Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 672: Wish Come True

Yue Hengyi had already lost consciousness, what does it feel like to die? Of course, I didn't feel anything. If I felt anything, it would prove that I hadn't died yet.

However, at this moment, Yue Hengyi smelled a faint fragrance, and then his eyes lit up, and he saw Qin Kewei, and at this moment Qin Kewei said softly: "Xiao Yue, can you marry me?"

Yue Hengyi looked at this dreamy scene, and felt unrealistic for a while, before answering, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Yue Hengyi's parents appeared.

"You rebellious son, how could we have a child like you, you have done so many wrong things, do you still have the face to live?" Yue Hengyi's parents immediately began to criticize.

"No, I was framed, and I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Hearing his parents' accusations, Yue Hengyi quickly defended himself.

However, before Yue Hengyi finished speaking, the scene in front of him changed again, because there was no one in front of him, and he was actually on an isolated island. On the island, there is no vegetation on the island, only reefs and garbage can be found.

This place is something Yue Hengyi will never forget. The reason why his fate changed was because he was living on a deserted island.

"So I was dreaming just now. I remember that I came here with Shen Feng. Why did I fall asleep here? Where did Brother Feng go?" Yue Hengyi suddenly remembered this important matter, and quickly looked around. .

"Brother Feng, where are you? Are you fishing?" Yue Hengyi couldn't help calling out, and his mind was not particularly clear.

At this moment, Yue Hengyi saw a figure appearing on the sea in the distance, Shen Feng walked on the water, walked towards the distance, and turned back while walking and said: "Goodbye, I, Shen Feng, do not have a brother like you. Go away and suffer yourself here."

Yue Hengyi couldn't accept this fact, obviously the two of them came to the deserted island together, why Shen Feng just left as soon as he said so.

Excited, Yue Hengyi shouted: "Don't go, don't go!"

At this time, Yue Hengyi suddenly opened his eyes, and then looked around, but found that the surroundings were all dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He could vaguely hear chaotic voices in the distance, and there seemed to be someone beside him. , I can't see who he is.

Yue Hengyi stretched out his hand to touch the people around him, but he was already exhausted. Even raising his hand was difficult. This is already a manifestation of myasthenia gravis. With such weakness, it is very difficult to move.

Just when Yue Hengyi was trying to figure out his location, the room suddenly lit up, but it turned out that it was Sayaka who lit a candle at this time, which was found in the courtyard.

It was only then that Yue Hengyi saw the situation around him clearly. It turned out that he was in a strange room at this time. Judging from the decoration in the room, he should be in someone else's home. As for the person who lit the candle, Yue Hengyi saw it. , suddenly fell into confusion.

After a while, Yue Hengyi tentatively asked: "Are you... Sayexiang?"

Sayexiang nodded, and said with a smile: "Master Yue Hengyi, it's me, I'm here to save you, when this riot is over, let's find a small island to live, don't worry, I will never betray you .”

Yue Hengyi didn't expect Sayexiang to save him. He felt his body carefully, but found that his body was already very weak, but the injury had disappeared. If I remember correctly, Sayexiang's ability is flame. I don't know how she healed himself. Now It seemed familiar to me to be in such a weak state.

"Actually, I already want to bid farewell to this world. It's useless for you to save me!" Yue Hengyi said with a wry smile. He should be happy to be rescued, but now Yue Hengyi has not been able to take responsibility for his evil deeds. Instead, there was anxiety.

Hearing this, Sayexiang suddenly hugged Yue Hengyi, and said in distress while crying: "Master Yue Hengyi, you only have one life, please don't take your life so lightly, if you are already sad here, I will I will take you away, don't worry, I will save you this time."

Sayexiang also discovered that Yue Hengyi's mental state was not right at this time. If ordinary people were rescued, they should be happy in the situation of escaping from the dead. It's right to have a smile on your face, but Yue Hengyi is not like that.

Sayexiang also chose to commit suicide. At that time, she had already cut her wrists, but she was saved by Yue Hengyi, and she became a supernatural person. Now, Yue Hengyi's state makes Sayexiang feel familiar. At this time, Yue Hengyi Seems to want to die.

Seeing Yue Hengyi like this, Sayexiang has already decided that she must save Yue Hengyi and not let him continue to sink.

Yue Hengyi smiled wryly, he knew that his sins could not be eradicated, Ling Ling finally figured it out, he had killed tens of thousands of people, the blood stains on his hands could not be washed clean, and as long as he appeared in the eyes of others , then it must be the reappearance of the demon, there is no need to doubt it.

However, Yue Hengyi suddenly became puzzled at this time, and couldn't help asking: "How could you rescue me? There are many supernatural beings in the Tianlong Bureau, so they didn't make things difficult for you?"

Back then, when Lin Yue and Cao Fulie rescued Yue Hengyi, they had to go down the sewer and needed the cooperation of everyone from the Tianlong Bureau. But at this moment, Sayexiang actually took Yue Hengyi to a strange place, and it was impossible for Yue Hengyi not to doubt it.

Sayexiang quickly said: "That's because Yanjing is in chaos now, a flock of mutated birds from the north has come and started to attack humans, I took you away from the car, if I face the supernatural beings from the Tianlong Bureau , I definitely can't beat it."

