Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 652 Don't Say Anything If You Don't Have Money

Shen Feng was very worried that Yuzhou would be threatened by mutated birds in the future, so he went directly to the research institute, found Professor Niu, expressed his concerns, and hoped that Professor Niu could help with ideas.

However, after hearing what Shen Feng said, Professor Niu frowned, and said: "It's not impossible to kill the mutated birds, but it's not a cure for the symptoms. I know about mutated birds. A reward was issued, and some mercenaries caught hundreds of them for my research, and now some are locked up in the research institute."

Shen Feng was a little surprised, and quickly asked: "What is treating the symptoms but not the root cause? Tell me carefully?"

Professor Niu put down a seat for Shen Feng, sat down slowly himself, and then said: "In the past, Yuzhou cleaned up the mutant beasts in the south. , cannot achieve its intended purpose.”

Shen Feng listened patiently. He knew that regarding the matter of mutant beasts and mutant birds, he should still listen to the advice of professionals. Now that Professor Niu has his own opinions, he should also listen to them.

Professor Niu continued: "It is difficult to clean up the mutant beasts in the mountains, because the mutant beasts will gather together when they see a bad situation, forming a beast swarm. If you want to clean it up, you must form an encirclement network and use a carpet search to get most of them to you. Elimination, a small number of surviving ones have no ability to threaten humans under the subsequent hunting of mercenaries. It is difficult to clean up, but once it is completed, there will be no large-scale mutant beasts in a short time, unless There is an influx of mutant beasts from other places."

Shen Feng nodded, agreeing with what Professor Niu said.

"So what's wrong with the mutant bird?" Shen Feng continued to ask.

Professor Niu took down a thrush specimen from a nearby shelf, which was made by himself, and now it looks like it is still alive.

"Look, City Lord, this is a mutated bird. Compared with mutated beasts, mutated birds are not very good at fighting, because once the army gathers, they are just a flock of chickens, ducks and geese. They have proper meat and are easy to clean up." It's simple, but it doesn't cure the root cause, because of the fluidity of the birds!" Professor Niu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Shen Feng immediately became interested, and asked, "The fluidity is very strong because birds can fly, right?"

"Of course, that's what it means!" Professor Niu analyzed seriously: "Birds can fly, but if they want to reproduce, they basically need to build a nest. After the nest is built, the eggs will hatch. Once the army arrives, even Without the army, as long as large-scale mercenaries go to the forest, they can destroy the nests of these birds. However, it is impossible for us to set up a siege net. These birds flew away directly when they saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to destroy them. It’s impossible, even if it was finally wiped out, birds from other places would easily come over and occupy the space.”

Originally, Shen Feng thought that it would not be particularly difficult to clean up the mutated birds, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. The mobility of the birds is too strong, and it is not so easy to completely eliminate them.

"Then what should we do?" Shen Feng asked helplessly.

Professor Niu thought about it seriously, but shook his head and said: "I have no choice, the only suggestion I can give is to clean it up every few months to maintain a certain number of birds in the forest, so as not to let the birds die. The numbers exploded."

Hearing this suggestion, Shen Feng suddenly didn't know what to say. If he had to clean up the mutant birds every once in a while, the task would be too heavy. The problem is that once a war starts, the economy will be seriously consumed. There is a similar expression in Sun Tzu's Art of War, that although a country is strong, it will die if it is warlike.

"It seems that we can only pretend that we didn't see it. It's really not easy to do something to these birds." Shen Feng said helplessly.

After comparing the situation after the war, Shen Feng has already seen the current situation clearly. If he continues to attack the birds in Daba Mountain, he will be dragged into the quagmire sooner or later, and he can only pretend that he didn't see it for now.

In the territory of Yuzhou, there is the tail of Daba Mountain. However, even if there is only a section of the tail of the mountain range, there are many trees in the mountain. I really don’t know how many birds live here. After the birds feel the danger, they flap their wings high Fly, just leave, Daba Mountain is so big, birds can go anywhere, either to Shuzhong, Hanzhong, or even Hubei, and come back after the cleanup operation is over, which is really too difficult.

Shen Feng wanted to pretend that he didn't see it, after all, a problem that he couldn't see wasn't a problem.

However, Shen Feng held such a plan, but was ruthlessly torn apart by Professor Niu: "Do you want to pretend to be invisible? No, because once the number of birds reaches an uncontrollable level, they will attack." For humans, I have observed many mutated birds and found one thing, that is, after these birds have enough food, they will lay eggs crazily, and the number will increase, which is even more exaggerated than before the end of the world."

"Attack humans? Is it a bit exaggerated? I haven't heard of birds attacking people in other places, except for raptors such as golden eagles. Ordinary birds are as big as chickens and ducks, attacking humans Isn't it a dish?" Shen Feng felt that Professor Niu was scaring himself by saying such words.

Professor Niu shrugged, leaned on the chair, and said: "I just put forward my opinion. Whether you listen or not is your own choice. I have no right to interfere, don't I? I just want to remind you of something. Things, there are no birds attacking humans now, it doesn’t mean there won’t be any in the future, don’t forget how those migratory birds carried out air raids in Yanjing back then!”

Hearing this, Shen Feng's face finally became serious. Obviously, at this time, Shen Feng had already remembered the battle that took place in Yanjing more than a year ago. At that time, the city of Yanjing was like dumplings, zombies kept falling, and the city suffered tens of thousands of casualties. This kind of tragic experience was in front of him, and Shen Feng had to pay attention to it.

