At dusk, when it was time to eat, boys and girls took turns cooking, and then squatted near the teaching building to start eating. At this time, they realized that the food is really attractive, although the cooking skills of girls are not as good as before The cafeteria Aunt, but, in this situation, what kind of bicycle is needed!

Before eating, Shen Feng announced something with a loudspeaker: "Everyone, after eating, the boys will gather in the first teaching building within 30 minutes, and they will also gather here one hour later. I have Important things to inform! It's for everyone's future, please arrive on time!"

When the students heard the notice, they all started to discuss. No wonder today's food was better than before. It turned out that something was going to happen, so everyone discussed what it would be while eating! The well-informed students already know some inside stories, but the others just have their eyes darkened and don't know anything.

"Shen Feng, you seem to have a party tonight, why didn't you invite us?" Professor Zhang found Shen Feng and asked directly.

Shen Feng's mind turned quickly, and he said immediately: "Professor Zhang, I am going to visit you. In fact, I want to invite you to visit the meeting tonight, so hurry up and eat, don't miss it." Meeting tonight!"

Professor Zhang nodded and said, "That's about the same!"

In fact, if Professor Zhang didn't come to find Shen Feng, Shen Feng didn't plan to inform the professors at all. After all, what happened tonight couldn't be missed!

As for Li Tianxiao and the other four leaders, they were still under house arrest. Food and water were brought in from outside, but then the door was closed, and the five were not allowed to go out at will. When I asked the girl who delivered the meal, the only answer I got was "I don't know", and these people still couldn't get any information.

Afterwards, a total of nine teachers were invited to the first teaching building. After the nine sat down, Wu Kai closed the door with a smile and said, "Teachers, I will open the door for you when the meeting is over!"

At this moment, there are only nine teachers staying together in the classroom. There are food and mineral water on the table, which are also used to relieve boredom. However, it is impossible to go out, because Wu Kai has closed the door. will open.

Professor Zhang was so angry that he couldn't speak. Unexpectedly, Shen Feng played such a trick with him and put himself under house arrest!

"Shen Feng, this little thief, is shameless and shameless for using such low-handed means!" Professor Zhang couldn't help shaking his head, it seemed that he would not be able to speak at the next meeting.

However, Professor Hao breathed a sigh of relief. If Lao Zhang expressed any objection at the meeting, it would be bad if he was put on small shoes! Therefore, it is lucky to be locked up now, at least there will be no danger to life.

After that, the boys came to gather one after another. There were about 500 people. Fortunately, the classrooms in the first teaching building were relatively large, so everyone squeezed together and could barely sit down. Then, there was the sound of a generator roaring outside the door, and the lights in the classroom were turned on at once, and the crowd cheered immediately. After so many days, now there is finally electricity. Although there is no network, but now there is electricity. Enough is enough, the classroom is bright.

Shen Feng walked onto the stage slowly, took a microphone, and started his speech: "Students, do you know? Fifteen days have passed since the outbreak of zombies! Now, we have blocked the gate of the school. The zombies can't get in, and the zombies in the school are basically wiped out, from now on, you are safe!"

As soon as the voice fell, the boys immediately started applauding. Everyone was sincerely happy. Most of the boys participated in the hunting and killing of zombies. Until now, the zombies were finally wiped out. Everyone was very happy. From now on, It's safe in school!

"But!" Shen Feng's voice changed, and Sang asked, "What shall we do in the future?"

At this time, someone directly shouted: "Clean up the zombies in the school, and just stand by and wait for help!"

"Really? This idea is completely wrong!" Shen Feng criticized mercilessly, and then took out the portable radio on his body. This radio was found in the boys' dormitory two days ago. This thing, but in short, he can learn the news of the outside world at any time!

"I'll let you know the situation outside now!" After speaking, Shen Feng turned on the radio and pointed the microphone at the radio. For so many days, the radio has been playing the situation about the zombies in a loop, including the recovered city ​​news.

