Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 615 Discovery Of A Child Prodigy

After Shen Feng heard that the solution was to build the outer city wall, he was a little surprised and asked, "Can a city wall have such a big effect?"

"It's not that the city wall has a great effect, but that the city wall can become a symbol and express an attitude. From the perspective of people in the outer city, everyone is from Yuzhou, and they are no worse than people in the inner city. In addition, the most important The function is to collect taxes. Now it is very difficult to collect taxes outside the city. After all, there is a lot of liquidity outside the city. Except for water and electricity, which are in the hands of the city lord's mansion, other taxes can be collected, and other taxes are difficult to carry out. " Yu Zhijing began to analyze seriously.

Shen Feng began to carefully consider the suggestion put forward by Yu Zhijing, a ten-year-old child, and found that this suggestion is indeed feasible. After the autumn harvest, many people will have no jobs. In this case, building the city wall is quite important. I finally found jobs for these people, but it's hard to say what the effect will be.

After Yu Zhiling ate a lot of cold dishes, she was finally full, so she stared blankly at the conversation between Shen Feng and the big brother. She couldn't understand much anyway, so she could only sit blankly with her eyes closed Although he looked ahead, there was no expression in his eyes.

Yu Zhiling is different from her big brother. Her big brother will keep thinking wildly after she is free, but after Yu Zhiling is caught, her head is blank and she doesn't think about anything. Commonly known as daze , the elegant name is wandering in the sky.

But after being caught before, Yu Zhiling started to be in a daze, and she didn't say anything when asked, in fact, her head was completely empty. Zhang Xixi couldn't detect anything when she used her supernatural powers. After all, Yu Zhiling didn't have any mood swings. , which of course cannot be detected.

This kind of situation can also happen to ordinary people. Generally speaking, they are stunned by fright, so their heads go blank, and they don't know what they are thinking. It takes a long time for their emotions to completely stabilize.

"Who told you to say these words? Who is standing behind you?" Suddenly, at this moment, Shen Feng asked directly.

The more Shen Feng thinks according to Yu Zhijing's train of thought, the more he feels that this matter is more important, and this also shows from the side that the person who raised this question has a long-term vision. Now there is no situation outside the city. Everything is the same as usual, but things that may happen in a few years have already been brought up, which shows that people who hold this point of view are really not simple.

After much deliberation, Shen Feng felt that it was impossible for a child to ask this question, so he immediately began to question Yu Zhijing, wanting to know who was using Yu Zhijing behind his back, it was impossible for a ten-year-old child with this level of knowledge.

However, in response to Shen Feng's pressing question, Yu Zhijing still said seriously: "It's just my own experience, no one taught me to say these words!"

Shen Feng looked at the thin Yu Zhijing in disbelief, still in disbelief, and asked, "Are you sure you thought this up yourself? Then I'm going to test you. If you can answer my question, I will admit it." These things are all on your mind!"

"Yes!" Yu Zhijing immediately agreed, he was confident that no matter what kind of question he had, he could answer it himself.

"Then I'd like to ask you a little difficult question about history. How did the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu fall during the Three Kingdoms period?" Shen Feng then asked.

Shen Feng felt that the questions he was asking now were already very difficult. According to the age of the boy in front of him, he should only be at the level of a primary school student. How much knowledge can he know? Especially the knowledge of history, he must know even less. If he asked about the knowledge of the Three Kingdoms, he didn't believe he could answer.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhijing said without hesitation: "Sima Zhao usurped the throne, Wei State perished first, Deng Ai smuggled to Yinping, Shu State perished, and then the Western Jin Dynasty went south to cross the Yangtze River, and Wu State perished. If the city lord still wants to know the specific time, I can recite it too!"

Seeing that the young man in front of him had such a wealth of knowledge, Shen Feng still couldn't believe it. How could a primary school student know so much?

Afterwards, Shen Feng continued to ask: "This time I will ask you some questions about geography. What are the mountains around Yuzhou? I will trust you if you answer!"

Yu Zhijing still didn't think about it, he seemed to know the terrain around Yuzhou well, and then he said: "There is Daba Mountain in the northeast. After passing Daba Mountain, you can go to Xiangyang, and you can go downstream to Wushan. It is in the east, and there is Wuling in the southeast. Mountains, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the south, and the Mingyue Mountain to the back, if necessary, I can also name all the rivers in Yuzhou!"

"That's all right, all right, I don't need any more, I can already confirm your level, I believe these are all your own thoughts, you are really a child prodigy!" Shen Feng praised sincerely.

"Thank you, Santo, since I have made such a good suggestion, can you take my father back from this conversation? We promise that we will never offend the Santo in the future, and we will never charge protection fees again. Already!" Yu Zhijing asked hastily.

Now, Yu Zhijing sees the hope of saving his father, as long as Shen Feng speaks, it will be fine!

However, Shen Feng replied: "One yard is equal to one yard. Don't confuse the two. Although you reminded me that the mercenaries outside the city are a factor of instability, your father dares to charge protection fees. This cannot go unpunished!"

"Then... how does the city lord want to punish?" Yu Zhijing's mood sank to the bottom. After all, this world is always respected by strength. If there is no strength, then it can only be slaughtered.

