Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 385: The Heavy Responsibility Is Entrusted To You

In the sea, it is not so easy to kill giant sea beasts. If it is on land, the problem is undoubtedly very simple. An artillery battalion can solve all the sea beasts.

In front of such shells, the hills will be flattened, let alone sea beasts, so what if the recovery ability is strong, and it will consume all energy.

But in the ocean, it is too simple for sea beasts to avoid missiles, just like squids, as long as they drill into the deep sea, there will be no problem.

Therefore, Li Keyi also proposed his own method, which is to use poison, especially highly poisonous. Although the means are disgraceful, as long as it is useful, the way to kill sea beasts is

good idea.

Regarding this method, no one can say that it is not good, but the disadvantage still exists, that is, there is no poison on board, so it becomes difficult to use poison.

At this time, Li Keyi was also very helpless, and said: "Let us, the supernatural beings, discuss it first. Perhaps, the cooperation between the supernatural beings can have good results."

Afterwards, Li Keyi quickly contacted Shen Feng and asked Shen Feng to come back, and everyone had a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

After Shen Feng landed, he quickly came to the library, which had become the office of the supernatural beings, and the soldiers could not object, but waited.

Aiming at the way squids corrode the hull, the fleet's method is very simple, that is to use missiles to expel them, and this is definitely not the way to go, because the number of missiles carried by warships is limited

, Therefore, once the missiles are exhausted, everyone will still face the squid's acid attack.

After Shen Feng sat down, he put the paraglider aside, stretched his arms, leaned on the seat and said: "If it is on land, my combat effectiveness is not to brag, it is better than those here.

Everyone must be strong, but now at sea, my combat power is not worth mentioning. The next battle is mainly for you to find a way. "

Qi Lingshan thought for a while, and said seriously: "To tell you the truth, my ability is to use nitrogen gas, and liquid nitrogen can also be used in it. It is also fine to directly freeze sea water. Why don't I use my ability to turn the hull of the ship into four corners?"

The week is frozen, and by then, the acid will not be able to corrode the hull, isn't that all right? "

Qi Lingshan felt that his method was very good. As long as the surroundings of the hull were frozen, the acid would not be able to exert its corrosive effect.

Everyone present nodded, thinking that this idea was very good, but Li Keyi shook his head.

"Are you all fools? Can you agree to such a bad suggestion?" Li Keyi said displeased: "Once the surrounding sea water is frozen, the propellers on the ship will also be frozen.

The lower muzzle is also blocked by ice, how can the fleet move? Do you want to spend time with sea beasts? "

Qi Lingshan retracted his head and stopped talking.

Yue Hengyi looked at Fang Qinghao at the side, poked him, and said, "You are a supernatural being who uses water, and the sea is your home field. Say something."

Everyone's eyes focused on Fang Qinghao in an instant, Fang Qinghao also had to stand up, and said helplessly: "I can use sea water to dispel the strong acid around the hull, but I am so

Small, the squid is so big, I can't compete with the squid in physical strength, right? One hundred is not enough for me to consume squid! "

Fang Qinghao knew his level. He could use the current to wash away the acid water around the hull, but he could do it once or twice, but he could barely do it ten times or eight times. He kept fighting with the squid.

If it is consumed, this is completely unbearable.

Li Keyi frowned, and said in a low voice: "Since this diving squid is difficult to deal with, can we let it leave the water? As long as it leaves the water, there is a chance to kill it."

Fang Qinghao thought carefully for a while, and then said: "If the squid is very close to the water surface, I can indeed use the supernatural power to directly throw the squid out of the water, but

, at my level, I can barely do it once. If I can't attack successfully this time, then I won't be able to throw the squid out of the water for the second time. "

This is the best news Li Keyi has heard so far. Fang Qinghao really has a way to get the squid out of the water. However, this needs to lure the squid to near the water surface to activate,

The conditions are relatively harsh, and there is only one chance. If the squid cannot be killed, there will be no second chance.

"Who can lure the squid to the surface? Who can kill the squid?" Li Keyi continued to ask.

Everyone present stopped talking, because no one could do this.

Shen Feng thought for a while, and said: "Why don't we cooperate with the Tianxuan Bureau to see if they have any way to lure the squid. If it is to kill the squid, I believe many people will

It can be done, the hard part is luring the squid to the surface, isn't it? "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the group of people from the Ability Management Bureau immediately turned black. They were calculated by the group of people from the Tianxuan Bureau in Yanjing before, and now they need to cooperate with this group of people.

Forget the past grievances, people are not grass, how can you be ruthless? How can the previous hatred just be forgotten?

"I don't want to get involved in this matter. I don't have any grievances with those people. You decide for yourself!" Ke Yiming said first.

Ke Yiming has been stationed in the Three Gorges for a long time, and usually performs special tasks. Although he is affiliated with the Ability Administration Bureau, he has not been under conspiracy, and Qin Kewei's sometimes attitude

He also didn't regard Ke Yiming as one of his own, so Ke Yiming looked indifferent.

Qin Kewei's face was ugly, but he could only nod his head in agreement, and said, "Now is not the time to throw temper tantrums, the most important thing at present is to complete the task, let's put aside the past grievances for now, let's put

Let's talk about the sea beast problem once we've solved it! "

Qin Kewei still has an attitude of condescension, and Fang Qinghao and Yue Hengyi are familiar with her thoughts, so they can only nod slightly at the moment, as they agree with Shen Feng's suggestion.

Without further ado, Shen Feng picked up the paraglider and left, flew to Gong Changfa's side, and asked directly: "Is there anyone in your Tianxuan bureau who can lure squid? As long as they can lure squid to the surface of the water."

