Shen Feng has already broken with the headquarters, so in Shen Feng's view, he must be an object of unwelcome, especially in the city controlled by the headquarters.

But Shen Feng didn't expect that when he appeared outside Rongcheng, he was immediately welcomed by the leaders of Rongcheng, as if the conflict between Yuzhou and the headquarters did not exist before, so far, Shen Feng can only follow Enter Rongcheng behind Xie Ba Teng.

When entering the city, Shen Feng thought silently in his heart: "There must be traitors in Yuzhou, who have revealed my whereabouts, but it is difficult for me to get news from the outside world. The news from the outside world will do.”

Xu Xing sat in the car, looked at the facilities in Rongcheng, her eyes were full of envy: "This place is really prosperous, much busier than Yuzhou."

In Xu Xing's view, the residents here in Rongcheng live in a very stable life, and many people have smiles on their faces. No wonder many people said before that Rongcheng is a particularly livable city, and life is already so leisurely. Naturally, it is suitable for self-cultivation.

Under Xu Xing's careful observation, he found one thing, that is, there are many fair-skinned people here, so he quickly asked: "City Master, are the people here so good? I feel that their The skin is very white."

Hearing this question, Shen Feng pointed to Shen Yu who was sitting on the side, and said, "You should ask my sister about this. I have dark skin, and my sister is fair. She has been so white since she was a child!"

Shen Yu smiled and said: "It's not that we take better care of ourselves, nor is it that there is something special about our genes. The main reason is that this is a basin, and it often rains, and ultraviolet rays are not easy to irradiate. Therefore, many people's skin They're all whiter."

Xu Xing took out the mirror to take a look, and couldn't help but said, "I also seem to have fair and tender skin, but my mother doesn't allow me to go too far."

Xu Xing has always wanted to make meritorious deeds, and the first thing to do is to kill all the bandits in this world. If not, then the next best thing is to kill all the bandits in China. In the face of setbacks, the setbacks do not come from the outside, but from the people around me, that is my mother.

Wu Yelian firmly opposed Xu Xing to do such a dangerous thing. It would be fine if she followed Shen Feng to the battlefield. There were many people around her, and her chance of surviving on the battlefield was much higher. But Xu Xing wanted to kill the bandits alone. This will not work.

Therefore, it would be difficult for Xu Xing to leave Yuzhou, let alone live in Rongcheng for a period of time.

General Xie had already set up a reception banquet in Rongcheng to entertain Shen Feng, and Shen Feng's parents also appeared here.

When Shen Feng saw his parents, he rushed over immediately, with a smile on his face. Shen Xin didn't say much, but just stretched out his hand and patted his son's shoulder, without saying anything, while He Liping grabbed his son's palm , There were tears in the eye sockets for a while.

As the saying goes, parents are not far away. Shen Feng was rumored to have died at sea last year. When He Liping heard the news, she cried until she died, almost dying of pain. Later, she heard that her son had been returning to China from Tasmania in the southern hemisphere. Such an experience made her feel even more Distressed, my son has suffered too much from 6.

Seeing his mother like this, Shen Feng quickly comforted him: "Mom, I'm fine, just sit down and eat quickly. I'm going to Siberia after I rest for the night. Let's be happy now."

He Liping thinks about it too, it is rare for the family to get together, it is too late to be happy at this time, how can they have a bitter face, this is really inappropriate.

At this time, the three people behind Shen Feng also stepped forward to salute. Lu Xian and others were of the same age as Shen Feng, and they were also Shen Feng's subordinates. Now facing Shen Feng's mother, they naturally did not dare to make mistakes. He hurriedly came forward to meet him, and they all called him "uncle and aunt".

However, when Xu Xing stepped forward, He Liping saw another young and beautiful woman appearing, and couldn't help blurting out: "Afeng, is this your daughter-in-law too?"

In this day and age, as long as you have the ability, you can marry as many women as you want, because the social order has collapsed and the law can't work. Who cares about monogamy? Not to mention in the apocalypse, even in the peaceful era before the apocalypse, rich people still change their brides every night, and at that time, no one cares about them.

Ever since, when He Liping saw Xu Xing behind Shen Feng, she thought that Shen Feng had a new love again.

Hearing this, Shen Feng quickly explained: "No! No! Absolutely not! This is my friend, a real friend, don't get me wrong, Xu Xing will marry again in the future."

Xu Xing was also blushed by this misunderstanding at this time, she never thought that she would encounter such a misunderstanding, it was simply unimaginable.

He Liping also quickly apologized, and everyone sat down to eat.

At the dinner table, Xie Ba Teng began to discuss with Shen Feng how to end this troubled world: "Shen Feng, in my opinion, everyone calls today's world the end of the world, except for mutant beasts and other external factors that threaten the survival of human beings." In addition, the most important point is that the social order has collapsed. Therefore, if you want to completely end the troubled times, you must do a good job both internally and externally. Externally, all animals that threaten human survival are naturally wiped out, even if they are extinct. These animals are no problem. If humans cannot survive, other species will not survive. As for the interior, it is to rebuild a stable and prosperous society so that everyone does not need to rush around for survival. This requires everyone to unite Get up, what do you think?"

Shen Feng was not moved by the impassioned words, but said lightly: "If you want to end the troubled times, you should first salvage the meteorites in the sea, as long as the meteorites are not salvaged one day, the end will not end. "

After speaking, Shen Feng put a piece of braised pork in his mouth.

