Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 403 Immortal

After hearing that the enemy was still spying on the sea not far away, Silinova immediately became angry, and was about to set off with the supernatural beings who could still fight. Entruf took the lead, rushed to the front, and started to cast Ability.

Once the "Ice Age" trick was used, a channel of ice blocks was formed in the sea area hundreds of meters ahead, and at the end of the channel were ships from North America.

Entruf's ability is to use ice, which is very powerful in sea battles, and his ability is even more powerful in winter. Siberia is very cold. Once winter comes, the wilderness is completely covered with snow. In this environment, there is no shortage of ice cubes, and ice cubes can be replenished anytime, anywhere.

Last night, when the big waves hit the wooden boat, the person who froze the big waves was Entruf, and at this time, Entruf also performed his supernatural power again, directly creating a channel on the water surface. At the end, a small boat has been frozen.

The person on board is naturally a North American supernatural being, and beside him is a beautiful woman who turns out to be Natalie who can release ultrasonic waves, and Natalie is a European supernatural being, but now she is following a North American supernatural person. The supernatural beings were on the same boat, and it was all because of Lieutenant General Tom's words that they had to go here to search.

This search does not matter. Natalie actually found a stone with a diameter of 20 meters under the ice cap. This diameter is very consistent with the previous discovery of the Astronomical Bureau. The stone with such a similar diameter is obviously the same as everyone in the Sea of ​​Silence. The meteorite I've been looking for!

After hearing the news, the three people on the boat immediately became anxious. Such important news must be reported to the superior as soon as possible. About to be robbed.

As a result, the three people on the boat were exposed at this time, and the boat was frozen by the ice. Facing a group of vicious enemies, the three of them panicked. If they were caught, they would really die Yes, there was only a bloody battle before, both sides were very angry, and they are still in a state of hostility, if this is really caught, the end will definitely be miserable.

Compared with the other two supernatural beings, Natalie was even more flustered at this time, because she saw a group of dark-skinned Indian supernatural beings rushing up. She had already heard about what happened to the monitor lizard before. I also heard from Andolph about the suffering of a white man in North America.

As long as Natalie thinks about the experience of being caught, the fear in her heart will suddenly increase. It would be fine if she was killed, but if she was going to be humiliated before she died, she couldn't accept it.

"Run! Let's find a way to leave quickly! Otherwise, once caught, it will be over!" Natalie quickly shouted to the two supernatural beings beside her.

These two supernatural beings are also very anxious, but now the ship has been frozen by ice and cannot move for a short time, and a large group of supernatural beings in front of them are still approaching. These footsteps are like death The sound of arrival is the same.

"Let's smash the ice, otherwise, it's really too late to run!" One of the supernatural beings shouted, his face was full of horror, he thought he came here quietly to explore the sea area , there won't be any great danger, but I didn't expect that I had been exposed in just a few minutes after appearing.

The two male supernatural beings quickly used their supernatural powers. After strengthening their muscles, they kept clenching their fists and smashing the ice, finally breaking the ice around the boat. Afterwards, the three quickly rowed and fled towards the distance.

Natalie was terrified. Although her physical strength was not good enough, she was also rowing vigorously in order to escape from the sky, trying to keep herself as far away from the group of enemies behind her as possible.

At this moment, a voice appeared in the sky: "Do you need help? I can restrain these people!"

The three people on the boat looked up, only to find that there was a huge bat flying in the sky, and when they looked carefully, they found that it was a person, this was their own!

As a result, the two male superhumans in North America quickly shouted: "Scott, we are being hunted down now, buy us time to escape, we have the news of the meteorite in our hands!"

When the "bat" in the sky heard this, he immediately understood the importance of the matter, so he left a sentence: "You wait, I will go back to find someone right away, I can't help alone, only Only when more people come over can we win.”

Obviously, Scott is not a fool. When he found more than 60 supernatural beings rushing towards the single three superhuman beings, he knew that he could not be of much use. His only All you can do is call someone.

Silkinova also discovered the supernatural beings in the sky, and couldn't help but said: "This must be the other party's support personnel. It seems that these people are here to inquire about our situation, and they cannot be allowed to leave at will, otherwise, The situation on our side will be controlled by the other party, shoot down that flying supernatural user for me!"

After she gave an order, among the supernatural beings on Indu's side, a supernatural being with slightly fair skin appeared immediately. Generally speaking, the caste of the Indu people can be roughly distinguished by looking at the skin color of the Indu people. People of high caste are naturally highly educated and have a good environment to live in. Although they live in tropical areas, they will not be exposed to the sun, and their skin is naturally better.

After the supernatural person stood up, he immediately cast his supernatural power, and bubbles popped up one by one in the water, as if the surrounding water had already boiled.

Afterwards, the Indian superhuman took out a lighter from his body, "click", the lighter ignited the flame, and a huge flame appeared in the air out of thin air, accompanied by bursts of violent explosions.

"Boom..." The flames appeared in the air along with the explosion. Scott in the sky didn't expect that he would encounter a long-range attack, and he didn't understand how the sudden flames and explosions in the sky came from.

At the moment, Scott can only work hard to increase his altitude. As long as he can fly high enough, he will not be easily attacked.

However, just when Scott thought he was far away from the explosion, a loud voice suddenly appeared beside him, "Boom", one of Scott's arms was blown off on the spot, and the forearm of his left hand It disappeared completely, and blood continued to flow out of the wound.