, then Fang Qinghao will be able to throw the squid out of the water, and then we will seize this opportunity to kill the squid. Everything is ready, and we only owe Dongfeng. "

When Gong Changfa heard this idea, he also thought it was a good idea, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of anyone who could lure the squid to the surface. It seemed that there was no such person in the Tianxuan Bureau.

At this time, Xun Yan said to Gong Changfa in a low voice: "Captain, have you forgotten Zhou Jiuxiang? His supernatural power seems to have a chance!"

Gong Changfa himself hadn't figured out who in the Tianxuan Bureau had such ability, but after Xun Yan reminded him, he immediately remembered that there was indeed such a person in the Tianxuan Bureau, so he quickly said

: "We have a man named Zhou Jiuxiang in Tianxuan Bureau. His ability is very ordinary, and he doesn't even have any combat ability. It is the ability to synthesize various hormones, at most it is the ability to synthesize adrenaline or something like that.

, I don't know if it can work! "

Shen Feng had no choice but to say, "I'll take the person there first. As for whether it can be done, let's discuss it. By the way, you should also prepare. Once the squid is thrown out of the water, when the time comes

Waiting for everyone to work together! "

Gong Changfa nodded, and then told Zhou Jiuxiang's location. Shen Feng found someone. It was a young man with a haggard face, as if he had a kidney deficiency.

When Shen Feng brought him back to the library, Li Keyi thought about it and said, "Squid likes astaxanthin very much. It seems to have antioxidant effect. Can you synthesize it?"

Zhou Jiuxiang was stunned when he heard this question, and asked, "What is astaxanthin? What is its structure?"

Zhou Jiuxiang is a liberal arts student, but he has the ability to synthesize hormones. This is the most painful thing in the world. A liberal arts student has to learn the structure of various chemical substances.

Reluctantly, Li Keyi found a book and showed Zhou Jiuxiang the structure of astaxanthin. Zhou Jiuxiang still didn't understand it, and said, "Is there any astaxanthin for me? Maybe I can get along after eating it."

come out. "

Just by looking at the structural formula, Zhou Jiuxiang can't synthesize it, so the most direct way is to eat some astaxanthin and put it in his mouth. In this way, the ability may also play a role.

Yue Hengyi said dissatisfiedly: "Where can we find astaxanthin for you? If there is astaxanthin, we will throw it into the sea directly. Why are we looking for you?"

Li Keyi thought for a while, and said: "There seems to be salmon in the kitchen, and there is astaxanthin in it, bring one here, let him eat it raw, and see the result, if it doesn't work, let's first

Let's go back and rest for a few days. It is still too difficult to deal with such a large sea beast without taking poison to go to sea. "

Immediately, someone brought the salmon over, and the chef thoughtfully cut the salmon into fillets. Zhou Jiuxiang looked up and asked, "Is there any soy sauce and vinegar?"

"Do you think you are eating breakfast now?" Fang Qinghao couldn't stand it any longer. If I gave you soy sauce and vinegar, would you fucking be able to taste it?

Zhou Jiuxiang had no choice but to hold the fish fillet and put it in his mouth. Now he can't pay attention to the taste. Although the meat of salmon is delicious, you can't just eat meat?

After eating the salmon, Zhou Jiuxiang suddenly had a strange feeling, and said: "I probably know what astaxanthin looks like, and I can barely synthesize it. What should I do next?"

What to do? "

Hearing this answer, Li Keyi breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that there is still a chance to kill the squid, and the plan can go ahead.

"Tie the rope to your body, and then you follow Chang Haojie. Later, you release astaxanthin into the water to lure the squid. When the squid comes to the surface, Chang Haojie will pull you up

! " Li Keyi said calmly.

As soon as Zhou Jiuxiang heard about this plan, he immediately wanted to object. Did he exist as a bait? Why would you let yourself do such a dangerous thing?

Ever since, Zhou Jiuxiang shook his head immediately, those who didn't know it thought it was the reincarnation of the electric fan, and it didn't feel tiring to keep shaking his head.

Ke Yiming didn't bother to talk nonsense, he took out the rope and walked forward, saying: "If you want to achieve great things, you have to do things that ordinary people can't do. Now the opportunity to become famous is in front of you, and you can't help it."

Got you! "

While talking, Ke Yiming tied up Zhou Jiuxiang with five flowers, Yue Hengyi and Hou Xiaohua also came up to help, and did not give Zhou Jiuxiang a chance to resist at all.

Poor Zhou Jiuxiang was confused and brought to the library by Shen Feng to discuss a decision, and then he was tied up as a bait. He wanted to resist opponents who were not other supernatural beings, so he could only cry incessantly.

begged, but it was obviously useless.

The rope has been soaked in water and it is very strong. Even if it is thrown into the water, it will not swell. Ke Yiming also made a dead knot and trapped Zhou Jiuxiang.

The rope will get tighter.

"Please tie it looser, it hurts me too much!" Zhou Jiuxiang saw that he could not escape the fate as the bait, so he could only accept his fate, but the rope was really too tight.

Ke Yiming gave a rare compliment: "How can the tiger not be tied tightly?"

Then the other end of the rope was handed over to Chang Haojie, and Shen Feng said to Chang Haojie: "The heavy responsibility of fishing squid will be entrusted to you, do you have confidence?"

Chang Haojie nodded, seriousness written on his face, and said, "I will definitely complete the task."

When Zhou Jiuxiang saw that his life had been handed over to a child, all thoughts were lost, and he shouted, "This is murder, I want to go home, I want to go home..."

Chang Haojie didn't care about this, after bringing Zhou Jiuxiang to the deck, he summoned the clouds, threw Zhou Jiuxiang on top of the clouds, and then flew to the surrounding sea area with him, Chang Haojie

Anyway, he is also a second-level supernatural user, and his strength is still fine. Although he is a child, his strength is not much worse than ordinary superhumans.

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