Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 641 There Is Nothing Greater Than Death

Yue Hengyi was arrested for two days, and the effects of the anesthetic came and went quickly. Yue Hengyi had already woken up. Looking at the iron walls around him, he also knew where he was. Now, he must be in prison middle.

The room where Yue Hengyi lived was heavily guarded, and he was tied up on a test bench by restraint belts. In addition to the restraint belts, there were also iron chains on the test bench that bound Yue Hengyi's hands and feet. Said, except for Yue Hengyi's head can move, the whole body is completely impossible to move.

Yue Hengyi felt some pain in his arm, and tried to look over it, only to find that a needle had been buried in his arm, and the needle was connected to a transparent tube. Once he had any abnormal behavior, he would be injected with liquid.

The surroundings of the room are all made of steel plates. Although they have been painted with white paint, the existence of rivets can still be seen.

There is a small window at the door, not very big, and the glass is embedded with bulletproof glass. Yue Hengyi did not expect to meet this kind of treatment.

A bright headlight shone down from the ceiling, Yue Hengyi could only tilt his head to avoid being hurt by the light.

It is difficult for human beings to fall asleep when exposed to strong light, because the human subconscious mind thinks that it is daytime, and the strong light will stimulate the nerves, and multiple effects make it difficult for human beings to fall asleep. In the process of returning to China, Mr. Qian was once exposed to strong light by the US side 24 hours a day, and asked questions from time to time.

Seeing the current scene, Yue Hengyi also knew that he had enjoyed the treatment of Qian Lao back then, but who made him a supernatural person? It's normal to be treated like this.

A face appeared at the small window outside the door, and then the door was quickly opened, and Long Qian walked in with a few people from the Tianlong Bureau. When he walked in, Long Qian said with a straight face: "Yue Hengyi , you'd better not take any action now, otherwise a tranquilizer will be injected into your body immediately, you killed 7,000 people, you have already betrayed the Ability Administration, when you joined the Ability Administration, you The agreement should have been signed and the killing of civilians is not allowed!"

At this time, Yue Hengyi also remembered everything he experienced before he fell into a coma. Now, he couldn't figure out whether he was in reality or in an illusion. What troubled him the most was whether Qin Kewei was alright?

Long Qian continued: "Yue Hengyi, you have made a big mistake and you will definitely die! But as long as you admit your mistake and admit that Shen Feng instructed you to kill ordinary people, then we can report the truth and we can give you a reduced sentence!"

Hearing this, Yue Hengyi finally struggled. The iron chains rattled immediately, and the restraint belts on his body began to tighten. The power of a real superhuman is no longer bound by iron chains and restraint belts.

"Quick, electric shock!" Seeing this scene, Long Qian quickly commanded.

There are actually two electrodes on the test bench under Yue Hengyi. At this time, someone pressed the switch, and the electric shock immediately started. , even the supernatural being couldn't bear it.

After Yue Hengyi endured a strong electric shock, he finally understood what it was like for the teenagers who were forced to quit the Internet addiction. They were all stimulated by electric shocks.

After the cells are shocked by the electric shock, they will become active, especially the muscle cells. The activity of the muscle cells is manifested on the outside, that is, uncontrolled convulsions. Even he himself cannot control the muscles. Yue Hengyi lay on the test bench again, While twitching, his eyes widened.

Long Qian continued: "Perhaps, you don't want to betray Shen Feng, but we have evidence that Shen Feng instigated this incident. Shen Feng will definitely be involved in the disaster that Yanjing encountered this time. If you really If you think about it for the sake of a good brother, I also respect it very much, and I am willing to keep it a secret for you, but you need to pay the price!"

"Dream!" Yue Hengyi spat out these two words with difficulty. The muscles on his face were also hard to control. He was still twitching constantly at this moment, and it was already very difficult to speak.

By this time, Yue Hengyi had already understood the current situation. He was caught on strange charges. He was clearly being led by the nose step by step, but now, he had become a sinner.

Long Qian continued: "Have you really thought it through? Now Yanjing is so excited that even Qin Kewei is going to sue you for killing your rival because of love and hatred. If no one speaks good words to you, you You can only be sentenced to death. I heard that you and Shen Feng picked up a meteorite and obtained some extraterrestrial elements from the meteorite. How about it? As long as you can give these things to me, I can help you !"

"Get out, even if I die, I won't forgive you. You bastards have set me up for this matter from the beginning to the end. You led me into the trap step by step." Yue Hengyi gritted his teeth and said .

When he heard Qin Kewei's name, Yue Hengyi was not moved at all. His most vulnerable part had disappeared a few days ago. Now, Yue Hengyi has lost his love. From then on, Yue Hengyi no longer believed in any love.

But Yue Hengyi would rather die than cooperate with those who framed him.

Long Qian heard Yue Hengyi say this, and then said seriously: "Are you serious? You have thought it through for me. If you really choose such a path, no one can protect your parents. You're dead, what about your parents? Let them send the white-haired one to the black-haired one?"

