Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 667 Chang Haojie's Weakness

The reason why Chang Haojie rushed to the command post was because Chang Haojie took the initiative to invite Ying. He heard that Shen Feng was about to attack the mutated bird in Daba Mountain, and thought it was his brother-in-law who was trying to avenge himself. He was immediately moved and wanted to come If you want to go, you can't just watch, so you want to take the initiative to help Guo Pinming and Yang Chang.

Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi quickly agreed to this matter. Chang Haojie's safety would be guaranteed if they did it at night. Moreover, Chang Haojie was only responsible for dealing with possible bird kings. As long as he was not attacked by flocks of birds, That's absolutely safe.

The king of birds in the forest is not just turtledoves. Besides turtledoves, albatrosses and owls also flew up. Among them, owls have night vision capabilities and pose the greatest threat to the soldiers. The owls flew directly into the sky and started Only flocks of birds started attacking the crowd in the woods.

Tens of thousands of birds flew directly towards the woods, and many sparrows directly hit the branches, and then fainted on the ground, but most of the sparrows still attacked the crowd, and the crowd suddenly became Get confused.

The soldiers started shooting towards the sky with their rifles in their hands. Feathers and blood were continuously falling from the sky. The mercenaries were also waving their weapons indiscriminately. Hundreds of people were attacked at the same time. Even waving casually could kill the mutant bird. of.

Similarly, the soldiers and mercenaries were also pecked and scratched by the birds, and the blood continued to flow. Although it was only a skin trauma, the pain caused was unbearable.

"There are so many bird kings, how can we fight?" Some soldiers complained directly.

If it was just an ordinary mutated bird, it would be solved by just hitting it with a bullet, but now that the bird king appeared, he directly started to command the mutated bird, and the damage caused to the army directly increased dramatically.

It is conceivable that these wounded soldiers must consume a lot of medicine, disinfection must be done, and medicine must be applied in time to avoid scars. If the eyes are attacked, they may even be blind.

At this time, a little flame suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a ball of blood burst out on the head of the bird king owl. It exploded on the spot at this moment, and the heavy body of the owl immediately fell to the ground. Can't act either.

On the clouds at an altitude of 200 meters, Lu Kaiyang saw that the target had been shot in the head, and immediately smiled, and then said: "Hit!"

Lu Kaiyang was holding a large sniper rifle in his hands. The bullets were also special armor-piercing bullets. With one shot, a 0.5cm steel plate could be pierced. Now after hitting the owl's head, it was like a watermelon falling on the ground. It exploded.

Lu Kaiyang is very satisfied with his results. He can hit the target without even aiming at the enemy. After all, his ability is to control electromagnetic waves. After closing his eyes, he can also use electromagnetic induction. Shooting, no matter what kind of enemy, can hit it.

"Don't shoot at the head next time. The bird king may have extraterrestrial elements in his head. If you blow up his brain with one shot, how can we collect extraterrestrial elements?" Chang Haojie said at this time Talked dissatisfied, and shot at the head, it seemed cool, one shot could kill the head, and the result, how to collect the loot?

After being told by Chang Haojie, Lu Kaiyang also knew what he had done wrong, and quickly said: "Blame me, blame me, it's my fault, sir, let's go to the next location, next time I will aim at the body of the bird king and shoot. It's always okay, right?"

"Okay, let's go. For the sake of my title, I will definitely complete this task successfully." Chang Haojie didn't pursue this matter, and flew towards the next destination.

Lu Kaiyang took advantage of the situation to look below the clouds, and saw that the mountains and plains were covered with the light of flashlights. In addition, he could hear gunshots from time to time, and birds were constantly flying in the sky, but it was just nightfall and the moon had not yet set When it rises, although there are many stars in the sky, the light is weak. The birds can't tell the direction, fly around randomly, and often pretend to be fainted on the tree.

The mutated bird not only has increased in size, but also has a large increase in reproductive capacity, and can also fly in the sky. It seems that there is no weakness, but under the research of professional researchers, problems are still found. It's just that the night vision of the mutated bird is not good enough, which was not resolved when the mutated bird was mutated.

There are no perfect creatures in the world, only creatures that are most suitable for the environment. Therefore, as long as creatures have weaknesses, many people only know to brag about tardigrades, but in fact tardigrades can also be eliminated. Tardigrades Worms don't have the powerful vitality as imagined. It's nonsense to say that they can survive in space.

And human beings have never talked about martial arts, if you know your weaknesses, then start from your weaknesses, and you will never give a chance to a fair confrontation.

Lu Kaiyang was able to find the best moment to snipe when Bird King's attention was already attracted by the crowd below.

"My lord, if you want to fly safely in the sky in the future, you'd better go faster, otherwise, as long as the enemy's speed in the sky is faster than you, it will be difficult for you to deal with it." Lu Kaiyang felt that he was on the clouds. Speed, I wanted to hurry to the next battlefield, but the clouds were almost floating in the sky, not to mention compared with airplanes, even compared with drones, it was much slower.

Chang Haojie shrugged helplessly, and said, "What can I do? The development of abilities is only so far. I want to become a fifth-level and sixth-level ability user earlier, but my sister won't let me. .”

Speaking of this, Chang Haojie was rather depressed. Every time he wanted to evolve, his sister said that he could not control the powerful ability, which would eventually lead to the loss of control of the ability. What a joke, how could he not be able to control the ability?

