Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 375 The Sea Beast With Rough Skin And Thick Flesh

When everyone learned that the Tianxuan Bureau was about to be rescued, they immediately started to group together. The four people on Shen Feng's side came from one place, so they naturally gathered together to discuss countermeasures, and Qin Kewei also had six supernatural beings by his side. While discussing countermeasures, Li Keyi couldn't integrate into the two groups, so he simply sat aside and didn't talk to people from the two groups.

Fighting with sea beasts is very dangerous. No one has killed sea beasts before. On the contrary, many people have been killed by sea beasts. Now, facing the danger, everyone immediately began to choose the best way to protect themselves, that is, grouping together.

In the end, Shen Feng relented, walked to Li Keyi's side and said, "When the battle starts, please remember to stay close to us. If you are really in danger, I will try my best to protect you."

"Thank you, I knew that you are a good person!" Li Keyi showed a charming smile, obviously, she had expected that Shen Feng would invite her over.

On Qin Kewei's side, Fang Qinghao said seriously: "When the battle starts, all of you will follow me. The sea is my home field. As long as I'm here, I won't let you sink. If you fall into the water, I can give you a place to stay!"

With Fang Qinghao's guarantee, everyone is relieved. It is indeed what Fang Qinghao said. As a superpower who uses water, the sea is his home field. Now he is already a fifth-level superpower, and he will definitely be able to explode at sea. A strong fighting force.

The fleet on Shen Feng's side is rushing to the destination at high speed, while the Tianxuan Bureau ahead is fighting fiercely.

Although it was afternoon at this time, the sky was full of dark clouds, and it was difficult for the sun to shine down, so that the sea surface was dark. After the lightning pierced the sky, the rain also fell. In the torrential rain, there were three huge monsters on the sea in a triangular formation, which had already trapped the fleet. These three sea beasts couldn't tell what kind of animals they were at a glance, because they were too huge, and the supernatural beings could only see part of them. region, it is impossible to determine what kind of mutant animal this is.

In the end, the sonar on the cruiser determined after careful scanning that the three animals were sharks, turtles and squids.

The shark is the smallest in size, but its body length is also a full 400 meters. The rest of the turtles are only 300 meters in length, but they are oval in shape, but they are the largest animals. As for the squid, their body length is 500 meters, but this is The increased length of the tentacles, if the tentacles are removed, may not be as huge as a shark.

The fleet of the Tianxuan Bureau has a cruiser, four frigates, and a very complete staffing. However, many soldiers are still very nervous in the face of the ferocious sea beast. They have all heard of the combat power of the sea beast. A sea beast can easily sunk a frigate.

But now, the fleet was surrounded by three sea beasts, and everyone felt as if they were facing a big enemy, not knowing how to deal with these sea beasts.

The ability users of the Tianxuan Bureau also took a small boat to the nearby frigate, leaving a few ability users who were not suitable for fighting on the cruiser. The battle was about to break out, and no one dared to be careless. The sea beast side obviously knew the power of the warship, so they didn't dare to act without authorization, and seemed to be waiting for the other two sea beasts to strike first, and the warship side also stopped moving forward. All kinds of weapons and equipment have been prepared, but they don't know what kind of attack method the sea beast has.

In the end, the sea beast side couldn't help but make the first move. The great white shark suddenly changed the direction of the parade, and rushed directly towards a frigate.

The dorsal fin of the great white shark pierced the waves and pointed directly at the frigate. The already gloomy water surface became extremely dark. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the huge shark hidden under the water was the biggest threat. Sharks must not be allowed to approach!

The great white shark hides underwater, and the weapons on board are very difficult to kill the shark, so the captain of the frigate immediately made a decision and shouted into the intercom: "Launch underwater missiles to stop the shark from approaching!" , In addition, the high-voltage coil is ready!"

The underwater missiles immediately started to launch from the bottom of the water. The approach of the great white shark was like the impact of an iceberg. The dorsal fin on the surface of the water was tens of meters high, and the underwater body was the largest.

"Boom..." The underwater missile hit the approaching shark, and there was a violent explosion immediately. Huge water columns appeared on the sea surface, and the huge explosion successfully prevented the great white shark from approaching. If the missile hits an ordinary ship, it can produce a violent explosion on the spot, which can sink the ship. However, the great white shark suffered from more than a dozen missiles, and apart from a slight slowdown in speed, there was no other abnormality.

There was a blood-red stream of water on the surface of the water. The observer saw this scene and immediately understood: "The shark is injured. The underwater missile is effective and can indeed cause damage!"

The captain breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the observer's report. It is very difficult to effectively kill the underwater enemy. Previously, there were mutated octopuses from warships at sea. Due to the soft body of the mutated octopus, underwater missiles It failed to cause effective damage, and at this time, underwater missiles can cause damage to mutant sharks, which means that relying on human strength can also defeat sea beasts.

After the mutated shark suffered injuries, many large and small wounds appeared on its body, and blood flowed out. The shark's sense of smell is very sensitive in the sea, but now it smells the smell of blood, and it suddenly goes crazy. The mutated shark in a berserk state Immediately, he rushed towards the warship again, even faster than before.

Great white sharks are carnivorous, and there have been many attacks on humans around the world. The number of human beings killed in the mouth of great white sharks has triple digits, and great white sharks can smell blood within a few kilometers. Once they smell blood , then swim over to eat meat immediately, and the smell of blood is equivalent to the switch of the shark's berserk, as long as it smells the smell of blood, for the shark, this is a signal to eat.

