Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 412 The Only Hope

Today, after brutal battles in North America, there are only more than 20 people left. Many people in Europe have been injured, but these people like to hide behind, even if they are injured. , the injuries were also very limited, and there were no casualties.

On the other side, the casualties in the Goose Country were comparable to those in North America. About 20 people also died.

However, at this moment, Tom cast his supernatural ability, and a 20-meter-high wave swept across the battlefield immediately. He stood on the top of the wave impressively, and everyone could see him.

"Stop the war, stop the war immediately!" Tom standing on the top of the wave shouted loudly, but Entruf didn't care about it, and used his ability to turn the huge wave into ice.

Silkinova immediately asked in English: "Do you want to surrender? Sorry, we do not accept surrender!"

After the 20-meter-high wave turned into ice, the top of the wave became the commanding height of the sea. Tom stood on the wave and shouted loudly: "We have been surrounded by sea beasts. If we continue to fight, we will only lose. I suggest, Temporary truce!"

Silinova didn't believe these words at all, but directly cursed: "You Onsa people, what face do you have to say such a truce? You were the first to attack us before, and you took the initiative to attack every time. Now, You feel that you can't fight, so you ask for a truce, how can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Silkinova didn't believe what the other party said at all, and said that sea beasts surrounded this place, where are there sea beasts in the surroundings now? As long as you think about it a little bit, you can understand that this must be a conspiracy by the other party. They just want to find an excuse to escape, and you can't be fooled by yourself.

Tom quickly showed the note in his hand, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself, this is not my nonsense, it is said by the Chinese fleet, and it is said that our fleet has already retreated!"

Silkinova still didn't believe that it was just a note, which could be easily forged.

However, at this time, an Indian supernatural person picked up a drifting bottle from the water, handed it to Silkinova and said, "We also salvaged the drifting bottle!"

Silinova had learned Chinese, and quickly opened it to watch. The battlefield was eerily quiet for a while, and the two sides, who were blood feuds, stopped fighting. Although they were still on guard against each other, they did not directly attack.

Silkinova took the note out of the bottle and began to read it, frowning as she read it. It was written in classical Chinese. If you don't have any Chinese skills, you can't even try to understand the content.

"Chinese supernatural beings should keep in mind that there are hundreds of sea beasts outside God's Domain, and the fleet is deeply threatened. I heard that the fleets of Europe, America, India and Du, and the Goose Kingdom have all withdrawn. It is difficult for us to fight against the sea beasts, so we need to retreat. Two days later, within half an hour , we will evacuate with the southern part of God’s Domain, at that time, please hurry to the southern part of God’s Domain, otherwise, it will be too late, let’s know.”

The content on the note is very simple, but there is a lot of information. This is the benefit of classical Chinese. Even if ordinary people have learned Chinese, they only learn daily expressions. They can’t understand many classical Chinese. , may not be able to understand.

For foreigners, the word time is unheard of. At most, they know the hour. After seeing this note, Silkinova couldn't understand it for a while.

Entruf came over and asked in a low voice: "These floating bottles in the water are also likely to be deliberately used by others to confuse us, and these days, Chinese supernatural beings have been doing nothing. I doubt that, This is their conspiracy!"

There are no eternal allies and no eternal enemies in the world. Therefore, the Chinese supernatural beings who have not shown up during this period of time make people very vigilant. If you believe this routine, you might be cheated.

What Entruf is worried about is that if he is deceived and leaves the domain of God, it will give the Chinese supernatural beings a chance to salvage meteorites.

However, Silkinova raised a tricky question, "If the Chinese superhumans really want to deceive us and leave here, why did they write so many incomprehensible contents on the note? I think It's not like we're being informed, it's their own people!"

Entruf didn't know what to say now. He thought about it carefully, and there was no problem with what he said. The Chinese fleet would only be so careful when notifying their own people.

Thinking of this, Silinova immediately said to Tom on the iceberg: "We need time to verify this matter. In short, let's stop the war now, and wait until the matter is clarified."

Tom also immediately agreed to this matter, and then responded: "No problem, now the first ceasefire!"

At this time, the supernatural beings on both sides still don't know exactly what happened. They were still fighting to the death before, but at this moment, the two sides actually said that they would stop the war. Isn't this too sudden?

On the North American side, the superhuman couldn't help but ask, "General, what happened? Why didn't you stop fighting all of a sudden?"

"There is no way out! Why do you want a truce?" Tom said angrily.

After the supernatural beings heard the news, their hearts suddenly fluttered, and they all panicked. This is in the vast sea. If there is no way out, wouldn't they be buried in the sea? Maybe there is no chance of being buried, because after falling into the water, it will basically become the ration of the fish.

"Is the fleet under attack? There must be no accidents to the fleet!" The supernatural beings continued to ask.

Tom's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "I don't know about the loss of the fleet. All I know now is that those bastards have sailed away. This is the news from the Zhonghua fleet!"

The supernatural beings didn't expect things to turn out like this. In this way, it's too late to know the news now, and the North American fleet has already run away!

"These gangsters who are greedy for life and afraid of death! God will not forgive them!"

"That's right. Once these people leave, we are still in the sea of ​​silence. How can we go back?"