Shen Feng is not worried about being ambushed. According to his ability, it is not difficult to leave Rongcheng, and Xie Ba Teng can't wait to go to Siberia to save people by himself, because it is said that Xiao Sheng used to be Xie Ba Teng's bodyguard Yes, if Xiao Sheng came back, he would probably stay in Rongcheng in the future. It would be a pity to lose this kind of strength.

Xie Ba Teng frowned, and asked: "But I heard that the meteorite has already melted. When it hit the earth, it was 20 meters in diameter, but now it has shrunk a lot. Isn't that nonsense?"

Shen Feng thought for a while, and it was true. However, as far as he knew, there was still a God's Domain in the sea today, and electromagnetic waves could not penetrate the God's Domain, which meant that the meteorite had not melted.

"However, we can't wait until the day when the meteorite melts, right? What if the meteorite stops melting? Why don't we wait forever?" Shen Feng asked.

Xie Ba Teng was speechless. Although the solution to ending the troubled times is so simple, the internal and external problems can be solved, and the doomsday will be ended, but as long as the meteorite cannot be salvaged, there is no doubt that the animals on the earth will not To stop the mutation and solve the external threat, is it easier said than done?

"If you want to salvage meteorites, you have to fight against sea beasts, but as far as I know, today's supernatural beings are not opponents of sea beasts. It seems that they are in a dead end." Xie Ba Teng said helplessly.

While eating and drinking, Shen Feng said: "When I came back from Australia, I once heard a supernatural person say that today's sea beasts are hostile to humans because humans over-exploit the ocean and litter the ocean. Therefore, We want to salvage meteorites, but the sea beasts snatch them away and refuse to let us do what we want. This is the evil result of human beings themselves."

During the dinner, everyone was talking and laughing, and General Xie also found many people to accompany him. Shen Feng brought the three big eaters to eat and drink constantly, and the meals on the table were constantly changing. Finally, after an hour, Shen Feng's side is also full, and the food on the wine table has been replaced for four or five rounds.

Shen Xin actually wanted to drink some wine with Shen Feng, but was scolded by He Liping: "Both of you father and son can't hold alcohol well, are you ashamed to show yourself when you're drunk?"

Therefore, Shen Xin's plan to fight wine with his son has also failed.

After Shen Feng walked out of the restaurant, he wanted to take a stroll in Rongcheng. For Shen Feng, he had already settled down in Yuzhou, married a wife and had children, but Rongcheng has always been his hometown, and he still has a deep feeling for his hometown. Nostalgic, Shen Feng began to walk on the street.

Shen Feng didn't notice that anyone was following him, but if he wanted to come to Xie Ba Teng, he wouldn't let anyone follow him. After all, General Xie had seen Shen Feng's speed before. Who can keep up with Shen Feng, who is the fastest in the world? ?

However, although no one was following Shen Feng, when Shen Feng was walking on the street, he was still surrounded by many people, all of whom were saying, "Look, this is Lord Fengshen, and Lord Fengshen has come to Rongcheng."

Immediately, someone criticized, "Stop talking nonsense, what is coming? This is returning to Rongcheng, you know? Lord Fengshen is the pride of our Rongcheng. No matter where Lord Fengshen is, he will always be from Rongcheng."

Shen Feng didn't want to continue to be watched, especially on the street, it made him feel like a monkey, not at all comfortable.

Afterwards, Shen Feng ignored these people, and left the street directly using his supernatural ability, jumping on the roof, and quickly disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

The people on the street could only lament at once. They really hoped to talk to Lord Fengshen, but even if they had such an opportunity, they didn't have the opportunity. Lord Fengshen didn't give them this chance. The photo was immediately looted by the media.

For the current news media, paying attention to the trivial matters of a traffic star’s eating, drinking, and lassing will no longer receive attention. Who cares whether the star ate pancakes or steamed buns for breakfast? Ordinary people only care about one day Three meals, other than that is the movement of the supernatural beings.

Especially old-fashioned supernatural beings like Shen Feng, who began to emerge within a month after the end of the day, became a man of the hour, and even became a hero to save Yanjing. His appearance would naturally cause a sensation.

Shen Feng came to a secluded street and stopped, with lingering fears in his heart, he thought silently: "Really, what if I haven't seen it before? I didn't have this kind of treatment in Yuzhou. When I returned to Rongcheng, the elders in my hometown were really too enthusiastic." ?”

However, at this moment, Shen Feng, who was hiding in the dark alley, suddenly saw a man and a woman in the distance. The man was handsome and handsome, while the woman was mature and gentle. With a baby in their arms, it looks like a happy family.

Shen Feng took a closer look and found that the man was Fang Qinghao, and he hadn't seen him for a long time. When he was at sea, Fang Qinghao was broken all over his body in order to save Qin Kewei, but now Fang Qinghao is alive and well. From the signs of injury, it can be seen that the recovery ability of the supernatural being is still too strong.

Shen Feng was about to go up to say hello, after all, they all knew each other, it would be a bit too much if they pretended not to see each other.

However, at this time Shen Feng suddenly heard a familiar voice: "I heard that you went to check the number of mutant beasts on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, are you not injured?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Feng immediately thought clearly, who did Fang Qinghao marry? There is no need to doubt this anymore, it is naturally Yu Renshu, after all, the two of them even have children.

That's right, the familiar voice Shen Feng heard belonged to Yu Renshu. At the beginning, Yu Renshu left without saying goodbye, which made Shen Feng a little unacceptable for a while. Now that so long has passed, Yu Renshu has also married and had children. Shen Feng found that the world is changing too fast.

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