Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 421 Narrow Escape

The Chinese Fleet sailed in the nearby waters for two days, and also contacted the headquarters of Yanjing to scan the sea surface with satellites, hoping to find traces of sea snakes. Miraculously, perhaps the two are still alive.

However, the weather was not good, a storm hit the sea, the satellite could not detect the sea situation, and after two days of searching by the fleet, Shen Feng was still not found.

Everyone on the fleet planned to announce that Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi had died, but Guo Pinming and Qi Lingshan desperately opposed it. Before seeing Shen Feng's body, Shen Feng might not have died.

In desperation, the fleet could only announce that Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were temporarily missing.

Having said that, everyone knows that the guy who was eaten by the sea beast has never survived. The reason why Shen Feng's body could not be found was probably digested by the sea snake, and Guo Pinming's stubbornness , It's just to get a psychological comfort.

In the end, Guo Pinming chose to contact Yuzhou to inquire about the next step. The main reason was that Chang Haojie was also unconscious at this time. His brain was hit, and there was a lump in the head area, which hindered the blood supply. Therefore, Chang Haojie He has not been able to wake up, and Chang Haojie is also in danger if he does not get medical treatment if he drags on.

Chu Chaoyan heard the whole incident in Yuzhou's communication room, and felt extremely sad. She also couldn't accept the fact that Shen Feng was missing. However, she had been searching for two days, but she couldn't find anything. This shows that there is a high probability that Shen Feng will never come back.

"You guys come back first. When you come back, find a way to give Xiaojie first aid!" Chu Chaoyan choked up and said: "Now, no one can die anymore. Xiaojie is the hope of Yuzhou. Protect him and return to Yuzhou. This is your task now!"

Guo Pinming could only reply: "Understood, I promise to complete the task!"

After hanging up the phone, Chu Chaoyan lay down on the table and began to cry, but she didn't dare to cry too loudly, she was worried that the crying would attract other people's attention.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the communication room, and someone shouted anxiously: "Madam, there is news from the hospital that Deputy City Chief Chang has given birth. Go and have a look!"

A series of negative feelings of grievance, confusion, and sadness hit Chu Chaoyan's heart. She had just learned the bad news about Shen Feng, but she didn't expect something more important to happen, so she had to wipe away her tears and leave the City Lord's Mansion with red eyes. Headed in the direction of the hospital.

In the past, Chu Chaoyan was never as confused as she is now. When the end came, Chu Chaoyan could rely on her grandfather. With him, she could rely on her. When her grandfather died, she could still rely on Shen Feng. Now something happened to Shen Feng, and he disappeared without a trace in the vast sea, most likely dead. So far, Chu Chaoyan lost everyone he could rely on.

But Chang Jianyi was still in labor, Chu Chaoyan didn't even have a place to complain, so she had to wipe away her tears and walked silently towards the hospital.

Chu Chaoyan was sitting outside the delivery room in a daze, and a doctor was comforting her, "Madam, Dr. Liu in our hospital has been delivering babies for more than 20 years, don't worry, the baby will be born smoothly."

"Really? That would be great!" Chu Chaoyan said expressionlessly.

If it was normal, Chu Chaoyan would be very happy, after all, this is Shen Feng's child who is about to be born, but at this time, Chu Chaoyan is not happy at all, her heart is still in the southern hemisphere, and her mind is a mess , I can always think of the picture of Shen Feng being eaten by sea beasts.

Seeing Chu Chaoyan like this, the doctors and nurses didn't dare to ask any more questions. They thought it was because Chu Chaoyan was jealous of Chang Jianyi's birth of a child. In the harem, fights for favor happened from time to time, which was normal.

Guo Pinming and Qi Lingshan stood by Chang Haojie's bed. Although there were doctors on board, they were not qualified for surgery. The doctors could only make some diagnoses, but they couldn't treat Chang Haojie who was in a coma.

