Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 621 Suspected To Be From An Old Friend

Lin Yue didn't expect that just after he entered the black market, he would be seen as coming here for the first time, so he asked directly, "Boy, what's your name? How do you know it's my first time here?"

Lin Yue thought he didn't show any strange behaviors, but the young man in front of him saw the details at a glance, and couldn't help being a little puzzled. Could it be that he failed to do well in some aspects?

The young man chuckled, scratched his head and said, "Hi sir, my name is Zhao Yinglai. I am in poor health, so I can't do work. There are seriously ill parents who need to be taken care of. There is no other way. I can see that even if I don’t know these people in the market, there are times when they are familiar. You are a new face, and the badge on your chest is still new, so I will venture to guess that you are here for the first time. Clever, not worth mentioning."

Hearing Zhao Yinglai's story, Lin Yue immediately became interested, and said in his heart: "It is said that children from poor families are already in charge of the family. Now, it seems that an eight or nine-year-old child has such strong eyesight and can speak well. It's not easy."

The so-called time makes heroes, not because there is nothing to do, so we can only work hard. Although luck occupies a part of the credit, but more is still passive by being swept up by the trend. The tide was swept away, so the worse the environment, the more people who refused to accept their fate appeared.

In the apocalypse, some people stand out and become the focus of attention, but these children can only act by watching other people's winks. If there are bear children appearing again, everyone will not be used to it. If you dare to offend me, please forgive me. I'll give you two slaps, in this world, it's hard for brats to survive.

Those who can survive are children like Zhao Yinglai, who have eyesight, can speak well, have a sweet mouth, and never offend others.

"Master, if you are willing to hire me, you only need two taels of food, and the price is already very low!" Zhao Yinglai couldn't bear it anymore, and continued to sell herself. In order to survive, thick-skinned is also what he has to do .

"Okay, come with me, but I'm going to test you, what kind of diamonds are here?" Lin Yue was not polite, and directly took the boy with him, preparing to sell them on the black market. go shopping.

And Lin Yue also gave Zhao Yinglai a problem, that is, let Zhao Yinglai comment on a booth selling diamond rings next to him, and at this booth selling diamond rings, the uncle also looked at Zhao Yinglai with a bad face, if Zhao Yinglai If you dare to say that the diamond ring on the booth is not good, then the stall owner will definitely do it.

And Lin Yue did it on purpose, he wanted to see what this young man would say when he was faced with a dilemma.

Zhao Yinglai was indeed in a dilemma at this time. If the diamond ring on this stall was good, then it must have pleased the stall owner, but if the employer felt that he was running the train with his mouth full of words and said the wrong thing, he would lose business, but If it is said that the diamond ring on this stall is very bad, then the stall owner will also bear a grudge against himself, and it is likely to attract revenge in the future.

Faced with this dilemma, Zhao Yinglai had an idea and said: "Sir, please listen to me. Someone said in the last century that diamonds are forever, and one piece will last forever. So diamonds must be good things. The quality of the diamonds sold may also be guaranteed. However, the preciousness of an item is related to the times and the environment. Now everyone is looking for real gold and silver. If you are willing to buy a diamond ring, of course it is Very good, it can show your status, but if you don’t like it, it’s just the contempt for diamond rings in this era.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yinglai looked at Lin Yue with a smile. He had finished his ambiguous words. As for whether to buy or not, he did not give any advice. The question of whether he should choose was sent back to Lin Yue intact. Leaping hands.

Lin Yue saw that this kid was indeed quite clever, and immediately laughed, and said, "Take me to find someone who sells information, it must be reliable."

Zhao Yinglai hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said, "This way please, just go ahead, I will take you to find the seller right away."

After hearing Zhao Yinglai's non-offending words, the stall owner was not angry, but muttered in his heart, "Could it be true that diamond rings are not valued in this era? But it was obvious before that It's valuable, a diamond ring costs three or four thousand, why can't I sell so many genuine things?"

The stall owner is also a real person. Before, I always saw many people buying diamond rings, and often advertised on TV, which made him really think that diamonds are very valuable. The diamond ring was not taken away, so he immediately thought about selling the diamond ring.

It is a pity that diamonds are originally a fairy tale woven by capital. Through various hypes, the value of diamonds has been inflated, but in fact, diamonds can be synthesized artificially. Diamonds are simply carbon elements. Synthetic diamonds are purer than natural diamonds, and many of them cannot be detected after entering the market. Now that the end is coming, the price of diamonds has become slightly higher than the value of roadside stones.

Zhao Yinglai directly took Lin Yue to find a fortune teller here, and there were many people waiting around the fortune teller.

The fortune teller sat on the ground, with a red cloth in front of him. On the red cloth, there were yin and yang fish, gossip, lottery buckets, cards, turtle shells and copper coins, and these decorations were just a disguise. , because the waiting people around are not here to tell fortunes, but are waiting for something.

The fortune teller quickly took out the papers from his body and gave them to the surrounding onlookers respectively. These people were also very sensible and did not open the papers in public, but left quickly, planning to open them again when they got home.

