Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 430 Earth Pig? Arch Cabbage?

When Yue Hengyi saw what Shen Feng had found, he couldn't help being a little disappointed, and said, "Why is there only this thing? I want to eat some delicious food!"

Shen Feng shrugged, continued to light the fire, and said: "Then go find food yourself, it is best to find Yanjing roast duck, Henan carp stewed noodles, Turkish barbecue, if you can find two bottles of snowflakes, that would be even better !"

"Brother Feng, you are not authentic when you speak like this. What I mean is that there are no dishes at all, so eat lump soup?" Yue Hengyi explained.

"There's no such thing as pimple soup. We southerners generally don't eat it. I'm going to make meatloaf. Thirty catties of white flour are enough for us!" Shen Feng replied casually.

Yue Hengyi sighed, and then went to the nearby houses to look for it. What if someone had dehydrated vegetables or delicious bacon at home? Everything is possible, I'm so lucky, it's not like I can't find all good things, right?

Li Gui also hurriedly followed and said, "I'll go with you, and I'll help you find things together."

This town has not been retaken by humans, and the zombies can't even unlock it. In this way, the chances of finding supplies are also increased. For Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi, the best thing they can find is food. A big eater has been hungry for a month, and now he just wants to have a full meal.

Shen Feng doesn't care about Yue Hengyi, a fifth-level supernatural being, he walks sideways on land, and there are few animals that can threaten people. Unless he encounters an army, otherwise, the supernatural being is an invincible existence. There is certainly no danger in the town.

Shen Feng concentrates on cooking. First, dilute the noodles into batter in a basin, add salt, stir well, cut the luncheon meat into small pieces and put them together. Then put the frying pan found in the kitchen on the stove and pour Add soybean oil. When the oil is hot, pour the batter on it and turn it over when it is cooked.

The method is very simple, as long as you read it once, you will make it.

Of course, Shen Feng also knows this simple method, and he doesn't know how to make it too difficult.

For pan-fried noodles, the heat is very important. If the fire is too high, it is easy to burn the outside and the inside. The outside looks cooked, but the inside is still batter. If the fire is too low, the pancakes will be heated unevenly, and they will be fried after frying. very ugly.

Shen Feng had been frying a large pot of flour until he stopped. Then he found a recliner and sat down, waiting for Yue Hengyi to come back.

Yue Hengyi's search is very simple. When he finds an unopened door, he kicks it open. After he walks in, he starts to search, whether it is the kitchen or the bedroom. Bring it on, it looks like tearing down a house instead of searching for useful supplies.

Twenty minutes later, Yue Hengyi came back with a lot of things, a bag of flour in his left hand, and a pile of daily necessities in his right hand, including soap, cigarettes, lighters, and even two bottles of wine.

"Brother Feng, I found clean clothes. Hurry up and change after dinner. I found wine. Would you like some wine?" Yue Hengyi asked with a smile.

"No, you can drink it, I don't want to drink it." Shen Feng said with a shrug.

Next, the three of them entered the small building, put a bowl of pancakes on the table, and began to eat and drink. Shen Feng drank water, while Yue Hengyi and Li Gui drank wine.

Yue Hengyi also knew that Shen Feng's drinking capacity was not good, so he didn't continue to persuade, but drank a sip of fine wine and a bite of a big cake, living a rare and comfortable life,

The taste of the noodle cakes is mediocre, but the aroma of carbon water after frying is very attractive, and there is also luncheon meat in the noodle cakes as an embellishment, which is quite unique. Yue Hengyi doesn't care about the taste. important.

While eating, Yue Hengyi also talked about today's discovery: "Brother Feng, we found the radio, but we didn't find the generator, so we didn't bring the radio back, and the left and right are useless."

"What do you think?" Shen Feng couldn't help asking: "If you find it, you can bring it back. I haven't found a generator now, but I will find one in the future. It's just a radio, so it's fine to bring it with you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll bring it tomorrow." Yue Hengyi replied hastily.

After eating, Shen Feng took off all the buttons on his jacket. These are all pure gold buttons, which can be used directly as currency, so they can't be thrown away casually.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi rested in the small building for a whole night, especially Yue Hengyi slept on the spring bed, and immediately felt refreshed. Sleeping on stones and the ground these days, his bones have hardened, and turning over will hurt himself , Now sleeping on the spring bed, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Go on, reach the north coast of Tasmania as soon as possible, and then cross the strait to Melbourne to find a radio station!" Shen Feng said to Yue Hengyi and Li Gui.

Yue Hengyi nodded quickly, and then went out to find the radio, and took it away on his shoulder, but unfortunately he didn't find the battery, otherwise, he would be able to listen to the radio now. In this situation, the radio is the most widely used notification method.

The three of them continued to set off along the highway. Shen Feng estimated that within ten days, he could reach the North Shore. If he could find a car, the speed would be even faster.

Yue Hengyi carried a radio on his shoulder, Shen Feng carried a bag of flour, and Li Gui carried a huge backpack. As long as there were things that could be used, Li Gui carried them with him, thanks to Li Gui's body. The quality is better, otherwise, you will definitely be exhausted because of carrying supplies.

After a morning's journey, the three of them found the creek and sat down, watering the water, cooking the food, and prepared to continue their journey after lunch.

However, when the three of them were preparing their lunch, there was a strange sound of "Woooooh..." from the woods on one side. When they looked into the woods, they found that there were two dark-skinned men in short sleeves and shorts. The dark-skinned man rushed over, slapping his mouth while rushing back, making strange noises.

