Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 407 The Target Is Not Us

Since Gong Changfa used the means of deceiving the world and framing the world, he has completely washed away the fact that he has information on the meteorite. Instead, he instigated other forces to start doing it. A group of rebellious guys among them were subdued.

On the one hand, Gong Changfa possesses an unfathomable city, and on the other hand, Gong Changfa has great strength. As long as ordinary people with supernatural powers are encountered by Gong Changfa, they will die. The most important aspect is that Gong Changfa has someone in the headquarters who can talk. With these three advantages, Gong Changfa will immediately become the veritable captain of the Tianxuan Bureau, and the supernatural beings of the Tianxuan Bureau can only obey orders .

"Hmph, as long as I successfully go back with the meteorite, then I will be the greatest hero in China. No matter what wind god, fire god, or thunder god, none of them can compare to me, the true god!" Seeing the scene of being cheered by everyone, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

At this time, Gong Changfa was proud of his own strategy. First, he asked Xu Huwei to monitor the situation on Shen Feng's side, and obtained information on the location of the meteorite. Forcing them to cooperate, and in the end, cheating and sowing dissension, successfully causing other potential enemies to fight each other. These plans went so smoothly, Gong Changfa felt that he was a genius.

What does it mean to be clever and tricky? If I use this series of interlocking plans, it is to play with everyone in the palm of my hand!

And Gong Changfa was lying on the deck basking in the sun, silently waiting for the container to store the meteorites to arrive. As long as the container arrived, the matter would be 99% complete. And calculating the time, if it is faster, the container will be delivered in ten days.

However, at this moment, Gong Changfa saw a green glass bottle appearing on the sea in the distance. The glass bottle was plugged with a cork. There was enough air in the bottle to prevent it from sinking to the bottom, so it was floating on the sea.

"Which little fool threw this drifting bottle, it's really lucky to be able to float here." Gong Changfa looked at the glass bottle in the water, and had no intention of going to the sea to pick it up. Now that he is rarely free, Isn't it more comfortable to bask in the sun?

On the contrary, Lin Xi on the boat felt very romantic after seeing the drifting bottle, and couldn't help saying: "A small bottle can come to us across thousands of mountains and rivers. This is fate. How many people in the world can meet each other?" Such a fate?"

Afterwards, Lin Xi couldn't help but took the escalator to the bottom of the warship, and rowed a small boat to pick up the drifting bottles that suddenly appeared nearby. By the way, it's the end of the world now, will anyone throw drifting bottles into the sea?

Compared with the laziness of the group of people on the warship, it is different on the ferry side. Yue Hengyi and Qin Kewei are tired and crooked on the deck. You say I love you, and I say sweet, full-bodied The smell of dog food irritates others so that they don't bother to get close to it. Once they get close, they will be fed a mouthful of rations.

Ke Yiming led a group of people to play cards, and the atmosphere was in full swing. Chang Haojie also watched with great interest. He planned to try it when he returned to Yuzhou.

On the other hand, Shen Feng and Li Keyi were staying in a secret room. In order to avoid being heard by Xu Huwei, the communication between the two was written with paper and pen.

Li Keyi first wrote on the paper: "I have investigated the red crystal you gave me, and I have reached a preliminary conclusion."

Shen Feng also quickly wrote: "What is it?"

"This crystal contains the protein of the zombie virus. Obviously, the sea beasts are also affected by the zombie virus to grow bigger. In addition, there is another ingredient that seems to be like an extraterrestrial element, but now I don't have the equipment in hand, so I can't Make sure of that!"

"Does that mean that this red crystal may create supernatural beings?" Shen Feng continued to ask.

"Maybe, but I don't recommend you to do this. After the whole squid was dissected, no red crystals were found. Perhaps, there is only one crystal in the body of a sea beast. If you use one less, if you haven't figured out the true nature of the red crystals." Before it works, it is not recommended to use it too early." Li Keyi quickly wrote on the paper.

Shen Feng thought for a while, and wrote a line like this: "Then this crystal, you continue to keep it, and when you figure out the specific use of the crystal, return it to me at that time!"

While the communication between the two was still going on, suddenly, a hurried voice came: "Boom..."

As long as this sound is heard by people, it will feel familiar. The reason is very simple. There are suona and copper cymbals, and the sound of copper cymbals is so loud that everyone in the village can hear it as long as it is played.

After hearing the sound of the cymbals, Shen Feng and Li Keyi were very surprised, because this was the signal for the meeting agreed by Gong Changfa before, and if there is an emergency situation that needs to be dealt with, let Yun Laizhe ring the cymbals, So much so that every time Shen Feng saw this guy playing cymbals, he would subconsciously think of the golden monkey he saw in the mountains in the south of Yuzhou.

And now, the cymbals are being struck, which means a tricky situation is afoot.

"Let's go!" Shen Feng and Li Keyi hurriedly left the secret room of the cabin. After arriving on the deck of the ferry, they stepped over the rising board and reached the top of the warship. There are no enemies around here to attack, why did so many people gather all of a sudden?

"I said, what is the urgent matter of your Tianxuan Bureau? Now you don't see any danger at this time, so why did you knock on the cymbals?" Fang Qinghao asked dissatisfied.

Gong Changfa's face was serious at this time, his eyes were stern, and he said seriously: "It's urgent? Now it's urgent! Do you know that we are surrounded by sea beasts, and the fleet has already been attacked. Next, the fleet is likely to retreat!"

