Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 625: Improper Person

Yue Hengyi originally thought that it would not be easy to inquire about He Kanwen's news. Who would have thought that he would know the location of He Kanwen after casually inquiring about it in Yanjing City? It's too loud.

Yanjing is the capital, and the fireworks industry will naturally not be allowed. Anyone who dares to open brothels blatantly would be really daring. As long as they are found out, they will definitely be dealt with.

However, Chinese people like this kind of thing the most, isn't it just that they are not allowed to open brothels? No problem, we absolutely follow the rules.

Just some foot-washing cities and barbershops began to prosper. Many massage parlors seem to provide services for massage. However, when a beautiful woman in a short skirt asks if she needs special services while massaging It's hard to say no to this suggestion.

Many men originally rushed to wash their feet and get a massage, but under the instigation of some beauties, with the idea of ​​trying something new, they half pushed and half fell.

In addition to this large-scale counterparty, there are also some people who do business alone. It is impossible for these people to appear on the bustling streets. These skilled big sisters usually rent a house and stand by the roadside in simple clothes. The door was ajar, and there was still a pink light in the room.

This is the so-called half-closed door. In the time of calamity, women in ancient times had no choice but to do skin and meat business, so they chose to half open the door or hang a curtain. If someone is interested, then enter later With the door closed, most people would not make a fuss about it, but in the end of the world, many women also picked up this method.

He Kanwen's reputation in Fireworks and Willow Lane is too great, and it is also because of He Kanwen's generous spending. After all, he is already a supernatural being, and it is impossible to be short of money. In these places, as long as there is money, then Can be easily remembered by others.

"You are looking for Mr. He. He didn't come today. I heard that he went to Baimaju. He will come here in a few days. Unfortunately, are you his friend?" Immediately a beautiful woman in revealing clothes answered Yue Hengyi news.

Yue Hengyi explained: "It's not considered a friend, it's just an acquaintance."

However, just such a sentence caused trouble for Yue Hengyi. When the two beauties heard that Yue Hengyi knew He Kanwen, they immediately pestered him. , Mister, do you want to experience something different?"

Of course, Yue Hengyi couldn't accept it, so he quickly shied away, saying: "It's no big deal, it's not appropriate to do this kind of thing in broad daylight."

"It's okay. In the room, you can't see anything if you draw the curtains. Our curtains here are of good quality and don't allow light to pass through." The two beauties obviously didn't want Yue Hengyi to leave just like that. The people that the big patrons know must have unusual identities, so they must be taken care of.

Yue Hengyi has no experience in this kind of place. In fact, the women here are very good at observing words and expressions. If Shen Feng is here, he will teach him. Glaring over, these women are very interesting, so they will stop pestering them immediately.

Therefore, Yue Hengyi took a lot of effort to escape from the Footwashing City. In the end, he was clever enough to take out a few golden beans from his body and threw them out, saying, "Whoever finds them will belong to them."

Afterwards, the two prostitutes abandoned Yue Hengyi and went to look for the golden beans on the ground. Yue Hengyi took the opportunity to leave.

Next, Yue Hengyi inquired about the location of the White Horse House, and then rushed over. Now, Yue Hengyi only needs one reason to kill He Kanwen, as long as he sees He Kanwen having a good time outside with his own eyes. There is a reason to do it.

When Yue Hengyi arrived at the destination, he found that it was a very luxurious club, where some people were exercising and others were singing, and in the depths were many rooms with tight doors and good sound insulation, and Many beauties walked through it, and after many male customers came, they reached out and stuffed money or gold and silver on the chests of women. If the women wanted to, they could immediately go to the depths together.

Yue Hengyi was dumbfounded, mainly because he had never been to this kind of place before, he had no experience, and he had no way of finding someone.

However, it was impossible for Yue Hengyi to just stand there, if he did, it would be too prominent in the eyes of others.

Fortunately, at this time, Yue Hengyi saw the drink area. There was a bar on one side of the club, and a man in a suit and leather shoes was sitting in it and was mixing drinks. The cocktails were prepared on the spot, and the bartenders were also very skilled. The layers are distinct, each layer has its own taste, and some are mellow and moist, but it feels like a dream after drinking it.

Yue Hengyi immediately came to the side of the bar, ordered two glasses of wine, and began to taste. Yue Hengyi's alcohol capacity is much better than Shen Feng's, mainly because he was drunk many times when he was in Japan, and he was drunk all day long, and his alcohol capacity was just like this Done.

At the moment, Yue Hengyi was sitting at a one-legged table, tasting fine wine by himself, and his appearance looked like a guy waiting for someone to meet.

Under the dim light, Yue Hengyi tasted the fine wine silently, but people kept coming to disturb him. Some people were asking for Yue Hengyi's contact information, while others were more direct, directly asking if they wanted to spend the night together.

But it was still broad daylight, Yue Hengyi was not interested, and sent all these people away. He began to think about how to find He Kanwen next, and not to alarm other people.

