Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 391 The Shrunken Meteorite

Li Keyi was looking for materials in the captain's cabin, so she didn't rush to the deck in time. When she arrived, she found that many people around her showed the same expressions as before, and the faces of these people The smile is very strange.

In the end, Shen Feng coughed twice, and said to Li Keyi: "Then what, your private box has moved, you should deal with it quickly."

Li Keyi also saw the vibrating box at this time, and was suddenly pleasantly surprised. He held the box and said, "My experiment was successful. It seems that there is indeed a substance that can isolate the electromagnetic waves of meteorites. The next plan is to salvage meteorites." It's going to be a lot smoother."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became puzzled, "Experiment, what experiment?"

Li Keyi explained: "Don't look at the simple box in my hand, but there is knowledge inside. The box is customized by me. The outer layer is solid wood, the interlayer is lead plate, and the innermost layer is graphite. With the mobile phone in it, the lid of the box is also embedded in the design, leaving almost no gaps.”

"It turns out that the box is a mobile phone." Shen Feng suddenly realized, it seemed that he had misunderstood.

Li Keyi frowned and asked, "Otherwise what do you think it is?"

Shen Feng smiled, but didn't answer.

Yue Hengyi asked very puzzled: "Doctor, you have spent so much effort, is it just to find a way to bring the mobile phone into God's Domain? Is this layout too small?"

"It's because your layout is small!" Li Keyi said unceremoniously: "You only saw me bring my mobile phone into the God's Domain, so let me ask you, why are all electronic devices unavailable in the God's Domain? But my mobile phone But can it vibrate on time?"

"Then didn't you just say that? This box of yours isolates electromagnetic waves!" Yue Hengyi said as a matter of course.

Li Keyi nodded, and said: "Since the box can isolate electromagnetic waves, where should the salvaged meteorite be placed? Can it be pulled back with a 30-kilometer iron chain? Can't it be done? It's very difficult! So, first of all, Find a way to isolate electromagnetic waves, so that they can be brought back to Yanjing smoothly, understand?"

It was only then that Yue Hengyi realized that Li Keyi had such deep considerations. According to her intention, she wanted to build a huge box to hold meteorites. After the meteorite is installed, the domain of the gods will disappear, and then ordinary people will be able to find a way to get close to the meteorite.

Li Keyi thought for a while and said: "At this moment, the most important thing is actually to find the location of the meteorite. After we find the location of the meteorite, we will try to salvage it and contact Yanjing to let them quickly customize the container. Be quicker, and before others come here, we will salvage and transport the meteorite first, so as to save the follow-up scramble."

At present, the Chinese fleet is the first to come to God's Domain, so there are advantages that others do not have in salvaging meteorites. Others are still on the way. Both the Tianxuan Bureau and the Ability Administration have entered God's Domain. If salvaging, wait until other fleets appear, then the advantage of the Physical Fitness Administration will be lost.

"Since this is the case, then I have to act faster, try to find the meteorite as soon as possible, and then start salvaging!" Qin Kewei also nodded seriously. The time advantage must not be wasted in vain. Only holding the meteorite in your hand is the most reassuring practice.

Two minutes later, the vibration of the box ended, Li Keyi put the meteorite on the deck again, and everyone continued to clean the ferry.

Ke Yiming found many crates in the ship's warehouse Curry. These crates looked very strong. When he opened them, he found that the boxes were full of gold bars. Each gold bar weighed 200 grams. There are more than twenty crates piled up, so much gold, if you do any calculations, it is already more than one ton.

"Damn, what a rich man! No wonder you can still take a ship in the apocalypse. Rich people are different." Ke Yiming looked at the gold bars in his hand, and quickly grabbed a few and stuffed them into his backpack.

However, Ke Yiming thought for a while calmly, then took out the gold bars from the backpack and put them back into the box.

"I'm really confused, how can I do such a thing, I'm really out of my mind!" Ke Yiming said angrily.

While talking, Ke Yiming left with a big box in his arms. What's the use of just taking a few gold bars? At most, he could buy a few tons of grain, but now, if he wanted to take more, he was timid, not like a man.

"When I return to the Three Gorges, I will find a way to improve my life, build a manor for my wife, find dozens of servants, and live a corrupt life." Ke Yiming smiled and thought in his heart.

All the corpses on the ferry were eventually thrown into the sea. These corpses drifted away along the current, and the environment on board was much cleaner.

Qin Kewei said to everyone: "The ship is still drifting, if you want to stop the ship, you have to drop anchor first. Besides, there is a lack of drinking water on board, so we have to save the drinking water we bring. Use, as for washing feet and face, it is better to use sea water, and finally, it is to communicate with the outside world, the boat must not be lost, otherwise, we will be in trouble if we want to go out."

At this time, Fang Qinghao said slowly: "I can go into the water with an oxygen tank to look for meteorites. The water pressure has no effect on me, but the light underwater is a big problem. There is no light in the deep sea, so I can't see the specific situation on the bottom of the sea." !"

Li Keyi frowned and thought about it, but also felt very helpless. The meteorite is located on the bottom of the sea. The water depth here is at least three thousand meters. Ordinary people can't dive into such a deep place. Only Fang Qinghao can go down, but if Fang Qinghao goes down, but Can't see clearly.

"Didn't it mean that there are a lot of luminous jellyfish in the sea? Why don't you use the light of these jellyfish to go into the water, as long as you can find meteorites, it's easy to catch a few jellyfish." Shen Feng also made a suggestion at this time.

