Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 478 Inflated Confidence

Australia is an isolated land. Even in North America, there is the Bering Strait connected to Asia, but Australia is surrounded by seas. Speaking of the degree of closure, Australia is definitely the most closed.

Australia's isolation has also led to a very strange culture here, that is, inexplicable self-confidence. People here are very confident, so they dare to provoke big countries and cut off their sales of coal and iron ore, and they are stubborn and say nothing Acknowledge your mistake. I always think that I am very strong and a big country, but in fact, Australia is just the weakest continent, and its potential is still insufficient compared to Africa.

Ge Rennes obviously inherited the self-confidence of his predecessors, let alone Chinese supernatural beings, even if North American supernatural beings appear here, they are not his opponents, and he is already the most powerful supernatural being in Australia Now, no matter who it is, they need to surrender in front of themselves.

"I heard that after killing the supernatural being, you can extract a certain substance, and then transfer the supernatural power into someone else's body to create a supernatural person! I think these two Chinese supernatural beings are good materials. There are many supernatural beings, not because of the large population, now, I am going to add a supernatural person to Australia!" Ge Rennes said with a smile.

The rest of the supernatural beings also nodded, agreeing with this decision: "That's right, if you kill these two Chinese supernatural beings, who will tell them not to buy our coal mines, our wines, or our wines?" Beef, and even sent warships to scare us near Australia, revenge!"

"Revenge, kill them, transfer abilities, and tell the world that Australia is strong!"

Franklin saw the current scene, and while he was ecstatic, he also had some worries in his heart, "Are they really strong? If Australia is really strong, then how can the rich leave so easily? Could it be that the rich will not go to China?" Run somewhere safe?"

Franklin couldn't help but grab the three fruits in his pocket. He had already made up his mind. If he was in danger, he would eat the fruits and run away. With a population of 100,000, that's enough to enjoy.

Although the supernatural beings don't pay much attention to Freemantle's defensive power, for Franklin, this is enough to require his own desperation, so he summoned 300 soldiers in his base, all with guns, Set off to the south mightily.

For the soldiers, Franklin has given them a guarantee that as long as they occupy Freemantle, they can have whatever they want in the future, and they can become the rich man of their dreams. Moreover, if they occupy the port, their wealth will continue to flow appear.

After three hours, Frank Lin Yuan saw Fremantle from a distance, but at this time, there were more than a dozen tall watchtowers outside the city of Fremantle, all of which were built with steel bars and wooden planks. When it is raised, although it can accommodate people to enter, it doesn't look very strong.

"There is a watchtower ahead, we will be discovered!" Franklin said to the supernatural beings beside him after seeing the watchtower.

Ge Rennes looked normal, and said: "Let the convoy rush in, charge in the direction of the city hall, directly occupy the city hall, and then, what should I do, don't I need to say more?"

"I understand that the next thing to do is to kill all the managers there, so that there is no one left! It is better to kill the wrong one than let it go!" Franklin said with a smile.

After that, more than 50 vehicles broke through the road card in an instant. Some soldiers wanted to stop them, but they were directly knocked away by the car. It was originally a road card with a few poles lying on the road, but now it is naturally unable to withstand the powerful impact at this time. The strong one was hit by a car, and it was broken into two pieces on the spot.

The soldiers beside Luka quickly shouted loudly, "The enemy is attacking, the enemy is attacking!"

Someone quickly used the walkie-talkie to contact the superior, saying that a convoy rushed into the city, but the superior did not react for a while.

More than 50 vehicles rushed to the side of the building in one breath. In this building, there are all management personnel, and a large number of people are Wang Jiao'e's subordinates. They are her confidantes brought from the base on the mountain. I am happy to successfully occupy the port city.

However, at this moment, gunshots rang out instantly, and a large group of people in the building hadn't reacted yet, and they didn't know whether to fight or dodge.

It is easy to succeed if you do mental arithmetic without intention, not to mention that Franklin has been preparing for a long time. After rushing into the city with people, he immediately shouted: "Kill all the people in here, they are you! The enemy has occupied the city and posts that originally belonged to you, and only by killing them can you really get this city!"

Franklin's subordinates were also unambiguous, and charged with guns and weapons. They shot directly at the people in the building, regardless of men, women, or young and old.

"Da da da..." The bullets flew out, and everyone was hit by the bullets and fell to the ground immediately.

Wang Jiao'e didn't expect to encounter such a thing at all. Obviously, the bases around Fremantle have been annexed by herself. Even the fighters in these bases have been dispersed and reorganized, but at this time , I was attacked unexpectedly, what is going on?

"Baby, go and fight, these intruders are here to kill you, only if you kill them can you survive!" Wang Jiao'e hurriedly used her supernatural power to contact Bai Suilan in the backyard, hoping that at this time, Bai Suilan Suilan shot to kill the intruders. If there were only a few hundred people, Suilan would definitely be able to deal with them!

Centennial Orchid is also very obedient. It has a great impression of Wang Jiao'e who can communicate directly, so it opened the leaves directly, and hundreds of vines stretched out directly, and immediately began to attack the group of people who shot. .

The vines meandered on the ground like poisonous snakes. Some invading soldiers noticed something was wrong and quickly shot at the vines, but the bullets hardly hit the vines.