In the end, Li Keyi, who was still looking haggard, came to the bedside and stretched out her hand to examine Chang Haojie. Her palm began to glow, and she successfully detected the location of the tumor in Chang Haojie's head. Afterwards, Gong Changfa also came and used the particle flow After smashing the lump in Chang Haojie's head and dredging the blood vessels, the blood flow resumed unimpeded. Two hours later, Chang Haojie woke up faintly.

"Brother-in-law? Where's my brother-in-law?" Chang Haojie immediately wanted to find Shen Feng after waking up. He trusted his brother-in-law as a hero the most. As long as he could see Shen Feng appearing, he would not worry.

Guo Pinming quickly said: "Young master, the city lord is not here now, you should heal your wounds first."

"Then where did he go?" Chang Haojie continued to ask.

Guo Pinming and Qi Lingshan couldn't answer and kept silent.

Chang Haojie had a bad premonition. He had heard the saying that life and death depend on fate and wealth, but he didn't believe it now. Brother-in-law is a great hero. It is impossible for something to happen, absolutely impossible!

When Li Keyi saw that Chang Haojie had finally returned to normal, she also chose to go back to her room. She hadn't slept for two days, because as soon as she closed her eyes, Shen Feng's voice would appear in her mind The smiling face seemed to be Shen Feng dreaming of her, but before Li Keyi could speak, a huge mouth suddenly appeared and swallowed Shen Feng directly.

Li Keyi couldn't fall asleep, and ate very little every day. She was visibly haggard to the naked eye, and Qin Kewei was similar. She seemed to be able to hear Yue Hengyi's vows, as if what he said would definitely be done, but Now, Qin Kewei will never see Yue Hengyi again.

"If I had known, I would have agreed to his proposal. Now that he is dead and I am still alive, wouldn't it make him die?" Qin Kewei felt annoyed.

But this time everyone was able to survive, and the person who should be most grateful is actually Andorf. He used his supernatural power at the most desperate moment, which directly caused the fracture of the seabed rock layer, and countless poisonous gases came out of the ground, which forced the sea beast to stay away from the poisonous sea area. All were saved by this.

It's a pity that Andolfo, who is in his twenties, looks like the oldest person on board at this time, his face is full of wrinkles, his hair has fallen out, and his figure is slightly hunched. He is an old man, but he is only in his twenties!

The blond and blue-eyed Natalie was always there to take care of Andorf, which helped Andorf, who had been overstretched, recover a lot. The two stood together like a grandparent, but they were actually a couple.


However, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were swallowed by the sea snake because they did not dodge in time. In desperation, Shen Feng quickly cast the "Wind King Barrier", and the thick and solid barrier immediately wrapped him and Yue Hengyi. Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were directly swallowed by the sea snake.

After being swallowed into the stomach, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi stayed inside the barrier, surrounded by stomach acid. Once the "King of Wind Barrier" was untied, there was no doubt that they would be corroded by stomach acid.

"Damn it, you little bastard, you don't think it's enough to trick me, do you? If you hadn't blocked me, I would have dodged the sea snake's attack a long time ago!" Shen Feng couldn't help but yell at Yue Hengyi, because of Yue Hengyi's attack before Breaking the supernatural ability caused the paraglider on his back to break, and at this moment, Yue Hengyi blocked Shen Feng's way again, implicating Shen Feng twice in a row, Shen Feng had to have an opinion.

Yue Hengyi was also very helpless, and said: "Who can say for sure what happened on the battlefield? Now is not the time to throw the blame away, let's find a way to leave, what do you think?"

Shen Feng sneered. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. There was no doubt that he and Yue Hengyi were still in the stomach of the sea snake. There's no good way, it's all up to you!"

Shen Feng's advantage is that he has strong fighting power in open areas, such as on land, or in the sky, where his combat power can be fully utilized, but now staying in the belly of the sea snake, if it is not for the protection of the wind king barrier, the two of them will already be killed. The stomach acid has been melted, and there is very little air around, so how can it show its strength?

Yue Hengyi rubbed his shoulders, feeling the severe pain in his body, and said, "How about this, let's go through the back door!"

"What back door?" Shen Feng was puzzled.

