Before knowing the truth of the matter, Shen Feng was really confused by the rumors in the market. He really thought that the senior was going to remarry someone else. Under the circumstances, Shen Feng had the worst plan. Then Shen Feng can only use force to snatch him back and lock him up.

"Even if I use force, I will definitely get you!" Shen Feng said silently in his heart.

But now, Shen Feng learned that the gossip circulating on the street was all false, and he immediately relaxed, but what replaced the doubts was endless anger. His godson and real son were abducted one after another, and his brother-in-law did not know whether to become What was it like, the two daughters-in-law were forced to rescue the soldiers, Zhang Xixi, the younger sister, fled to Rongcheng to seek refuge, and only Du Xinshi, who was helpless, was left in the family. Feng.

Shen Feng originally thought that after the establishment of the Tianlong Bureau, it must be the most powerful group of supernatural beings in the country, and it will definitely be able to defend the people in the future, but this is not the case now. This kind of behavior is nothing more than bullying the weak and fearing the hard, shameful!

"Speaking of which, there are more than a dozen supernatural beings in Yuzhou, and it's not that they have no resistance at all. Why do you lock Guo Pinming up? I know Lao Guo, he has always been very loyal. , you won’t betray me!” Shen Feng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked.

Fortunately, Du Xinshi knew everything that happened during this period, so she told them one by one: "City Lord, it's not that we want to imprison Guo Pinming, it's that he is planning to break into Fengshen Palace when Fengshen Palace is already under martial law. He was seen by the soldiers on the spot, so he was arrested just to be on the safe side."

"Break into Fengshen Palace by force?" Shen Feng asked suspiciously: "No way? Even if Guo Pinming wants to meet his senior, he just needs to be passed on to others. Why do he have to force his way in? Isn't there a lot of doubts?" ?"

"That's right. Before Minister Guo was arrested, he kept shouting for innocence. He said that he had been at home and never went out. It's just that many soldiers saw it. Minister Guo was finally arrested, and he didn't resist. Proved her innocence, she was arrested voluntarily, and entrusted her daughter to Minister Yang Ye before leaving!" Du Xinshi explained

"This seems to be a conspiracy. In order to reduce the number of supernatural beings in Yuzhou, Lao Guo is very strong. If he is locked up, there will not be many supernatural beings participating in the battle?" Shen Feng said to himself.

Suddenly, Shen Feng thought of the commotion that occurred tonight. Someone also forcibly broke into Fengshen Palace, and was also found. His face suddenly became a little ugly: "No, someone is going to be framed again!"

Sure enough, the phone in Du Xinshi's room rang, and Lu Xian's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Please tell Madam, we found that Cao Fulie was quietly approaching Fengshen Palace, intending to do something wrong! We will go right away Go and arrest him, he can't escape!"

"Yes, I see!" Du Xinshi nodded and replied.

Upon hearing the news, Shen Feng frowned again, and then said: "It's getting worse, Cao Fulie has now become the target of arrest, if he resists, he will be convicted, if he doesn't resist, then You can only be caught!"

Shen Feng saw clearly the enemy's plot. It is impossible for Cao Fulie to continue to forcibly break into Fengshen Palace when Guo Pinming has already been arrested. He is not that stupid, and besides, he is the person who manages the Yuzhou Mercenary Union. If not, it is impossible to summon mercenaries outside the city to participate in the battle at critical moments.

After seeing the current situation, Shen Feng guessed that someone probably pretended to be Guo Pinming and Cao Fulie successively, which is why it became like this. As for the guy the soldiers saw, it might be a fake.

"City Master, what are you going to do next?" Du Xinshi asked quickly.

Shen Feng frowned and thought for a while, then said: "It's not convenient for me to show up now, because once I appear, the situation can certainly be changed, and tens of thousands of soldiers can be mobilized to kill these supernatural beings directly, but if they are forced to tear up their tickets It’s not good, I’m going to look for Xiaojie and his two children first.”

It has to be said that the gang of Tianlong Bureau had thieves' eyes, and they found Chang Jianyi's vitals directly. The two sons of Chang Haojie and Shen Feng were both taken away. In this way, the lifeblood is in the hands of each other If the three of them cannot be found in one day, their safety will always be guaranteed.

"It's getting late, let's rest!" Du Xinshi whispered.

Shen Feng nodded, stood up and was about to go out, but at this time, Du Xinshi grabbed Shen Feng's palm and said: "If the name is not right, the words will not be right!"

"Ah, what do you mean?" Shen Feng was stunned. He originally wanted to find a room in the basement to rest, but at this time, Du Xinshi said such words without beginning and end, and he couldn't figure out what she was doing. What means.

There are many rooms in the basement, which can accommodate dozens of people to hide. Moreover, there is food underground, independent generators, water sources and air purification devices. As long as you hide underground, it will be fine for a few months. Shen Feng also wants to stay at home for one night.

But at this time, Shen Feng was confused by Du Xinshi's words, and didn't know what she was going to say.

Du Xinshi grabbed Shen Feng's palm, put it on her chest, and said, "Can you feel my heartbeat? I am old now, and I may die at any time. I just hope you can take good care of my heart." Son, but, I live in your house, and I don't even have a title!"

Shen Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath, unexpectedly, Du Xinshi was also interested in him, now that he said this, isn't it showing love?

"Then what, I have already adopted Xiaolong as a godson. I will take care of him and save him! You don't have to do this. Besides, your cousin will come to Yuzhou in a few days, so it's inconvenient. !” Shen Feng said hastily, and withdrew his palm after speaking.

