Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 495 Missing

When the food disappeared in the base, he immediately reported to his superiors and caught the guard who had been sleeping soundly. At this time, he was in a deep sleep and woke him up after calling for a long time.

"You were asked to guard the warehouse, why did you fall asleep? The food was stolen, let's see how you explain to the boss!" Everyone said to the sleeping guard.

"I'm really sleepy. I've been guarding the warehouse for three consecutive days without closing my eyes. I didn't expect that the warehouse would be stolen just after sleeping for a while!" The guard was also aggrieved and helpless Said.

"Okay, okay, the manpower in the base is insufficient during this time, if you steal it, you steal it, the main thing is to find out who did it, go, and get the monitoring!" The supervisor said helplessly.

The supervisor also counted the food missing in the curry side of the warehouse, which is only a few hundred catties missing. The food lost is not particularly large, and the loss is not particularly large, but this matter needs to be dealt with seriously. If it is someone in the base If you steal food, as long as you find it, you must kill it to make an example!

Then a group of people rushed to the monitoring room, called the monitoring on the Curry side of the warehouse and began to observe. The monitor is infrared monitoring, which can shoot even in the dark. On the monitor, everyone found the perpetrator. Two people, each carrying four hundred catties of flour, left.

Seeing the middle screen of the monitor, the supervisor couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and murmured: "Such a strong physical quality, either an evolutionary or a supernatural person, but I have never seen it before. Could it be someone from outside?"

"It's definitely not just this surveillance camera that captured the trace of the thief, there must be other surveillance cameras that have also successfully captured the traces. Let's continue to call the surveillance and let everyone be vigilant by the way. It is very likely that the enemy has sneaked in!" Someone came up with an idea.

The supervisor also nodded quickly, and while asking people to call for the surveillance, he reminded the people below to be vigilant.

Finally, the supervisor saw a clear picture captured by the surveillance next to the street lamp. Two people were fleeing quickly carrying food, but the monitor happened to capture this picture, and their faces also entered the shooting range.

"Hey, isn't this Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi? Why did they show up in our base? Also, why didn't they contact us?" The supervisor was stunned when he saw the real faces of the two. The thieves who appeared in the warehouse turned out to be Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi, both of whom were supernatural beings anyway, and ended up doing something like stealing.

"Isn't this the person the superiors ordered us to find? For this reason, we sent more than half of our people to search around the island, but they haven't found these two people?" Someone asked suspiciously.

The supervisor frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Take a hundred people, and we will immediately search along the beach. These two people are the ones that the above said that we must find them. As long as they are found, they will be rewarded generously. In addition, let us know as soon as possible. The matter of the superior cannot be delayed!"

After finding out the identity of the thief, everyone in the base got busy. Finding Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi is the most important thing right now, and other things can be put aside for the time being.

It was only at this time that the supervisor found out that Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi left from the top of the mountain. There are many searchlights and watchtowers on the top of the mountain, so they chose to leave here. However, if the other party really walked from the foot of the mountain, there would be surveillance everywhere in the woods, so it would be easy to get caught. It can be seen that the route chosen by Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi has also been carefully considered.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi slept soundly for two hours, but were suddenly awakened by a noisy sound in the distance. Well, a group of people by the seaside are searching for us with flashlights, probably looking for revenge."

Shen Feng scratched his hair helplessly, and said, "This is too unlucky, isn't it? Isn't it just a few hundred catties of grain? As for the rush to catch up? It seems that we have to go to sea again early!"

Although Shen Feng is not worried about the issue of combat power, no matter how many people come to seek revenge, he can deal with it, but he just stole 800 catties of grain, if he starts to do it, he will be at the wrong side, so, Shen Feng Feng had no choice but to leave.

Yue Hengyi pulled down the sail, fixed the sail, then lifted the anchor, Shen Feng took the helm, and sailed to the north with his supernatural power.

"Shen Feng, don't run away, we belong to the Qinghong Gang, our leader said, we must keep you here!" Seeing that Shen Feng was about to leave without a word, the supervisor shouted loudly, trying to stop Shen Feng Feng fled, and hurriedly called out his identity in desperation.

Hearing this, Yue Hengyi couldn't help looking at Shen Feng, and asked, "Do you know anyone from the Qinghong Gang?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of the Qinghong Gang in Yuzhou, and I don't know their leader. Let's go, so as not to cause disputes!" Shen Feng looked blank, he had never heard of the Qinghong Gang, If it was Qingbang, he still knew about it, but it was gone a hundred years ago, and it was even more impossible for him to know it.

Ever since, the two continued to head north, leaving more than a hundred people shouting on the shore.

The supervisor could only watch helplessly as the person the leader wanted to find kept going away, no matter how much he shouted, the other party had no intention of returning.

"I'll go! I've already called out our identities, why are they still running away? Didn't the boss say that he has a good relationship with Shen Feng?" I can only watch that the credit has already flown away!

The warehouse manager thought for a while, took the people back, and said while returning: "Notify the people on the island to return to the base, and say that Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi have left, so there is no need to look for them. Alas, let's notify Luzon Island. Let them be careful not to let the credit slip away!"

In the middle of the night, Wang Aoye from Meizhou was still sound asleep when he was suddenly awakened by a rapid knock on the door. He couldn't help but ask, "Who is it? Bothering me at this time?"

Yi Xingzhong's voice came from outside the door: "Brother, news came from the Philippines that they saw Shen Feng heading towards Luzon Island, and the people at the coconut tree base failed to stop them. He and Yue Hengyi stole hundreds of catties of our grain."

