Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 593 The Weak Overcome The Strong

At such a critical moment, Meng Weichang was so angry that he used aggressive tactics, trying to make Wang Aoye stand still and get punched by him. Wang Aoye also found it funny at his words, and then said: "Okay, you first Stand still and let me slash you, and then you can punch me!"

Wang Aoye's advantages and disadvantages are obvious. The advantage is that his ability is very lethal, which is almost unmatched by ordinary people. The disadvantage is also very prominent, that is, the attack distance is too short. If you use the level in JOJO to To describe it, it is strength A and range E. Once it cannot hit the enemy, no matter how strong it is, it cannot be used.

And Wang Aoye used long-range shooting to contain Meng Weichang, but Meng Weichang had no solution to this method.

It just so happened that Meng Weichang saw the orphanage on one side. There were many people rushing in, and the houses inside were very tall. As long as he could rush in, he could create chaos, and then he would naturally escape. chance!

Thinking of this, Meng Weichang stepped on the ground immediately, and a crack stretched straight towards the wall of the orphanage. The wall was so impacted that it was about to fall down. Meng Weichang rushed into the orphanage immediately, and the wall Fall down at this time.

When Wang Aoye saw this scene, he was about to catch up. The sooner he killed this group of enemies, the sooner he would be relieved. Moreover, this time he killed the people in the headquarters, and Yuzhou was here to support them. Even if the headquarters started to investigate , must be the first to track down Yuzhou.

"You can really run, let me see, where else can you go!" Wang Aoye thought silently in his heart.

As a result, when the wall fell, Xu Xing and Wu Yelian were still watching the battle. Xu Xing didn't want to leave, but Wu Yelian couldn't move, so the two hid behind the wall to observe. She ran away with her mother, but she didn't dodge in time, Wu Yelian's two legs were crushed under the wall at that time.

"Run, Xing'er, run!" Seeing her legs being pinned down, Wu Yelian's sharp pain reminded her that her legs were probably broken, and now she couldn't run anymore, so she had to let her daughter go quickly. , Leave this place of right and wrong first.

When Xu Xing saw her mother being pinned down, her heart ached. She rushed to the side and lifted up a wall with all her strength. Fortunately, she was an evolutionary, otherwise, it would have been impossible to move.

"Mom, come out quickly, I'll take you with me!" Xu Xing said through gritted teeth.

Wu Yelian quickly crawled out, but her legs were broken and she couldn't move, so she could only lean on the side and said helplessly: "No, my legs are dead, you are still young, you should run quickly, so that I won't be dragged down If you are lucky, we can meet again in the future!"

Wu Yelian knew that if she continued to follow her daughter, she would only drag her down, so now she only hopes that her daughter can leave here safely, which is already her last wish.

But after Xu Xing saw her mother in such a miserable state, anger welled up in her heart, and she said, "Mom, you sit here, and I will avenge you!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Xing pulled out her samurai sword and rushed out, with a cold light in her eyes. At this time, Xu Xing was very angry. She had always depended on her mother in the doomsday, and now her mother was crushed by the collapse of the wall caused by a bastard. Stop it, how can you not avenge this revenge?

Thinking of this, Xu Xing rushed out. Wu Yelian was worried about her daughter and kept calling her, but Xu Xing did not change her mind at all.

Meng Weichang wanted to run, and Wang Aoye also saw his thoughts, so after catching up, Wang Aoye directly aimed at Meng Weichang's legs and fired sand blades, piercing through his legs.

On Meng Weichang's legs, two blood holes appeared on them. Blood kept pouring out from his thighs. One-third of his muscles had been cut off. It was impossible to walk now.

"Boy, do you know that you should respect your seniors? Don't think that if you are lucky enough to become a supernatural being, you will be able to dominate. We, the first batch of supernatural beings, are the real chosen ones. Those who are capable are only thirty or forty, and I am one of them. While you are still struggling, we have already killed the Quartet, you? You are really blind to offend us seniors!" Wang Aoye looked at Meng Weichang, who was struggling on the ground, couldn't help laughing.

In Wang Aoye's eyes, only the first batch of people with supernatural powers that appeared naturally were the real strong ones. Everyone carried them through after being exposed to the rain, and obtained extraterrestrial elements. The group of supernatural beings who used supernatural potions were much stronger, so, except for the first batch of supernatural beings, there were not many other supernatural beings that he could value.

Hearing this, Meng Weichang was immediately annoyed, clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly hit the ground, a shock was generated, and the crack extended towards Wang Aoye, Wang Aoye dodged unhurriedly.

"Hehe, you must be very angry now, but the fact is like this, you can't do anything!" Wang Aoye is still taunting Meng Weichang, anyway, he has already won, so it's better to laugh at him before killing the enemy some.

Hearing the enemy's ridicule, Meng Weichang couldn't help cursing angrily: "You and Shen Feng are both careerists. You are not so-called good people. You will occupy one side while the world is in chaos. In time, you will be warlords. We represent justice. You must be destroyed! You bandits, hooligans, kings of the mountain!"

Wang Aoye was very confident at first, no matter what the enemy said, he could keep calm, but now, after hearing the other party's scolding, his face became gloomy, and he said, "Are we careerists? You are farting!"

