Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 361 The Beast Tide Collapses

The golden snub-nosed monkey felt pain all over its body, as if it was being bitten by countless beasts all over its body. After the attack was over, it was about to stretch its body. It had been curled up for a few minutes just now, and it had suffered countless attacks. Now, it's ready to fight back.

However, the golden monkey suddenly found that he seemed unable to control his hands and feet, and his long tail could shake continuously. When he opened his eyes, he realized that only the bones of his hands and feet were left to be seen, and on the bones His flesh and blood has disappeared.

"Aww..." The golden monkey was in great pain, all the pain in his body was released at this time, he couldn't control his limbs anymore, because all the muscles disappeared, and the bones couldn't move by themselves, and the golden monkey's body was apart from the head and torso. , only the tail can move.

Even now, it is impossible for the golden monkey to manipulate its tail to attack Shen Feng. This is obviously impossible. If the tail could be used as a weapon, the golden monkey would not use its hands and feet to attack Shen Feng.

Therefore, the golden monkey on the ground has lost even the ability to move, and can't do anything except roar loudly.

Shen Feng slowly approached the golden monkey, and murmured, "I planned to give you a happy life, and only one sword can make you no longer suffer, but who made you turn around suddenly? I can only let you You died in pain!"

Walking to the side of the golden monkey, Shen Feng suddenly saw a line of tears flowing outside the blood-red eyes. It could be seen that the monkey was in great pain at this time, and it only shed in the most painful state. The tears that come out are worthy of primates, and the tears are so similar.

There are many kinds of tears, some are because of sadness, some are because of emotion, and some are because of pain. At this moment, Shen Feng can't tell why the other party is crying.

"You cry too? But, don't the humans you catch and eat don't cry? Don't think about it, I won't forgive you!" Shen Feng sneered, maybe a year ago he would still cry because of Animals cry and feel uncomfortable, but now, Shen Feng has made it clear that he is a human being, so he will never have half a sympathy for other animals except sympathy for the human species.

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng summoned several wind blades with a wave of his hand, which directly penetrated the trachea of ​​the golden monkey, so the golden monkey could no longer shout, and the mourning stopped abruptly. A minute later, the golden monkey died, and Shen Feng pulled out the long The sword, the long sword at this time has been bent sideways, but it can also be used for fighting.

However, after Li Keyi and Qin Kewei chased towards an underground passage, they found a few shadows that could be vaguely seen in the distance. !rise!"

In an instant, countless earth and rocks grew up on the ground, and in a split second, they directly pierced the figures in front of them. After being stabbed, these figures immediately let out a shrill cry.

At the same time, roaring voices came from the hall behind Li Keyi, and the two sang together, as if they were still echoing each other.

Li Keyi stepped forward and found that, as expected, all of them were golden monkeys. Among them were very strong monkeys and some were relatively short. It seemed that there were young individuals even in the group.

"Kill it, and save these golden monkeys some pain!" Li Keyi said in a low voice.

Qin Kewei didn't object either, grabbed the long knife and cooked all the golden monkeys.

Li Keyi and Qin Kewei only killed six golden monkeys in the passage they chased. Such a small number is obviously different from the information they have. There must be more golden monkeys who chose other ways to escape.

Li Keyi and Qin Kewei thought for a while, and said, "We need to act separately now, and we don't know how many monkeys have escaped, so we can only try to kill the individual individuals who are alone."

Qin Kewei nodded in agreement, and the two sides immediately separated and chased after different passages.

The underground caves extend in all directions, and no one knows how many passages there are underground, let alone where these passages lead to. Therefore, Li Keyi and Qin Kewei can only mark along the road in order not to get lost. The cave is very dark. There is no lighting equipment, and it can be seen that the golden monkeys in these caves are not lit.

Holding a flashlight in his hand, Li Keyi chased him along a road. The road was rough, but there were many footprints on the ground, which indicated that these golden monkeys chose this road.

After not walking far, Li Keyi found that there was a dead end ahead. The place was a little empty, like a room, and in the depths, there were many boxes. These boxes were obviously used by humans, but But a group of monkeys moved it into the cave and began to store it. There was still a lot of pollen in the box.

"These monkeys really know how to store so much pollen." Li Keyi thought silently in his heart.

Li Keyi walked into the room slowly, but at this moment, there was a sudden wind from one side, and she quickly backed away.

Just took two steps back, a black shadow hit the ground heavily. It turned out that there was a golden monkey hiding on the side of the stone pillar, holding a big stone in its hand. As long as anyone entered, they would hold the stone and smash it down.

The plan is very good, but the reality is that Li Keyi found the danger and quickly retreated, avoiding the attack of the golden monkey.

A cold light flashed in Li Keyi's eyes, and he said in his heart: "Since you have learned how to sneak attack, it is even more impossible for you to leave alive!"

Li Keyi drew out his long knife and rushed forward. The monkey didn't even want the stone in his hand, and started to run away to the side. This golden monkey was still wearing a vest and trousers. It looked very similar to a human being, but it was always Not human.

"Two cuts!" Li Keyi didn't play fancy things, and just rushed forward and slashed down.

"Kacha", this is a very crisp sound, the golden monkey was cut in half by Li Keyi on the spot, even the spine was cut off directly.

Looking back, Li Keyi saw four or five small golden monkeys in the corner, which were more than one meter long, corresponding to the infant stage of human beings.

