Shen Feng originally planned to rest on the island for two days and prepare fresh water before leaving. However, Yue Hengyi had an accident, which disrupted Shen Feng's plan. In the end, he chose to take care of Yue Hengyi and wait until Yue Hengyi recovered.

As a result, Shen Feng's daily work was fixed, heating hot water, hunting, and serving Yue Hengyi.

Shen Feng also had no way to supplement Yue Hengyi's electrolytes, he could only cook leaf soup for Yue Hengyi to drink, vitamins can always be supplemented. After hunting prey every day, Yue Hengyi was given priority to eat. Thanks to Yue Hengyi's strong physique, he recovered by relying on immunity after a week. Although he looked listless, his walking was much better.

During this period of time, the dead skin on Yue Hengyi's body also faded, and the original burns on his body also recovered a lot. Although there were scars, they were no longer obvious.

And Shen Feng's care during this period has also been effective. Yue Hengyi always uses the word "big brother" when addressing Shen Feng, obviously convinced and ready to be Shen Feng's younger brother honestly.

Shen Feng also feels gratified to have won a gold medal fighter. His dedication is not without any return. At least he has gained the loyalty of a younger brother. Although he does not know how long this loyalty will last, it is not important anymore. On the way back to China, Yue Hengyi, a fifth-level supernatural being, can be of great use.

Shen Feng took the time to cut a lot of bamboo and prepare to make bamboo rafts. There are many vines on the island, which can be used as ropes to bind bamboo rafts. The speed of surfboards is still too slow, and it is inconvenient to move on surfboards. It is better to make bamboo rafts , It will be much more convenient to operate at sea.

"Brother, I caught a snipe. Tonight we are lucky!" Yue Hengyi walked slowly from the beach, holding a flat ray in his hand. He knew this kind of fish. He had seen it on the Science and Education Channel before. There are poisonous thorns on them, but they are edible everywhere else.

At this moment, although Yue Hengyi's footsteps were slow, he was no longer wobbly. It could be seen that he was recovering well.

Shen Feng was tying the bamboo, and said while tying it: "Then you take care of it, after two days, we will continue to set off!"

Yue Hengyi said proudly: "I saw this fish on the beach just now, and it ran away immediately. I used the power directly, and it was crushed into the sand in an instant. It weighs thirty catties. Enough for the two of us to eat half full."

Eighty percent of Yue Hengyi's ability to survive was due to his good physique, and Yue Hengyi estimated that in two days, he would be able to fully recover.

For a fledgling young man like Yue Hengyi, if he doesn't suffer, he simply doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. In the process, Yue Hengyi finally understood that many things should not be eaten indiscriminately.

It’s summer on the island, and there are a lot of wild fruits, and seabirds often come to the island to eat fruits. If Shen Feng doesn’t want to leave, he can spend a summer on the island. He can survive by catching birds and eating them. However, when thinking of home, Shen Feng had to act.

"I've been missing for a month. Senior sister and Chaoyan will be very worried if they find out. Even if they can't go back temporarily, they have to find a way to contact them." Shen Feng said to himself.

Shen Feng doesn't know what the outside situation is like now, and he is very worried about the situation in Yuzhou. Now he must return quickly. It is best to find a place where there are people, and then contact the domestic headquarters.

After Yue Hengyi roasted the ray, Shen Feng also came over, and each of them ate half of the fish. Although they were not full, this was the best time to eat these days.

"When I find food, I must fill my stomach. I haven't eaten for a month. What about you, brother?" Yue Hengyi said while warming up the fire.

Shen Feng shrugged and said, "I just want to find the signal tower. If it's not possible, I can find a radio station. Then I can send a signal to my family to report that I'm safe."

"Brother, your situation is small! Now that you have found the radio station, contact the headquarters directly and ask the headquarters to send a plane to pick us up. Do you still want to sail back by yourself?" Yue Hengyi said hastily.

Shen Feng asked back: "Then do you know the frequency of the headquarters? Don't you? The frequency of the military is confidential and changes at any time. How can we contact the headquarters? At most, we can only use public channels to contact. The two sentences are almost the same. Also, if we want the plane to pick us up, we must first have an airport. Without an airport, there is no place for the plane to stop!"

"Oh, it seems to be like this. We can only take a step and look at it. Find someone to ask about the situation. Let's go in two days." Yue Hengyi said quickly.

The two rested on the island for two days, and Yue Hengyi finally recovered his body, but compared to his previous robust figure, he has now become much thinner. Shen Feng's change is not obvious, except for a little thinner Besides, there are no other changes.

Shen Feng tied the bamboo together with vines, and the two ends of the bamboo were tied with wood. After being pushed into the water, they floated on the water, while Yue Hengyi sat on the bamboo raft with a cross on his shoulders.

The reason why Yue Hengyi carried the cross was not because he believed in religion, but because of Shen Feng's arrangement. He carried the cross first, then took off his coat and covered it as a sail. Immediately the raft began to move.

"Finally I'm leaving! I will never come to this place again!" Yue Hengyi looked at the island that was gradually disappearing behind him, and when he thought of the sad things these days, he couldn't help but sigh.

In the past few days, Yue Hengyi was not killed by the sea beast, no matter how dangerous the situation was, he was almost taken away by a diarrhea. If Shen Feng took care of him, Yue Hengyi felt that he couldn't resist.