The observer found that the shark was approaching again, and quickly reported: "Captain, the shark is coming again!"

The captain continued to command: "Continue to launch underwater missiles, put the high-voltage coil in the sea water, wait until the shark approaches, and immediately turn on the switch!"

From the underwater position, the missile was launched again, and the missile drew white straight lines underwater, heading straight for the great white shark.

Judging from the reaction of the great white shark, its huge body is still difficult to cause fatal damage. The explosion of the missile can do limited damage underwater and cannot cause huge lacerations. The damage suffered by the great white shark is only skin trauma. However, as long as Missiles that can hit the shark's gills, or that can penetrate the shark's mouth and inflict damage from the inside, can also kill it.

Fish live in water, and the most important part is actually the gills. Once the gills are damaged, the fish will not be able to breathe in the water and will suffocate to death!

The great white shark was in a berserk state, but it didn't lose its mind. After being attacked by underwater missiles, the shark obviously knew how powerful it was, and didn't want to resist such severe damage. The direction of movement, dodging the attack of underwater missiles.

At this time, the great white shark rushed towards the frigate again, and its swimming trajectory became irregular. Sometimes it rushed straight, sometimes turned, and even learned to turn around. After avoiding the shooting of underwater missiles, it kept going near.

The ocean has always been the territory of the great white shark. Although the great white shark is huge, it is always too small compared to the ocean. In the wanton swimming underwater, the great white shark escaped the underwater missile.

In the end, the great white shark approached the frigate. In order to protect itself, the frigate immediately activated the high-voltage coil, and a huge current burst out instantly. The great white shark could avoid the underwater missile, but the current was impossible to dodge. The huge current flowed from the coil When it was released, the great white shark was instantly twitched by electricity, the waves on the water surface kept churning, and even the frigate began to shake.

The powerful electric current acts on the great white shark, causing the great white shark to twitch in an instant, but the size of the great white shark is still too big, and the high voltage still cannot kill it. I dare not approach the frigate within.

The moment the great white shark's attack started, the other two sea beasts also started to move. The big squid started to move first. The squid has a word "thief". First of all, it is because of its strong life-saving ability. Find a way to escape, so squid is synonymous with timidity in the eyes of others.

At the moment, the squid's fighting method is not to rush forward recklessly, but to spray out a jet of black ink first. The sky was originally gloomy, and the water surface was also dark blue. Now, after the squid sprayed out the black ink, the surrounding sea water instantly It became even darker. In this situation, the squid kept squeezing the water in its abdomen underwater, and its streamlined body immediately rushed towards the frigate. The observers on the deck could not see the squid's actions clearly.

Fortunately, there is a sonar device on the frigate. The squid thought that it blocked the light so that others could not see it. In this way, it could get close to the frigate, but the sonar could clearly see every move of the big squid. Immediately began to launch underwater missile interception.

The water surface began to oscillate again, the waves rolled more than ten meters high, and the frigate swayed endlessly. The squid's body was really soft. Obviously the missile had already hit the squid's body, but it slid away from the squid's body. There were only a few missiles It hit the squid's head, and then there was an explosion.

There is a bone in the head of the squid, which is called sea scorpion in traditional Chinese medicine. Only when it hits this bone can the missile explode. The body of the giant squid is 500 meters long, and the damage of the missile is also very limited. In the end, Under the continuous approach of the squid, the frigate could only be forced to turn on the high-voltage coil, forcing the squid to stop approaching.

At the same time, the big turtle on the front exposed its shell and slowly approached the frigate ahead.

The sea turtle's tactics are very simple. Take no time to rush. After exposing the turtle shell, they approach the frigate. Immediately, the fighter jets on the cruiser and frigate have found an opportunity. As for the underwater sea beasts, the fighter jets have no way to deal with them, so there has been no Take off, at this moment, if the sea turtle dared to expose its shell, it must attack.

"Whoosh..." The fighter jets cut through the sky quickly, and then began to shoot cross-fire. Countless bullets fell as if they didn't need money, and directly hit the turtle's shell.

"Tuk-tuk..." The bullets fired by the fighter plane hit the shell of the turtle, and there was a dull sound immediately, but the turtle continued to swim as if it didn't feel anything, and its speed was not affected.

"Can you stop the bullets, right? Then I'll see if you can stop the missiles!" The pilots became anxious when they found out that the bullets couldn't break through the turtle's defense, and immediately used the missiles carried by the fighter jets to launch downwards. .

With such a huge body shape of the sea turtle, the missiles easily hit the turtle shell, "boom", after the two missiles hit the sea turtle, there was a violent explosion immediately, thick smoke billowed, and the sea turtle's shell instantly cracked .

There was a strong wind on the sea, the rain kept falling, and the thick smoke temporarily dissipated. At this time, the situation on the turtle's back also appeared in the eyes of everyone. Two missiles directly blasted two huge holes in the turtle's shell, and the explosion exploded. In the area, the tortoise's shell has been shattered, and the bottom is bloody.

The pilots breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene. Now it seems that the missile is still useful.

"Let you not dive, next, just wait to be bombed!" the pilots said to themselves.

However, at this moment, the shell on the turtle's back suddenly began to heal. There was a deep crack before, but after a moment, the crack disappeared. Moreover, in the big hole that was bloody and bloody, the shell unexpectedly reappeared. When it grows out, it only takes a few breaths, and the turtle shell becomes intact.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened. They couldn't believe what they saw. Sea turtles had such a terrifying ability to recover!

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