The original battle at sea has come to an end. Neither the fleet nor the sea beasts can do anything to each other, but the disadvantage of the fleet is also obvious, that is, it is difficult to replenish the ammunition on board after consumption, so continue to fight. The disadvantage of the fleet side will become more and more obvious, so the Tianxuan Bureau needs to merge with the Ability Management Bureau.

During the voyage, it was already very difficult for the sea beasts to organize an attack. Therefore, many soldiers thought that if they could join up with the Northern Fleet smoothly, their safety would be guaranteed.

Unexpectedly, at dusk, the frigate on the west side leaked water, and the soldiers were about to seal the gap. If the gap was not blocked, the frigate would not be able to sail even if it did not sink.

"Protect the leaking ships and stop sailing for all!" Seeing this situation, the fleet commander had no choice but to stop sailing.

The goal of soldiers is to obey orders, but no one is willing to abandon their comrades in arms. Therefore, in the case of a ship leaking, the top priority solution is to stop and wait. As long as the gap is plugged, the voyage can continue.

When the captain of the leaking frigate heard the news, he was very angry, and asked directly: "Did you check the hull before going to sea? It has not been hit, why is it leaking?"

The soldiers were also very puzzled at this time, but they still reported loudly: "We inspect the hull three times a day before going to sea, and we have never found any problems. Now it is leaking. We don't know why. Maybe it is the aging of the hull, or it may be Parts of the ship are damaged!"

The captain was very helpless, and said: "Closing the gap quickly, we can't implicate other brothers just because our ship is damaged!"

The soldiers immediately began to seal the leak. Fortunately, there was only a fist-sized gap in the cabin, and it could be quickly plugged.

The damaged frigate was busy sealing the gap, and the sea battle started again. In order to protect the damaged ship, the cruiser and three frigates drove around the damaged ship to protect the ship.

The giant squid dived suddenly at this time, and never appeared on the surface again. The great white shark began to cruise around the fleet, but did not approach for a long time. It seemed that it was possessed by a pulled donkey. It swam round and round, and its dorsal fin Being exposed on the water, it seems that they want to stun the people on board.

As for the big turtle that was thrown far to the rear, it had already caught up at this time, and its huge body like a hill was about to hit the frigate on the outside.

Seeing this situation, the frigate quickly launched underwater missiles to slow down the speed of the turtle, and the plane on the frigate also took off again, preparing to use powerful firepower to prevent the turtle from approaching.

However, this time, the sea turtle was still approaching, even if it risked being hit on the head by an underwater missile, it must rush forward.

After the missile hit the sea turtle, there was a violent explosion immediately, and the sea turtle suffered extremely serious injuries. However, as long as the brain was not injured, the sea turtle would not die for a while, and the injuries on its body could be recovered by using supernatural powers.

In the end, the huge size of the turtle still hit the frigate firmly. "Boom", after a loud noise, the frigate also tilted. Even if the huge frigate hits the reef, nothing may happen. Now But it tilted, and it only became like this after being hit by a sea turtle.

At this time, the frigate finally started to electrify, and the high-voltage electricity flowed freely in the water. The turtle was shocked by the electric shock and suddenly shook. The huge current was simply unbearable for the turtle. Its shell can block missiles and bullets, but the current can directly attack it The fragile interior, if it continues to withstand electric shocks, it can't stand it.

At that moment, the turtle retreated quickly, and the frigate's hull rebalanced.

After a whole day of fighting, the soldiers have seen that the real way to deal with sea beasts is to electrify them underwater. There are insulating materials on the hull, and the bodies of these sea beasts are not insulated. Conducting electricity, as long as it is electrified underwater, it can cause great damage to sea beasts.

It's a pity that the energy on the warship is limited, and it is impossible to power it on at any time. Otherwise, as long as the surrounding sea water is always powered on, it will be able to defend against most of the sea beasts' attacks.

The sea turtle is still the same as before, exposing the shell to withstand the attack, and may ram the warship at any time.

Twenty minutes later, the leaky frigate finally successfully repaired the leaky cabin.

"Report, the leaky cabin has been repaired, and the voyage can continue!" The soldier immediately reported to the captain.

Hearing this answer, the captain heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately wanted to inform the rest of the ships to continue sailing. In short, the situation is critical now, and time can no longer be wasted. Only by joining the reinforcements as soon as possible can they be able to resist the attack of sea beasts.

It's a pity that the house leak happened to rain all night, and the boat broke and was hit by waves. At this time, a soldier came to report, "Captain, there is another leak in the cabin, with a diameter of more than ten centimeters!"

"Fix the loophole quickly, and quickly use the water pump to pump out the accumulated water in the bottom cabin!" The captain heard the bad news and could only order his soldiers to continue patching the loophole.

There is already a lot of water in the bottom layer of the cabin, which can submerge the knees. This is only the result of a water leak within ten minutes. Now the accumulated water must be discharged in time.

If the water in the cabin can cover the head, then the divers can only repair the leaks, and the repair will be extremely difficult at that time.

The water pump starts to work immediately, the end of the pipe is under the cabin, and the machine is on the deck. When the water pump starts, the accumulated water under the cabin is immediately pumped away.

The captain fell silent, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, why do the warships on his side have loopholes one after another? Obviously, the ship has been carefully inspected before going to sea, even if there are loopholes, it is impossible for two of them to appear in a short period of time!

