Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 579: The Great War Will Begin

Chang Haojie felt more and more useless. This feeling did not appear recently, but had appeared for a while. When he was at sea half a year ago, he felt that he was a complete burden. The huge waves raised made him dizzy, and it was only with the help of Gong Changfa that the thrombus was cleared and he woke up. In the battle with the sea beast, he was of no help at all.

Later, during the process of transporting Shen Feng's body back to Yuzhou, there was an attack, so that Shen Feng's body was thrown into the Yangtze River, and it was never salvaged. This time the mission failed again. up.

After these two incidents, Chang Haojie heard many people in Yuzhou comment on him, and many of them thought that Chang Haojie could not be an excellent successor, could not do anything, and would fly to the sky when he was in danger , and then just stare blankly, it's completely trash!

After hearing other people's evaluations of him, Chang Haojie has already begun to make up his mind that he must become a strong man in the eyes of others, and he must get positive evaluations from others in order to prove his worth. The number of orphanages has also decreased.

However, ideals are something everyone can have, but not everyone can realize them. When Chang Haojie was out of the city, he was attacked and caught by others, and then he watched the other party change into his own appearance, swaggering At this moment, Chang Haojie finally understood that he made a mistake again!

He didn't do anything three times, which led to Chang Haojie's inferiority complex. The more inferior he is, the more he wants to prove himself. He wants to prove that he is not a burden. He can also complete many tasks. So, in this situation Next, Chang Haojie put forward a request for an evolutionary base.

"I want to prove that I'm not a waste, I can help!" Chang Haojie thought frantically in his heart.

Soon, ten pieces of jelly were delivered to Chang Haojie. Chang Haojie ate them immediately without hesitation, and then entered a state of evolution. The broken bones on his body healed quickly, and the wounds on his body quickly scabbed and fell off. , the whole person fell into a deep sleep, and in his sleep, Chang Haojie found that he was killing all directions and became an existence that others looked up to.

Chang Jianyi found a conference room, let everyone sit down, and then started discussing how to proceed in tomorrow's battle?

"The time given to me by the people from the Tianlong Bureau is too tight. There is no time to set up the battlefield, and there is no suitable place in the city to fight. Even if it is a battle, I don't know what kind of tactics to use. Let's talk about how we should win tomorrow!" Chang Jianyi asked directly.

After hearing this question, Wang Aoye pointed to the two supernatural beings around him, one was Shi Weitian and the other was Hu Xueli, and said: "I have brought my most capable supernatural beings who are suitable for fighting. Don't worry about it." , Hu Xueli's ability starts to hypnotize, and can directly hypnotize a large number of ability users. She is now a fourth-level ability user, and all ability users below the fourth level will be hypnotized. I don't believe that the Tianlong Bureau has so many resources. Cultivate all supernatural beings to level four or higher!"

"That's right, I think the deputy city lord is really too careful, not to mention anything else, I, Mu Ying, Li Xiankang, the three of us are fifth-level power users, how many fifth-level power users can there be in the whole world? Tianlong Bureau Don't look at the twenty-two people, there may not be many of them who can fight!" Li Xiankang was also very optimistic at this time, thinking that there would be no problem in this battle.

The identity of a supernatural person is indeed enviable, jealous and hateful. After all, no one is one in a million. If ordinary people want to become a supernatural person, don't even think about it!

However, only those with supernatural abilities know that there are strengths and weaknesses among those with supernatural abilities. Strong supernatural abilities are inherently superior to weak ones. They can't beat them all, and some weird abilities may not be very effective in battle, but in some other aspects, such as detecting the enemy's situation, such as hiding oneself, they have miraculous effects.

Chang Jianyi was not as optimistic as these people. The enemy came prepared. Judging from the number of supernatural beings, they should not be underestimated. Said: "Then let's discuss a battlefield first. The battle between supernatural beings has a huge impact! We must find a suitable battlefield, preferably an open area, and it is not easy to find such a place in Yuzhou City right now!"

Everyone thinks about it. The choice of the battlefield should not be hasty. If you fight in the block, once you fight, the civilians will be killed and injured. Moreover, Yuzhou may also be severely damaged. It is not a good idea to massacre civilians when the enemy retreats. s Choice.

Everyone looked at the map of Yuzhou and fell into contemplation, and began to look for a suitable place for the battle. It was certain that the battle would start immediately after the wedding, so the chosen place for the wedding must also match the atmosphere of the wedding.

If the wedding was held in a park, the location would be open, but problems would follow. It seemed inappropriate to hold a wedding in a park. Moreover, it would be easier for the enemy to escape, so there was no guarantee that enough hostages would be captured alive.

When everyone was hesitating, Du Xinshi spoke, and she suggested: "Why don't we hold it in Fengshen Palace? There are walls on all sides here, and it's a small city. Moreover, there is plenty of space here, so you can still fight during the battle." Wouldn't it be nice to be able to carry out an ambush?"

Chang Jianyi heard what Du Xinshi said, and nodded quickly. She also entered a misunderstanding, so she couldn't think clearly for a while, forgetting that the place under her feet was a suitable place for fighting.

"That's right, it's good to fight here, but it's a pity that the buildings here, if they are easily destroyed, it would be a pity!" Chu Chaoyan felt that it was a pity, at least he had lived here for a year, and it was a pity. It can be regarded as emotional, if you fight here, there will be a beautiful building, and the beauty of the garden may not be visible for the time being!

