Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 436 I Learned 70%

There are many Little Ice Ages recorded in history. The demise of many dynasties is related to the Little Ice Age. The most notable example is the Ming Dynasty. The 50-year Little Ice Age dragged a powerful dynasty to its demise. There are other factors, but the emergence of the Little Ice Age is definitely a major factor that led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

And how did the Little Ice Age appear in this era?

The meteorologist explained that it turned out that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, a volcano in Southeast Asia suddenly erupted. The local indigenous people recorded this scene, and rumbling thunder could be heard on islands hundreds of miles away. In fact, it was a volcanic eruption, a large amount of volcanic ash and a large amount of gas were discharged into the atmosphere, and the global temperature also dropped instantly, which caused the Great Famine in Scotland in Europe, and also caused perennial crop failure in the northern regions in the Ming Dynasty.

"So, the Little Ice Age is really an unfortunate disaster? Damn, why did it catch up with the Little Ice Age at this time?" Shen Feng was a little depressed. The end is coming, the zombies and mutant beasts have not been resolved, and the Little Ice Age has begun Here comes disaster after disaster.

When he was in Yuzhou, Shen Feng had heard that the Little Ice Age might be coming, but there was no substantive evidence to prove this, so Shen Feng didn't pay much attention to it, but now, meteorologists use volcanic eruptions to Explain that Shen Feng also saw a lot of gas erupting from the volcano with his own eyes, which made Shen Feng have to believe this.

Shen Feng then asked: "Then how long will this Little Ice Age last? It can't last fifty years like it did hundreds of years ago, right?"

The old man speculated: "This is to calculate the total amount of gas emitted by the volcano. I don't have any data to calculate it now, so I don't know, but under normal circumstances, it will take about twenty years. For you supernatural beings In other words, this time will pass quickly.”

"Twenty years, that's a long time!" Shen Feng shook his head helplessly after hearing about the time of the Little Ice Age.

Shen Feng himself will not be affected by environmental changes, but there are still millions of people in the Yuzhou area. These people are all counting on food for their livelihood. Once the climate changes, there is no doubt that famine will appear.

"By the way, what's your name? How do you call it?" Shen Feng asked quickly. He was very polite to scientists. After all, a great man once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. It has a powerful force.

The old man replied: "My name is Slotke, you can just call me Slo, I want to ask you to take me out of here and go to a safe place, is that okay?"

Shen Feng asked back: "Do you think I will definitely take you out of here? I am not a kind person!"

Sloter quickly said: "I have seen you supernatural beings from China with my own eyes, and I have also seen you saving the slaves who have fallen into hell. I believe you are a good person, and, with my knowledge, I can definitely help you. You guys, I know a little bit about the geography of the world in addition to the weather."

The old man also obviously saw that Shen Feng was going to leave here, and tried every means to find Shen Feng to talk about the Little Ice Age, in fact, it was to win Shen Feng's favor. It would be even better if he could be taken away from here!

"I like to hear what you say, so let's take you with me, maybe there will be places where you can be used, and you are not missing!" Shen Feng is not familiar with the geography of Australia, Although there are maps in hand, these maps are only approximate, and the situation that the locals can grasp is clearer.

The geography level of meteorologists is very strong. After all, climate and terrain are inseparable. If you are not good at geography, then don't even think about learning climatology.

Yue Hengyi has also quickly chopped off the hemp planted in this small town, and then threw them all into the water. As long as the tide ebbs, the seawater will take away all these harmful things, and other people will also They all rushed into the factory and threw all the cans made in the factory into the sea.

The way of survival in the small town is very simple, relying on water to drink, and usually relying on fishing for a living. It just so happens that this small town is also in a traffic artery, and the road around the island passes here. As long as you set up road cards, you can start robbery. Eat fish when it is available, and if you can't eat fish, you can only eat canned food.

The survivors deeply resented the factory in this small town, and smashed all the machines. This was not relieved, and then they started to dismantle the factory abruptly.

Thousands of people have been killed in this factory. It can be said that it is full of crimes. For this kind of place, even if it is set on fire, it will not relieve the anger!

Shen Feng had all the corpses in the villa thrown out, and then he lived here. He was going to see if he could find any good things in this small town. Li Gui did not disappoint Shen Feng, and quickly counted them. The supplies were returned later.

"Mr. Shen, I found the yacht! Yacht! There is still a lot of gasoline. I heard that several gas stations here have been robbed by this gang. No wonder there is so much gasoline here. Now we can sail!" Li Gui said excitedly.

This is good news. Although Shen Feng got a gasoline boat before, the gasoline was too low to drive a long distance, so Shen Feng gave up driving the boat and chose to go ashore. Go forward, now that you have enough gasoline, you can continue on the boat.

"What about the food? Is there enough food?" Shen Feng continued to ask.

Li Gui replied: "There is only salted fish and potatoes, there is no other food, and all the canned food is thrown away. It is impossible for us to eat these canned food, right?"

Everyone knows that there is likely to be the same kind of meat in the can, and as long as there is a bottom line, people will not eat it, so no matter how much the can is, it must be destroyed.

Shen Feng thought for a while, and said to Li Gui: "I forgot to tell you one thing, that is, after eating enough mutant beast meat, you can become an evolutionary and your physical fitness can be strengthened. It fell out, but as long as it evolves, it can grow teeth again."

