Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 670 Unexpected Event

The people in Yanjing obviously did not expect that the mutated birds would suddenly attack. Moreover, there were not many mutated birds found in Taihang Mountain and Yanshan Mountain before, but now Yanjing has been overwhelmed by a large number of mutated birds. Surrounded, this couldn't have been bred all of a sudden, right?

Facing the questioning of the crowd, the intelligence personnel had already sweated from their foreheads. They could only hurry up and investigate the problem of the leader. Only then did they finally find out that these birds did not appear from the Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains, but from the from the Siberian Plateau.

"The report says that these mutated birds all flew over from the Siberian Plateau. Now that it's winter in the extreme north, the birds are also going south. I just didn't expect so many birds to fly from Siberia. These aren't our native birds. The intelligence personnel finally came to such a result. The birds that were attacking Yanjing at this time did not actually reproduce from China. appeared abroad.

The original Siberia is recognized as a vast land and sparsely populated, especially the Far East, which is all plateaus and mountains, and it is freezing in winter. It is too difficult to live in this place, but now that the end is coming, human beings The number has already lost more than half, and it would be good to recover to the level of six billion within fifty years, and in Siberia, no one knows what the situation is like in the plateau area.

Hearing that these mutated birds that appeared in the sky above Yanjing had flown from Siberia, everyone at the headquarters was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case. The mutated birds in China were generally not so small in size. Many big birds that appeared this time can catch people and fly to the sky. Among them, whether they are egrets or wild geese, they are all typical migratory birds.

The headquarters immediately had new questions, and then asked: "Aren't the people from the Ability Management Bureau also in Siberia? Didn't they find out about this? Why didn't they warn?"

The people from the intelligence department had no choice but to explain: "Xiao Sheng and the others are in Siberia, but they are in the central plains. The mountains and hills in the Far East are thousands of miles away. They may not be able to know the changes in the mountains."

The intelligence department is telling the truth. Siberia is too vast. There are plains and plateaus. After the plains are reclaimed, they will be farmland. Although only one season of crops can be planted each year, it is better than the vastness. It can produce enough food, but In the plateau of the Far East, it seems that apart from potatoes, there are no other crops suitable for the climate here.

"Really, since it is a harmful migratory bird from abroad, why didn't you report it earlier, can't you use satellites? Shen Feng, who is far away in Yuzhou, can deal with mutated birds in advance, why can't you do it? To predict this in advance?" Many leaders in the headquarters were still puzzled, and they cursed at the person in charge of the intelligence department.

There is no harm without comparison. Whether it is a sense of happiness or a sense of failure, it is a feeling that can only be produced after comparison. The object of comparison at the headquarters is Shen Feng, who is far away in Yuzhou. Shen Feng cannot use satellites, and even All kinds of intelligence systems were not complete, but Shen Feng was able to respond to this kind of thing early. On the contrary, in the intelligence department of the headquarters, the intelligence lagged behind Yuzhou.

The intelligence department had no choice but to defend themselves: "The satellites recently observed mutant beasts in the mountains. For example, in the Daxing'an Mountains, the number of mutant Siberian tigers and black bears is increasing rapidly. The mutant beasts pose a greater threat to us. Therefore, I didn’t observe foreign countries for the time being, but I didn’t expect that suddenly there would be mutant birds coming to Yanjing from abroad, as if they were attracted.”

"All right, all right, I don't want to hear these explanations anymore. In short, the most important thing now is to solve the problem of mutated birds. I don't want to be attacked by mutated birds when I go out." Everyone interrupted the intelligence department. Complaining, it is meaningless to pursue the backwardness of the 1 intelligence system. In short, mutant birds have appeared in the sky. If this is not resolved, everyone will not have a peaceful life.

Therefore, the most important thing right now is to get rid of the mutated birds overhead.

The headquarters will discuss countermeasures immediately, and the mutated birds over the city of Yanjing can only be handed over to the army for the time being. The most frustrating thing is that the number of air forces in Yanjing is seriously insufficient at this time. More than a year ago, Yanjing leaked all of Zhonghua's wealth, and had 10,000 fighter jets. However, since the end of the operation against zombies, the air forces from all over the country have also returned. After all, the strength of the air force is also needed locally. Yes, in this way, the air force is not enough.

In other words, the safety of Yanjing can only be handled by the infantry stationed here at present. It is completely unclear what kind of results can be achieved by using ground means to deal with the enemies in the air.

While the headquarters were still discussing, news came from the northern region. It was the news from the people who farmed on the Songnen Plain in the northeast, "Mutated birds are attacking us, please help, please help!"

Yanjing's headquarters has not been able to deal with the security issue yet, but when they heard the news of the call for help, it made people almost collapse. The headquarters itself needs support, and you still ask us to provide support. How can this be done? ?

However, since it has already been attacked, it is impossible for the headquarters to be indifferent to this matter, so it has to issue orders to cities such as Jinling and Pudong, ordering them to come to support immediately. Even cities in the south like Guangzhou have received orders from the headquarters. .

The Songnen Plain is the most fertile area among the three eastern provinces, and it is also a big granary for China. If it is destroyed by mutant birds, it will be really miserable.

On the other hand, Yanjing itself also needs support. Usually, there are 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers stationed around Yanjing. It is enough to defend Yanjing with a population of 8 million, but facing the enemy in the sky, Yanjing The army is still beyond its capabilities at this time.