Wang Aoye stood up dissatisfied, pushed away Gu Xu's palm, and comforted him: "You rest first, I'll go out and deal with some things!"

Gu Xu said softly: "Then you go, the things outside are important."

Wang Aoye put on his clothes and went out, and said to Yi Xingzhong outside the door: "Can you not bother me with trivial matters? Isn't it just a few hundred catties of grain? A little bit of grain, if it is gone, it will be gone. Why bother? "

Yi Xingzhong said in a low voice: "But our people inquired and found that in most of the bases in Southeast Asia, there is a bounty for Shen Feng's head, and the price is two supernatural potions. During this time, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi They are all deliberately hiding their whereabouts, maybe they are worried about their location being exposed!"

When Wang Aoye heard this, he immediately became puzzled, and asked, "Who dares to offer a reward for Shen Feng's head? Are you full? Aren't you worried that if you fail to kill it, it will eventually lead to revenge?"

Wang Aoye really couldn't understand it now, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi just wanted to go back to the country, but they could still cause pursuit, which is really incomprehensible.

Yi Xingzhong pointed in the direction of the office and said, "Shall we go to the office and talk?"

Wang Aoye came to the office and sat down. Yi Xingzhong quickly said: "I haven't been able to find out who issued the reward order, but the power that dared to directly offer rewards to Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi is definitely not small. I suspect that it is Yanjing who side!"

"Over there at Yanjing? It's Yanjing again! Qin Kewei couldn't get in touch before, what is going on at Yanjing now?" Wang Aoye frowned puzzled.

At this time, Yi Xingzhong made a cup of tea for Wang Aoye, and then made a cup for himself, and then told the news he had received recently, and said quickly: "I heard that the headquarters of Yanjing has established a A new organization of supernatural beings has been established, but what members are in it, we don't know at all. We don't know what they are going to do, and will this matter have anything to do with these people?"

"What is the headquarters thinking? Don't they already have two organizations of supernatural beings? They are reorganizing at this time, do they have so many supernatural beings?" Wang Aoye was very puzzled.

Yi Xingzhong analyzed: "Master, in winter, more than forty people with supernatural powers went to sea, but only four people came back! The Tianxuan Bureau is about to be disbanded, and Chief Gong found out that he is still in confinement. The bureau is also nearly disabled, and important personnel are still solving the pipeline problem in Siberia. At this time, the Yanjing headquarters lacks supernatural powers for the town, and it is understandable to form a new organization. Summon it back?"

"The domestic situation is getting more and more complicated. It seems that we must seize the time to develop our power in Southeast Asia. Let the people in the country fight if they want to fight, and let the people in the base in Luzon find a way to find Shen. Feng, if you really can't find it, forget it, if Shen Feng is lucky, he will be back in a month!" Wang Aoye shook his head, feeling more and more bizarre about the current situation, which seemed to have exceeded the range he could predict , fortunately, most of his forces are in Southeast Asia.

Wang Aoye himself also wanted to be like Shen Feng and wanted to make a big splash in China, but it was no longer possible for him to have the opportunity Shen Feng had back then. Shen Feng also occupied Yuzhou by chance and coincidence. Yanjing was threatened, so the headquarters chose to back down in exchange for Shen Feng's help. But when the battle in Yanjing was over and the troops from all over the country were able to return, it would be a shame to try to compete with the headquarters for territory. up.

After much deliberation, Wang Aoye chose to develop power in Southeast Asia. After establishing a base in Southeast Asia, he will be able to obtain superior conditions for food production, and cooperate with the domestic smuggling network to do a profitable business without paying taxes. Don't look at it On the surface, Wang Aoye is not as good as Yuzhou Shenfeng, who has a great family and business, but he has accumulated a lot of wealth and resources behind his back.

Shen Feng in the sea didn't know that he just missed out with his friend's men. He felt guilty, since he stole something, he didn't dare to face anyone, and fled to the sea. Shen Feng finally felt relieved. People are confronted.

Spring has arrived, and the Pacific high pressure is gradually forming, and the southwest monsoon appears. Shen Feng no longer needs to use his supernatural powers to propel the ship. When the sun appears on the eastern sea level, Shen Feng handed over the rudder to Yue Hengyi, and Drilled into the cabin to rest.

Yue Hengyi himself is from the north, and the city he lives in is an inland city, and the water resources in the north are scarce. He basically has no experience in handling boats. However, in the past few months, Yue Hengyi has learned to sail. , in order to go home had to learn to sail.

"I don't know if someone will assassinate us on the road ahead. It seems that the closer we are to the country, the more we must be careful. Maybe our enemies come from the country." Yue Hengyi said to Shen Feng in the cabin.

Shen Feng leaned on the bed and yawned, and said while yawning: "I have no enemies in China, you think too much, I think, it must be ordinary people in Southeast Asia who don't know the power of heaven and earth, and want to kill me to obtain supernatural powers. Haven't we met a group of frogs in a well?"

"Then why do others offer a reward for two supernatural potions? Isn't this a loss?" Yue Hengyi continued to ask.

Shen Feng pointed to the small box on the boat, and said: "What's more, I carried seven supernatural potions with me. If you kill me, these things will all belong to those people. With so many potions, who wouldn't be tempted?" what?"

Yue Hengyi was right when he thought about it, Shen Feng had seven supernatural potions on his body, and he had two on his body, and there was a large meteorite on board, who wouldn't want such a good thing?

"If you let me know who is offering a reward to us, I will definitely kill him first. Do you really think we are easy to bully?" Yue Hengyi couldn't help muttering.

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