Seeing the adult golden monkey being hacked to death, these golden monkey cubs were also very frightened. They grabbed the pollen beside them and threw it away. However, Li Keyi wore a mask on his face and did not inhale the pollen. Improper operation of the cubs made the air full of pollen. If they were not careful, these golden monkeys inhaled the hypnotic pollen instead.

"Cough cough", the golden monkey cub coughed twice, and was about to fall down to sleep.

"Sweeping thousands of troops!" Li Keyi didn't care about this, and used a move of sweeping thousands of troops. She held a flashlight in one hand and swung a long knife in the other, beheading five golden monkey cubs on the spot.

On the other hand, Qin Kewei also chose a direction to chase out, but she was unlucky. She did not catch up with the fleeing golden monkey, and she saw the moonlight outside from a long distance. The footsteps at the entrance of the cave were chaotic, but no one could be seen. Well, there are other passages in the cave.

Qin Kewei didn't give up, walked to the entrance of the cave and took a look, only to find that it was halfway up the mountain, and there was a mist outside the cave, which could be vaguely seen in the moonlight. It was a light yellow mist, and there was a large forest below. There were animals coming in and out, but more went in, but fewer came out. Around the forest, a large area of ​​mutant beasts fell down.

"Could it be that this is the forest that produces hypnotic pollen?" Qin Kewei said to himself.

Suddenly, Qin Kewei saw a plastic bucket on the ground on one side, and a nylon rope was tied to the plastic bucket, which looked like a water fetching tool.

Qin Kewei couldn't help trying, grabbed the plastic bucket and threw it out. The plastic bucket fell into the woods and made a "bang" sound. She pulled the rope hard and finally pulled the plastic bucket back. At this time, the bucket There is actually a lot of pollen in it.

"So, a group of monkeys used this method to obtain hypnotic pollen. It's really lucky. There is a forest next to the hiding place for protection." Qin Kewei muttered softly.

Qin Kewei and Li Keyi returned to the hall one after another, while Shen Feng was still warming up next to the campfire.

"I didn't expect that, but you chose the simplest task, and you started to rest after killing a monkey!" Qin Kewei joked.

Shen Feng ignored the ridicule, pointed to the wall behind him, and said, "You can take a look, this is the work of the golden monkey, and you can probably understand it. I took a picture and I plan to bring it to my wife as a record." Open your eyes."

When Li Keyi and Qin Kewei heard this, they immediately became curious. What else could be on the wall? When I walked to the side, I found out that it was a mural, and it was drawn with crayons.

The only one living in the cave is the golden monkey, and the monkey seems to have learned to paint from children's books, so it also started to paint on the walls. The style is bohemian, but it is even uglier than children's graffiti, that is, some matches People are on the wall.

Li Keyi frowned and said: "Anyway, this monkey's evolution rate is too fast, it has even learned to draw, I think it also records the number of groups, except for a few golden monkeys who left Outside the group, there are more than 60 golden monkeys left, that is to say, at least half of the golden monkeys have escaped!"

Golden snub-nosed monkeys don't know what painting is for, and they don't know how to record history. Perhaps painting on the walls is just for fun, but this allows Li Keyi to see what these golden snub-nosed monkeys are thinking. Golden snub-nosed monkeys go out hunting every day, and then Down is to return to the cave to give birth.

The hunting method of the golden monkey is also very simple, that is, after collecting a lot of hypnotic pollen, find a place upwind and start to sprinkle the pollen. After the pollen is blown away by the wind, it can hypnotize many animals. All the prey were brought back to the cave, whether it was humans or mutant beasts, these golden monkeys would still eat them.

Seeing this, Li Keyi gradually understood why the golden snub-nosed monkeys wanted to stabilize the beast tide, "A while ago, you were expelling mutant beasts, which caused the mutant beasts in the encirclement to run around. The golden monkeys couldn't hunt, so they simply started a large-scale Hypnotizing mutant beasts, while stabilizing the situation, you can also get prey!"

Shen Feng nodded and said: "Don't worry about the escaped golden monkeys, they won't be able to interfere with our plan in a short time, I will issue a reward for the mercenaries to hunt the mutant beasts, and we are still planning to retreat Come on, the task has been completed!"

At this time, Qin Kewei told what he had seen and heard. It turned out that after passing through a passage in the cave, he was able to walk to the hillside beside the juniper forest. The previous golden monkeys used plastic buckets to obtain pollen. The pollen deposited in the woods was brought to the cave by these monkeys and became a unique weapon in the hands of the golden monkey.

Shen Feng frowned and thought about it. After a little calculation of the location, he suddenly understood that the juniper forest was still some distance away from the battlefield of Ke Yiming and others.

"Then leave from the juniper forest and tell Ke Yiming and the others to put on the oxygen mask. I'm going to play a big game!" Shen Feng said with a smile.

Afterwards, Qin Kewei led the way, and the three came outside the cave. Shen Feng took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Those who participated in the beheading operation should put on oxygen masks immediately. Put on the mask!"


The other five people answered one after another, and they all had walkie-talkies, so it was very convenient to get in touch.

Immediately, Shen Feng began to cast his abilities, "The east wind is mighty", the strong wind covered several square kilometers around, rolled up the pollen in the juniper forest, and blew towards the north.

The ground was flying sand and rocks, even Qin Kewei and Li Keyi at the entrance of the cave couldn't help squatting down to avoid being blown down.

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