At the beginning, Yanjing's counterattack was also very fierce. After he found the nest of migratory birds, he immediately started bombing. The bombs directly plowed a swamp, and very few birds were able to escape.

However, Yanjing is able to have tens of thousands of fighter jets, and it is only through the efforts of the whole country to achieve this level. Yuzhou does not have enough fighter jets. The air power is not good, and there is no advantage in the air. It is not easy to completely wipe out the birds matter.

"It seems that we can only start to clean up the mutated birds. What kind of world is this? The zombies are no longer a threat, the mutated beasts appear, the mutated beasts are cleaned up, and the mutated birds come. When will the world be peaceful?" Shen Feng said with a sigh.

Professor Niu thought about it, and said: "Unless animals around the world stop mutating, but first of all, we need to salvage the meteorites from the sky. After the meteorites leave the ocean, the global mutations may stop."

Professor Niu knows that the doomsday of the world is related to the ocean. It is the meteorite that caused the mutation of the virus in the Pacific Ocean, which led to the appearance of zombies, and the zombie virus also mutated when it acted on animals. The mutation may be even more serious. The appearance of giant sea beasts in the sea is mostly related to the meteorite. Only by salvaging the meteorite can the mutation of animals be completely ended, and then ten years will be used to create peace in the world.

"Don't say such things, I think about it but I can't do it!" Shen Feng shrugged helplessly. Just last year, more than two hundred supernatural beings from all over the world gathered in the Pacific Ocean, and all of them were killed by sea beasts. , very few people survived, and fortunately the captain of Zhonghua predicted the sea beast's plan, so they saved some of them, otherwise, maybe everyone would be wiped out.

Thinking of the blue whale that had swallowed the meteorite, Shen Feng felt even more terrified. A sea beast that is one kilometer long, after all, all warships are long, and they are huge monsters at sea. Electronic equipment will fail wherever they go. , who can kill the sea beast and get back the meteorite.

"The blue whale is really too strong. It can also command other sea beasts. It is a well-deserved king of sea beasts. Let's never talk about salvaging meteorites." Shen Feng said helplessly.

"There is nothing truly invincible in the world. Even blue whales, as long as they are creatures, always have weaknesses. It's just that we haven't discovered them yet. The city lord, you must have firm belief." Professor Niu quickly encouraged Shen Feng. He knew Shen Feng He is the world's top supernatural user, and if Shen Feng is not sure, others will be even worse.

Professor Niu also doesn't want Shen Feng to give up the idea of ​​ending this troubled world. If Shen Feng has given up saving the common people, then others may have no hope. Salvaging meteorites must rely on supernatural beings, which is impossible for ordinary people Enter the realm of the gods.

Shen Feng stood up, saw that it was time to leave, and began to leave. Professor Niu sent Shen Feng outside.

Finally, at this time, Professor Niu remembered something, so he quickly reminded: "City Master, if you want to attack the mutated birds, you have to be nocturnal, fight at night and rest during the day."

Afterwards, Shen Feng brought Chang Haojie to the homes of the two pilots and began to apologize. Although becoming a soldier is equivalent to giving his life to Yuzhou, to be more precise, to Shen Feng, but if he doesn't care about it like this , that would chill the hearts of the people below, so Chang Haojie knelt down on his knees and kowtowed in front of the two families to thank him.

The grace of saving lives is a great grace, and Chang Haojie is also very guilty, because this time he ran away from home without authorization and encountered danger on the road, which caused the two pilots to be implicated. If the two pilots hadn't delayed the time, he would have Can't wait for Shen Feng to come to the rescue.

When the two families saw that the eldest son of Yuzhou was kneeling on the ground, they were shocked, and quickly supported Chang Haojie, saying: "No, no, as a soldier, it is normal to die in battle. How can you make the eldest son kneel down?"

Shen Feng assured, "In the future, your two families can live safely in Yuzhou. If you have any problems, you can contact me directly. I will help you deal with them. If you have children, send them to school." , in the future, work in the city lord's mansion."

The two families received Shen Feng's guarantee, both happy and sad. The happy thing is that they can finally live in safety in the future. The sad thing is thinking about the death of their son, a living relative died like this, and they can get This kind of treatment was also obtained because of the sacrifice of his son.

After dealing with the matter of the pilot, Shen Feng also decided to clean up the mutated birds in the mountains to the north. The core area of ​​Yuzhou is basically in Jiangbei, where the terrain is relatively flat, and the area of ​​Tuntian is basically in the In the north, if it is attacked, Yuzhou will be in a big crisis.

Shen Feng has not announced this matter yet, but has recruited more than a dozen core figures in Yuzhou to discuss this matter.

There is a special cultural phenomenon in China, that is, a small meeting is held for a big event, and a large meeting is held for a small matter. For a small matter, dozens of people are called for a meeting for a few days, and they are widely reported. When a big event occurs, it is a few After the important people discuss it, it is decided. From ancient times to the present, it has not changed.

When Shen Feng mentioned the flocks of birds in Daba Mountain in the north, it was obvious that he wanted to find a way to reduce the number of these flocks.

But as soon as Shen Feng said this, Zhou Xiaoxiao spread her hands and said, "City owner, Yuzhou really has no money. You have to build an outer city, build a school, and improve the medical system. It’s a matter of asking for money, if you lead troops to go out now, you will have no money!”

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