"Survivors, if you are near the provincial capital, please seek refuge in the provincial capital. The country is working hard to rescue, but before that, everyone needs to stand up and save yourself! In addition, the city that has been recovered is Yanjing..." In the broadcast There was news from the outside world, but the news was not good enough, because they needed to go to Rongcheng to get rescued.

Suddenly, at this moment, a boy stood up and asked: "Brother Feng, why don't we grab a ferry and go down the river to Yuzhou! It's also a provincial unit, we can go there to seek asylum !"

"I'm sorry, Yuzhou has not been recovered yet, and most of the southern cities have not been recovered! Going to Yuzhou now will only lead to death in vain!" Shen Feng continued.

"How could this happen?" Many boys were already desperate. They didn't expect that they still couldn't be rescued at this time. Could it be that they were abandoned?

However, at this moment, Shen Feng said solemnly: "For the future, I have a plan, and that is to set up a self-aid association. Luzhou has a population of hundreds of thousands, and now most of them have become zombies. We must protect our city. Even if we are facing endless zombies, we must work hard, isn't it very clear? We need to save ourselves, so we must stand up now and become heroes to save Luzhou!"

"Papa..." The boys immediately began to applaud enthusiastically, but many people still had doubts.

Shen Feng saw that everyone's emotions had been aroused, so he continued: "This is our home and the place we live on. Moreover, many of your family members are in the urban area. Could it be that we Shouldn't we kill zombies to protect them? We killed thousands of zombies in the school in seven days, which proves that zombies are not impossible to deal with. As long as we unite as one, set up a self-aid association, and walk in unison, we will surely We can retake our own city! In the process of facing the zombies, I must take the lead, and if I retreat, I must be the last!"

"Brother Feng, we will do what you say, and we will follow you!" Such a voice came from the crowd.

Shen Feng smiled and said: "Don't get excited, the gang I created is voluntary to join, and it's okay if you don't want to join, but for the students who don't join, the daily rations can only be halved, because, Our precious food must be used to fight zombies! Now, I want to say, those who are willing to join the gang, raise your hands!"

"Wow..." As soon as the voice fell, a large group of people stood up and raised their hands. When other boys saw this scene, they also raised their hands quickly. For a while, almost everyone raised their hands, but , and a small number of people did not raise their hands, but watched coldly.

In fact, the first people who raised their hands were the members of the combat team. They were attracted by the process of following Shen Feng in killing zombies, so they immediately raised their hands. Follow the crowd and start raising your hands. As for a small number of boys, either they saw Shen Feng's plan, or they were greedy for life and afraid of death, and they didn't want to fight.

"Very good, now please leave the students who don't want to join, after that, we have to deal with the affairs of our Self-Aid Association behind closed doors!" Shen Feng continued.

As soon as the words came out, half of the people who hadn't raised their hands before started to raise their hands, but more than 30 people stood up and left. They didn't say anything about joining the Self-Aid Association. After the thirty people left, Shen Feng beckoned, and then Chang Jianyi came in with two girls outside the classroom. They had two big boxes in their hands, which were filled with red cloth strips .

"From now on, I will be the president of the Self-Aid Association, and Chang Jianyi will be the vice president. From now on, we will be called the president and the vice president! In addition, members will be identified with cloth strips, and everyone will tie red cloth On the arm! From now on, only the members wearing the red cloth will have three regular meals, and the other rations will be halved!" Shen Feng said loudly.

The boys slowly put down their hands, went forward to get the cloth strips and tied them on their arms. This will be the evidence of identification in the future, and everyone felt psychologically comforted. But then they thought of taking back Luzhou, and they all started to retreat. At least Luzhou had hundreds of thousands of zombies. How could it be possible to kill so many zombies!

"Everything is going well!" Shen Feng smiled at Chang Jianyi.

