Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 590 Unexpected Backstab

Shen Feng jumped onto the clouds and began to ask Lu Xian and Cao Fulie for their opinions. The current situation is already very difficult to deal with. If the rioters cannot be killed as soon as possible, Yuzhou will suffer a lot of casualties!

Shen Feng didn't want to see Yuzhou become dilapidated. If Yuzhou was full of mourners, it would be even more torture for him.

Lu Xian quickly said: "There is an eldest son flying in the sky. I use my ability to detect the enemy's movements. Under my ability, the enemy is absolutely invisible. We will find and kill these enemies one by one. They continue to be rampant!"

Hearing Lu Xian's suggestion, Shen Feng could only nod his head and said: "It seems that this is the only way to do it now, I hope everything goes well, these bastards are really damned, if they can't beat us, they will start killing civilians, such people are considered If you control Yuzhou, you will not treat the people well!"

Lu Xian's ability is heat induction, and the heat emitted by the supernatural person is different from that of ordinary people. The body temperature of the supernatural person will be better. Lu Xian only needs to distinguish these heat sources, and, within a kilometer Within the range of his ability, it is relatively easy to find the enemy.

Suddenly, Lu Xian pointed to a direction to the east and said: "There is a high-energy reaction over there, and there are three supernatural beings over there, let's go there quickly!"

Chang Haojie was also unambiguous, and immediately drove towards the direction Lu Xian pointed, and soon came to the place Lu Xian said. Looking down, it was Mu Ying who led a sister and killed an enemy , the supernatural being was pierced through the throat by a bone spur, and died soon.

"The effect of your detection is very good, but there is one thing that is not good, that is, we can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy! Here are our own people, and you let us come here too!" Shen Feng said helplessly to Lu Xian.

Lu Xian shrugged his shoulders and replied: "There is no other way. Why don't we take Mu Ying and go forward together to find other people? As long as it is our own, we will take it with us, and if we find the enemy, we will go down and fight. In this way, the speed will not be too high." Too slow."

"Okay, just do this, throw down the rope and let these two people come up!" Shen Feng said hastily.

Chang Haojie threw the rope down, and after explaining the situation, Mu Ying quickly took Luo Xia beside him to the top of the clouds, and continued driving to the distance. Luo Xia was the woman Mu Ying rescued from Linwu Town , as for her powers, they were obtained from the enemy. These two are also the only two people with fighting abilities on Wangmen Mountain. Although Zheng Xiqing is a power user, he is not good at fighting, so he chose to stay at the on the hill.

"Brother-in-law, long time no see, you are still so handsome!" Seeing Shen Feng appearing in front of her eyes, Mu Ying couldn't help jokingly said.

Shen Feng quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not your brother-in-law, I'm still fighting, let's concentrate on fighting."

Originally, in order to disguise herself, Mu Ying used a hoarse voice to speak all the year round, but after revenge, Mu Ying chose to restore her original voice. If she could find a way to eliminate the scars on her face, she would be a great beauty, but no matter what she did Said that the scars on the face were not removed, so it looked very ugly.

Mu Ying smiled and said: "I thought you, a lady-like woman, have already succeeded after seeing my cousin. Why doesn't it seem to be the case?"

Flying in the sky at this time, Mu Ying started to tease Shen Feng when she had nothing to do, the meaning inside and outside the words is very simple, that is, Shen Feng likes older people, but Shen Feng can't refute at this time.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. At this moment, let's fight seriously. When the battle is over, you should go back as soon as possible. Aren't you going to hide in the Dabie Mountains for the rest of your life? Then accomplish your goal well!" Shen Feng turned his head away. , I don't want to talk to Ki Sakura.

In fact, this is Shen Feng's guilty conscience. If it was a few days ago, Shen Feng could definitely refute the other party with confidence, saying that she was talking nonsense and talking about nonsense, but now, Shen Feng really succeeded. , so I felt guilty instead.

At this moment, Lu Xian felt the super high thermal energy reaction in the distance, so he said quickly: "I found a guy releasing thermal energy, and there are helpers around him, let's go and have a look!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Feng immediately gave instructions: "Hurry up, this bastard killed many of us, and the methods are extremely cruel!"

As long as he thinks of the soldiers who were burned alive in the magma before, Shen Feng feels a little uncomfortable in his heart. These are good men, who chose to serve as soldiers with the belief of saving the common people, but in the end they were killed by humans , They didn't die when they were zombies, nor did they die in the hands of mutant beasts!

Looking at Shen Feng's gloomy face, Mu Ying couldn't help asking: "Is this guy very powerful?"

"It's not great, but I just want to tear him into pieces!" Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

Mu Ying nodded thoughtfully, feeling Shen Feng's mood at this time.


Yue Hengyi leaned against the base of the wall and looked up at the stars in the sky. The stars in the apocalypse seemed brighter. Perhaps it was because the light source on the ground had decreased, so the starlight shone on the earth without hindrance. Looking at the starry sky , Yue Hengyi was full of thoughts.

"After Shen Feng's crisis is resolved, the next step is my problem, but why did Qin Kewei change his attitude so quickly? How can we investigate this?" Yue Hengyi couldn't figure it out, although it had already passed It's been several days, but he still can't figure it out.

When you look at the stars in the sky in the city, you can’t always see them clearly. In fact, there are several layers of interference. The first is the smog. Many people are familiar with the fog. The clouds and smog will soon dissipate, but the smog will It is a suspended substance with relatively large particles, which is not easy to disperse, especially in large industrialized cities, the scenery in the distance can not be seen very clearly when climbing a height, the reason is the existence of smog.