Yue Hengyi wore sunglasses on his face, and many places in the club were dimly lit. In this environment, it was difficult for Yue Hengyi to be recognized, but there were those sharp-eyed guys. Yue Hengyi did not dare to take risks. Once his identity was revealed , then they will be summoned by the Ability Management Bureau to work, and the secret investigation will not be able to continue.

However, when Yue Hengyi didn't know how to proceed to the next step, a group of people in the distance came out. The group of people were all neatly dressed, their hair was combed neatly, and He Kanwen was walking among the group of people. , They came to the edge of the bar while walking, found four sofas in a circle, and sat down.

The dresses of these people are really gorgeous, and you only need to glance at them to know that most of these people are playboys of some family. For ordinary people, it is very difficult to fill their stomachs, but for For these rich young masters, what they need to consider is not dinner, but what kind of goal they are looking for next.

A group of people came out from the depths of the club, with several strawberry marks on their necks, and their bodies were wet, probably after taking a shower. Needless to say, they must have experienced intense exercise just now.

Yue Hengyi didn't expect that he would find no place to find through his iron shoes, and it would take no effort to get here. Before that, he was still thinking about how to find the bastard He Kanwen, but now he came directly to his door at this time. At that moment, Yue Hengyi started Listening patiently, the distance can be more than ten meters, but Yue Hengyi is a supernatural being, and his hearing is very keen. It is still very easy to know the content of these people's conversations.

"Mr. He, you are so fierce. Your performance just now has made us feel ashamed. No wonder many women are so devoted to you, Mr. He. It turns out that you have money." A person said to He Kanwen with a smile.

He Kanwen was also very proud at this time, and said: "This kind of thing also depends on physical fitness, isn't your family rich? Then find a way to become a supernatural person, wouldn't it be good?"

This group of people is very envious of He Kanwen's strength. Even in this romantic place, He Kanwen's physical strength is far from what they can match, and the root cause of this is the difference in physique. Far surpassing ordinary people, even the weakest supernatural person possesses a powerful physique that is much higher than that of a strong ordinary person.

These excesses are reflected in all aspects, even in clubs. He Kanwen's physique can support him for a long time, but others can't.

When He Kanwen said this, these people immediately said helplessly: "Although our family has power, the preciousness of the supernatural potion is beyond your imagination. Therefore, except for the heirs of the family who are entitled to drink the supernatural potion Other than that, it's impossible for anyone else."

"Yeah, we just have some pocket money. It's impossible to become a supernatural being."

"Speaking of which, I heard that in the hands of Mr. He's wife, Ms. Qin Kewei, there are still many supernatural potions. Is this true?"

"I don't know about that."

"Don't pretend, many people in Yanjing City have heard that more than a year ago, these people from the Ability Management Bureau killed more than forty corpse kings, even if they were separated by Shen Feng For one part, there are definitely a lot of supernatural potions left, but in the end, the quantity is not enough, and there is only one reason, that is, they also secretly intercepted some, and I heard that they are kept in Qin Kewei's hands!"

When He Kanwen heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong. It seemed that these people made friends with him because they simply fell in love with the supernatural potion in Qin Kewei's hands. This is not easy!

"Even if it's in Qin Kewei's hands, it's impossible for me to snatch it. I can't beat Qin Kewei's. Besides, she's my wife." He Kanwen said hesitantly.

However, at this moment, Mr. Li spoke up and said directly: "Mr. He, we have been entertaining you for the past few months. No matter what kind of woman you want, we will find a way to find you. Among other things, as long as those big stars were in Yanjing, they were found for you, and judging by your current attitude, it seems that you don't intend to admit it."

At this time, the role of the gift offensive in normal times appeared. During this period of time, He Kanwen has been respected by the young masters of Yanjing, and he will give whatever he wants, no matter what the cost is, and he will be satisfied. Moreover, these The background behind the person is very big, if offended, it is definitely not worthwhile.

So, He Kanwen had no choice but to reply: "How could I forget the care of you gentlemen? I really can't beat Qin Kewei, and it's impossible for me to grab the supernatural potion!"

"Mr. He, as long as you are willing to do us a favor, you don't need to do it yourself. We get the supernatural potion from Qin Kewei, so you don't have to worry about it." One of them said quickly.

"What help?" He Kanwen asked hastily.

Someone took out a small bottle from his body, handed it to He Kanwen, and said, "This is what we prepared. If you eat it for Qin Kewei, even a person with supernatural powers will not be able to withstand the effect of the medicine. After that , you bring Qin Kewei, and you don't have to worry about the next thing."

After Yue Hengyi heard these things at this time, the anger in his heart could not be increased, and he wanted to fix these bastards immediately, but now there are so many people in the club, there are too many people in the club, and the nature of public killing is bad, so we can only look for opportunities.

And He Kanwen actually agreed to the plan of these people, he said directly: "This is a favor, of course I can help, but, you can't let me help for nothing, right? What will happen in the future?"

"Don't worry, Mr. He, all your expenses in Yanjing will still be covered by us in the future. You can do whatever you want in the future. When we also get the supernatural potion, then, maybe we people will still pay for it." We can form an organization of supernatural beings." The rest of the people quickly made sure that they would not treat He Kanwen badly.

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