When Li Gui heard this, he immediately became excited. After he was punched, one tooth on the left side of his face was broken, and the rest of the teeth were loose, and his cheeks were also swollen. I thought it would take many days for me to recover, but now that I got the news from Shen Feng, my heart suddenly moved.

"Mr. Shen, now I..." Li Gui asked tentatively.

"The wild dog on the carriage is a mutant beast. Go eat it. Everyone's physique is different. Some people can become evolutionaries after eating two or three catties of meat, while others can only eat twenty or thirty catties. Evolution, you were skinning dogs last night and didn't eat much meat, if you want to become an evolutionary, you'd better eat more." Shen Feng said lightly.

After Li Gui got Shen Feng's permission, he immediately walked in the direction of the carriage, preparing to become an evolutionary person immediately. If he had strong power, he would never be easily defeated by others in the future.

And Shen Feng was also compensating Li Gui, he had been beaten severely, if he didn't compensate him a little bit, he might not be obedient in the future.

"When I become an evolutionary, at that time, I must make all those who look down on me pay the price, and as long as I find a safe place, I will enjoy it!" Li Gui was thinking as he walked. with.

Perhaps it was because of the supper he ate last night. After eating two catties of wild dog meat, Li Gui suddenly fell into a deep sleep. Go in a room and check the time. It is already three o'clock in the afternoon, and you won't be able to go far on the road, so it's better to take a rest.

Previously, Shen Feng had asked Li Gui to explain his purpose to the people in this small town, saying that he would definitely leave, and the survivors had no choice but to follow the arrangement, and these people still wanted to stay here Life, among other things, you can support yourself by fishing every day. If you have the opportunity, you can cultivate fields and grow potatoes. There is no problem with eating. Tasmania is isolated from the world. As long as zombies and mutant beasts do not Attack the town, then they can live forever.

During dinner, Yue Hengyi insisted on showing Shen Feng a hand. He has been eating the big pancakes fried by Shen Feng for the past two days. If you find it, you will be able to show your might.

"Brother Feng, do you know that donkey meat is burned in the north?" Yue Hengyi asked directly.

Shen Feng nodded and said: "Although I have never eaten it, I have heard of the reputation of donkey meat burning. What's the matter? You know how to do it?"

Yue Hengyi nodded seriously, and said: "I haven't done it, but there is a Baoding man opposite my house. He opened a restaurant and sells it! I also saw him do it. How smart I am, I have already learned his craft Seventy percent, if you don't mind, I'll make it for you!"

Shen Feng shrugged and said: "If you can do it, then you can do it, but we don't have donkey meat here."

Yue Hengyi pointed to the carriage in the yard, and said, "Isn't there a horse here? Horses and donkeys are relatives, and they taste similar in taste. Don't worry, leave today's dinner to me!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Hengyi went out. Judging by his posture, he was about to kill the horse after he was on his way. The poor horse was as miserable as the protagonist who killed the donkey. He worked hard for humans, but it was useless to wait. At that time, it will be solved by humans with a knife.

Shen Feng sat in the living room and found some magazines in the living room. Although they were all in English, there were still a lot of pictures. I couldn’t read the text but I could look at the pictures. When I had nothing to do, I read magazines to relieve boredom. This is a fashion magazine. The pictures are all handsome men and beautiful women, wearing all kinds of trendy clothes.

There was a neighing sound from the horse outside the window. Yue Hengyi raised the knife and killed the horse. He brought fresh horse meat into the kitchen of the villa.

In the villa, the fifth floor is occupied by Shen Feng. No one has any objections, and they dare not have any objections. After all, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi are the strongest. If they really fight, they will kill this little boy. The hundreds of people in the town are not a problem.

Below the fourth floor, other people live. Many of these poor women have lost their husbands and children, and they don't know where to go in the future, so they have to continue to live here, and they can live every day.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yue Hengyi appeared with a large plate of noodle cakes and beef. Shen Feng glanced at it, laughed immediately, and asked, "You have learned 70% of it secretly, right? Why do I think the remaining The 30% that has not been learned is the essence?"

The horse meat brought by Yue Hengyi looked like a piece of white flowers, without marinating or coloring, except for the salty taste, almost only the original taste of horse meat was left. Looking at the fire, that is, the dough, which was hard and completely It was steamed without fermentation, and when it was opened, there was not a single air hole in it, and some unsteamed gnocchi could still be seen.

Yue Hengyi didn't expect that he would make it like this for the first time in the kitchen. He had been watching the chef making it all the time. It looked so simple, but why did he make it like this?

"Brother Feng, it's not that I'm not good at cooking, but that this horse is not good. This horse is too old, the quality of the meat is not good, and the water source here is not good. As a result, I can't steam the steamed buns for half a day." Yue Hengyi started To be honest, anyway, the car overturning this time is not my problem, it must be the problem of horse meat and water.

Shen Feng shrugged and said helplessly: "As long as you can eat, as long as you can eat!"

On a whim, Yue Hengyi asked: "Brother Feng, tell me, if I show my hand to Sister Qin after I go back, will she fall in love with me? Isn't there a saying that goes like this? Want to grab someone's heart , then first grab the person’s stomach.”

Shen Feng said helplessly: "Don't be ashamed of your level. After you get married, let Qin Kewei cook. She is gentle and lovely, and she can definitely cook. Don't get involved. When eating, just praise her a few words."

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