Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 16 Growing Strength

After the strong zombies killed all the ordinary zombies, Shen Feng thought that after the strong zombies solved the obstacle, they would attack him. However, he made a mistake. The strong zombies bent down and grabbed a dead zombie, opened it tore out his skull, and proceeded to eat the white brain.

"Huh..." Shen Feng just felt that this guy was so disgusting that he started to eat the brains of his own kind. He thought that the zombies on the ground were killed by humans, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. They were all killed by strong people. Zombies kill and eat brains.

"Just right, watch me sneak up on you now!" Shen Feng doesn't talk about martial arts, so who will fight you fairly? Now is the time to take advantage of all your advantages.

Shen Feng walked around behind the strong zombie lightly, but this process was not discovered by the strong zombie, so Shen Feng was more confident and bold. After coming directly behind the zombie, Shen Feng directly Jumping up, the watermelon knife slashed at the back of the brain-eating strong zombie.

However, at this moment, the strong zombie suddenly put down the food in his hand, and squatted down with his head in his hands. "Dang", Shen Feng slashed the zombie's forearm with a knife, and, due to excessive force, the watermelon knife got stuck! Shen Feng wanted to pull out the watermelon knife, but he couldn't do it at all, the blade was clamped tightly by the muscles of the strong zombie.

"Roar..." The strong zombie took pain, and immediately turned around and started attacking Shen Feng. Shen Feng's watermelon knife was already stuck. At this time, facing the opponent's fierce attack, he had no choice but to let go and retreat, but he himself was gradually cornered by the strong zombies.

Only now did Shen Feng realize that this strong zombie was not simply eating brains, but deliberately showing his flaws. After he attacked, he defended, and then took advantage of the situation to force himself into a corner.

"Do zombies show weakness on purpose?" Shen Feng didn't have time to think about it, so he could only keep dodging. When it was really unavoidable, I didn't care about my face, so I could only escape with one trick.

As a result, this scene was seen by the students in the distance, and they all started talking: "Brother Feng is amazing, you see, how beautiful this lazy donkey rolls to hide!"

"That's right! You see, the vicious dog's planing trick just now managed to avoid the zombie's sweeping legs."

In the eyes of everyone, although Shen Feng has been dodging the attacks of the zombies, his every move is very fast. Although he can use his hands and feet to escape, can ordinary people do it? Ordinary people have long been beaten to death in this fierce attack, so Shen Feng is still strong after all!

Suddenly, Ren Jing asked: "Why is there such a strong zombie in the cafeteria?"

Li Xiang replied: "This is a cafeteria. If the zombies here are not oily, then other places will be even less oily. It is reasonable to be stronger!"

"It makes sense!" Everyone nodded in agreement, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what Li Xiang said.

In the middle of the battlefield, Shen Feng is constantly dodging. He actually wants to fight back, but he has no weapon in his hand, and his only weapon is stuck in the arm of a strong zombie. Can he break the opponent's defense with his bare hands? ? Are you afraid that if you are not careful, you will be broken?

In the tense battle, Shen Feng could only keep dodging. Finally, Shen Feng found the steel bar not far away. This is what Li Xiang used to attract zombies just now, but now it can be used as a weapon!

As a result, Shen Feng rolled to the edge of the steel bar, grabbed the weapon in his hand, and faced the strong zombie head-on.

The strong zombie rushed over without dodging, and kept hitting with both hands. He knew that he could kill the dwarf on the opposite side with just one blow. However, at this moment, Shen Feng saw the timing, avoided the zombie's punch, and then took advantage of the opportunity to insert the steel bar into the zombie's mouth.

The strong zombie retreated quickly, his teeth clenched tightly on the steel bar, and now he was about to grab the opponent's weapon again.

How could Shen Feng let the zombie retreat safely at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, he jumped up and kicked the tail of the steel bar. The zombie bit tightly, but how could the strength of the teeth block the strength of the thighs, the zombie's teeth finally broke, and then the steel bar was kicked into the zombie's mouth and passed out from the back of the head.