Five minutes later, Chang Haojie and Lu Kaiyang came to the next battlefield. Looking down from the heights, the soldiers in the woods were shooting continuously, and after the birds finally took off from the woods, they couldn't stay away and kept hovering in the sky. There is no need to aim, and four or five birds can be shot down with a single upward shot.

Lu Kaiyang estimated the range of the rifle, and then said to Chang Haojie, "Can you fly a little higher, I'm worried that the two of us will be accidentally injured by stray bullets."

The people on the mountain below are all shooting. Even if they have flashlights on their bodies and a small number of people have night vision goggles, they can't aim during the melee. Generally speaking, they won't be shot at the height of 200 meters on their side. In the middle, but Baobuqi has the kind of blindness, especially if Chang Haojie is hit, Lu Kaiyang has no way to explain to the city lord, he is the city lord's brother-in-law after all.

Chang Haojie was right after thinking about it, as a future hero, if he was killed by a stray bullet, wouldn't it be too unfair?

Afterwards, Chang Haojie immediately began to raise his height, and finally reached the height of 300 meters directly. At such a high position, it was impossible to be easily hit. Next, he only needed to concentrate on finding the King of Birds.

The albatross is still flying in the sky. Although it is the king of birds, it still can't see clearly at night. It can only fly to the sky with a flock of birds. There are many chicks on the ground that can't take off, and these The fledglings can no longer take care of them. In nature, animals take preserving their own lives as the highest criterion.

However, at this moment, the albatross seemed to feel something, as if a strange induction appeared in his brain, and then he looked towards the top of his head, and instantly found the cloud that appeared above his head, and then wanted to avoid it.

Lu Kaiyang closed his eyes, but after using the electromagnetic induction, he also noticed the change in the other party, and he couldn't help wondering: "Is the bird king's perception so sharp? It can even detect us."

In the sky, night is the strongest means of cover, and Lu Kaiyang obviously did not expect to be discovered.

However, it was too late to realize at this time. For Lu Kaiyang, a sharpshooter, as long as he locked the target, he would not even think about surviving. Lu Kaiyang pulled the trigger instantly, only to hear a loud "bang", and the armor-piercing projectile was fired.

Almost at the same moment, the albatross' abdomen exploded, and blood and internal organs fell out. At this moment, the albatross only had time to let out a mournful cry, and then lost its strength and fell into the woods. branches.

"Hit! Let's go, the next target seems to be a silly turtledove." Lu Kaiyang put away the sniper rifle and said to Chang Haojie.

At this moment, Chang Haojie could only look enviously at Lu Kaiyang beside him, and said in his heart: "If I can also have this kind of marksmanship, I can also rule the world."

Chang Haojie can fly by himself, and he can also use clouds and mists as cover during the flight. Most people will not be wary of the sky, even if they see a cloud of mists, they will probably not think about it, and this is Chang Haojie's attack opportunity , After carrying enough ammunition, looking down from the sky, it is almost unobstructed, as long as you shoot, you can hit it.

It's a pity that Chang Haojie's sniper level is not good, which is also related to his lack of serious contact with guns. If he can learn marksmanship seriously, his level may be improved.

Next, the two went to the place where the king bird turtledove was. However, the huge turtledove seemed to have discovered the location of the two of them long ago. In the eastern sky, the moon had already appeared, resulting in improved visibility, which was no longer what it was before. The kind that opened its eyes and went blind, but it gathered countless flocks of birds and rushed towards Chang Haojie and Lu Kaiyang directly.

"I'm going, run, don't find out." Chang Haojie saw this, and the fear of more than ten days ago was suddenly reawakened. When the overwhelming birds surrounded him, it was obviously impossible to escape. , and there are so many birds that they swarm up, completely unable to defend against their attacks.

At this time, Lu Kaiyang calmed down and said: "I can't run. When we are in the sky, the speed of the flock of birds is too fast. We will be overtaken halfway, and we can't go down. There are all birds below. I can fight."

"Fight? How?" Chang Haojie couldn't help asking.

Lu Kaiyang thought for a while and said, "My lord, gather all the clouds and mists to interfere with the sight of the birds to buy me time. As long as I can locate the bird king's track, I can shoot."

Hearing what Lu Kaiyang said, Chang Haojie also quickly used his supernatural ability to gather a large cloud and mist. When the numerous clouds and mist had gathered, the visibility in the sky plummeted. The birds had just been able to fly by moonlight, but now Instantly lost the target.

Lu Kaiyang has put away his contempt for the turtledove, and started to deal with it seriously. He originally thought that the turtledove's IQ would not be particularly high, but in the end he encountered danger when dealing with the turtledove. It seems that the mutated bird king has a level of intelligence has also been raised.

The clouds and mist in the sky blocked the moonlight, and the flock of birds lost their direction, but the turtledove was still approaching in the direction of Chang Haojie and Lu Kaiyang, flapping their wings hard and flying very fast.

Lu Kaiyang closed his eyes, used electromagnetic waves to sense the enemy's position, and finally locked on the turtledove, then put his shoulder against the butt of the gun, and pulled the trigger, "bang".

The fiery bullet shot out of the chamber, and instantly penetrated the body of the Bird King. The Bird King immediately let out a wail. This shot directly broke the spine of the turtledove. It was impossible to fly, so he had no choice but to fall downward.

After the birds lost the order of the bird king, they immediately scattered and flew away, barely flying in the moonlight, but the birds are also tired, and when they descend wearily, it is their death time.

"Huh, I'm scared, if we attack during the day, we will be in danger." Lu Kaiyang said with lingering fear.

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