Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 502 Stormy Storm Iii

In the torrential rain, endless wind blades fell, and each wind blade shone with a cold light. Even in the dark moment, the wind blades became bright. One or two wind blades may not be a big deal, but if it is up In the case of Wan Fengren, this is definitely not something that manpower can fight.

It's just that, in order to survive, the supernatural beings on the freighter melted all the shells of the containers into shields. The thick shields block the sky and block the wind blade. Even if the wind blade breaks a gap in the shield, the shield It can still heal quickly, this kind of protection ability is simply abnormal.

After the containers were melted, all the contents inside were leaked out. It turned out that all the containers were filled with golden corn. These corns may be to support other countries, but now, there is no obstacle to block the corn. All the corn kernels fell into the sea, and the sea surface became golden, as if the sea surface was also coated with a layer of film by these corn kernels.

Seeing that Shen Feng's attack was blocked, Yue Hengyi was also a little anxious at this moment, and couldn't help shouting: "There is still a lonely person in the water who is not protected, attack the lonely person!"

Yue Hengyi is well aware of the truth that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Especially now, one should not pursue the killing area, but should first pursue the killing effect. First, let the opponent's personnel be reduced, so that the next battle can be more advantageous.

For Yue Hengyi's reminder, Shen Feng quickly obeyed. There are still two thousand wind blades left in the sky. Since most of the enemies have protective umbrellas, we can only clean up the unprotected personnel first. This person is still in the sea White solids condensed continuously in the water, and the surrounding sea surface was almost occupied by these solids. Shen Feng simply directed the two thousand wind blades to attack the man who fell into the water.

The man in the water didn't seem to expect such a serious attack for a while, so he immediately gathered white solids around his body, ready to block the wind blade.

It's a pity that facing two thousand wind blades, in just a few seconds, the defense in front of this person was broken, and a torrent formed by the wind blades passed through the person in the water, and the wind blades continued to attack. Cutting, after a minute, all the wind blades dissipated, Shen Feng's first wave of attack was over, and the person floating in the sea had completely disappeared, the whole person turned into flesh foam, with a lot of blood floating in the water, Dissipating slowly with ocean currents.

"Brother Feng, well done!" Yue Hengyi couldn't help cheering, he never expected that the fruit of the centenarian orchid would have such a strong effect, after eating it, his combat power would soar, and he could use ten times the gravitational field, and Shen Feng On the side, if you don't make a move, it's enough, and if you make a move, there are more than 10,000 wind blades. This is the legendary return of ten thousand swords.

Shen Feng couldn't help his heart beating faster at this time, and quickly used his ability to take a breath of oxygen for himself, and said: "It's just a pity for the ability potion, it would be great if I could keep my head, but I can't control the accuracy, so I can only I just watched the supernatural potion disappear!"

"Is now the time to care about supernatural potions? Survival is the most important thing now. As long as you can survive, everything else is fine. We brothers continue to fight and kill these people within half an hour, otherwise wait until the statute of limitations After that, we can only be slaughtered!" Yue Hengyi was very dissatisfied with Shen Feng's greed.

For Yue Hengyi, the most important thing now is to solve the immediate danger. It would be even better if he could wipe out everyone on the other side. On the contrary, Shen Feng is not greedy enough, and he even wants to get the supernatural potion, committing a crime guilty of greed.

Shen Feng looked at the huge cover covering the cargo ship in the distance, but felt very powerless, and couldn't help but said: "Do you think I don't want to end the battle as soon as possible? But now we are at sea, the terrain is not good for us, and the opponent still has Protection, my wind blade has no effect, and I can't kill them either!"

Yue Hengyi was a little anxious looking at the current situation. Suddenly, he saw these white solids in the sea, which were made by the previous supernatural beings. He couldn't help but reach out to pick up a piece, squeezed it casually, and it fell apart. Seeing this scene, Yue Hengyi couldn't help but feel puzzled: "The enemy is going to use these loose things to kill us? Don't they underestimate us too much? This kind of thing can't even compare to ice cubes!"

Shen Feng looked at the white powder in Yue Hengyi's hand and said, "Stick out your tongue and taste it!"

Yue Hengyi quickly followed suit, stuck out his tongue to taste it, and immediately spit it out, his whole face became distorted: "Damn, Brother Feng, you can't trick me, you actually tricked me into eating salt! These salts are still bitter. !"

After taking a sip, Yue Hengyi knew that these things in the sea are all salt. Now it seems that the supernatural being who fell into the water is not an ice-type supernatural being, but a supernatural being who controls salt, a material-type supernatural being. those who can.

Shen Feng pondered for a while, then frowned and said, "I see, this guy wants to use salt to attack us, it's really sinister and vicious!"

Yue Hengyi looked at Shen Feng puzzled and asked: "Using salt to attack? How can this be done? Are we still afraid of these salt? Just don't eat it?"

"Even if you're a northerner, you know how to pickle bacon, right? So much salt appears on the boat at once, it will definitely dehydrate us. Secondly, there is still a lot of fresh water in the cabin. When the salt appears on the boat, Fresh water will be polluted, and there is no fresh water at sea, which is basically a death sentence!" Shen Feng quickly explained.

After hearing Shen Feng's explanation, Yue Hengyi nodded. It seems that there are no useless abilities in the world, and any ability has its purpose, even if it doesn't look very good. If you are not careful, you may be plotted against.

The average people on the freighter were lying on the deck of the ship. Because the huge steel cover was on top of their heads, there was no light under the cover. Everyone was in the dark, and no one could see each other. Moreover, some people with weak constitutions were already breathing. It became more and more difficult, and the sound of breathing could hardly be heard.

