Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 438 Crow's Mouth

The periphery of Tasmania is basically seawater. Occasionally, one or two small islands can appear. The area of ​​this island is comparable to that of Treasure Island, but the degree of development is obviously not good enough, and the population of the island is not much. Hundreds of thousands. After the end of the day, the population of the island dropped sharply to around 20,000, and many of them were natives.

The aborigines on the island have basically learned to grow crops, some grow corn, some grow potatoes, and some even grow cassava.

On the wide ocean, Shen Feng sailed around the big island in a boat. The boat was eight meters long and more than three meters wide. It used to be the exclusive navigation tool of the rich, and they could directly reach their private islands by boat. In Shen Feng's hands, it became a navigation tool.

The ship carried a lot of gasoline, which was packed in tin barrels. Shen Feng speculated that the gasoline he carried was enough to support his voyage to Southeast Asia.

In addition to gasoline, the boat also carried two bags of flour and 50 catties of salted fish. If you save some food, you can still survive for a week. The meat on the wild dogs was also decomposed and sprinkled with salt. It is being exposed to the sun on the deck. In the hot summer, it is not easy to store meat, so it can only be made into bacon.

Shen Feng stayed in the cabin and sailed. In the team of four, only Shen Feng could sail. Yue Hengyi is from the north, and the north lacks water resources. He grew up in an inland city, so basically Shen Feng never knew how to sail a boat before, but he learned how to do it in Jiang Yang. After all, both Jiang Yang and Yuzhou are on the banks of the Yangtze River.

At this time, Li Gui asked curiously: "Mr. Shen, why didn't you take the woman from this morning with you? Do you want to change every time you arrive at a place?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I will only bring useful people with me. In the morning, this woman just wanted to become an evolutionary. I made a deal with her. As for bringing her, it is obviously impossible. It is too burdensome. It's useless!" Shen Feng explained while sailing.

"So that's the case. Mr. Shen is really restrained. I thought you would often change the female companions around you." Li Gui continued to flatter.

Having said that, Li Gui is still a bit sour. If he wants to become an evolutionary, he has to be beaten severely to get the meat of a mutant beast as compensation. As a result, women are different. They only need to find a strong man and spend a night with them , can become an evolutionary, this is the gap brought about by gender.

Shen Feng smiled and said: "Is this considered restraint? Then those guys who never touch women all their lives, aren't they saints?"

"Mr. Shen, where are you going in the end? Can you take me to Zhonghua? I heard that it is very safe there. If I go there, I don't need to face dangerous situations all day long!" Li Gui said at this time asked carefully.

Shen Feng glanced sideways at Li Gui, but did not answer.

Li Gui was scared by Shen Feng's eyes. He didn't know why, but he was afraid of Shen Feng's eyes. Although the other party didn't say anything, he seemed to be stared at by a fierce beast. mental stress.

Yue Hengyi interrupted at this time: "China is a safe environment created by the Chinese people. You are an outsider and want to live in China. It is not that simple. Apart from being able to translate, what skills do you have?"

Hearing what Yue Hengyi said, Li Gui immediately realized why Shen Feng didn't answer his question, because he felt that he was worthless to take back.

Therefore, Li Gui quickly defended himself, saying, "I can be an interpreter, can't I?"

Yue Hengyi couldn't help but sneered: "It's not that I look down on you. Your translation level is just passable. You don't know many terms and you can't translate them. It's better not to go to Zhonghua at your level. Zhonghua has its own excellent ones." Translator!"

"Then I am an evolutionary now, I can fight for you, and it must be beneficial to take me to China!" Li Gui continued.

Yue Hengyi felt even more ridiculous at this time, and said directly: "You are so naive, do you think evolution is very rare? Let me tell you, the more than 10,000 soldiers under Shen Feng are all evolution! Yu There are 80,000 to 90,000 mercenaries outside the city who are evolutionaries, are you stronger than them? Don't be ridiculous!"

Li Gui suddenly felt lost. He only knew that China was very powerful, so it was also the safest place. As long as he could reach China, he would definitely be able to avoid constant struggle in the apocalypse. As a result, it seems that a person like himself who is incompetent, For Shen Feng, it was completely worthless, no wonder Shen Feng never answered.

At this time, Shen Feng said: "Li Gui, after you arrive in Australia, you can find a place to live by yourself, and I will find a better translator to work for me. During this period of getting along, you yourself Cherish it!"

Hearing this, Li Gui felt even more uncomfortable. It turns out that the two supernatural beings he has followed these days are not considered teammates of the two? How could this be? How can I accept that I have put in so much time and energy and will be abandoned when I reach my destination?

Shen Feng looked at the old man sitting on the chair on one side again, he was staring at the sky in a daze, and Sloat couldn't understand Chinese, so he didn't understand the conversation of the other three people at all.

"As for you, you can stay with us for a while longer!" Shen Feng said lightly.

Sloter turned his head and looked at Shen Feng with a blank face, very puzzled.

Between Tasmania and the Australian mainland, there is still a wide strait, and it is difficult to reach the destination in a day. Therefore, Shen Feng asked Slot to help formulate the route and prepare for sailing between the straits. Find an island to rest halfway and arrive in Melbourne in two days.