Long Qian also didn't think he could continue to use Qin Kewei's threats. For Yue Hengyi, Qin Kewei might have been completely lost, so there was no need to miss him. If he wanted to threaten him, he could only use other means. Yue Hengyi's parents are the ones who can be used as threats.

After Yue Hengyi heard the other party's shameless threats, he couldn't help but cursed: "You bastards, you use other people's family members to threaten you, what kind of heroes are you? You have been scheming against me from the beginning to the end, until I go out one day , I must kill you with my own hands!"

"So, if you don't want all this to happen, and if you want to seek revenge from the people in Luliangshan in the future, then you need to survive. As for your claim that we are plotting against you, do you have evidence? Do you have even a little bit of evidence? Is there evidence? Can it be produced? Let me tell you, the person who plotted against you is the Thirteenth Taibao of Luliang Mountain." Long Qian said with a smile.

At this time, Yue Hengyi just wanted to die. Recalling all the things he had done before, even killing many innocent people with his own hands, he felt guilty. After killing many people in Japan, Yue Hengyi I can also anesthetize myself, thinking that this is a foreigner, not my compatriots, and that the other party did it first. I am avenging my ancestors. Besides, I have already helped many poor people.

But now, Yue Hengyi couldn't find any reason to excuse himself. Even if he was being tricked, he was always the one who performed the supernatural power. The murder he committed was already very serious.

It's a pity that it's not so easy even if you want to die. Yue Hengyi is now threatened by the safety of his parents. Even if there is no danger at present, he is not sure whether there will be danger in the future.

Yue Hengyi had a severe headache and closed his eyes as if he hadn't heard anything.

Yue Hengyi showed an uncooperative attitude, while Long Qian sneered and said, "You still have one day to think about it, and the day after tomorrow, you will go to the trial. During this period, you'd better be able to think about it." Clearly, if I don’t give the extraterrestrial elements to me, I won’t do anything, but it’s hard to say how the families of some innocent people killed by you will treat your parents.”

After saying this, Long Qian walked towards the door. In the prison of the Tianlong Bureau, Yue Hengyi was the first person to enjoy this kind of treatment. This is the place where people with supernatural abilities are detained. The victim couldn't escape, and he hadn't used the opportunity before. Now that the opportunity came, he used it on Yue Hengyi first.

Yue Hengyi closed his eyes as if he didn't hear anything.

After Long Qian went out, he closed the door, and then ordered: "Turn up the lights for me, are you worried about not being able to pay the electricity bill? Shine him hard!"

The light in the cell suddenly became extremely bright, and it was impossible to fall asleep. To sleep under the sun, you need to cover your face with a book to block the sun. After all, light can pass through the eyelids. You can still feel the light with your eyes closed, but the light in the cell is bright, and there are still white walls around, so the reflection of the light is even more uncomfortable.

Yue Hengyi couldn't sleep at all either, he closed his eyes and didn't know what to do.

Yue Hengyi could use his ability at this time, but he was worried that the moment he did so, the tranquilizer would be injected into his body.

Moreover, even if Yue Hengyi used his abilities, it would be useless, so what if he escaped, isn't he an executioner? Who likes a bastard who kills innocent people indiscriminately?

Yue Hengyi's heart was ashamed at this time. Originally, he was also a well-known figure in the Ability Management Bureau. Even though he was living on a deserted island, Yue Hengyi had no intention of betraying him. For the organization, I still want to have a happy love with Qin Kewei.

But now, there is nothing left. In terms of reputation, he is already Yanjing’s murderer, and everyone is cursing. In terms of love, Qin Kewei has already sued himself for murder, and what he saw in the club before is mostly hallucinations. , Family affection is also not good, he has dragged his family members down, his own death is not counted, and he has to make his parents the object of others' curses.

"It seems that I am really a worthless man. Back then when I was overseas, I laughed at Shen Feng and said that Shen Feng was not a good person. But now it seems that Shen Feng has love, family affection, and smooth sailing in his career. People around me can say they are sorry, but I, who claim to be a gentleman and a good person, can get nothing and protect nothing, what a tragedy!" Yue Hengyi said silently in his heart.

"The flying dragon falls to the ground, and the fierce tiger enters the cage. The great man who used to be powerful is now imprisoned by the downcast. It is difficult to fly and hate fate. I bow my head to recognize the origin. If there is a ambition of the past, I should not cry. Sad, pitiful!" Yue Hengyi laughed at himself He said as if, now he sees his true face clearly, but he is just a high school student who has not yet graduated, and he suddenly gained great power and cannot see himself clearly. It is only now that he realizes that the past was just a dream.

The ancients said: "There is nothing greater than death."

The meaning is very simple. When a person is extremely sad, his whole heart is already dead. It does not mean that the heart stops beating, but that he loses any direction, no goal, no reason to cheer up. Turning into a walking dead, such a person is only physically alive, but his heart is dead.

At this moment, Yue Hengyi is in this state, he doesn't think about anything anymore, he has completely emptied his head, since he has nothing left, he might as well die silently like this, but he doesn't know that he will be under the underworld in the future, How to face parents.

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