"In this case, it's better to find fluorescent fuel. The jellyfish's ability to glow does not depend on fluorescent substances, but there may not be such things on the fleet." Li Keyi said helplessly.

Hou Xiaohua quickly said: "I think there are a lot of fluorescent substances on the fleet. Have you forgotten the fluorescent sticks? When the fighter jets on the ship landed at night, the guides were directing with fluorescent sticks. Let's leave God's Domain and go to the fleet. Find what you need."

Ke Yiming thought for a while and said, "I'll go! I've left this matter to me, and now it's time for me to show myself. I'll personally sail the boat to find the light sticks, and I'll bring the diving suit and so on. , and the urgently needed electromagnetic wave isolation container, I remember very clearly, let me go!"

"Why are you so active? This is not your usual style." Shen Feng felt very strange when he saw Ke Yiming volunteering, but he didn't expect Ke Yiming to volunteer to do such troublesome things.

Ke Yiming quickly defended himself, saying: "I have always been very active. This is for the sake of the country and our own interests. Of course I have worked hard to complete the task. Give me this opportunity to perform!"

"Okay, I won't rob you, you go and come back quickly, three things must be done, fluorescent sticks, electromagnetic wave isolating containers, diving suits and oxygen cylinders, all of which are indispensable!" Qin Kewei saw Ke Yiming volunteered and did not refuse, so he gave Ke Yiming the task of leaving God's Domain to contact the fleet.

Ke Yiming was overjoyed, and immediately started preparations. With a heavy backpack on his back, he boarded the boat quickly, and then sailed towards the distance.

After sitting on the boat, Ke Yiming thought elatedly: "I have two hundred catties of gold now, and I will work a few more times in the future and save a little more property. Isn't it possible to build the manor?"

In Ke Yiming's backpack, everything was heavy with gold. He didn't announce the news that he had discovered the gold, so he was going to eat alone, and took the gold to the room to hide in batches. Bring the gold back with you.

After Ke Yiming found the fleet, he boarded the ship immediately, and said directly to the soldiers: "Hurry up and prepare some diving suits and enough oxygen cylinders. I'll go back to my room first, and I will contact Yanjing later. Headquarters is going to prepare some things to send over, you guys hurry up and do it! By the way, light sticks, prepare enough light sticks!"

The soldiers hurriedly prepared the needed supplies, and at the same time, some people contacted their superiors to prepare for the next contact with Yanjing.

Ke Yiming took advantage of the situation and returned to his room, opened the closet, threw the clothes on the bed, put the gold bars in the backpack neatly, and finally locked the closet.

"A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass! It is God's blessing that I have such a good opportunity, and now I can be regarded as a wealthy party!" Ke Yiming thought happily.

In the apocalypse, gold and silver are the hard currency. Of course, the hardest currency is food, but gold and silver are definitely worth a lot. The so-called golden prosperity in troubled times means that in troubled times, the value of gold and silver is the highest Yes, at present, major countries in the world use gold and silver as a means of transaction, and can also directly purchase food and other items.

The fleet gathered all the fluorescent sticks they carried and handed them over to Ke Yiming. There were a total of 500 sticks, and then sent the diving suit and oxygen cylinders to the gasoline boat. Then Ke Yiming contacted Yanjing's headquarters and said After getting the necessary supplies, he sailed back to God's Domain again.

After Fang Qinghao got the equipment, he also started to act. He first put on the diving suit, carried the oxygen cylinder on his back, and then jumped into the water. The limit of human diving is only 500 meters, and if he dives further, he will reach the limit. But Fang Qinghao doesn't have such worries. He himself is a person with the ability to control the water flow, and he hardly feels the water pressure underwater, so he is perfectly competent for the diving task.

Fang Qinghao grabbed the fluorescent stick and went into the water. There was no light at all in the deep sea, and there are generally only two things on the bottom of the deep sea, that is, shells and molluscs. Besides, even whales cannot survive for a long time. Staying in the deep sea, the huge water pressure is unbearable for these fish.

A few thousand meters underwater, the powerful water pressure squeezed over. If it was an ordinary person, they would have been crushed by such pressure and fractured, even breaking their internal organs.

The bottom of the sea is pitch black, with no sunlight at all, so it is impossible for aquatic plants and seaweed to grow. Instead, it has become a world of anaerobic organisms.

Fang Qinghao searched underwater for five days and found many stones on the bottom of the sea, but none of them were meteorites. It is said that meteorites will produce violent friction when passing through the atmosphere, so the surface will become liquid, and after solidification, Irregular bubble-like depressions will appear.

However, what Fang Qinghao found was not meteorites, but ordinary rocks.

While Fang Qinghao was searching hard, it was snowing on the bottom of the sea.

Sheets of white snowflakes fell from the surface of the water to the bottom of the sea, looking almost dreamlike.

The reason why it snows on the bottom of the sea is caused by plankton in the sea. After the plankton in the deep sea floated up, they saw the long-lost light, but died soon, and the corpses of these plankton formed white snowflakes. The surface of the water slowly falls to the bottom of the sea. Such a scene is rare, but it was met by Fang Qinghao.

It was also at this time that Fang Qinghao found the extraterrestrial meteorite!

With the help of the brightness of the fluorescent stick, Fang Qinghao saw the black stone lying quietly on the bottom of the water. This stone was covered with bubble-like depressions, which felt lumpy to the touch. Moreover, it was ten meters in diameter and had already been covered by the seabed. Snowflakes cover part of it.

"Didn't you say that the meteorite has a diameter of 20 meters? Why did the one I found only have a diameter of 10 meters?" Fang Qinghao was a little puzzled.

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