Zhan Jinsu originally hid in the car. She knew that the material of her car was made of steel plates. Even the glass was bulletproof glass. Unless it was hit by armor-piercing bullets, the car would be able to withstand it.

However, she changed her mind when she saw a terrifying scene. After an egret flew down that day, it landed straight on the roof of the car. It had a long beak, such a long beak It is obviously a good hand for catching fish, but at this time, Bailu took the man hiding in the car as a target.

"Crack", the egret's beak was directly pecked down, the original solid glass was directly penetrated, and the man sitting on the driver's seat was also pierced through the body by the beak in an instant, his eyes were full of disbelief It's obvious that this man didn't expect to hide in the car and still can't survive.

After Zhanjin Suzi saw this terrifying scene, she couldn't help but start thinking. If she also became the target of Bailu, wouldn't she be in danger? Even if her ability is cell regeneration, her recovery ability is unparalleled in the world. But if the heart is attacked one after another, it is unbearable.

Thinking of this, Zhan Jinsu said to himself, "I'd better hide in the back compartment."

Even if the glass in the driver's seat is bulletproof glass, it can't compare to steel plates. The cabin is made of steel plates, one centimeter thick steel plates. I don't believe that these birds can break open with their flesh and blood.

Zhan Jinsu did what he said, got out of the car quickly, and went directly to the back of the car, took out the key on his body to open it, but found a surprising scene, at the back of the car, the door lock had been broken, And it was broken open violently, there was a huge hole in the door lock, and the surrounding steel was still hot, so it was obvious that the steel plate at the back of the compartment was melted.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Jinsu was horrified and thought: "Who did this? It must be someone with supernatural powers who can open the door lock of the carriage without me noticing it. Only superhumans can do it." Up to this point, there are quite a few people with fire abilities, but now there should be only one Xun Yan left in Yanjing."

There are actually a lot of fire-type superpowers, and these superpowers have different degrees of development of supernatural powers, and the temperature of the flames is also different. The temperature of ordinary charcoal fire is naturally not as good as that of rocket fuel when it burns temperature, and Xiao Sheng is the strongest flame user, but Xiao Sheng is digging oil in Siberia and has not returned yet. Besides, Ke Yiming is also a master and can control flames, but he is in Yuzhou After recuperation, after all the calculations, there is only one person left in Yanjing who can still use flames, and that is Xun Yan.

Then Zhan Jinsu opened the door of the carriage and looked inside. He frowned and couldn't help but tremble all over, because Yue Hengyi's body had disappeared without a trace. Jin Sucai closed the carriage door with his own hands, and Yue Hengyi's body disappeared.

"Heavenly Selection Bureau, Xun Yan! You people dare to take away Yue Hengyi's body at the risk of the world's dissatisfaction. There is no law in the world. I must report to the headquarters and punish you severely!" Zhan Jinsu said angrily.

People on the street have basically run away, and those who want to survive are looking for shelter, regardless of whether the place around them is a store or not, go in to hide from the birds. Besides, if you hide in a house, the birds can't deal with it. People do harm.

As a result, Zhan Jinsu's roar directly attracted the attention of a wild goose. There was not much food on the ground. At this time, Zhan Jinsu was standing outside cursing the street. This is a live target, and he was naturally targeted. up.

The mutated wild goose swooped down and grabbed Zhan Jinsu's shoulder, then flapped its wings vigorously and flew into the sky, flying up to a height of 20 meters. Zhan Jinsu didn't expect that he would be attacked like this. In the sky, it is impossible to escape.

"Damn bastard, why don't you let me go?" Zhan Jinsu couldn't help cursing angrily at this moment, already very dissatisfied with what happened to him.

The wild goose then let go of its paws, allowing Zhan Jinsu to do a free fall, and then he was about to prepare for a big meal.

Generally speaking, only birds on high mountains will use this attack method. For example, after an eagle catches a rabbit, it cannot kill the rabbit for a while, so it grabs the rabbit and comes to the rock, throws it down and falls to death , Only then enjoy it, birds of prey such as golden eagles will even catch lambs and throw them to death, and then eat the meat.

The wading birds on the seaside generally do not use this method of killing their prey, because it is not necessary, just pick up the shells if they want to eat them, the shells will not run away, wading birds can directly peck open the shells and eat the meat inside, but they never think Now the geese have also learned special skills.

Zhan Jinsu fell straight to the ground. When he fell, his legs hit the ground first, but the moment he touched the ground, Zhan Jinsu's legs were broken, and blood gushed out, a bloody scene. The screen appears in front of you.

Zhan Jinsu endured the excruciating pain, and hurriedly used his supernatural powers, and saw that Zhan Jinsu's legs healed at an extremely fast speed, and a dozen birds fell from the sky at this time, and it seemed that they all wanted to separate a cup of soup.

Zhan Jinsu endured the pain in his body, and ran out while recovering from his injuries. He got into a nearby clothing store and hid. None of the mutated birds had ever seen such a scene. A person who fell from a high altitude is considered a If it is not dead, it must not be able to move, and then it just needs to be eaten, but now, the prey hides directly, which is unprecedented.

The geese are also helpless, since the prey is hiding, let's look for the next prey.

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