At this moment, Zhao Yinglai tugged on Lin Yue's sleeve, Lin Yue quickly lowered his head, Zhao Yinglai said in a low voice: "Write down the information you need on paper, and pick it up at the market the next day. If there is no news, there will be no charge here, but if the news is found, it will be charged according to the preciousness of the news."

Seeing that it took so much trouble to get accurate information in Yanjing, Lin Yue couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked directly: "Why is it so troublesome? There are so many procedures to go through, what if he runs away the next day? "

"This is a black market, so don't worry about it. If you are caught by the official eagle dog, you may not be able to release it. As for people, they won't run away. Otherwise, there will be no place for them in the black market in the future." It’s here!” Zhao Yinglai hastily explained that it’s impossible to be careless when doing business in the black market.

Lin Yue thinks about it too. Being arrested for fortune-telling is naturally not a big deal. Fortune-telling is all about what you want and what you want. If you don’t believe it, it’s fine. If the information is caught, the crime will be serious. If it is caught as a spy, it will be dealt with directly. The risk is extremely huge.

Next, Lin Yue immediately wrote down the required information on a piece of paper, that is, the news about He Kanwen, and after handing it to the fortune teller, he prepared to leave.

The fortune teller said indifferently: "Please come back tomorrow to receive your comment. As for whether you will be here tomorrow, please pay attention to the news from the market manager."

Lin Yue nodded and said, "I hope you can find the information I need, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yue wanted to take a stroll in the black market. Zhao Yinglai spared no effort in introducing it. Lin Yue found that everything was sold in the black market, including guns, and even cold medicine. I just picked it up and saw that it had expired for two years.

But the stall owner said plausibly: "Although my medicines are all expired, they are still effective. Expired doesn't mean they're useless. As long as they don't get moldy and don't deteriorate, they're edible. Sir, if you need them, I'll help you." There are also Banlangen granules here, which have only been expired for one year, do you want to buy some?"

"I'm free from all diseases, I don't need it anymore!" Lin Yue smiled and began to refuse.

I have to say that there are a lot of weird things on the black market, and some stalls sell animal skins exclusively. Obviously, they have not mastered the method of tanning and cannot make animal skins into clothes, otherwise they would not sell animals directly. Skinned.

"Why are there still animal skins on the black market? Can anyone still buy them?" Lin Yue asked puzzled.

Zhao Yinglai nodded and explained: "Of course there are people who buy it. Those manufacturers who make clothes are not a thing. They bought animal skins at a low price, made them into clothes, and sold them at a high price. It can be said that hunters risked their lives to kill them." After the mutant beast died, the animal skins couldn’t be sold for a price, and ordinary people couldn’t afford finished clothes, so after buying them back at a reasonable price on the black market and softening them with plant ash, they could keep warm a little bit, the big deal Wrap it around your body and wear it like a bell."

Winter in the north is very cold, especially in many places without heating, so keeping warm is very important, but the price of clothes made of animal skins is very high, manufacturers make a lot of money, ordinary people However, their survival is a serious problem, so they can only start from the black market, buying animal skins to make clothes by themselves.

The so-called a bell is an elegant way of saying it. In fact, it means that it can barely be worn as clothes, but it has no buttons or zippers, and the whole body is just like a copper bell. It's about time, if it's winter, you have to tie your waist to avoid drafts from top to bottom.

Lin Yue suddenly realized that this is the case. He had never seen such a scene in Yuzhou. After all, firewood can be burned in the south, and Yuzhou also has water and electricity. Heating in winter is still no problem.

At this moment, a bald man walked past Lin Yue holding a hemp rope in his hand. On the other end of the hemp rope was tied a girl. The girl was not fully clothed, her hands and feet were directly exposed. , There are also many patches on the body.

When Lin Yue and this girl passed by, he was stunned. How could this girl look so much like the dead Fu Ya?

However, Lin Yue knew that this girl was definitely not Fu Ya. Lin Yue personally cremated her when Fu Ya died. any relationship.

Zhao Yinglai is very good at observing words and expressions. When she saw Lin Yue staring at a girl who was being sold, she quickly introduced: "Sir, if you like this girl, you can directly negotiate the price and make a deal on the spot." That's good, if you just want to play for a while, it depends on whether the seller is willing."

Hearing this, Lin Yuewan seemed to have heard something unbelievable. He frowned and asked, "Are you joking? You can buy and sell people in Yanjing City?"

Zhao Yinglai lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Most of these people are voluntary, and they are trading on the black market. It doesn’t matter, many people voluntarily sell them to other places in order to treat their parents.”

Lin Yue's view of the world has also changed at this time. He thought that since Yanjing is the site of the headquarters and the capital, it must be bright and beautiful, and it must be peaceful and peaceful. But now Lin Yue suddenly realized that Yuzhou seems to be very good. It's a little poor, but at least the people at the bottom have food to eat, so that people will not be desperate to choose a path of despair.

Lin Yue knew that this girl was not Fu Ya, so he didn't want to worry about it too much. At this time, he also wanted to leave the black market, and was going to wait until the next day to get news.

However, at this moment, Lin Yue saw the eyes of the girl in the distance. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes reflected hope. The wrists of her hands were tied up with hemp rope, and she could not move freely. Maybe the hemp rope was more strangled. Tight, the wrist area has become red.

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