"Don't be a pity. If the building is damaged, you just need to rebuild it. If you lose Yuzhou, there will really be nothing left. Sister Du's suggestion is very good. The battlefield will be set in Fengshen Palace. Let's let it go later." People should inform the Tianlong Bureau and let them attend on time." Chang Jianyi is very courageous. Compared with the huge Yuzhou City, a palace is just a trivial matter. As long as Yuzhou is not lost, the palace can be rebuilt, but once Yuzhou City is destroyed Take it away, and there is really nothing left.

Du Xinshi couldn't think of such a good idea. In fact, after she sent Shen Feng a message, Shen Feng told her about it.

Chang Jianyi continued: "In addition, I suspect that someone in the Tianlong Bureau can change the appearance of others at will. In order to distinguish the enemy from the enemy, it must be marked. How about this, everyone put a white flower on the chest, and put a white flower on the wrist. Tie a piece of red cloth, and with these two proofs, we can tell the difference between the enemy and ourselves!"

Chang Jianyi has already learned important news about the enemy from his younger brother. One of the news is that among the opponent's supernatural beings, there are people who can transform, and they can even transform others. From the appearance , I can't see the difference at all. Compared with the disguise technique, I don't know how many times better. Moreover, this ability can also change a person's height and weight. This guy's ability is simply born to become a spy!

"Isn't it unlucky not to wear white flowers when you get married?" Wang Aoye asked half-jokingly.

Chang Jianyi replied calmly: "Now I don't care if it's auspicious or not. I just want to kill people. My wedding ended hastily one night two years ago!"

Until now, Chang Jianyi can still think of the scene when she got married. At that time, she was sitting on the bed uneasy, wearing casual clothes, there were no gorgeous decorations, no instructions from relatives and friends, and there was no bustling feasting. An ordinary bed, and a red hijab on the head.

Shen Feng lifted the hijab, and the wedding was over. Now that I think about it, the wedding at that time was like a child's play, but it ended after lifting the hijab. There was not even a master of ceremonies, and there were no witnesses, but that was Chang Jianyi's most memorable night.

Du Xinshi spoke again at this time, and said quickly: "By the way, deputy city lord, yesterday I asked Lu Kaiyang to lead troops to surround the manor where the Tianlong Bureau lived and forbid them to come in and out. Please forgive me for making claims." !"

When Chang Jianyi heard Du Xinshi say this, she couldn't help being a little angry at this moment. Although she told Du Xinshi to disguise her traces in Fengshen Palace before leaving Yuzhou, Du Xinshi's successive false orders were still too much Yes, again and again, but not again and again.

However, at this time Du Xinshi's cousin Mu Ying was sitting beside her. Speaking of which, it was because of her cousin that Mu Ying brought people here. Now it is not appropriate to criticize in front of Mu Ying, so she can only He smiled and replied: "It's okay, just surround them, anyway, I have a lot of opinions on them!"

Chang Jianyi has been able to hide his emotions and anger, even if the anger in his heart is abnormal, it will not be directly expressed on his face, and Du Xinshi can be regarded as relieved, as long as he can be forgiven.

But in fact, Shen Feng asked Du Xinshi to issue these orders, and Du Xinshi can't expose Shen Feng's traces yet, so she can only admit that she did it by herself, but fortunately she was not punished.

In addition, Du Xinshi also learned from the message that her son was rescued, and now he is resting outside the city, and someone is taking care of him.

But after learning about her son, Du Xinshi became even happier. As long as her son is fine, everything will be fine.

In the middle of the night, Chang Jianyi quietly went to the prison. At this time, there were still two important people in the prison, Guo Pinming and Cao Fulie. Both of them were arrested for attacking Fengshen Palace, but before they were caught, Both men have always denied doing such a thing.

"Mr. Guo, Cao Fulie, you have suffered!" Chang Jianyi said immediately after bringing the two into the interrogation room.

Guo Pinming quickly expressed his loyalty and said seriously: "Vice City Master, I really didn't break into Fengshen Palace by force, and I never betrayed Yuzhou!"

"Me too!" Cao Fulie also hastily added.

Chang Jianyi quickly said: "I know that you two are very wronged. In fact, this matter has now come to light. There are supernatural beings from the Tianlong Bureau who have the ability to change their appearance. So pretend to be the two of you and attack the Fengshen Palace to frame it! You two I didn't make things difficult for the family members, I have been taking care of them, and I can see them when the two of you go out!"

After receiving Chang Jianyi's answer, both Guo Pinming and Cao Fulie breathed a sigh of relief. When the two were framed before, they thought that the grievances on their bodies could not be washed away, but now, the deputy city lord can take the initiative to explain this matter. This means that she is still very clear about it!

"Then when can we go out? I miss my daughter very much!" Guo Pinming said quickly.

Cao Fulie added: "I miss my wife too!"

"I will let you out tomorrow, and you will have to wait another night! The battle will really start tomorrow. As long as we can capture a few hostages, we can exchange Xiaolong and Xiaohu back. At that time, I hope you two Fight hard!" Chang Jianyi said seriously.

"Don't worry, I will fight to the last moment against these despicable and shameless enemies!" Guo Pinming said seriously.

Cao Fulie also quickly said: "I am the same!"

The conversation between the three of them took place in the prison, and almost no one could know the content of the conversation between the three of them. But at this moment, a black shadow flashed past, and then moved away from the prison at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Shen Feng originally wanted to take advantage of the night to contact Guo Pinming and Cao Fulie, the two combatants, but when he came here, he realized that Chang Jianyi had already thought of this, so he no longer needed to give the two in prison People explain it all.

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