"Could it be the result of these three sea beasts? But during this time, the sea beasts have not been able to approach the ship. How did these sea beasts do it?" The captain began to think silently in his heart, but he couldn't think of a clue. Obviously the ship was not hit or attacked, so how could it suddenly leak?

Just when the captain couldn't figure out the reason, the staff officer suddenly walked in, holding a porcelain bowl in his hand, which contained muddy sea water, and when he entered the command room, he hurriedly said: "Captain, look quickly, this is The sea water found in the cabin, this sea water is not normal!"

As he said that, the staff officer inserted the acid-base detector into the water, and the value on the meter changed immediately, finally showing that the acidity was a full 3, such a strong acidity is already very serious.

"What's going on?" The captain was stunned when he saw that the acidity of the seawater was so serious. Could it be that the leak in the cabin is the result of corrosion? But how can there be such a strong acidity in seawater? It's completely unreasonable. I've never heard of such a severe acidity in sea areas. Also, how are the other ships all right?

The staff officer quickly said: "Captain, some soldiers came to report just now, saying that after the leak was welded, the soldiers who participated in the sealing of the leak all turned red and were in hot pain. I felt something was wrong with the sea water, so I took a bowl I came to test it, but I didn’t expect the acidity of the seawater to be so serious. I think the leaking of the ship has something to do with the seawater!”

"Let all the soldiers who seal the loopholes put on diving suits before taking action. Also, immediately find the location of the three sea beasts and do it right away!" the captain said quickly.

The staff immediately went to do these things. Finally, some observers found the location of the three sea beasts. The location of the sea turtle was the most obvious. Its shell was always exposed on the sea surface, and even humans could see it with the naked eye, while the great white shark It was still cruising around, and the fleet was already in the circle. As for the squid, it quietly dived to the underwater position, and it was just under the damaged frigate.

At this time, the captain came to his senses, slapped his head and said: "I understand, the squid's ability is to use hydrogen ions. During the previous voyage, the squid was also the closest to us, so we were the first to be recruited. There will be holes in the cabin because of the corrosion of hydrogen ions!"

The staff officer was also thinking seriously at this time. After much deliberation, this is really the only possibility. Otherwise, how could there be loopholes in the warship that has been inspected all the time?

"I suggest reporting to the leader immediately, let the cruiser launch tracking missiles, first force the squid away, and then we can't let the squid approach any further!" The staff officer immediately suggested.

The captain nodded, and immediately contacted the commander on the cruiser for help in tracking the missile.

The cruiser responded immediately, the underwater launch bay opened, and several homing missiles went straight to the underwater squid. As long as the homing missiles locked on the target, they would continue to pursue and change the direction of flight underwater.

After being locked by the missile, the squid saw that something was wrong, and immediately went underwater. It was dusk, the underwater light was very bad, and the temperature in the deep water was also very low. As a result, the tracking missile could not catch the target, and finally fell into the deep sea.

The ocean has always been the world of marine animals. These creatures have mastered the skills of survival, and the best skill among them is to drill into the deep sea. In the deep sea, that is the sanctuary of marine animals.

After evading the missile attack in the deep sea, the squid swam towards the water again. Next, the squid used its supernatural ability to gather the hydrogen ions in the water to the central area of ​​the fleet. Immediately, the acidity of the seawater around the frigate rose instantly. Corrosion continues on the frigate.

Later, the frigate had another loophole, and the outer wall of the cabin was continuously corroded. If this continued, the frigate with the damaged center would definitely become riddled with holes.

In order to protect the frigate, the cruiser can only continuously launch tracking missiles, hoping to drive the squid away. Unfortunately, this is futile. After the squid sensed something was wrong, it immediately drilled into the deep sea. The tracking of the missiles is through light and infrared tracking. However, these two trackers don't work in the deep sea area, the light is dim, and the surroundings are extremely cold. The infrared detectors can't find any high-temperature objects at all, and they can only fall into the sea. As for whether it explodes or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

The cuttlefish is worthy of the word "thief". At least from a tactical point of view, it is the most insidious. It is basically not injured, but it poses the greatest threat to the fleet. The frigate in the center has been corroded by acid water and has to stop now. Repair, but as long as the squid is still relatively close to the frigate, it will only lead to its silence in the end.

Half an hour later, under the continuous corrosion of the acid water, thirty loopholes appeared on the central ship. The appearance of so many loopholes meant that the ship could no longer be repaired, and the tracking missiles on the cruiser had already been consumed. Many, the squid was not injured at this time.

In this situation, the captain had no choice but to announce an order, "Prepare the boat immediately, everyone put on life jackets, and prepare to take refuge on a nearby ship. Now we can only abandon this ship!"

After this order was issued, all the people on board couldn't accept it. They also had a deep relationship with the ship. At this time, they had to abandon the ship under their feet for their own lives. It was as uncomfortable as abandoning an old partner. However, now there is no other way but to obey orders!

Facing the current situation, the captain made a helpless decision, and he finally thought of a way to deal with the corrosion of squid acid water, that is to sail recklessly, and use the current to wash away the acid water beside the ship. Come down and patch the gaps, then eventually the holes on the ship will become more and more!

However, at this moment, some observers noticed something was wrong. The great white shark that had been cruising around the fleet before disappeared, as if it had left here.

"Fortunately, there is good news. There are still two sea beasts left, and the pressure will be much easier." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The ship was also forced to abandon one.

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