Scott was hit hard, and he didn't dare to stay any longer. He hurriedly flew towards the base. As long as he could fly to the base, the supernatural beings at the base would be able to heal his injuries. Root, saving life is the most important thing.

The supernatural being who caused all this is called Nulima. His supernatural ability is to manipulate hydrogen, so he has a huge advantage at sea. Someone did an experiment in a high school chemistry class. After electrolyzing water, hydrogen will be produced. and oxygen, and for supernatural beings, this step becomes easier.

As long as there is a water source, hydrogen will be continuously produced. Hydrogen is flammable, and it will explode when the purity is very low. He is very happy.

"We should take advantage of the victory to kill all three enemies and avenge our dead brothers!" Nurima shouted loudly.

People with supernatural powers in the Goose Country did not object either. They themselves are legendary fighting peoples. Under the tough folk customs, they always like to fight. His shame can only be washed away with blood.

More than sixty people with supernatural powers rushed out, while Entruf continued to display supernatural powers. On the way forward, pieces of ice floes appeared. These ice floes formed a road, allowing everyone to chase and kill them even at sea enemy.

Finally, Entruf cast his power again, and a road condensed with ice extended again, freezing the fleeing boat.

The three people on the boat were rowing desperately, trying to escape as much as possible, but the boat was frozen, and no matter how hard they rowed, the boat couldn't move forward at all.

"Dong dong", the wooden pulp in the hands of the three touched the ice around the ship, making a crashing sound, and this dull sound also reminded the three of them who were in a panic. Now the boat was frozen again, and now, despair really came.

Dozens of supernatural beings rushed up, ready to take down the three peeping guys. I heard that in ancient China, there was a way to boost morale by using the enemy to sacrifice to the sky before the battle. Silkinova is going to try it at this time .

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared, "It's over, under the witness of God, let me fall into the water!"

Silinova felt bad, the voice came from behind her, obviously all the supernatural beings had rushed over, so how could there be someone behind her?

"Crack..." The ice cubes under everyone's feet suddenly shattered, and at this time they also saw the enemy appearing behind them. He had a Mediterranean hairstyle and his sparse hair was still flying in the wind. And this guy was at least four years old. He looks ten years old, with a lot of wrinkles on his face and a small mustache under his nose.

Seeing this guy's appearance, Silinova was furious on the spot, because she recognized it. Isn't this guy the supernatural being who smashed his wooden boat into pieces? Unexpectedly, it appeared again now.

Everyone wanted to rush forward to take revenge, but there were more and more cracks in the ice under their feet. Facing Andorf's ability, the ice cap made by Entruf was completely useless, even the wooden boat would be beaten Broken, not to mention the ice cubes made temporarily now.

"Crack", "Wow...".

The ice finally shattered, and everyone on the ice fell into the water. People who can swim also say that they can poke their heads out of the water soon, but for landlubbers, this is completely fatal. .

Under Andorfu is a small boat powered by a gasoline engine, and it is very easy for him to appear here. He has been trying to find a way to fight the fire. Only by letting others fight can he have a chance to take advantage of it.

But now, Andorf decided to escalate the situation, so he appeared suddenly, smashed the ice, and let all the supernatural beings in Goose Kingdom and Indu fall into the water.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Andorf sailed to Natalie's side and said, "Come on my boat, and I will take you away."

Natalie was very touched. She thought that she would encounter a very tragic situation next, so she was desperate, but now someone took her away suddenly. If the other party was not really bad-looking, she would be at this time Fall in love with each other.

After Natalie arrived on Andorf's ship, she bid farewell to the two supernatural beings in North America. Now that her mission has been completed, it's time to return to the pie ship in Europe.

"May God bless that we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future!" Natalie said.

"Yes, goodbye!" The two supernatural beings hurriedly bid farewell.

However, at this moment, Andorf punched the small boat in North America. After the punch, the small boat was shaken violently. Even if the small boat is made of steel, some of the connections are often weak parts. The boat couldn't stand such a violent vibration and collapsed on the spot.

"Wow..." Two North American superhumans also fell into the water. They never expected such a thing to happen. Aren't the European superhumans allies? Why would you attack yourself now?

Andorf didn't say much, and started the boat and walked to the distance.

In the end, it was Entruf who shot again, creating a large ice floe on the surface of the water, and brought up all the superhumans who fell into the water, including two superhumans from North America.

"For God's sake, please spare us!" Although the two supernatural beings were rescued after falling into the water, they were caught by the enemy, and now they have nothing to do but beg for mercy.

Silinova sneered, and said, "Take me down for torture, after the torture is over, kill me!"

However, Scott in the sky flew towards the base while clutching his wound after being severely injured. After seeing the fishing raft on the water, his spirit relaxed and he immediately lost his strength. It fell, and finally fell heavily on the fishing raft, breaking several bamboos.

"General, the people we sent to observe were caught, and I was also injured. Moreover, it is said that these observers discovered the news of the meteorite, please help me!" Scott saw Lieutenant General Tom, Hastily stated the important information he knew.

Hearing the news, Tom couldn't help being furious, and shouted at the supernatural beings on the fishing raft: "Get ready to fight and avenge these dead companions. I must stuff their heads into the toilet and drown them, otherwise it will be difficult to understand." The hatred in my heart!"

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