"Boom" The strong zombie fell down instantly, and the corpse made a dull sound on the ground.

Shen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, waved to the boys in the distance, and said, "Come here, it's okay!"

When the boys heard Shen Feng's greeting, they rushed over and saw the two-meter-high corpse on the ground, they couldn't help being speechless: "Boss, you are really powerful, such a strong zombie can handle it."

Shen Feng didn't care about these, and asked Ren Jing: "Look at my eyes, are there bloodshots?"

Ren Jing looked at it, and said honestly: "There are indeed blood streaks, what's the problem?"

"No problem! I may be too excited, and I will basically not make any moves. If there are zombies in the cafeteria, you can deal with them yourself!" Shen Feng said with a smile.

Shen Feng has always been very vigilant, not to let his spirit break down, if he turns into a monster who only knows how to kill, it will be bad. It is said that after killing too much, people's mental state will have problems, and this is most obvious in soldiers.

However, when Shen Feng was hunting zombies, he always had a strange feeling. He felt that his mastery of the body was getting better and better.

After entering the cafeteria, everyone faced it carefully, but in the end there was nothing but corpses everywhere on the ground! So, the students went straight to the warehouse of the cafeteria. They all knew that there was enough rice in the cafeteria to ensure that the teachers and students of the school could eat for a month under normal circumstances. At this time, the number of students has been reduced by at least half, and infections have occurred later. The food in the cafeteria can feed everyone in the school for more than three months.

"It's a pity that the vegetables and meat are already rotten!" Everyone began to count the food in the warehouse, feeling a little helpless. They may only be able to eat dry rice these days. The vegetables and meat are already rotten, and the refrigerator has long been unable to operate due to a power outage.

However, at this moment, Ren Jing discovered that there was a gas stove in the kitchen, and immediately became excited: "There is still gas here, we can have hot meals at night, we must take it back!"

Shen Feng kept flipping around in the kitchen, trying to find a suitable weapon, but in the end he could only find a kitchen knife and a spoon. He couldn't help feeling a little helpless, and said to himself: "Is there no suitable weapon for me? Why are they so short? , it’s inconvenient to fight!”

Li Xiang found a steel pipe, brought it to Shen Feng, and said, "Boss, use this, I just found it."

Shen Feng took the steel pipe and said: "In the future, if I have a chance, I must find a more handsome weapon. The steel pipe is good, but it's too ugly!"

At this time, a boy couldn't help asking Shen Feng: "Brother Feng, why don't we let everyone move in here? This way we don't have to carry food. It's more than 20 tons, even with a small cart , but unloading is also tiring!"

"This place is not safe!" Shen Feng said patiently: "Look at this place, there are dormitories and administrative buildings nearby, what if zombies come over there? And the roads here are not blocked, if you are surrounded, you can run Can’t run away! The cafeteria has only three floors in total and can’t accommodate more people. For the teaching building, as long as the tables and chairs are cleared, everyone can live together. Then there are walls and artificial lakes, which can be attacked or defended. A better base than the teaching building!"

"Brother Feng is right!" Li Xiang also said seriously: "Our current operations rely on the artificial lake, and we can drown zombies without using hands. There is no place to defend in the cafeteria! Although it is a bit tiring to carry food, but It can guarantee that we will have no problems with food sources in the future!"

"Don't even talk about it!" Shen Feng interrupted everyone's argument, stood up and said: "You don't have to worry, the more than 20 tons of rice were not delivered by our eighty-odd people. Will come to help! Not only boys, girls also come to help."

"Isn't the girl going to salvage the corpse?" Ren Jing couldn't help asking.