"In the beginning, we shouldn't have come to salvage meteorites. This is where demons sleep, and God doesn't work here."

"When I return to North America, I must use the most vicious means to torture the guy who sailed the boat, and even abandoned us at sea!"

……… Tom heard the complaints from his subordinates, and his mood suddenly became bad. He immediately ordered his subordinates to go outside the Sea of ​​Silence to check the situation. If the fleet really left, it means that this matter is Really, I have to find a way to leave on my side, but if the fleet is still in place, then the answer is obvious. This is the strategy of the Chinese superhumans.

Scott flapped his wings and flew to the distance. He was seriously injured before, and one arm was directly blown off by the hydrogen explosion. Now he needs to investigate the enemy's situation, and he can barely fly from the sea, ready to see Take a look at the situation of the fleet.

When Scott came out of the Sea of ​​Silence, he saw many wrecks on the sea, and the fleet had disappeared. Presumably this was the result of the fleet's decisive retreat after it was attacked!

"Fack, a bunch of bastards, I really regret entrusting my back to them!" Scott couldn't help cursing at this moment, and then turned back to the Sea of ​​Silence.

Scott reported what he saw outside the Sea of ​​Silence, and many supernatural beings immediately became angry. He did not expect that he was still fighting in the Sea of ​​Silence. As a result, the backing fleet slipped away without even notifying Say it to yourself, if they hadn't seen the information about the Chinese Fleet, they still wouldn't know the outside world.

"Have you seen sea beasts outside the Sea of ​​Silence?" Tom asked quickly.

Scott thought about it seriously, and said, "I didn't see it. I didn't see anything at sea except for the wreckage of the ship!"

Tom walked around on the fishing raft twice, gritted his teeth and said, "Since you haven't seen sea beasts outside the Sea of ​​Silence, then take the risk of leaving. Let's go from the east. If you leave the east and don't see sea beasts, then go north." Go, go to the archipelago in the north, and then contact North America directly, let them fly a plane to pick us up!"

The North American superhumans quickly nodded and agreed. It would be great if they could escape.

Tom used his ability to change the direction of the nearby ocean current. The ocean current that was originally from north to south suddenly changed from west to east. The fishing raft was driven by the ocean current and slowly left towards the east.

A group of people in Europe looked at Andorf, as if they were asking themselves what to do here?

Andorf thought for a while, and said: "Let's follow up. In addition, Natalie releases ultrasonic waves at any time to detect the situation in the sea. If the supernatural beings in North America can rush out, we will follow. Resolutely retreat back, and then think of a way!"

Immediately, everyone took their paddles and started rowing, and the pancake boat moved slowly towards the east, following behind the fishing rafts like a follower.

When the fishing raft came out of the Sea of ​​Silence, Tom hurriedly used the satellite phone, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the satellite phone is now available. It seems that he has successfully left the range of the Sea of ​​Silence. A lot of shipwrecks.

"I thought the entire Sea of ​​Silence was surrounded by sea beasts. Now it seems that sea beasts are animals with low IQ. Most of them chased the fleet and left. Let's go on and stay away from Sea of ​​Silence!" Tom said. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said dismissive words, as if he looked down on sea beasts at all.

However, at this moment, Natalie, who was following behind, exclaimed: "Let's retreat quickly, there is something in the sea!"

The pie boat in Europe immediately retreated and returned to the Sea of ​​Silence again.

Seeing this scene, Tom also felt that something was wrong, and quickly used the ocean current to push the fishing raft, trying to get away quickly now.

However, at this moment, a huge triangular barrier suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, which was gray and white. Upon closer inspection, someone recognized it. It turned out to be the dorsal fin of a great white shark. Straight forward.

"Stop this thing from approaching!" Tom shouted hastily.

Many people with supernatural powers hurriedly cast their supernatural powers. Some created barriers in the water, while others were busy dodging. However, it was difficult for the superhumans to prevent the great white shark from approaching underwater. Everyone had a bad premonition. Finally, Great White Shark The shark approached the raft.

"Wow", a huge arm stretched out from the water, it looked like a giant's arm, with colorful and various colors on it, it looked like it was made of plastic, but the strange thing was that this arm could active!

"Boom..." No one could have imagined that there would be an arm sticking out of the sea, and in the face of this unpredictable attack, everyone quickly dodged, but the plastic arm smashed hard on the fishing raft.

I saw that the originally huge fishing raft was hit by the plastic arm in an instant, and then scattered. The laminates and bamboos were scattered everywhere in the sea. in the water.

"Go back!" Tom hastened to use his ability to let the current drag him back to the Sea of ​​Silence. In the water, his speed was not slow at all. Soon, Tom returned to the Sea of ​​Silence, and his foothold was only on the European continent. The cake boat was gone, and he didn't care about face anymore, so he quickly climbed up and sat down.

"It seems that there are sea beasts outside the Sea of ​​Silence, and it's impossible to leave without the sea beasts noticing!" Andorf also sighed.

Tom sat on the boat with an ugly face and said: "There is only one way now. The Chinese fleet has not left yet. It will probably reach the southern part of the Sea of ​​Silence in two days. At that time, we can only take this boat and leave. !"

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