Dozens of soldiers rushing to the front were immediately entangled by vines, and then dragged directly to the backyard. The soldiers who were caught quickly called for help: "Hurry up, save me, I'm caught!"

Someone pulled out a sharp blade from his body, cut the vines frantically, and successfully rescued more than a dozen companions, but more than 30 people were still dragged away by the vines.

After a while, there was a scream from the direction of the backyard: "What a big monster, save me, ah..."

Franklin hurriedly hid behind Ge Rennes, and said carefully: "Mr. Ge Rennes, there are mutated plants hiding behind, and they look scary!"

Ge Rennes is also unambiguous, isn't it just a mutant plant? What's there to be afraid of? "Brothers, follow me and kill this monster!"

Ge Rennes took the lead and rushed out, heading towards the backyard. At this time, on the top of the building, Wang Jiao'e was carefully observing below, and whispered: "This must be blocked, I just got it The city, after calculating for so long, can't be taken away!"

Wang Jiao'e didn't know why these people wanted to attack her, but when she thought about it carefully, almost none of the cities in Australia had been recovered, and the only recovered city was still in her own hands. After others became jealous, they naturally wanted to snatch it.

While Wang Jiao'e was praying secretly, someone cast a supernatural power at this time, and a huge fireball was fired directly at the centenarian in the backyard. At this time, centenarian had just caught dozens of humans to absorb blood, feeling the smell and Zombies are similar, and the ingredients have not changed, but now, the fireball appears, and the centennial orchid quickly closes the leaves.

"Boom..." The huge fireball hit the leaves of Centennial Orchid fiercely. Although the leaves of Centennial Orchid contain a lot of water, plants are naturally afraid of flames. There was a "crackling" explosion, and the two leaves were burned directly.

This is not over yet, after the first supernatural person appeared, the second supernatural person appeared next, and the surrounding iron products flew over immediately, and when they flew over, they gradually solidified into a big knife , the sword is ten meters long, and the whole body is shining with cold light.

"Kacha", with a big knife, cut off the root of the centenarian orchid directly. Although the centenarian orchid has the word "lan", it is a genuine woody plant, but because it grows in the desert, it grows It's just extremely short.

The centenarian orchid had its rhizome cut off, and it was painful to eat. When it closed the leaves, it was ready to escape. As long as the leaves were still there, the centenarian orchid could continue to live. This is the unique and powerful vitality of mutant plants.

It's a pity that at this time, it's too late to leave. Just when Bai Suilan wanted to escape, a supernatural person opened his mouth and shouted: "Heh..."

The powerful sound waves condensed and vibrated out in an instant, "Boom", the centenarian sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters was instantly hit by the sound waves, and then shattered into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jiao'e's pupils shrank suddenly. Such a powerful Bai Suilan was killed by one blow at this time. The opponent was really too strong.

"There are so many supernatural beings, no, I'm no match, I'd better run, by the way, Shen Feng hasn't left yet, let them help!" Wang Jiao'e didn't dare to show her face, taking advantage of this moment, she covered her face She ran away. There was a drainage pipe on one side of the building. Although it was made of plastic, it could support the weight of an adult. Wang Jiao'e fled down here.

As for Shen Feng on the other side of the city, he saw a comment from a Chinese netizen on his computer, "Didn't Master Fengshen have returned to China?"

It has been two days since Shen Feng uploaded the video. I have been observing the comments these days, and finally got comments from domestic netizens two days later. It seems that there are still many people who like to watch videos abroad. Reached.

"Xiaoyue, look, this video has already been seen by domestic people, and our goal has been achieved! Domestic guys must not continue to pretend!" Shen Feng said to Yue Hengyi looking at the comments on the video.

Yue Hengyi was packing his things. There was gasoline, rice noodles, and a lot of water in the room. After hearing Shen Feng's story, he felt a lot more relaxed: "This is the best. I really don't understand who is pretending to be us. ! Moreover, she just pretended to be the two of us, so could it be that the news that the two of us are not dead has been known?"

"How is it possible? We are thousands of miles away from China, who can predict and know the news that we are still alive? I think there must be some other plan!" Shen Feng shrugged and said.

At this moment, Lu Zhengqi rushed into the room with a lot of luggage in his arms, and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Yue, let's fight, fight in the city center!"

Shen Feng didn't care, and said lightly: "What are you worried about? Most likely, Wang Jiao'e is still trying to make an example of others. Didn't he just kill a group of people a few days ago? Now he's doing it again. It's really ruthless."

"But I saw a lot of people rushing towards the center of the city. The fire over there looks huge. I think the battle is not small at all!" Lu Zhengqi still said worriedly.

Yue Hengyi also thought about it, and said: "Don't worry about it, we're leaving tomorrow, don't you want to go with us? Now hurry up and prepare your luggage, don't mind your own business."

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi had already made plans. When they went to sea tomorrow morning, they would put Lu Zhengqi on the shore when they reached the north coast of Australia. After that, they would head north all the way and return to China in the shortest possible time.

Although Lu Zhengqi is young, he is not afraid of death, so Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi also took him with him. As for whether he will be able to return to his hometown and find his mother, that is unknown.

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