"The matter of salvaging the corpses can be put aside, but the transfer of food must be as soon as possible! I will pry a car later, and everyone will use the car to transport the food. If it is transported manually, I am afraid it will not be transported until tomorrow. !" Shen Feng shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Li Xiang also remembered that the zombie he saw just now seemed to be wearing delivery clothes, so he went to search quickly, and found the key of the pickup truck on him, and the pickup truck happened to be in the Parked outside the cafeteria.

So, he proudly said: "Brother Feng, you don't need to pry the car, I found a key to the truck here!"

Afterwards, the boys tried their best to transport the rice to the truck, transported it to the fifth teaching building, and then came back to carry it again, a total of five times back and forth, and finally took all the rice away, and the rest of the gas stove and other tools were also taken away. Take away together, everyone wants to pursue better food.

More than 200 people worked together to move the rice to an empty classroom, then locked the door, and handed over the key to Chang Jianyi for safekeeping. With the gas stove, more than 200 people finally ate hot food , Many people were moved and began to cry. I have never felt that eating is such a happy thing.

Chang Jianyi also learned about the battle that took place today from the boys. No one survived in the cafeteria, and a zombie that had never been seen before appeared. Of course, this zombie was finally given by Shen Feng. killed.

"Student, how are you? I heard that your battle was not going well!" Chang Jianyi asked Shen Feng's physical condition with concern.

Shen Feng patted the dust on his body, without mentioning the embarrassment of his battle today, he pretended to be cool and said: "Sister, don't worry, I'm fine now, and I brought the food back smoothly. Next, we Just use the fastest speed to recover the entire school!"

Chang Jianyi nodded in agreement, and said: "The next thing to recover is the most difficult, especially the dormitory. You will never know how many zombies are behind the door. The terrain is narrow, and it is not easy to escape."

Shen Feng thought for a while and said, "Then we might as well recover from simple places, such as the laboratory building and the administrative building."

"No! It's okay to talk about the laboratory building, but the administrative building must be saved until the end!" Chang Jianyi said seriously: "Not only the office building but also the administrative building must wait until the last moment to recover, otherwise, those people inside will cause you trouble."

Shen Feng nodded, gradually came to his senses, and understood what the senior sister said. If the school leaders and teachers are rescued, their leadership will definitely affect these students. If these students are called to oppose him, This is troublesome. Therefore, it is also the best choice to recover the administrative building at the last moment!

Suddenly, a girl ran over to find Shen Feng, and said nervously, "Brother Feng, a monster appeared in the artificial lake over there!"

When Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi heard this, they became puzzled, and rushed out towards the artificial lake, only to find that half of the zombie corpses on the lake had disappeared when they reached the edge of the artificial lake. I was relaxing by the lake, and I happened to see a monster appearing in the artificial lake.

"It's over there, a big monster!" The girl nervously grabbed Chang Jianyi's arm and said, pointing to a corner of the artificial lake.

"Wow!", in the direction the girl pointed, a black shadow leaped out of the water, and then fell back into the water. It was actually one meter long! Afterwards, the black shadow dragged a corpse and swam towards the distance.

"Sister, did you see clearly?" Shen Feng asked in a low voice.

"I see clearly, it's a catfish, but I've never seen such a big catfish. Could it be that the corpses that disappeared in the lake have been eaten by these catfish? Before the zombie outbreak, there were actually a lot of catfish in the lake!" Chang Jianyi guessed. Catfish are carnivores in the first place, now that there are so many carcasses in the water, they will naturally fatten up the catfish in the water, but only three days have passed, can the catfish eat so much fat?

Shen Feng thought for a while, and then said: "It's okay, senior sister, these zombies still need us to salvage them, but now there are catfish in the artificial lake, we don't need to salvage them anymore, catfish can help us deal with the corpses of zombies !"

"But, will such a big catfish go ashore and eat people?" the girl asked worriedly.

"Fish cannot live without water, don't worry, just treat it as if there are monsters in the lake. If you don't feed them, they will starve to death!" Shen Feng is very relieved. Due to their special body structure, the fish can It is impossible to leave the water.

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