Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 369 Walking On Water

Chu Chaoyan and Chang Jianyi chased in the direction Shen Feng was flying towards. In the corridor, Zhang Xixi and Chang Haojie both leaned against the wall and fell asleep. These two teenagers are in the development stage, after staying up most of the night , I couldn't hold it anymore, so I fell asleep, not knowing what happened just now, and the huge sonic boom failed to wake them up.

However, after Shen Feng was swept up by the strong wind, his body became uncontrollable for an instant. Obviously, the strong wind around him was summoned by himself, but at this time he himself was somewhat unable to control it. The effect of controlling supernatural abilities has become worse. Simply put, it is to forcibly improve the realm, but there is not enough cultivation to control it.

When Chu Chaoyan and Chang Jianyi came to the garden, they happened to see Xiaolong who was learning to walk. Du Xinshi was standing beside him with a kind face and watching. Walking step by step, compared to the average child, he still learned to walk a little later.

"Sister Du, have you seen Shen Feng?" Chu Chaoyan asked quickly.

Du Xinshi also pointed to the artificial lake in the distance, and said to the two of them: "Just now I saw the city lord flying over there, and I don't know what's going on now, you go and have a look."

Chu Chaoyan and Chang Jianyi hurried towards the artificial lake, only to find that Shen Feng was holding his hands in front of his chest, with a calm expression on his face. He was standing on the water at this time, and the lake water under his feet was slightly sunken, but But it didn't submerge Shen Feng. No matter what, Shen Feng was a man weighing more than 100 catties. Now he stood on the water but didn't sink. It can only be said that he used his supernatural power to maintain his position.

Seeing the arrival of the two wives, Shen Feng immediately said proudly: "Did you see it just now? I can already rely on my own strength to fly into the sky. I am going to call this move 'Wind and Remnant Clouds'. What do you think?"

When Chu Chaoyan heard Shen Feng's words, she immediately felt it was funny. Shen Feng couldn't even control the direction and speed of her flight. From her perspective, wasn't she just being swept up by the strong wind? This also deserves to be called flying?

At this moment, Chu Chaoyan couldn't help but want to tear the stage down, but Chang Jianyi tugged her sleeve lightly, and said in a low voice: "Save him some face, don't tear it down, he just likes to show off, now you If he can't step down, he will be hit hard."

Chu Chaoyan nodded, gave up the idea of ​​hitting Shen Feng, but asked: "Then you are standing on the water now, what name do you want for this move?"

Regarding this point, Shen Feng has not yet thought about it. All he thought about before was to rely on his own strength to fly into the sky, but now his dream of flying is shattered, but unexpectedly he can stand on the water, his body is light, his whole body People seem to be in a state of powerlessness.

"As for being able to stand on water, let's keep it simple. It's called 'Walking on Water'. Isn't that reasonable?" Shen Feng didn't pay too much attention, and named his newly developed moves casually.

"Why isn't it called Lingbo Weibu?" Chu Chaoyan thought of a better name instead, and immediately made a suggestion.

When Shen Feng heard this word, he was immediately unhappy. This word was first used to describe women, and it seems to describe Luoshen. The two most famous lines should be as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the wind is like a wind. Back to the snow. I am a big man, how can I use this kind of words to describe women as the name of a skill?

So, Shen Feng said directly: "It's called 'Walking on Water', and simplicity is better. What kind of swaying steps, it is like describing me as a woman!"

Chu Chaoyan had no choice but to think that Shen Feng would be so obsessed in such a special place. He clearly had good intentions and wanted to think of a suitable skill name for Shen Feng, but Shen Feng was stubborn.

Then Shen Feng walked slowly from the lake to the shore, and said: "Now, my way of flying is still a bit inappropriate, so when I set off, I will take a paraglider, and, at sea, I can stand on the water, The self-protection ability has also improved a lot, so you can rest assured."

Chang Jianyi also nodded, agreeing with Shen Feng's point of view, but she was still a little worried at this time, and said: "Since there are many dangers at sea, you should bring a few more people with you. If you only take Guo Pinming alone, your There are still too few helpers, try to bring as many supernatural beings as possible, so that you can take care of them on the road."

Shen Feng thought for a while and said: "This matter can be discussed. In addition, Cao Fulie and Lu Kaiyang performed very well in this war. I plan to reward them with supernatural potions. What do you think?"

The supernatural potion is very precious, and Shen Feng didn't dare to keep it in the laboratory, but asked Chang Jianyi to keep it. When rewarding others, Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi must be present. Things that money can't buy, as long as you can become a supernatural person, it is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, and money can no longer be measured.

"Then reward it as soon as possible. Speaking of it, Cao Fulie is also the president of the mercenary union, but this time he took on the task of transporting supplies. There is no credit but hard work. He can be rewarded with supernatural potions. As for Lu Kaiyang, I feel that his contribution is not enough, but as long as he is loyal to you, that is enough." Chang Jianyi said calmly.

At this time, Chu Chaoyan was very curious about what it was like for Shen Feng to evolve to the sixth level. He obviously sent more than 200 liters of evolutionary bases last night, and the evolutionary bases were like hills. Did Feng really eat so many evolutionary bases?

Speaking of this incident, Shen Feng felt uncomfortable all over. Last night, Shen Feng even forgot how much evolutionary agent he had eaten. People seem to become numb, and the evolutionary bases are quickly digested after being eaten. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, even if Shen Feng has ten stomachs, it is impossible to hold so many evolutionary bases.