Hearing such an explanation, the doubts in Yue Hengyi's heart were finally resolved. No wonder he was rescued. However, after learning that Yanjing had been attacked by mutant birds, he couldn't help but worry, "Now Yan How is Jing's situation? Are the casualties serious?"

Sayexiang shook her head, looked at Yue Hengyi and said: "I don't know, I just learned about the mutated birds, it seems that the Siberian birds have arrived in Yanjing in a day, but I saw a lot of blood on the street , Many people must have died.”

Yue Hengyi immediately became worried. He wanted to fight, but now he didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone fight.

"It's a pity that I can't move now, otherwise, I will definitely save people." Yue Hengyi said with a wry smile.

"Master Yue Hengyi, why do you still want to save these foolish people? They are the ones who caused you to become like this, why do you have to do such a thing?" Sayexiang was very puzzled, it seemed that Yue Hengyi at this time was still very concerned about the people who framed him. There was no attitude of hatred at all, which made her completely confused.

Yue Hengyi explained: "The people who framed me were people from the Tianlong Bureau and the bastards in Luliang Mountain, not ordinary people. Moreover, I killed many people. This is a fact, and the crimes on me are also facts. What I resent is killing My people are not the people who hate me after I kill them."

Yue Hengyi has already said this to this extent, and Sayexiang fully understands that Yue Hengyi has not completely fallen into the situation of not distinguishing between good and evil, and his mind is still clear.

Sayexiang quickly said: "In that case, how about we live in a place where no one can reach? Find a small island or deep in the mountains, where no one can find us, and we can live quietly like this. Disputes, we don't have to worry about it."

While speaking, Sayexiang's eyes revealed a look of longing, and Yue Hengyi was not a piece of wood, so he understood Sayexiang's meaning at this time.

Yue Hengyi also knew Sayexiang's feelings for him, she traveled thousands of miles to Yanjing to rescue him, and if he refused her, it would be too cruel, besides, after he survived, the only life he could choose was to live in seclusion Yes, Yue Hengyi hesitated.

"Okay, I'll follow you and live in a place that no one else can find." Yue Hengyi finally made such a decision.

Knowing this answer, Sayexiang couldn't help crying with joy. At this time, Yue Hengyi agreed to her request, which is really great. This means that the two of them can really live together in the future, and Sayexiang finally found a man of her dreams. Will betray, treat yourself tenderly, and protect yourself.

"The city gate is open, let's go, the city gate has been opened!" At this moment, people shouted from outside, and it was heard that the city gate had been opened, which meant that they could escape from here.

When night fell, the number of mutated birds finally decreased by half, and although the birds with night vision were still flying in the sky, the threat was generally not that great, so people packed up their things and took to the streets, asking for help. Open the city gate.

Under the excitement of the crowd, the headquarters also had to consider the consequences. The mutated birds have not been wiped out, which means that Yanjing may be attacked anytime and anywhere. This time, everyone in Yanjing who has not died needs to Think about it, will you be caught tomorrow?

As a result, the crowd became agitated and demanded to open the city gates. These people didn't care whether they would encounter danger in the wild. In short, after leaving Yanjing, the north is already very dangerous, and the only way to have a chance is to flee to the south. survive.

Under tremendous pressure, the headquarters can only be forced to open the city gates. When panic occurs, the crowd is the most dangerous. No one knows what the crazy crowd will do. Those who want to escape leave.

The moment the city gate opened, countless people rushed out of Yanjing City, no need to bring valuables, just take some food and go, go to the south, no matter where you go, in short, as long as you can survive, stay It will only turn into mutated bird droppings.

Even if the headquarters has repeatedly stated "We will definitely wipe out all the mutant birds", but not many people believe this guarantee, but instead say: "What's the matter? You can still use half a month of Operation Thunder to wipe out these A mutated bird? Forget it, we're going to run for our lives."

After Sayexiang heard the news, she quickly put a mask on Yue Hengyi, and then started to flee with Yue Hengyi on her back. As long as she can escape from Yanjing, she can go to the seaside to find a ship and leave China. After arriving in Japan, she can live a happy life together.

Yue Hengyi couldn't move, and the clothes on his body still smelled bad. Sayaka didn't dislike him, and quickly ran away with Yue Hengyi on his back. Now is a rare opportunity, taking advantage of the lack of time in the city to find Yue Hengyi's body, and get away in the crowd!

Walking among the crowd, Sayexiang didn't say a word. She was worried that she would reveal her secrets after she spoke, and the crowd fled away in a panic. Some people didn't even carry food, because after carrying heavy objects, they would inevitably They couldn't run very far, and Yanjing's gasoline was out of stock in an instant, and there were few cars that could drive.

Yue Hengyi has been silently watching this scene without saying anything. This time, the disaster Yanjing encountered was not caused by him, it was a real natural disaster, and no one would have thought that birds would attack Yanjing again.

Sayaka was walking in the crowd with Yue Hengyi on her back, and after others saw this scene, she immediately sighed, "Oh, such a beautiful woman can only run away with her sick husband on her back, God damn it, don't open your eyes what."

In the eyes of others, Sayexiang and Yue Hengyi are an obvious couple, and Yue Hengyi is thin at this time, even if he doesn't wear a mask, he will not be recognized. It looks like he has been ill in bed for a long time. It was misunderstood by others.

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