Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 464 The Final Battle I

Countless zombies in the city came out, marching forward with the faint moonlight, the ground could barely see clearly, but they could only avoid being tripped, it was impossible to see the surrounding environment clearly, and the zombies didn't need to Looking at the environment clearly, tens of thousands of zombies first left the city from the streets, and countless zombies appeared on the plain like lonely ghosts, spreading as they walked.

There are more than 700,000 zombies following these zombies. After eating the same kind, these zombies are full of energy. After receiving the order, they will leave the city and kill the monsters that attacked them.

Not far away, Wang Jiao'e's convoy couldn't move forward because it was blocked in front of the car. The more extreme refugees couldn't get on the car, so they grabbed stones and started smashing the window glass of the car. If the cracks continue, the car will not be able to go, and it will be destroyed by refugees.

At this time, Wang Jiao'e calmly gave an order, that is: "Step on the gas pedal and rush out!"

"Boom..." The driver didn't hesitate, he stepped on the accelerator, and a puff of black smoke shot out from the exhaust pipe, and then the car flew out, and some refugees blocking the road ahead were knocked to the ground. The refugees behind did not dare to stop them, they could only watch the car go away.

With the leadership of the leader, Wang Jiao'e's subordinates imitated the example. They drove forward one after another, and even drove into the crowd. Immediately, the refugees suffered heavy casualties.

Yue Hengyi saw this scene from a distance, and couldn't help cursing: "How can these guys be so inhumane? These are their compatriots. They even drove over them with a car. This is something ordinary people can do." Is it something that came out? Besides, there are obviously empty seats in the car, so it’s okay to bring a few children? Are these people cold-blooded animals?”

In Yue Hengyi's view, even if he wanted to escape for his life, it's normal to refuse to save him, but wouldn't it be too much to run over the crowd with a car? Is this really something humans can do?

Shen Feng sighed, and said helplessly: "This is foreigners. Not all countries are alike. Foreigners are always selfish guys. They may look selfless, but in fact, they are all pretending to be selfish." from."

Through this incident, Yue Hengyi also saw Wang Jiao'e's true face. Before, he thought that Wang Jiao'e was a kind-hearted person. Come on, Wang Jiao'e is just pretending, she can order the car to rush over, which means that she doesn't care about these refugees at the bottom.

In the distance, zombies had already appeared, and they kept approaching the camp. Some zombies in good health even rushed towards the camp, as if they couldn't wait to have a big meal.

Seeing this scene, the refugees recalled the fear of being dominated by zombies in the city. Facing the attack of zombies, they could only support their bodies and continue to run with the car.

The refugees still have feet to escape, but the centenarian is always a plant. In the city before, it was only possible to move by pulling the vines. Now on the plains, the vines can't grab the fixed objects on the ground at all. Rhizome, still too slow.

"What an idiot, can't you run or roll? Get back, I'll push you!" Shen Feng couldn't help cursing when he saw Bai Suilan moving slowly.

Even if it is a mutated plant with wisdom, its IQ is still not very good. It is obvious that rolling is faster, but it has to use rhizomes to move. Obviously, the diameter of more than ten meters, rolling is much faster, but the result is not good. Will be used.

Centennial Orchid also understood what Shen Feng said, and quickly closed all the leaves, and even the rhizomes actively disconnected, turning into a peach-like object, round and spherical.

Shen Feng directly pushed Centennial Orchid's body to roll on the ground, and now it was much easier. Centennial Orchid could quickly roll on the ground, and it became easier to escape from the pursuit of zombies.

Yue Hengyi couldn't help but asked: "Brother Feng, why don't I stay here to stop the tide of corpses? It can delay a little bit of time."

"Don't talk nonsense. Corpse hordes are everywhere in the city, and it's hard to eradicate them. Now that you've finally left the city, you can block these corpse hordes and scare the corpse king. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to run directly into the city? Is it time? Just follow along and attract the tide of corpses to leave the city, and it will be easier to eliminate them when the time comes!" Shen Feng replied.

Shen Feng is not worried about Yue Hengyi's ability. What he is worried about is that Yue Hengyi's blocking is too successful. If the corpse king finally becomes fearful and the corpse tide retreats to the city, it will be even more difficult to eliminate it. It is better to mobilize the corpse tide to leave the city and wipe it out It's even simpler.

Yue Hengyi nodded helplessly, obeyed Shen Feng's order and left voluntarily, and drove Lu Zhengqi and Sloat towards the base on the mountain.

Shen Feng looked at the black corpses in the city in the distance, and said to himself: "After you leave the city, you will have no sewers to hide in, so where will you appear next?"

If the corpse king has been hiding in the sewers of the city, it will be really difficult for Shen Feng to find him. However, once the corpse king leaves the city, there will be no sewers in the wild. If he wants to hide, he must Dig a burrow, once a burrow comes out, the location of the corpse king will be determined.

The wave of corpses spread, and the refugees who fell behind were the first to be attacked by the zombies. I saw these zombies rushing up and biting frantically. After a while, these refugees were eaten by the zombies.

Some of the people who were run over by the car before had broken bones, every breath was painful, and it was impossible to move. Now facing the attack of zombies, they felt hopeless all of a sudden. Why did this happen? It was clearly said that the city was about to be recovered, but now, things were completely unexpected.