"Boss, can you think of a way? Some of us with fourth-order abilities can no longer bear ten times the force of gravity, and are about to be crushed to death. A bone fracture is a trivial matter, and the internal organs can't take it anymore!" Hiding in the protective cover The sixth child below spoke up, and he had nothing to do with the current predicament.

The sober people began to ask about countermeasures. The development of the matter has exceeded their imagination at this moment. In their previous cognition, dealing with Yue Hengyi and Shen Feng, even if these two people are extremely powerful and have gained their own Title, I have thirteen supernatural beings on my side, and I can break my wrist no matter what, besides, I have all the information on the other side, and their moves have all been exposed, while my side is hiding in the dark. At this point, if you do mental arithmetic without thinking, the chance of winning is as high as 99%!

But now, it is not Yue Hengyi and Shen Feng who are forced into a dead end, but more than a dozen of them. Most of the guys who jumped into the sea before were killed, so now there are only twelve people left on my side up!

The demon king's breathing is also a little short at this time. He is not particularly powerful in combat when he cannot use illusion.

However, even in this precarious situation, the devil began to comfort everyone: "Don't worry, I have read the news this morning. The typhoon is passing through the sea area where we are. Soon, the boat The two people above will be swept away by the typhoon!"

The Demon King's words comforted the restless subordinates. When someone needed someone to stand up and cheer him up, he completed the task perfectly.

"That's right, that's right, believe the boss, the typhoon is coming soon!" Immediately, someone began to echo the devil's words, and everyone gradually felt relieved.

Perhaps the prayers of the people on board had an effect, and the typhoon arrived!

Shen Feng felt the wind speed, took a look at the compass again, and found that the compass failed to hold up under ten times the gravity, and was damaged at this time, making it impossible to determine the wind direction. The hood is on top of the head, and there is no intention of opening it to take a look at it, and it is really a shrinking turtle.

The strong wind and heavy rain hit Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi's faces, making them unable to open their eyes at all.

Shen Feng said with difficulty: "Xiaoyue, put away your gravity field, we are ready to go! It is estimated that the typhoon has arrived, and now it is just the hyacinth, but the wind speed has also reached level nine. In this case, we cannot win quickly ,move!"

Yue Hengyi was very obedient, and quickly put away his abilities. Without the existence of the gravitational field, the sea surface suddenly became choppy, the boat heaved and fell on the sea surface, and the wind and waves on the sea even reached a height of five or six meters. Can completely wipe out the two people on board!

However, a blessing in disguise, the calcium compound that had condensed on the bottom of the boat was also knocked down by the wind and waves, and the buoyancy of the boat returned to normal.

Yue Hengyi couldn't open his eyes, because if he opened them, the rain would enter his eyes, so he could only squint his eyes and ask, "Brother Feng, do you want to put down the sail?"

"Damn it?" Shen Feng scolded: "With such a strong wind, the boat may capsize at any time, and if the sails are lowered, the ship may be buried in the sea at any time!"

"Then what should we do?" Yue Hengyi asked anxiously.

"Go find the rope, tie the two of us to the boat, and enter the cabin to avoid the typhoon!" Shen Feng can only think of this one way right now.

Yue Hengyi quickly found the rope on the boat, entered the cabin, and tied himself to the boat. In this way, no matter how rough the boat was, he would not be thrown into the sea by the wind and waves. Counting the time, eating the centenarian orchid fruit for half an hour It's about to arrive, and I will lose all my strength after a while, and it is still unknown whether I can survive the typhoon by then.

After the two entered the cabin, they quickly closed the hatch and let the ship toss and roll in the wind and waves. There were still two buckets of fresh water on board. There were originally three buckets of clean water, but during the fierce battle before, there was one bucket of clean water. It has arrived, the entire cabin is full of water, and the remaining two buckets of clean water are the last life-saving supplies.

When the hyacinth passed, a huge cyclone had formed on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, and the sea water was continuously sucked into the air where it passed. Wherever it passes, no matter it is sea water or fish, it will be swept up into the sky. The islands of the Philippines were first affected by the typhoon. It was broken by the strong wind, and even the most resistant coconut trees were blown tightly to the ground by the typhoon.

Shen Feng thought that he could control the direction and speed of the wind to some extent, and he could protect himself to some extent in the typhoon. However, when the typhoon really came, the boat was bumped and bumped on the sea, and was even thrown out of the water by the waves. After falling heavily, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi hugged the bucket tightly to prevent the bucket from being overturned. Even if the bucket had a lid, it might still be smashed under repeated impacts.

Facing the powerful wind and waves, Shen Feng thoroughly realized how terrifying the power of nature is, and the degree of harm that an individual can cause is completely insignificant in front of nature.

At this moment, after half an hour passed, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi's bodies suddenly became weak, their muscles shriveled rapidly, and the rate of fat consumption can only be described as terrifying, almost in the blink of an eye After a while, the fat on their waists and legs disappeared, and both of them could feel the belt loosen in an instant.

The parts where the fat is consumed are the limbs first. After the fat in the limbs is almost consumed, it will be the trunk. When the fat on the trunk is also almost consumed, the fat on the face will be next. Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi immediately become human. It looks like a ghost.

Both Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi's eye sockets began to sunken, and the fat on their cheeks disappeared, causing the cheekbones to protrude high, but their mouths were very thin. When they saw each other's shape, they immediately wanted to laugh.

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