Slotko said to Shen Feng: "I suggest that we rest in Tasmania for a while, because I have observed signs of storms, and it is January, and the southeast trade winds will pass through during this time. The eastern part of Australia, moreover, has now entered the Little Ice Age, and the storm will be very severe, and it will be bad if you encounter a storm while sailing at sea!"

Afterwards, Li Gui needed to translate these words to Shen Feng. When Shen Feng heard that a storm was coming, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "When will the storm end?"

Sloter quickly said: "I can't guarantee this, because I can't get data from weather satellites, and Australia doesn't have its own satellites, but it will be much safer to wait half a month before crossing the strait."

Shen Feng was not very happy when he heard this suggestion, so what if it is January now? I have lost contact with Yuzhou for more than a month, and now I need to report to my family that I am safe. After half a month, won't it take longer to go home?

Yue Hengyi also said to Shen Feng: "Brother Feng, when we arrived in Tasmania a few days ago, we didn't encounter any storms. At most, we encountered heavy rain. I believe our luck will not be so bad. It’s just a matter of days, as long as we take risks, we won’t necessarily encounter danger in these two days.”

Shen Feng was persuaded by Yue Hengyi, and he thought in his heart: "It only takes two days to cross the strait, as long as you take risks, you can pass it. By then, when you arrive in Melbourne, you only need to find a radio station to send a telegram to China." , don’t be so frightened!”

Afterwards, Shen Feng immediately said to Slotke: "Slo, you just need to make a route. As for when to sail, we will consider it."

Sloat had no choice but to make a route for Shen Feng, starting from the northern seaport of Tasmania, passing through two large islands in the east, and finally arriving in Melbourne. Residents, if there is a storm, they can still avoid the storm on the island.

Two days later, Shen Feng sailed directly to the northern seaport of Tasmania. Thousands of zombies could still be seen in the port. There were many containers in the port, and all the ships disappeared without a trace. Most of the ships were driven away by the survivors.

Shen Feng stood on the deck and looked at the sky. There was no cloud in the sky. Under the scorching sun, the temperature here could reach 30 degrees Celsius.

"It seems that there will be no storms today. Get ready to set off and reach the Australian mainland as soon as possible, so you can feel at ease as soon as possible!" Shen Feng immediately set sail and headed north.

Yue Hengyi was also very relieved. Looking at the hot weather and seabirds flying by from time to time, he couldn't help but said, "Let me just say, how can our luck be so bad? Or is this old man too nervous, so he listened to it a long time ago." It is said that Australia is very dry, and there are a lot of deserts, so it is impossible to have too many storms!"

Looking at the cloudless sky, Sloter relaxed a little from the tension in his heart. According to the season, the monsoon from the southeast is about to blow. Once a storm occurs, there will often be typhoons in the coastal areas, and waves two or three meters high can be seen on the sea. For the small boat I am on, this is a disaster.

Fortunately, the current weather conditions are good, and the storm will not appear for a while.

Shen Feng officially crossed the strait by boat. It was still scorching hot weather when he set off. He thought that everyone could reach the other side in this kind of weather. As a result, within an hour after leaving the sea, a cloud suddenly drifted towards this place in the eastern sky. Coming over, the blazing sun was blocked, and a burst of shade enveloped the sea.

Then, there was a breeze blowing from the southeast. Gradually, the wind speed became stronger and stronger, and there were undulating waves on the sea surface. Everyone felt that something was wrong.

Slotke grabbed Li Gui's shoulder and said to him, "Hurry up and tell these two Chinese supernatural beings that a storm is coming! We have to reach the nearby islands as soon as possible. Keep going! Now is the harbinger of the storm, we can't take any more risks!"

Li Gui was also very afraid of death, so he quickly told Shen Feng about the current situation.

Shen Feng couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn, what kind of luck is this, it can meet with storms!"

After speaking, Shen Feng sailed at full speed towards the nearby islands, preparing to escape the storm on the islands.

Twenty minutes later, the waves on the sea were churning, and the waves slammed on the gasoline boat in bursts of storms. There was also rain falling from the sky. All four of them hid in the cabin. Shen Feng controlled the gasoline boat to cut through the waves, but fortunately, the hull was very strong. , ups and downs in the wind and waves, but there is no damage.

The storm came as soon as it was said, the wind howled, and the waves rolled up and hit the yacht, causing the yacht to shake constantly, so that people on board could only hold on to the things around them to stabilize their bodies. The door of the cabin had been closed, otherwise , as long as the hatch door is opened, the sea breeze will bring countless rainwater into the cabin.

Fortunately, at this time, Shen Feng saw the looming island in the distance. There were houses on the island. As long as there were houses, they could temporarily shelter from the rain.

"There is no unparalleled road, I knew that luck would not be so bad!" Spirited up, Shen Feng drove towards the island.

However, at this moment, the yacht sailing in the sea suddenly bumped into something, made a "dong" sound, and the hull shook.

"Brother Feng, you have to hold on tight. This is our only boat. If it hits a rock and runs aground, we will be doomed!" Yue Hengyi quickly said to Shen Feng. The current sea is rough, and hitting a rock at this time will be a big problem. up.

Shen Feng said helplessly: "How do I know where there are reefs? There is no sonar on board, even if there are reefs on the bottom of the sea, I don't know!"

Before the words were finished, the hull shook again, "Boom", the hull seemed to hit something again.

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