"What? How do you know, don't scare us!" Yue Hengyi couldn't help but said.

Gong Changfa then took out a green glass bottle and a piece of paper in his hand, and said, "This is a note from the fleet outside God's Domain. Judging by the speed of the ocean current, this bottle was delivered at least five hours ago." It’s here, that is to say, sea beasts have surrounded God’s Domain without our knowledge.”

Lin Xi also interjected, "I fished this out of the water. It seems that there are many drift bottles in the water. I picked up three or four of them, and they all have the same contents."

Everyone was silent at this moment. When they thought of the sea beasts surrounding God's Domain five hours ago, they felt a mountain pressing down on them, making them breathless.

Gong Changfa said in a deep voice: "Shen Feng, Qin Kewei, let's discuss the next action now, and prepare early!"

"What's the point of discussing, pack up and run!" Shen Feng immediately said: "We have a large group of people to kill a sea beast without any risk. Now I don't know how many big guys are outside the God's Domain. It must be a fight!" However, run now, bury the meteorite on the bottom of the sea a little deeper, and retreat quickly, or come back to salvage the meteorite later!"

As soon as Shen Feng's words came out, everyone nodded in agreement. It is really unwise to fight at this time. The most appropriate way now is to escape as soon as possible. As for the meteorite, it is better to bury it in the sea for the time being.

Qin Kewei also quickly said: "This is a good way. If there are more sea beasts, we are definitely not opponents. Now we have to escape, and I suspect that sea beasts are likely to take revenge. We killed one sea beast before, and the other two I just ran away, I thought they were the power to fear us, but now it seems that these sea beasts are likely to gather together and come to take revenge!"

Qin Kewei's words awakened Gong Changfa, and he immediately understood that the most dangerous thing now is not the fleet, but the supernatural beings on his side. The IQ of sea beasts can tell who killed their companions, but The person who killed the squid was a supernatural being on his side.

"Captain Qin, please go into the water with Fang Qinghao first, bury the meteorite deeper, and mark it well, so that we can find it next time we come again, and don't let others find it easily!" Gong Changfa said hastily.

Qin Kewei didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately put on the heavy diving suit, handed the chain to Yue Hengyi who was beside him, and jumped into the water with Fang Qinghao.

At this time, Gong Changfa continued to direct: "Everyone, take everything you should bring, especially the satellite phone. Besides, you also bring some dry food and drinking water. Throw away all the irrelevant things. Wait until Captain Qin comes up." , we will retreat immediately!"

Everyone understands the importance of the matter, the rivers and lakes are dangerous, and if it doesn't work, they will withdraw. It's not shameful not to be able to beat the enemy, the most fearful thing is that if you can't beat the opponent, you can't run away.

Shen Feng grabbed Chang Haojie's arm and said seriously: "When it's time to retreat, we won't go to the sea, we will fly away from the sky, bring a satellite phone, and keep in touch after we leave God's Domain!"

Hearing his brother-in-law's instructions, Chang Haojie quickly found the satellite phone and took it with him. In order to prevent it from being lost, he even tied the satellite phone to his body.

However, at this moment, Li Keyi suddenly noticed that the sea area in the distance had become dark, and his face changed suddenly, and he said quickly: "Be careful, sea beasts are coming!"

Li Keyi is very sensitive to changes in photons, as long as she finds changes in the light in the air, it will attract her attention. But now the sunny sea surface was originally sparkling, and it looked like a piece of blue water, but now the sea surface suddenly became dark. According to the information obtained before, there is only one truth, the giant sea beast is here !

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed drastically. Is it too late to retreat now? Obviously the preparations are almost done.

It is impossible to escape now. In the sea, sea beasts are obviously faster than humans. Even warships may not be able to match the speed of sea beasts.

Gong Changfa quickly said: "Everyone shut up, don't talk, you will always pretend to be dead, right? Now it is no different from pretending to be dead."

Everyone in the Tianxuan Bureau quickly stopped their movements, while Yue Hengyi nervously looked at the copper chain in his hand on the side of the Ability Management Bureau. In the underwater battle, Fang Qinghao and Qin Kewei will suffer.

A dozen or so black shadows appeared one after another on the surface of the sea, and they began to wander around the warship and ferry. All the supernatural beings on board were surrounded by sea beasts. As long as the sea beasts were willing, they could attack now. Everyone's palms were sweating. .

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chang Haojie immediately started to ride the clouds, and brought Guo Pinming and Qi Lingshan to the sky. Even if the ship was attacked, the three of them would not fall into the water.

Shen Feng silently carried a portable paraglider on his body and a satellite phone on his waist. As long as unfavorable circumstances arise, he can quickly go to the sky. Li Keyi is standing by the railing of the ship, watching the situation on the sea surface , I also feel that I have no bottom.

I saw more than a dozen giant sea beasts swimming in the sea continuously. Although their heads were not exposed, their huge bodies could absorb light, causing the sea beasts to be completely dark. In the center of the encirclement were warships and ferries. burst of water sound.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of these sea beasts disappeared, and the sea surface turned blue again.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the sea beast has no desire to attack him, which is really great.

Gong Changfa couldn't help but patted his chest, and said, "Fortunately, the target of these sea beasts is not us, and this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune."

But Yue Hengyi hurriedly shouted: "Come and help me pull people up, the sea beast suddenly disappeared, it must have dived into the water, we are safe, Qin big sister is not safe yet!"

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