother also left me and passed away, I wanted to call back to China to ask my father for help, but when the troubled times came, I didn’t have the opportunity to call at all , and I don’t have the ability to cross the ocean, so I can only keep it in my heart, and now I can meet someone who knows my father, I am really happy.”

Xu Xing immediately seemed very embarrassed when he heard this, but when he lowered his head, he saw a child in the arms of the other party. This child seemed to be a little over one year old, and it was still a baby. The child was different, the other children were alive and kicking, but now he looked sickly.

"I can't make a decision on this matter. I have to go back and ask the city lord for advice, and he is the wind god you call! You wait here for news, and I will definitely tell you when I have news!" Xu Xing Then he said to many refugees.

These Chinese refugees were very moved immediately, and kept kowtowing to Xu Xing to express their thanks, and Xu Xing could only hurry back and get Shen Feng's consent by the way.

After Xu Xing found Shen Feng, she directly told what she had just seen, but Shen Feng seized the time to realize that the time was up for the meat stewed in the pressure cooker, and then he opened the lid and said, "Eat! Wait until you eat After dinner, let's talk

Other things. "

"I have reached this situation now, how can I still have the heart to eat, they are all our compatriots, how can we do nothing to save them? City Lord, you have to say something!" Xu Xing said distressed .

"Now I want to talk, but I am also worried about one thing, that is, what I say may not be pleasant to the ear!" Shen Feng scooped up a piece of meat, put it on a plate, cut it open with a knife, and pointed at Xu Xing at the same time. Said.

Compared to what Xu Xing said, Shen Feng obviously cared more about the steaming venison in front of him. This venison has been stewed to pieces. Although the taste is not very good now, he can eat such fresh venison in the middle of winter. Meat is also a good thing.

"City Lord, are you going to die without saving them? They are our compatriots!" Xu Xing heard Shen Feng say this, and she also guessed Shen Feng's real thoughts.

"Hold on, they are not our compatriots. They are not our compatriots anymore. You have to understand that they are just speculators who have left their homeland!" Shen Feng said with a shrug, and began to munch on the overripe venison .

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