Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 14 Disintegration

As soon as this remark came out, the students were stunned. Can zombies still mutate? Originally, the zombies were still people with low IQ, so they could be cleaned up with simple methods, but what if the zombies continued to mutate? Wouldn't it be easier to kill zombies if they became smarter or stronger?

Not only the students were frightened, but even the two professors were frightened. They didn't think about whether the zombies would continue to mutate.

This is the advantage brought by information. Shen Feng has seen zombies that mutate again, so he can tell what others don't know! Now is the time for him to use the information gap to further confirm authority.

"Shua Shua Shua", Shen Feng quickly drew a small zombie on the blackboard with chalk, and said seriously: "Attention everyone, this kind of zombie is very fast, you may think that Ren Jing runs very fast, after all He is a football player, but this kind of zombie is several times faster than him! What if you find this kind of zombie? Of course, ask me to deal with it. This kind of zombie likes sneak attacks the most, so you must be careful. Kind of zombie!"

The students listened quietly. After they knew that the zombies could mutate, they felt uneasy.

"Students, maybe zombies will continue to mutate, and it is possible to mutate into other individuals, but you must believe that after five million years of evolution, human beings are far beyond what this low-level creature can surpass! Why? Because other animals evolve What we humans need is the limbs, what we humans evolved is the brain, we will unite, and when we unite, we will be invincible!" Standing on the stage, Shen Feng said vigorously.

When the students heard Shen Feng's words, they started to applaud. Of course, the "Shen Feng" in their mouth gradually changed to "Brother Feng", because they felt that Brother Feng could deal with the fast zombies, so in the face of Other zombies can also be solved in the same way!

Later, after the candles were burned out, everyone fell asleep in twos and threes. There were also quilts in the supermarket. Everyone slept together and relied on each other for warmth. Men and women slept separately. This was the most peaceful time they slept since the outbreak of zombies. Although it is not as comfortable as in the dormitory, everyone is united, so many people gather together, and my heart is at ease.

Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi slept together alone, the two shared a quilt, stayed in the corner, hugged and whispered to each other, and continued to discuss future plans. To be honest, although Chang Jianyi made most of the plans, Shen Feng was mainly responsible for the implementation, and the two have been inseparable from each other.

"Student, the next time must count against every second, otherwise my brother's hope of survival will become less and less, of course, it is already very little now." Chang Jianyi reminded Shen Feng.

Shen Feng nodded in agreement, and said in a low voice: "No problem, the next step is the snowballing stage, I will try to lead people to solve the zombies in the other four teaching buildings tomorrow, and then save the other students. We will have more and more people, and when we have enough strength, we will find a way to save your brother!"

"In battle, you have to determine your status, not only to show your combat ability, but also to show your control over the situation, so that you can become the image of a leader." Chang Jianyi continued to suggest.

Perhaps because of the dangers encountered in the logistics center after the outbreak of zombies, Chang Jianyi pays more and more attention to the details of management. She does not want to encounter what happened in the logistics center again. She can no longer be locked up, let alone let others control her free!

"Well. And you, you must organize the logistical tasks. From now on, you will be in charge of the affairs of the girls, as well as publicity and mobilization. Be careful of those who disobey, and don't be stabbed from behind!" Shen Feng also knew that senior sister had a heavy task, but she had to shoulder it.

"Don't worry, I decided to cultivate my own cronies, divide and disintegrate, and we must not let others threaten our status." The senior sister said so.

In the end, the two who were whispering also fell asleep. In the eyes of others, the two were already a perfect couple. One was in charge of planning and organizing, and the other was in charge of perfect implementation. It was a match made in heaven. . However, in fact, Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi only got together for a week. Before that, they were actually strangers.

After the second day arrived, the task of hunting zombies continued. Shen Feng and others removed the roadblocks and continued to attract zombies, causing the zombies to fall into the water continuously, and the students trapped in the classroom were also rescued one by one. At noon, Ren Jing discovered that among the group of zombies in the third teaching building, there was actually a small zombie that Shen Feng described last night, so he immediately led his people to retreat and reported to Shen Feng.