After sailing on the sea for half a day, Yue Hengyi's arm holding the sail was sore. Fortunately, at this time, he saw a wisp of black smoke in the distance, and immediately cheered up, shouting: "Brother, sail to the northeast!" Ship, where there is smoke, where there is smoke, there is fire, and where there is fire, there are people!"

Shen Feng was also unambiguous, and immediately started to act, changing the direction of the wind, and heading directly in the direction of the black smoke.

As a result, at night, the two found a small island, which was relatively large, but the black smoke came from the mountain. With the appearance of the black smoke, there was a strong smell of sulfur in the air. Now, both Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi understood.

"It seems that where there is smoke, there may not necessarily be people!" Shen Feng said such a sentence as if sighing.

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be a volcano here. What should I do next?" Yue Hengyi was also very helpless. He thought that seeing the smoke was considered human smoke, but he didn't expect that there would be a lot of smoke released from the volcano on the sea, and he This is a mistake.

Shen Feng thought for a while and said: "Let's go, go to the upwind direction to the north to find a place to rest, and wait until the next day to continue our departure."

On the volcanic island, only low shrubs exist, and billowing black smoke comes out of the crater. It seems that this is an active volcano, which is emitting gas. As long as the volcano does not erupt, then everything is fine. As long as you stay in the upwind direction, The smoke coming out of the volcano will be carried away by the strong wind.

Then the two went to the northern area, found some hay, and lit a fire to keep warm.

During the whole day of sailing, the clothes of Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were wet by the waves. After all, they were riding on bamboo rafts. Although they would not sink, the sea water would splash on their bodies through the gaps in the bamboo at any time.

They hadn't eaten all day, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were very hungry, but there was nothing to eat on the volcanic island, so they had no choice but to bear it.

In order to resist hunger, the two of them prepared to go to bed early. They dreamed of everything. When they fell asleep, most of them would dream of delicacies such as roasted whole lamb and braised pork.

As a result, at night, Shen Feng suddenly heard a rustling sound in his ears, so he quickly opened his eyes, pushed Yue Hengyi on the side, and whispered, "Xiao Yue, there are enemies!"

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were sleeping on the grass, but when Shen Feng woke up, he didn't sit up, but quietly woke Yue Hengyi up.

Shen Feng's alertness is still very high, especially in unfamiliar places, the slightest noise can wake him up.

Yue Hengyi opened his eyes and asked, "The enemy? Where is it?"

"Keep pretending to be asleep! The enemy will appear soon!" Shen Feng continued.

Yue Hengyi nodded, squinted his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep, but he was always observing the situation around him. He believed that Shen Feng would not tease him for no reason, so there must be enemies hiding in the dark corners around him, and he continued to pretend to be asleep. Wait for the enemy to show up.

Just as the two were lying on the ground and continued to pretend to be asleep, the sound of a trigger being pulled suddenly came from the grass not far away, and then there was a loud "bang", and the enemy in the dark opened fire.

The moment the bullet was ejected from the chamber, its speed had actually reached the subsonic level, and it was impossible for Shen Feng to dodge in a hurry.

But just as the bullet was about to hit Shen Feng, "click", the bullet seemed to hit an invisible wall, the sharp bullet was stuck in the air, and cracks appeared out of thin air around it.

When the people in the dark saw this scene, they immediately panicked and continued to shoot, "Bang bang...", the bullets are single-shot, and the interval between each shot is at least one second. Feng speculates that the guns used by the guy in the dark are only single-shot rifles. If it is semi-automatic or fully automatic, it will not be like this.

Five bullets got stuck in the air, with the bullet as the center, dense cobweb cracks appeared in the surrounding air. Fortunately, Shen Feng was alert and found something was wrong, so he immediately cast the "Wind King Barrier" to block the bullets.

"Xiaoyue, go! Go and capture the enemy alive!" Shen Feng was very angry. This guy hiding in the dark shot directly without saying a word. It was really cruel. If it wasn't for his ability to block the bullets, he would has been killed.

Yue Hengyi also moved quickly, first he rushed out to the side, and after flashing into the darkness, he quickly approached the direction where the gunshots came from.

The enemies in the dark also noticed something was wrong. The people I met this time seemed not so easy to deal with, so they immediately wanted to retreat.

However, Yue Hengyi's voice came later: "Five times the gravity field!"

"Boom", the gravitational field appeared, and the surrounding vegetation instantly became low. The vegetation could not withstand such a strong gravitational field, and the dust overflowed. Yue Hengyi knew that the victory was sealed!

Two minutes later, Yue Hengyi grabbed the two limp people and returned to the edge of the fire, threw the two enemies to the edge of the fire, clapped his hands and said, "Brother, it's done! They are ordinary people, not even evolutionists! Without a gun, you can’t do anything.”

Shen Feng did not expect that the guy who attacked him turned out to be an ordinary person. Sometimes he would be frightened by the murderous aura on himself and dare not approach him, but now two ordinary people dared to plot against him.

"Let's see, what kind of guy has the audacity to sneak up on me, sir! Hey, foreigners!" Shen Feng looked down, and the two guys by the fire turned out to be foreigners with blond hair and white skin.

"We are in a foreign country, so what we see must be foreigners!" Yue Hengyi said as a matter of course.

"I mean, are all foreigners so courageous? Even dare to provoke us!" Shen Feng said mockingly.

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