People who couldn't escape or those who escaped too slowly were finally caught up by the zombies and killed alive. With the supplement of flesh and blood, the zombies became more excited and continued to chase with red eyes.

Shen Feng is slowly pushing Bai Suilan's body forward. If he wants to go faster, Shen Feng can do it to some extent, but in order to completely keep the corpse tide away from the city, he can only move slowly and wait until When the tide of corpses can't return to the city for a short time, it's time to kill them.

Suddenly, the sound of wind came from Shen Feng's ear. Looking back, there were more than a dozen vigorous figures approaching him. These zombies were short in stature but very fast. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a Tao's ghostly shadow.

After seeing this scene, Shen Feng couldn't help frowning: "Speed ​​zombie? Are they here to test my strength?"

Shen Feng has not seen a speed zombie for almost a year. This thing is really fast, and it is very qualified as an assassin, especially because it likes to bully the weak and fear the hard, and it specializes in sneaking up on weak-looking guys. It is despicable and shameless! But now, the speed zombies were approaching Shen Feng rapidly, and they were all staring at Shen Feng.

For these speed zombies, Shen Feng didn't take it seriously. Dozens of wind blades condensed around his body and flew out in an instant. The wind blade was killed.

"Roar..." There was a roar from the depths of the corpse tide. Only the corpse king could make such a loud sound. It seems that the corpse king fell into a state of rage after finding out that he had lost contact.

"Just be a little more angry, I want to see what you can do to me, if you want to kill me, then follow me!" Shen Feng said to himself.

Next, Shen Feng pushed Baisuilan to continue to move, and Baisuilan also got through the previous panic. When it found that the ground shaking became more and more severe and frequent, it was indeed scared, but now , Bai Suilan's limited mind also figured out one thing, that is, as long as the tide of corpses can't catch up with him, then he is not in any danger.

In order to survive, the refugees had no choice but to continue on their way. Thanks to the dinner distributed by Wang Jiao'e, these people had replenished their energy and could continue to run for a certain distance. In the middle of the night, the temperature was not too high, so they would not easily fall to the ground due to heat stroke.

Suddenly, Shen Feng had a strange feeling, and looked towards the hillside in the distance, but he saw nothing. He said to himself: "Why do I feel like someone is spying on me? Could it be people from other bases?" Are you quietly watching the battle?"

Shen Feng's intuition was correct. On the hillside hundreds of meters away, someone was observing the situation on the plain outside the city with a telescope. The tide of corpses moved very fast on the plain. If you want to go uphill, it will be much slower. Yes, this group of people will stay on the mountain and will not be in danger for the time being.

Franklin showed up here with four or five evolutionists under his command. They all ate the meat of mutant beasts, and after supplementing with virus protein, they became evolutionaries. Even in the face of a small number of zombies, they still have the power to fight , not to mention that this group of people are all carrying guns.

"Boss, I think what the prisoner said is all false. Both companions are supernatural beings? This is obviously not like it!" A subordinate said to Franklin.

In the eyes of this subordinate, if there were people with supernatural powers in this group of people, they would have already killed the Quartet by now. How could they be hunted down by the tide of corpses? There is no doubt about the power of the supernatural beings, as long as the supernatural beings exist, then the combat power will be absolutely powerful.

Franklin stared at Shen Feng, who was pushing a centenarian orchid with a diameter of more than ten meters, with a telescope, and said while watching: "Shut up, don't you see that there are mutated plants in the hands of this group of people? If it is an ordinary person , can you order mutated plants? Besides, at this time, the battle is not over yet, how do you know that there are no supernatural beings?"

The reason why Franklin brought a group of people here was not because he received a message from Wang Jiao'e. Perth is tens of kilometers away from Freemantle, which is a little far away. Wang Jiao'e didn't bother to inform him, but just informed him Several nearby bases acted together.

Franklin wanted to verify the information he had captured on Angenor. He didn't want to offend powerful supernatural beings, but he wouldn't easily believe the captive's words of survival, so after much deliberation, he came to Freemantle to observe. It was discovered that a group of people were being hunted down by the tide of corpses.

Although the human side looks very embarrassed, it is not that simple in Franklin's eyes. First of all, the drivers must be elite. These people decisively left the vicinity of the city and rushed to the distance, and fell behind , There is a guy who pushes the mutated plants with ease, it doesn't look like he was simply being hunted down.

"Boss, if the base on the opposite side really wins the corpse tide, and there are also supernatural beings, should we make friends with them?" Wood asked carefully.

Franklin slowly put down the binoculars, and said in a deep voice: "If there is a base that defeats the corpse tide, then the big city of Freemantle will also fall into their hands. At that time, I will not only have to deal with them My friend, I still have to apologize! I won’t be crushed to death!”

Right now, Franklin is still waiting and watching. He has caught a fat sheep with a lot of supplies. It is a trivial matter to release it, but now that he has offended the other party, he might as well wait and see. If you are worried, just fill the captives into the concrete pillars and throw them into the sea. However, if the base side wins, then Franklin must make an apology in order to avoid being settled by Qiuhou, so as to have a chance of survival.

"It seems that we have to pray for the tide of corpses to win this war!" Wood whispered to himself.

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