Wang Aoye said with a cold face: "You are so powerful. If you say you can represent justice, then when we were hunted down by zombies two years ago, where were you? Where were you when we faced the attack of mutant beasts? We have been waiting for several months, but we have not been able to wait for the army, we have not been able to wait for rescue, who made us in the south? Who made the south more crowded and mountainous?"

"Isn't the decision made by your headquarters to go north first and then south? Didn't all the supernatural beings in the north be won over by you, first recover Yanjing, then northeast, then North China, then Guanzhong, and then Hanzhong and Sichuan provinces, The old industrial area, right? Strong industrialization ability, right? But where did you put us people from the south? Now that I have taken people back to the city, you say we are bandits, so amazing!"

Meng Weichang was shocked by Wang Aoye's words. He really hadn't thought about this problem before, so he began to explain: "Things always come first, then come first. The headquarters was already preparing to recover the southeast coast, but something happened in Yanjing. So the progress is a bit slower, you should know this!"

"That's right, I know! But it's also true that you haven't rescued us. Since we can't get rescued by others, we abandoned people can only save ourselves! I am like this, Shen Feng is like this, and so is Li Xiankang!" Wang said Okuno said in a deep voice: "Since you are righteous, then tell me, how much is your justice? Why do you only sell it to other people and never sell it to us?"

Meng Weichang was driven into a hurry, and said directly: "If you save yourself, why do you want to separate the regime? As far as I know, all of you civil groups are forming armies, all of you are collecting taxes, and you are not under the control of the headquarters at all. Therefore, you are evil!"

"Papa..." Wang Aoye applauded and said, "Well said, well said! You've hit the point and are out of control! Then let me ask you, can the headquarters protect everyone now? The headquarters can guarantee everyone Don’t you want to be hungry? Can’t you? If you can’t, then don’t blame the people below for causing trouble!”

After saying this, Wang Aoye was ready to act. He did not deny that he was an ambitious man, but he also knew that his ambition was supported, and it was supported by many people!

A ball of sand appeared in Wang Aoye's hand to form a sharp blade, which could be shot out at any time. He didn't want to continue talking nonsense now. He just wanted to kill this hypocrite who claimed to be righteous. Can't do justice!

However, suddenly Wang Aoye felt that something was wrong with his body, his whole body became hot, and wrinkles appeared on his skin. This change caught Wang Aoye off guard.

At this moment, Shi Weitian from a distance shouted loudly: "Boss, run! That oxidized grandson is rushing over!"

Wang Aoye looked back, just in time to find a guy with a broken arm not far behind him rushing up, it was Su Liuying, with a cruel expression on his face, at this point, he was almost crazy, knowing that It's hard to escape, so you have to take some backs with you before you die.

Wang Aoye couldn't say well about his ambition, he didn't expect that he would be approached by the enemy if he didn't pay attention, so he was about to flee, but before he fled, Wang Aoye threw out the blade made of sand in his hand, regardless of whether it hit or not , turned around and ran.

But Su Liuying chased after Wang Aoye, shouting in his mouth: "Why are you running? Don't you dare to fight in an upright manner? Or are you worried that you will die of old age?"

Wang Aoye felt aggrieved, and said in his heart: "What, I was chased and killed by an unknown junior again, and I lost all face! These are some broken abilities. As long as they are within the range, they will be oxidized. It's really enough !"

Wang Aoye is not worried about whether he can defeat Su Liuying, because he believes in his own strength. However, once time is delayed, Wang Aoye's body will continue to be oxidized, and even if he kills the enemy by then, he will definitely die. He was old and turned into a late old man, so Wang Aoye fled immediately.

However, although Wang Aoye threw the sand blade in his hand, unfortunately, he did not aim carefully, so that the sand blade only scratched Meng Weichang's arm and did not cause serious injury.

Wang Aoye quickly fled towards the distance, Su Liuying was chasing after him, and Shi Weitian was also chasing further away. The three of them all fled towards the distance quickly, so fast that they did not give others a chance to catch up. At this moment, Meng Weichang Finally, I felt that I could escape from the sky.

Seeing that everyone was gradually moving away from here, Meng Weichang finally felt relieved at this moment. He didn't expect that he could survive in such a mess. He was really lucky.

Afterwards, Meng Weichang slowly crawled towards the distant building, ready to find a chance to slip away, and he must not admit defeat until the last moment, maybe he will be lucky enough to survive?

With this in mind, Meng Weichang planned to struggle until the last moment, but at this moment, Xu Xing caught up.

"Go to hell!" Although Xu Xing is only a junior high school girl, after seeing her mother injured, she already has resentment towards the culprit, especially this guy has been causing earthquakes in Yuzhou. If this kind of person is not killed, It will definitely endanger the world.

Xu Xing rushed towards Meng Weichang, holding the shining samurai sword in his hand. Originally, this sword had been chopped by Shen Feng many times, causing the edge to warp. Xu Xing often sharpened it, so the samurai sword changed again. It is sharp, and it is made of alloy material, which is very strong in addition to being sharp.

Meng Weichang was crawling at this time, and his speed was slow. After all, he was not the ruthless one of the four famous arresters. He could use his hands to perform light work, but he could only crawl slowly with his hands. In this way, Xu Xing chased him up.

Meng Weichang turned his head and looked at Xu Xing who was close at hand. He didn't react for a while, and the blade pierced into his chest in an instant. That's all in the hands of the supernatural being, but in the end, he was killed by a girl. Why did this happen?

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