Yue Hengyi quickly explained: "I mean, the sea snake must be able to excrete. Shen Feng, hold on, we can go out when the sea snake excretes. What do you think?"

"It's not good!" Shen Feng directly refused, "Go out through the back door, and my fame will be ruined! Some scholars have said, how can a human body crawl out of a dog's hole? I'll tell you now, How can a human body go out through the back door?"

Yue Hengyi couldn't help persuading Shen Feng: "My brother, bear with the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky! Confucius was still trapped in Chen Cai, and Jiang Taigong was also fishing in Weishui when he was seventy. It can be seen that a man should be able to bend and stretch!"

Yue Hengyi is persuading Shen Feng now, but he speaks clearly and logically. As expected of a nineteen-year-old young man, his thinking is quick.

"Hehe, you put it simply, I can last for a day or two, but the oxygen can't last that long. After two hours, the oxygen in the enchantment will be almost consumed!" Shen Feng finally said The most deadly problem at present is the lack of oxygen!

If there was enough oxygen, Shen Feng would have been persuaded by Yue Hengyi to succeed, but now that the predicament was in front of him, Shen Feng could not help but wait slowly for the sea snake to excrete.

Yue Hengyi shook his head helplessly, and said: "Since everyone has said that, there is only one way, that is, I use the supernatural power, Shen Feng, get ready!"

Shen Feng understood Yue Hengyi's meaning, he was going to re-expand the five times gravity field, this guy's ability does not distinguish between enemy and friend, it is really terrible.

"Okay, I got it, hurry up and do it!" Shen Feng sat in the wind king barrier, ready to withstand five times the gravity at any time.

Yue Hengyi didn't talk nonsense anymore, if he wanted to survive right now, he could only use his real skills. Therefore, the five-times gravity zone appeared instantly, and within a kilometer range centered on Yue Hengyi, the gravity instantly increased, and the first thing among them was Huge sea snake.

Sea Snake never dreamed that after he ate two humans in a sneak attack, he would encounter such a thing. Not only were the humans in his stomach not digested, but he was affected by the huge gravity instead.

Gravity is more effective for animals with greater mass. If an ant enters a five-fold gravity field, nothing will happen. After all, an ant can carry objects that are more than 40 times heavier than itself, but the body increases With a little gravity, they obviously can stand it. However, if it were a giant sea beast, it would be completely unbearable.

The sea snake suddenly felt a heavy mountain pressing on itself, and its body fell to the bottom of the sea involuntarily. The most terrible thing was that the lungs of the sea snake were squeezed by the body, and the lungs contracted sharply, and the oxygen that the sea snake could obtain was also rapidly reduced .

The sea snake really regretted it at this time, why didn't it obey the order to retreat, why did it swallow the human beings, at this moment, the human beings in its stomach began to display their supernatural powers, which directly made the sea snake overwhelmed.

The sea snake was constantly rising and falling in the water, but the force of five times the gravity was like a shadow, acting on it all the time. No matter how the sea snake moved, it was just struggling in vain.

In the end, the gallbladder of the sea snake ruptured, the lungs shrank, and the body almost became flattened. Compared with the previously inflated body, it was already a circle thinner at this time, and it died of lack of oxygen. Sea snakes cannot float to the surface to get fresh air, and the air in the lungs is also consumed. The lack of gills is the biggest cause of death for sea snakes.

At this time, the oxygen in the Wind King's Barrier was almost consumed, and both Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi felt dizzy, which was a sign of lack of oxygen.

"Okay, the sea snake is dead, hurry up and lift the gravity field, I can't take it anymore!" Shen Feng said hastily.

Shen Feng's physical fitness is particularly good, but he can't stand being in the five-fold gravity zone for a long time, after all, he is not a professional pilot.

Yue Hengyi released the power, and the sea snake's body slowly floated to the sea. At this time, Shen Feng released the "Wind King Barrier". He cut open the sea snake's stomach, but found helplessly that he was in the middle of a storm, and the strong wind When the sudden rain blew, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi couldn't move, they could only hold onto the sea snake's body firmly.

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