"Well, for the sake of your advice to me, I will deal with it lightly. I just need to open a secret business route, so let him follow suit. As for you brothers and sisters, you will be in the city from now on. Settling in, you will be my advisor, as for your sister, go to school and see what job she can do when she grows up!" Shen Feng said with a smile.

When Yu Zhijing heard this, he was stunned. With his ingenuity, he naturally guessed what Shen Feng meant. Can it be worse in the future? However, he and his sister will live in the city, and they will be hostages in the future!

When Yu Zhiling heard that she could go to school, she was a little happy immediately, with a smile on her face, she said to big brother: "Big brother, I can go to school now, I won't be a little illiterate anymore!"

Yu Zhijing looked at his sister with a wry smile, and said in his heart, "I don't even know that I'm about to become a hostage. What a silly girl, I don't know anything."

Education in the apocalypse has become a scarce thing. This is the case in most places. Although there are schools, it is impossible for ordinary people to pay tuition fees. After all, they are struggling with food and clothing every day, and the children of ordinary people also lose Zhijing was in charge of Yu Zhiling's study during this period, but the level of this kind of teaching was still not as good as that of a real school.

Yu Zhijing has no choice now, looking at Shen Feng who is smiling across the way, he can only say helplessly: "Our brothers and sisters are willing to live in Yuzhou City, and we also look forward to my father's smooth opening of business routes!"

At this time, Shen Feng was in a good mood. Although he learned that there would be a lot of troubles to solve in the future, but now, he has harvested a genius, which is not easy. When you encounter problems, you can have one more reference object.

Thinking of this, Shen Feng whetted his appetite, grabbed the lo-mei on the table and started to eat, greeting Yu Zhijing and Yu Zhiling while eating.

"Come, come, let's eat together, especially Yu Zhijing, you are thin and need nutrition most, now is the time to eat more!" Shen Feng said to the siblings.

Shen Feng stayed outside the city for two hours, and then brought his brother and sister into the city. After seeing this scene, everyone living on this street couldn't help whispering, they didn't know what happened What, why were the brothers and sisters of the Yu family taken away by the city lord himself?

Shen Feng brought people back to Yuzhou, and first asked people to arrange a residence for their brothers and sisters, and planned to introduce them to others tomorrow. He was released, but before releasing him, he still needs to be informed of his future tasks.

Now Yuzhou is facing a blockade and has lost the ability to obtain materials from the outside, especially oil! As for the oil problem, Shen Feng can't solve it. Almost in the southern mainland of China, there are no places that produce oil. There are a few places that produce natural gas, but there are basically no places that can produce oil.

Before that, Wang Aoye said that he could open up a business route for smuggling. He could sell whatever Shen Feng needed, and Shen Feng would also produce evolution agents continuously. The two sides hit it off. Since there is cooperation If necessary, then without further delay, let's do it now.

Looking at the sunlight outside the prison, Yu Muhe was in a trance for a while. Now that he came back to the outside world, everything seemed a little strange, and he also learned that it was his son who saved him. I'm going to live in the city, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

"Isn't it just to work for the City Lord's Mansion? It's no big deal, it's just a job, and I can do it." Yu Muhe murmured.

During this period of time, Yu Muhe has accumulated a lot of wealth. He is going to go home first, find out all the things in the house, and give the child some pocket money, and the number of times he will meet in the future will be rare , Everything in the city needs money, so you can't wrong the children.

However, after Yu Muhe returned to his restaurant, he saw a large group of people moving the tables and chairs in the restaurant. Seeing this scene, Yu Muhe was furious, rushed forward and shook his fist at the group of people , Asked: "Who allowed you to carry my things? Who is it?"

After a group of people were dispersed, they saw Yu Muhe appearing here, and they ran away one after another. They didn't expect Yu Muhe to really come out of the prison. I don't know how many people said that Yu Muhe was bound to die before, but now , The facts are already in front of them, they can't help but not believe it.

"Run, Yu Muhe is back!" Everyone didn't dare to continue fighting the autumn wind, and immediately dispersed, Yu Muhe was helpless, and didn't want to meet these little hooligans outside the city.

Yu Muhe walked into the restaurant, and then saw Wei Tong, a brother of the original mercenary regiment, who was commanding the people under him, "Hurry up, throw away all the things you don't need. This place has been transformed into a brothel, and it will be able to open for business by signing a few girls to come in another day. From now on, you will call me Lord, understand?"

Yu Muhe didn't expect that his former brothers were now planning to occupy his property. He thought that the brothers of the mercenary group would rescue him, but he didn't expect them to be such people. Moreover, the best brothers didn't Visit yourself in prison once.

Thinking of this, Yu Muhe then asked coldly: "Master Wei, how are you? I want to work under you now. I wonder if you will take me in?"

After Wei Tong heard the word "Master" coming from behind him, he immediately felt at ease, without even thinking about it, he said directly: "As long as you are willing to do it, how can I not accept you here? Let me see if your hands and feet are agile. !"

While talking, Wei Tong turned around to look, and felt that the guy behind him just wanted to find a job, anyway, the words were pleasant to hear, so it was not impossible to stay.

However, after turning his head, Wei Tong saw Yu Muhe appearing in front of him, he was taken aback immediately, and asked stumblingly, "Boss, why are you back?"

"Yeah, why am I back? You probably think I'll never come back again!" Yu Muhe sneered.

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