As soon as Shen Feng heard that the speed zombie appeared, he immediately set off with a watermelon knife. At this time, there was a small zombie under the teaching building.

Shen Feng deliberately ran under the teaching building, attracting the attention of many zombies. After that, Shen Feng fell behind an obstacle and couldn't stand up for a long time. When the zombies saw their prey, they rushed over in a swarm. Among them, the fastest zombie rushed. It didn't want its prey to be snatched away by others of its kind.

However, at this moment, Shen Feng suddenly exploded into trouble. Taking advantage of the speed zombie rushing to the front, he slashed out with a single knife. Unfortunately, the effect was not very good. The watermelon knife got stuck on the shoulder of the speed zombie, and the dark black The blood spurted out, the speed zombies fled immediately, and the watermelon knife was also taken away.

"Give me the weapon." Shen Feng shouted hastily.

The students in the distance hurriedly threw sticks or kitchen knives over. Shen Feng picked up a kitchen knife and threw it out fiercely. This time, the knife didn't chop crookedly, and it hit the top of the speed zombie's cap. This time it was a real attack. It's open. The speed zombie fell to the ground and didn't move anymore.

Shen Feng turned around, walked towards the students, and said: "To deal with this kind of zombies, you can also use tricks, pretending to be weak, they like to bully the weak and fear the strong, and when they come to you, immediately attack them! That's it!"

Of course, Shen Feng also learned this trick in the game. It is generally called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, retreating as if he cannot be defeated, attracting others to chase him, and then counterattacking immediately when he finds a favorable terrain or finds a teammate.

"Oh." The students all wrote it down. It turned out that dealing with such fast zombies is so simple. However, they also know very well that Shen Feng's strength is too great. The kitchen knife thrown from a distance can open a scoop of zombies. The accuracy and power are far beyond ordinary people. Most people may not be able to do it. Therefore, they want to kill zombies , or rely on Shen Feng.

After that, the crowd continued to attract zombies, and the rescued students were sent to the fifth teaching building. They all needed supplies. In the afternoon, I guess I can help. Of course, the premise is that I have gone through the ideological work of the senior sister.

Only five students were rescued from the third teaching building. Besides that, dozens of human corpses were found, all of which were already stinking.

The survivor choked up and said: "The little zombies over there are too scary. They keep attacking us. If everyone is caught up, they will be opened and their brains will be eaten. The students dare not show up casually. Once they show up, they will be killed." Basically a dead end."

Shen Feng frowned and nodded. This is an important piece of information. Ordinary zombies usually eat human flesh and blood, and then humans will become zombies, but speed-type zombies are specially designed to eat human brains. , People will die directly, and they don't even have the qualifications to become zombies!

There are only five survivors in the third teaching building, which is really too miserable. After all, they encountered the mutated existence among the zombies. It is not easy to survive five people.

Except for Shen Feng whose speed can rival the speed zombies, there is no one here who can run faster than the speed zombies.

Afterwards, for the first teaching building and the second teaching building, the plan to hunt zombies was very successful, and there were no mutated zombies, and two professors were rescued, namely the professor of pharmacotherapy and the professor of pharmacology. Learned. Fortunately, this is a medical school, and they have some contact with the corpse itself. The students can barely accept seeing the corpse. If they were students from other schools, they might not be able to bear the corpse.

When recovering the first teaching building, a student suddenly noticed that someone was waving a small flag in the direction of the laboratory building. After careful observation, he found that on the top floor of the laboratory building, two girls were waving small flags. The small flags were made of white coats. and brooms.

"Brother Feng, should we save the girl in the laboratory building by the way?" Ren Jing asked Shen Feng.

Shen Feng pretended to be deep and said: "As I said, I will not abandon any classmate or teacher! Because we are a united group, we must help each other! But, look carefully, the laboratory building here, Only these two girls are waving the flags, which means that there are not many survivors inside, and look at their movements of waving the small flags, it is powerful and continuous, which proves that they have food, so they will not be in danger for the time being!"

