Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 35 Cleaning Up The Traitors

Facing the crowd approaching, Chang Jianyi sneered and said, "Yin Li, Zhang Xiaoqiang, do it now!"

Then, two girls nearby rushed over quickly, holding the steel bars used by the combat team in their hands, and then began to attack the rebellious people present. This group of people did not expect girls to be able to fight, and they were caught off guard. No small blow. The two girls were like foxes, moving through the crowd at an extremely fast speed, and the steel bars in their hands would immediately cause fractures if they hit someone.

"This is, Evolutionary!" Wu Kai was stunned when he saw the two girls fighting in the crowd. The speed was so fast, it was faster than professional athletes, and they flashed in front of people. However, there are a lot of wounded left behind. This kind of speed and strength can only be achieved by evolutionists.

"Leave them alone, grab Chang Jianyi, and we'll win!" Dean Hu shouted at this moment.

Wang Xiang also came to his senses, these two girls were indeed difficult to deal with, their speed was too fast, they were almost like ghosts and ghosts, but as long as Chang Jianyi was caught, and their leader was caught, then they would be rewarded. The ultimate victory!

So, more than a dozen people rushed forward, ready to grab Chang Jianyi. However, Chang Jianyi slipped two short knives from his sleeves, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward to meet the enemy head-on!

"Shua, hua..." Chang Jianyi cut the throats of the two workers directly with two sharp knives. Before the two could say anything, blood spurted from their throats, and then fell to the ground to die. In the end, Chang Jianyi continued to attack, and saw workers fall to the ground one after another. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Xiang immediately retreated.

However, at this moment, Chang Jianyi had already stared at him, how could he let him run away? So he quickly chased after him, slashed Wang Xiang on the back, and Wang Xiang fell to the ground immediately, then turned around and begged: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, President Hu asked me to do it, he is the culprit what!"

Tao Xian saw the vigor of the vice president, so he quickly shouted: "Vice president, don't listen to his sophistry, this guy said yesterday that he wants to rob food and women, and he will give each of his workers a wife." , he is a scumbag!"

A cold light flashed in Chang Jianyi's eyes, and he stabbed Wang Xiang's chest with a knife. Wang Xiang clutched his chest and struggled, kicked his feet on the ground twice, and then died. He didn't understand why the combat power was reversed immediately. They are obviously just a group of girls with no power to restrain chickens, why do they have such great power, why can they kill many people in an instant?

Seeing this scene, Wu Kai finally remembered that since the president can give himself evolution potions, he can also give evolution potions to those around him, so he thought that the only person present was himself, an evolver, but in fact , The evolutionary has been hidden for a long time!

"No, if Shen Feng finds out what happened today, I will definitely die. I can't beat him, and I can't catch up with him. I must run!" Wu Kai immediately made a decision. The comrades around said: "Everyone run separately, one who can run is one, you can't beat them, they are evolutionaries!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Kai was about to run away, but at this moment, he saw Yu Renshu standing in the crowd, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and then he thought: "It's all this woman, she made the evolution potion , as long as you get her, you can have more evolutionaries!"

Therefore, Wu Kai planned to seek wealth and danger, and rushed towards Yu Renshu. He was going to catch Yu Renshu and threaten him. As long as the hostages are in hand, his safety will be guaranteed!

Afterwards, Wu Kai quickly rushed to Yu Renshu's side, scaring the people around him to retreat. Afterwards, he grabbed Yu Renshu's shoulder, pointed the steel bar at her neck, and said, "Stop it, Chang Jianyi!" , let us go now, otherwise, I will kill her!"

Chang Jianyi glanced this way, and then continued to order: "Do it!"

Wu Kai felt something was wrong, why did Chang Jianyi say to do it? Could it be that there are still evolutionaries hiding? Where? Where!

Wu Kai hurriedly looked around, only to find that the people around him retreated far away, and there was no one around. So, where is the evolutionary hiding?

At this time, the fleeing people came back, because fifty boys with steel bars in their hands suddenly appeared and blocked them back. Yang Chang shouted: "Break the legs of this group of people, these people are all traitors, don't let any of them go!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Kai was somewhat relieved. It turned out that it was only the people in the combat team who were hiding. These people are ordinary people and don't need to pay special attention. Therefore, I still have the advantage now! Moreover, Yu Renshu is in his hands. He has already imagined that in the future, he can train a group of evolutionaries as his subordinates. At that time, he can have whatever he wants, money, power, women! All to myself.

"Don't come here, I'll say it again, if you don't stop, I'll kill this woman!" Wu Kai arrogantly said to Chang Jianyi who was killing someone in the distance.

Chang Jianyi glanced in Wu Kai's direction, and said casually, "Stop pretending, it's boring!"

"What are you pretending to be? You're not pretending to be anything!" Wu Kai didn't know what Chang Jianyi said, and was a little confused.

But then Wu Kai knew that what Chang Jianyi said just now was not actually aimed at him. Because, at this time, Yu Renshu, who was caught by him, suddenly grabbed his arm with his backhand, and threw it over his shoulder. Wu Kai was thrown to the ground at that time, and before he could stand up, his thigh was cut , suddenly bleeding profusely.

"There's no cook who doesn't steal food. Why don't I know how to drink evolution potions?" Yu Renshu said with a smile, and then brushed her hair by her ears, showing off all kinds of coquettishness.