Du Xinshi immediately asked: "Are you looking down on me? You think I'm already married, not an innocent woman, and I have a child, so you look down on me!"

"It's nothing. Right now, there are continuous natural disasters, countless homeless people, and people with broken families everywhere. If you despise women just because of this, then you have no manliness!" Shen Feng answered righteously. road.

Of course, Shen Feng will not discriminate against Du Xinshi because she was once married. Such thinking does not exist in the current society. After all, some men have lost their wives, and some wives have lost their husbands. Instead of spending their lives alone, It's better to re-establish a family with each other and forget the pain of the past.

But Du Xinshi grabbed Shen Feng's hand again, and asked: "Since you don't dislike me, then accept me, otherwise, I will be like an outsider in Fengshen Palace! Even if Xiaolong is your godson, others will gossip!"

"Who dares to gossip? I cut off his tongue. Besides, doesn't Zhang Xixi also live here? No one will say anything when you live!" Shen Feng said quickly.

"There are too many gossips, especially with your current status, where people pay attention to every move you make. Zhang Xixi was entrusted to you by your friend to take care of you. You can be regarded as a younger sister, but the relationship between me and Mu Ying cannot be clearly stated. From the perspective of others, apart from my good looks, there is no possibility of living in Fengshen Palace, so instead of letting others gossip, let me have a bit of fame!" Du Xinshi explained.

Shen Feng thought about it for a while, it is true, it is not because he is indifferent to Du Xinshi, he is not a gentleman, after all, he exposed his nature in other places, he can do whatever he wants, lawless, but that is just for fun It's just for fun, if Du Xinshi's so-called status is really given, the senior sister will be the first to refuse to accept it.

"Then I'll give you a title in another way. I'll hire you as the chief steward of my Fengshen Palace, and handle all kinds of affairs in the Fengshen Palace in normal time. That's considered a status, and no one else will gossip!" Shen Feng eyeballs After a turn, I chose a compromise method.

"Do you want me to be more blunt?" Du Xinshi asked sadly: "I have a heart disease, the doctor said I can only live until the age of twenty-five, and now I am twenty-eight, the load on the heart It's getting bigger and bigger, and he may die at any time. The only concern is Xiaolong. If you don't even want to give me a real title, how can I trust that you can take good care of him in the future? Besides, I don't need to talk to him. The two wives have the same status, even if I'm treated as an outsider, that's enough!"

The so-called outer room is a more elegant term. If it is a bit vulgar, it is a second wife. It is slightly higher than a lover's status, but it is basically raised in other places. In ancient times, under the system of three wives and four concubines , The so-called outer room is not even comparable to a concubine.

"Uh, you are making things difficult for others. When I am served by the family law, I will be miserable! How about a million-word self-criticism, will you write it?" Shen Feng still disagrees, he doesn't like to do risky things .

But at this time, Du Xinshi hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then, I'll find someone to write it for you, I just ask you to accept me!"

Writing articles is obviously a very energy-consuming thing, otherwise, why would there be many sudden deaths of writing online articles before? As for Du Xinshi, it is naturally impossible for her to expend energy to write the review. After much deliberation, she came up with a good idea, which is to let others write the review. Isn't it a simple thing to be a shooter?

While speaking, Du Xinshi began to untie the clothes on her body, Shen Feng froze in place, not knowing what to do.

"Shen Feng, rest, I need strength!" Du Xinshi walked to Shen Feng's side, stroking Shen Feng's chest with her palm, and Shen Feng's white body fell into Shen Feng's eyes.

Shen Feng still couldn't resist the temptation of beauty, so he walked towards the bed with Du Xinshi in his arms, and said: "This matter should be considered in the long term. Don't rush it. Anyway, I will go look for Xiaolong tomorrow, you Just follow my instructions at any time!"

Du Xinshi finds that her goal has finally been achieved, and she finally feels relieved. In fact, she has fallen in love with Shen Feng. The reason is very simple, that is, Shen Feng is strong enough. Only a strong man can attract a woman, because he Be able to protect the people around you so that they will not be bullied casually.

On the day when the doomsday came, Du Xinshi had been suffering all the time. She was very weak and unable to work. Fortunately, in Yanjing, an important place in the capital, and the first good place, people distribute food every day, so she can only rely on a little The food replenishes energy, and the child cries every day because he does not have enough to eat.

It can be said that if Mu Ying hadn't appeared in time, then Du Xinshi would have given the child up for adoption, and then committed suicide by throwing herself into the river. After all, living is suffering.

In the end, Mu Ying wanted revenge, and Du Xinshi wanted to find a strong man to rely on. After much deliberation, the two found Shen Feng. For Du Xinshi, this was a man who was much younger than herself. , but he is one of the kinder people among the supernatural beings. If you choose him, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

However, after following Shen Feng to Yuzhou, Du Xinshi discovered that although Shen Feng has always taken care of herself, she has never had any unreasonable thoughts about herself. She really wants to show her charm, but she can't find the opportunity , and later lived in Fengshen Palace, she couldn't contact Shen Feng alone, so she could only suppress the feelings in her heart.

At this time, Chang Jianyi and Chu Chaoyan are not around. For Du Xinshi, the opportunity has come, and the reason has been thought out. The next thing is to implement it. For the future happiness of the child, she will do everything I can't take care of it.

The waning moon lifted into the sky, and several old crows saw the moonlight and squawked.

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