It took Shen Feng two hours just to take the evolution potion. After that, Shen Feng entered the state of evolution. When he woke up in the morning, he had been completely reborn, with stronger power, and more With a faster speed, manipulating abilities has also become more handy.

Chu Chaoyan really wanted to do missions with Shen Feng, thinking that before, no matter where Shen Feng went, Chu Chaoyan had always been by Shen Feng's side, and it could be considered that she had gone through life and death many times, but now, at this moment, But I have to stay in Yuzhou, this kind of feeling is not easy at all,

However, Chu Chaoyan knew that it was useless to talk about this matter. Chang Jianyi is about to give birth now. In this case, he can only stay in Yuzhou to take care of him. Although Chang Haojie is his own, he is too young , has no prestige, and the others are unreliable. Apart from her, there is no other suitable candidate.

"In the past few days, I will prepare, bring the necessary equipment, and strive to come back as soon as possible. I will leave the matter of Yuzhou to you!" Shen Feng said helplessly.

Chang Jianyi smiled, walked behind Chu Chaoyan, pushed Chu Chaoyan out, and directly pushed Chu Chaoyan into Shen Feng's arms, and Shen Feng hugged her.

"I'll go and make breakfast for the kitchen first. If you have any whispers, just talk slowly." Chang Jianyi then left the garden, and when she left, she took Du Xinshi and Xiaolong to walk away together. She told Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan left a separate space, Shen Feng was also very moved by doing so.

Chu Chaoyan leaned into Shen Feng's arms, lowered her head and said, "Actually, I really want to be by your side, no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, I want to be with you all the time, I know that I can't stay at home and wait for you to come back, only by following behind you and looking at your back can I feel at ease."

Shen Feng is also very helpless, he knows Chu Chaoyan's character, no matter where he goes, Chu Chaoyan will follow by his side, back then in the fog in Yuzhen, in the cave in Taihang Mountain, Chu Chaoyan To accompany her, she is different from her senior sister, who will silently stay at home, so no matter where Shen Feng goes, she will always find a home, Shen Feng can only guarantee Chu Chaoyan's desire.

"When I come back from the sea, when my senior gives birth to a child, I will take you with me no matter where I go. I promise!" Shen Feng said firmly.

Chu Chaoyan could only nod when he heard Shen Feng's assurance.


A group of people from the Ability Management Bureau in the hotel are still enjoying life leisurely. Ke Yiming and a few people play cards and mahjong all day long, Li Keyi reads, and Yue Hengyi is about to turn into a watchmaker. If he had nothing to do, he ran to the rooftop and looked down, hoping to find Qin Kewei's trace.

However, Qin Kewei never appeared near the hotel. She seemed to have grasped the traces of Yue Hengyi. She had a lot of food coupons presented by Shen Feng in her hand. There was no need to worry about small things like eating and staying at the hotel. I saw Qin Kewei outside the city, but after Yue Hengyi chased him out according to the instructions, he couldn't find anything.

Now, Yue Hengyi could only pin his hopes on Li Keyi, hoping that Li Keyi could ask for the real answer, even if he refused, it was better than avoiding it.

Under such circumstances, someone from Fengshen Palace sent a message to the group of the Ability Management Bureau: "Leave in three days and go directly to Hainan Island. After that, we will go to sea together on a warship."

Hearing the news, Li Keyi couldn't help asking: "How many people did your city master take with you? Can you tell me?"

"Sorry, I have no comment." The person who came to deliver the news shook his head quickly, obviously it was impossible to tell the content.

Li Keyi thought for a while, then suddenly put down the "Dream of Red Mansions" in his hand, picked up an apple and walked out, and said as he walked: "In this case, then I should get down to business, Xiaoyue, you just wait to hear the answer." Bar!"

After Li Keyi finished speaking, he immediately disappeared, and his whole body disappeared out of thin air, with footprints appearing on the carpet. Obviously, Li Keyi used his ability to leave the hotel.

Seeing Li Keyi's actions, Yue Hengyi immediately felt relieved. Li Keyi can use his ability to hide himself. In this case, Qin Kewei can always be found, right?

Li Keyi left Yuzhou City while gnawing on an apple. She felt that in order to avoid Yue Hengyi, Qin Kewei should leave the city, most likely hiding outside the city. Looking outside the city is the most appropriate way.

The inside of the city and the outside of the city are completely two worlds. The streets inside the city are clean, and there are people maintaining public facilities every day. Although the people inside the city are not well-dressed, at least they are clean, but outside the city, it is different. Well, the people outside the city are basically mercenaries and their family members. They live in crowded streets, the streets are noisy, and the children have no place to go to school, so they play on the streets all day long.

Li Keyi thought about it, and left these crowded areas. In her opinion, Qin Kewei will probably find a clean place. When he is in a mess, he should stay in a quiet place and think quietly instead of just staying in a daze. In the busy city, the boredom in my heart will continue to deepen.

In the end, Li Keyi found Qin Kewei on the bank of the Yangtze River. Qin Kewei was sitting on a rock with a half-cut bread in his hand and a bottle of soda beside him. Many people passed by. But they don't care.

Li Keyi approached Qin Kewei quietly, but didn't want to step on a piece of gravel on the ground, and made a slight voice: "Tap."

Such a slight voice was enough to arouse Qin Kewei's caution. She turned around instantly and asked sharply, "Who is it? Don't hide in a sneaky way!"

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