Chang Jianyi said helplessly: "You locked up the unsatisfactory factors. How can it be unsatisfactory now? Now you boast that Haikou will take back Luzhou. When you can't do it, I'll see what you do!"

Shen Feng said with a smile: "When you save your brother, isn't the ultimate goal accomplished? As for the slogan of recovering Luzhou, who will remember? At that time, everyone will grab a cruise ship and go down the river! I heard about the Three Gorges The dam has been recovered, and we can’t go to Yuzhou, we can go to the Three Gorges, maybe we can go down the river and go directly to Jinling, I heard that Jinling has been recovered long ago!”

Shen Feng did not lie just now, Yuzhou has not been recovered, but there is a way to escape along the river, either to the Three Gorges or to Jinling. In short, there are too many cities along the Yangtze River, and the recovered cities are not few.

"Alright, let's move on to the next step!" Chang Jianyi reminded.

Seeing that everyone had put on the red cloths, Shen Feng began to announce: "Next, I will announce the departments you belong to. Judging from your previous performance, you can be divided into combat group and mobile group. The leader of the team is Ren Jing, the leader of the mobile team is Li Xiang, the combat team is responsible for fighting the zombies, and the members of the mobile team are responsible for driving food and medicine."

Afterwards, after dividing the respective organizations, the meeting was disbanded. At the same time, the girls began to gather. Shen Feng needed to repeat what he had just said to the boys. Of course, the girls didn’t have many choices. Only by forming a team together can we survive, and of course we dare not separate. Under half threats and half temptations, more than 300 girls basically agreed to join, only five girls did not join and chose to leave.

So far, most of the students in the school have joined the Self-Aid Association. Although it is a rabble, it is much better to have an organization than no organization! The girls' side is basically divided into the logistics group and the medical group. The logistics group has a large number of people, and the medical group has more than 20 girls with good grades. They have nothing to do every day. , the rest of the things, they will not do.

Afterwards, the professors were released. Seeing that almost all the students were wearing red cloth strips on their arms, the professors were silent afterward. They knew that Shen Feng had done everything that should be done, and now this At that time, it was impossible for them to object.

Then, Li Tianxiao and the leaders were also allowed to move freely. Upon hearing the news, Li Tianxiao immediately went to mobilize the students to oppose Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi. However, the students mobilized by him glanced at him, Said: "You want us to oppose the president and vice president? What qualifications do you have?"

This sentence choked Li Tianxiao, and he quickly revealed his identity: "I am the president of your student union, you have to listen to me! You have to remember my face, I am here, it proves that the student union has a task, understand? ?”

"There's something wrong! This is the first time I've heard that the president of the student council can order others!" The student who was stopped cursed, turned and left.

When Dean Hu saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's a done deal. I really don't know how Shen Feng came up with this trick and even set up a gang. How can we restrain them as students now?"

However, at this moment, more than 30 boys came to Li Tianxiao and the leader, and directly explained their intentions, "Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi, these two bastards, they often deduct our rations, we have to report them! Leader, You must take care of this matter!"

At this time, more than 30 boys who appeared here were of course those who did not agree with Shen Feng's plan. justice.

"Then why did they deduct your rations?" Dean Hu knew that he couldn't control it, and no one would listen to him, so what kind of leader would he be?

The thirty people said quickly: "Because we don't want to follow orders to fight or carry supplies, they withheld our rations!"

Li Tianxiao immediately patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, we will take care of this matter, you just need to follow us, we will definitely overthrow Shen Feng's rule!"

Dean Hu and the others glanced at each other and shook their heads secretly. These thirty or so people are completely useless. They don't want to fight or carry supplies. Don't they just want to sit and eat? It is completely impossible for such a student to be a subordinate by his side! However, talk is better than nothing, someone obeys orders, it is much better than no one obeys orders.

Everyone was unwilling to be lonely, and was ready to find a way to regain the power that originally belonged to them.

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