In addition, in the big cities, the lights are bright, whether it is day or night, the light source is always sufficient, so that, with the interference of other light sources, looking at the stars is like a barrier.

Finally, psychological effects. If you want to see the stars clearly in a big city, you need to have a very leisurely mood. The stars are always better than watching the stars in the village!

The doomsday is here, and the industrialization of the world has been hit. The industrialization level of the formerly developed countries has also directly regressed. As a result, carbon emissions have decreased, and suspended particles in the air have also decreased. The air has become much cleaner, and you will not cough anytime. , When looking at the stars, they all appear brighter.

At this moment, footsteps came from Yue Hengyi's ear, which immediately startled him. He picked up the Kanglong Mace beside him and asked loudly in the direction of the sound: "Who is it? Stand up!"

At this time, Yue Hengyi's legs were injured. The arteries and veins were not damaged, but the muscles and capillaries of his legs were damaged. Now it is okay to stand up, but he can't do it when he runs. Therefore, Yue Hengyi is very worried at this time. Sneak attack.

Before entering the Fengshen Palace, Yue Hengyi had already been told that he must not use supernatural powers casually, otherwise, with Yue Hengyi's ability to discriminate between enemies and friends, he could directly limit the performance of his own people, but at critical moments, Yue Hengyi definitely can't take care of these things, at most the scope of the gravitational field can be reduced.

"Xiaoyue, it's me, don't be nervous!" A person came out from the gap in the darkness, and at a glance, he found that it was Shen Feng. He was still wearing a cloak, and his face was calm and breezy. look.

"Scared me, I thought it was the enemy, why are you back?" Yue Hengyi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the person who appeared was Shen Feng, as long as it was one of his own, he was worried that the enemy killed one Back to the carbine, in this case, it is really hard for me to deal with it.

Shen Feng explained: "I came to find my senior sister and asked him to open the city gate of Yuzhou. Now the city is in chaos. Keeping these enemies locked in the city will inevitably lead to greater disasters." , it’s better to let them escape and settle accounts slowly in the future!”

"At this moment, you are showing kindness. I didn't expect you to worry about civilians!" Yue Hengyi muttered, not understanding Shen Feng's current decision.

However, at this moment, Shen Feng's face suddenly changed, and he pointed to a dark corner in the distance and said, "Look, there are enemies over there!"

Yue Hengyi hurriedly looked to the side, turning around, immediately exposed his back, and subconsciously, Yue Hengyi believed that Shen Feng would not hurt him, so he didn't guard against this. The waist is cold.

"Pfft..." A dagger was stabbed into Yue Hengyi's back, and the angle of the knife was very tricky, directly stabbing Yue Hengyi's kidney, the unforgettable pain that he will never forget.

Yue Hengyi encountered an attack from behind, and the pain in his body became more and more severe. At this moment, he did not hold back at all: "You are an enemy! Damn it!"

Yue Hengyi had heard before that some people could change their appearance at will, and they could also change the appearance of others. He never thought that he would encounter such an attack!

Yue Hengyi unleashed a five-fold gravitational field, crushing the enemy behind him to the ground, immobilizing him, and then with a backhand, the heavy Dragon's Mace smashed down, directly shattering the man's sky cap.

Yue Hengyi touched and felt the dagger at the back of his waist, but he didn't dare to pull it out. He was worried that pulling it out would cause heavy bleeding, but at this time his legs were also injured, and it was difficult to save himself for a while.

When the critical moment came, Yue Hengyi could only utter his last voice: "Help, help!"

Yue Hengyi was very helpless at this time. He didn't expect to encounter a surprise attack by an unknown junior. He was a guy who he could kill easily, but now he was severely injured by him. Could it be that he was going to die in such a grievance?

Thinking of this, Yue Hengyi felt very uncomfortable, if only he could be more careful.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Yue's voice came from a distance: "Mr. Yue, I'm here, how are you?"

Lin Yue's ability is to manipulate sound waves. He can monitor them during normal times, and he can also use sound waves to attack at critical moments. It happened that when he passed by this area, he heard Yue Hengyi's cry for help, and hurried over here.

"I was attacked by a face-changing supernatural being. I was stabbed in the waist. Take me to the hospital!" Yue Hengyi said with difficulty.

Lin Yue didn't do that, instead, he took out the walkie-talkie from his body and started to contact Chang Jianyi: "Deputy City Master, Mr. Yue is injured now, he was stabbed in the kidney, should we send him to the hospital for treatment?"

There are two kidneys in the human body, and if these two kidneys are damaged, one can survive if one is removed, but many functions will be damaged, and sometimes even strenuous exercise cannot be done.

Chang Jianyi was silent for a moment, then said: "Take him to the castle, I'll have someone prepare an evolutionary agent!"

Lin Yue quickly agreed, and then carefully carried Yue Hengyi on his back, and headed towards the castle. The front hall had collapsed, and several wooden attics around it were also damaged. Therefore, the front half of Fengshen Palace was uninhabitable. There is no problem with the castle and the back garden. After passing through the promenade and path, Yue Hengyi was finally brought into the castle. There are many female soldiers patrolling around the castle. They are all Chang Jianyi's personal guards, and they are all evolved. By.

Chang Jianyi looked at Yue Hengyi's pale face, and said hastily: "Brother Yue, I'll send someone to send the evolutionary base later, you will start to evolve after eating it, and we will not treat you badly."

Yue Hengyi was very moved when he heard this, and quickly said, "Thank you, sister-in-law!"

In fact, at this time, Yue Hengyi also thought of another way, that is to eat the seeds of centenarian orchid. At that time, the body's recovery ability will also be improved instantly, but eating it means that he will not be able to move for more than a month. , which he cannot accept.

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