The two black men still had guns on their bodies, and they started shouting as they rushed over.

"Crackling..." The two black men were yelling something earnestly.

Shen Feng also couldn't understand these birdsongs, except for Chinese, other languages ​​were all strange birdsongs in Shen Feng's ears.

"Native pigs, they are native pigs!" After seeing the two black men, Li Gui's face turned ugly and frightened.

"Earth pig?" Shen Feng was confused, and asked, "Can you push cabbage? Isn't this a human?"

Yue Hengyi understood a little, and said, "Brother, you may have misheard, Li Gui may be talking about the aborigines! That's what the locals mean!"

"Oh, it turned out to be aborigines. Are the aborigines so advanced now? They can even use guns!" Shen Feng suddenly realized that he was a local. He had long heard that there were many savage tribes in Australia and Southeast Asia, and many of the aborigines were still alive. Can eat people, what is called a headhunter, it seems that I just met a tribe.

Li Gui quickly explained: "Ever since the natives saw guns, they immediately used guns to hunt and rob territory. They are no different from us except that they don't know how to make guns. Be careful, these people are very dangerous!"

Hearing this, Shen Feng couldn't help laughing, and said, "You have robbed the territory of the aborigines and killed many aborigines, and you have the nerve to say that others are dangerous. You are really thick-skinned."

Li Gui's face remained unchanged, and he said seriously: "I didn't do this. I lived in Australia since I was born. Besides, my ancestors came here as pioneers and brought advanced technology and civilization to the aborigines. It's doing good and God will approve."

Shen Feng shrugged and stopped talking.

However, at this moment, two aborigines surrounded them. One of them was threatening the three cooks with a gun in his native language, and the other walked around, grabbed the flour bag and was about to leave. Two natives want to rob.

"Two bastards, do you think we are easy to bully?" Yue Hengyi became angry when he saw this situation. The flour that was just collected last night, but the two natives wanted to rob them. Everyone thought we were easy to bully, right? ?

The two natives immediately fixed their guns on Yue Hengyi. As long as Yue Hengyi dared to resist, they would shoot!

Without saying a word, Yue Hengyi quickly stepped aside, swept the two natives to the ground with a sweeping kick, and snatched the guns.

The native didn't expect the speed of the opponent to be so fast, and before they could react, the two fell to the ground, and the gun in their hands was snatched away.

"Wow..." The aborigines got up from the ground and immediately wanted to snatch back their guns. Yue Hengyi was not used to them, and he punched and kicked them when he walked up. The powerful force and fast speed directly beat the two of them out of temper. The reason why the aborigines dare to appear here to rob is all the confidence given by the guns in their hands. Now that the guns are taken away, these two people can't be Yue Hengyi's opponents at all.

Shen Feng shook his head and continued to cook, but he couldn't figure out how anyone would dare to rob him, it was too arrogant.

Yue Hengyi beat the two natives until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and he also broke their left hands. Although they didn't kill anyone, the punishment for breaking one hand is still quite severe.

"It's time to eat! Stop venting, or give them a happy meal, or don't torture them!" Shen Feng said to Yue Hengyi after frying the noodles.

Yue Hengyi also stopped, threw the two miserable natives to the ground, came to the side of the fire to eat together, and said in his mouth: "He dared to rob with two guns, people nowadays are really rampant!"

Shen Feng conveniently threw two big cakes to the two aborigines. Since Yue Hengyi didn't kill anyone, it means that Yue Hengyi didn't intend to kill anyone, but simply felt angry.

Of course, if two aborigines shot black guns without saying a word, Shen Feng would not easily let them go, but these two people just wanted to rob food, but they never fired, which shows that they don't want to kill people, just Just wanting to grab food, in this case, it is understandable.

"Eat it, it's our kindness to break your arms, get out as soon as you finish eating the pie!" Shen Feng didn't care whether the two people could understand or not, he said a few words casually, and then wanted to put They sent off.

The two aboriginals saw that they hadn't been beaten any more, and someone threw a big cake, so they didn't dare to stay here any longer. They put the big cake on their bodies, and then limped away from the creek with their left hands in their arms. .

Li Gui gave Shen Feng an idea in a low voice: "Hero, these natives live according to tribes. If you let them go back, they will bring more people to take revenge!"

Shen Feng shrugged and said while drinking water: "I'm different from you white people. I don't like killing people. If the other party didn't shoot, I wouldn't do it. If they really don't have eyes and bring people to attack me, you Don't worry, I will do it myself and kill all these natives!"

Hearing this, Li Gui didn't dare to refute, and then he lowered his head and ate the big cake silently.

Shen Feng originally thought that he spared the lives of two aborigines here, and that the two aboriginals would never dare to come here again, but he was wrong. After the three of them ate the big cake, they were about to put out the fire and leave here when suddenly they were far away. There were figures one by one in the woods. Hundreds of people appeared in the woods. There were a lot of men and women in this group, all wearing simple clothes, holding spears, bows and arrows, and a lot of guns.

"Mr. Shen, look, I'm right, these natives are here for revenge, let's run away!" Li Gui said quickly.

Shen Feng couldn't hold back his face. He thought that these aborigines didn't dare to get close to him anymore, and it didn't matter if they showed kindness. As a result, the two aborigines who escaped actually came back with people from the tribe!

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