Wu Kai's thigh was scratched, and he couldn't run at all at this time, so he sat on the ground and waved the steel bars in his hands, threatening the people around him not to come. However, in the process, the rebels were dealt with by the three evolutionaries one by one, some were killed on the spot, and some fell to the ground with their legs broken.

Dean Hu and Li Tianxiao wanted to run when they saw that something was wrong, but Yang Chang had been watching them for a long time. When they came forward, each of them was rewarded with a stick. Immediately, both of them could only lie on the ground and howl.

At this time, Chang Jianyi approached Wu Kai step by step. At this time, her body was already covered with blood. She used to dare not even kill zombies. Now at this time, she has become an evolutionary. For the first time, she shot. Just killed more than a dozen people, and she suddenly found that she didn't feel any discomfort. Perhaps, in her eyes, these rebels were no longer real people at this time.

Seeing Chang Jianyi approaching constantly, Wu Kai begged: "Vice president, vice president! I was wrong, I shouldn't have so many small thoughts, I just went wrong for a while, don't kill me, I can give you Fighting, as long as my injury heals, I can kill zombies!"

"Hehe, it's late!" Chang Jianyi threw the dagger in his hand far away. Wu Kai quickly defended and knocked the hidden weapon away, but he forgot that Chang Jianyi had two weapons in his hand, so he could dodge it. The first dagger was thrown, but the second dagger pierced the heart, blood gushed out of the mouth, and he died a moment later.

"Vice President, what should we do with these people?" Yang Chang also came up at this time, and all the rebels present were dealt with, but half of them died, and half of them had their legs broken. .

Chang Jianyi regained his composure, and said, "You lead people to throw the dead people into the lake, and then tie up the wounded. These people will be useful in two days! As for your reward, here it is, take it!" "

While talking, Chang Jianyi took out a test tube from her body. There was a pink potion in the test tube, which looked very attractive. Yang Chang took the potion carefully and was about to drink it on the spot, but Chang Jianyi stopped him.

"After drinking it, you won't be able to move for about six hours. You should save it for the evening!" Chang Jianyi said.

Yang Chang looked at the test tube in his hand, feeling very excited. As long as he drank the potion in his hand, he could become an evolutionary. Today, Yang Chang has seen the horror of the evolutionary. To ordinary people, it is like a god of death. Ordinary people have no power to resist at all. He carefully placed the potion on his body, preparing to drink it at night and become one of the evolutionaries.

The members of the combat team saw this scene, and they had some guesses in their hearts, and they couldn't help being a little envious of Yang Chang.

Then, the dead were thrown into the lake to feed the fish, and the wounded needed to face reality no matter how much they begged, and were finally tied up and sent aside.

"Continue to pack your things, and leave for the hotel later!" Chang Jianyi said slowly, and the girls continued to pack their things immediately. Now, they are glad that they escaped unharmed, after all, if they were successfully rebelled by those people just now , they are likely to usher in a catastrophe. But at this time, the girls have also discovered that it seems that girls can also fight. As long as they can become evolutionaries, their fighting ability will be stronger than that of ordinary people.

Afterwards, Chang Jianyi looked towards the distance, which was the direction of the villagers, and the villagers quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Chang Jianyi. In their eyes, Chang Jianyi used extremely bloody means to suppress this rebellion just now, and now her body is covered with blood, which looks extremely terrifying.

Chang Jianyi was very satisfied with the reactions of these people, which proved that today's operation was very successful.

Because of the internal support, Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi had grasped the actions of the rebels early, so they responded in advance. Now, killing these rebels on the spot is very important for the rest of the people. deterrent effect. After all, in the next few days, Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi will make the next plan. If there are factors that are not conducive to management, they must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Before today, Shen Feng was still worried that Li Tianxiao and the others would dare to do anything, so he specially took away the students from the technical school, paving the way for these people's rebellion. If I use one word to describe today's action, it is to lure the snake out of the hole, deliberately detonate the uneasy factors, and then solve this factor!

At the same time, Shen Feng led his people to a hotel five kilometers away, where the next main battlefield will be!

"Clean up the zombies in the hotel immediately, and prepare for the people who will move in!" Shen Feng said directly after getting out of the car. He found that there seemed to be not enough zombies around here, but it's no big deal. There are seven hundred people here right now. People, as long as they don't encounter ten times as many zombies, have the ability to protect themselves.

Ren Jing took the lead and rushed into the hotel with people. He is working very hard now, because he is the leader of the combat team after all, and now he has become an evolutionary person. Ordinary zombies can't hurt him at all. Members followed suit.

There were not many people in the hotel, and soon, all the zombies in the hotel were eliminated. A group of people began to smash the door and clean up the zombies in the room. Of course, if the survivors were inside, they would be rescued by the way.

In a club hundreds of meters away, someone was watching the situation in the hotel with a telescope. It was a young man with a cigarette in his mouth, and while watching, he said, "What are the conditions of the young people over there?" Huh? More than a hundred cars, seven hundred people got off inside, and there is no room outside the hotel, what are these people doing here?"

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes came over. He looked to be in his forties, and his face was full of majesty. At this time, there was a young and beautiful woman holding his arm. The man in the suit said: "What's the situation? Is there rescue?"

The man who was watching quickly turned around and said, "Boss, no one has come to rescue yet, but there are more than 700 people over there, and it seems that they are attacking the hotel!"

"Give me the binoculars, I'll take a closer look!" The boss said, and then took the binoculars to observe the hotel in the distance.

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