"Brother Feng can see it clearly. I understand. Rescue must be prioritized. Choose the most needy object to rescue! In this way, more people can be saved, and the temporary retreat is to make a comeback in the future!" Ren Jing completely admired Shen Feng, even though he is his senior, he still admires such a foresight junior!

After Shen Feng explained clearly to everyone, he turned and left. Ren Jing even waved in the direction of the laboratory building.

The two girls above the laboratory building were too angry to speak when they saw this scene, and the freckled school girl scolded angrily: "Who are these guys? It's fine if you don't save them, but they still waved at us, right? Are you showing off? If it weren't for the zombies wandering in the corridor, I would have gone down to question him a long time ago!"

The senior sister took back the small flag, put on the white coat again, and calmly analyzed, "They have killed so many zombies, and there are actually not many zombies in the laboratory building, but why didn't they do it? Could it be because of fear? I don’t think so! This shows that the other party has a sophisticated plan and strict execution! Do what you say! Don’t do anything superfluous, their leaders must have other purposes! If you want to recover Schools don’t need such strict enforcement!”

"Senior sister, should we continue to wait!" The junior asked in embarrassment.

"Keep waiting." The senior sister continued: "As long as their leaders have good vision, they will definitely come to rescue us, because I have the information they want to know! If you want to know the whole picture of zombies, you must The information in my hand!"

The school girl is also very helpless, she has been looking forward to the rescue of others, but now she can only be trapped in the laboratory.

Let’s talk about the Fifth Teaching Building. Chang Jianyi treats the rescued students, leads the girls to warmly entertain them, distributes food, provides psychological counseling, and explains the external situation. In the constant condolences, the rescued students were extremely moved. Most of them decided to join the plan to recover the school. A small number of them suffered too much psychological trauma and said nothing to face the zombies. For such people, they often Jianyi can only order them to join the logistics team.

The four professors didn't say anything about Chang Jianyi's behavior, because they knew their own situation well, they couldn't hold back their shoulders, and they had to rely on the young people in front of them for food. It is not worthwhile to drive away with the saying of "no support for idlers".

The four professors can only provide psychological comfort, "It's okay, we have knowledge in our stomachs, as long as Luzhou settles down and can continue to teach, life will always be fine."

At this time, Professor Chen suddenly said: "I heard that the experts from Yanjing came before the zombie outbreak, and I don't know if they are still alive."

Another professor thought for a while and said, "Is it the one who studies microbes? He is quite old, probably infected with a virus and turned into a zombie."

"Who knows, the current world has really changed!" Professor Hao said with emotion.

No one thought that there would be an outbreak of zombies all over the world, so wherever there are people, there are zombies, and the zombies can spread after biting people, which makes the social order collapse, and now the best way to survive important.

Today, what Shen Feng leads is called the combat group, while Chang Jianyi leads the logistics group. The combat group is responsible for dealing with zombies, while the logistics group is responsible for diet, medical treatment and mobilization.

For the scattered zombies, Shen Feng encouraged everyone to fight, and the boys also summed up their own fighting methods, a group of four, three people holding explosion-proof forks in their hands, directly resisting the zombies, and the fourth person came up as a team fatal blow. The way to kill a zombie is also very simple. Instead of hitting the back of the neck, use a sharp weapon to pierce the zombie's eye socket and destroy the brain tissue. This method is much less labor-intensive than breaking the zombie's cervical spine.

At present, everyone is full of confidence in recovering the school, because they all know that there are many ways to deal with ordinary zombies, and Shen Feng can deal with mutated zombies. In the current situation, they cannot lose at all.

In the evening, everyone counted the number of people. There were 239 people in total, and about 800 zombies had been dealt with. The artificial lake was almost full of zombies. It seems that tomorrow we need more Many people salvage, otherwise the zombies may not drown.

In the evening, candles were lit in the fifth teaching building. In the classrooms without candles, the desks and chairs were dismantled and used as fuel. The ceilings of the classrooms were burned black! Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi took their capable men and walked around in each classroom, greeting the students, a scene of fraternity was displayed, and there were many fans on the spot.

This is a necessary action, Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi are very clear, if you want these people to fight with you, you can only show your ability, and caring for your classmates is also a good way.

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