Yang Chang was lying on the boat beside the pier, watching the noisy city become so quiet now, he couldn't help showing a trace of nostalgia on his face, if possible, he would still like to stay in the safe and carefree place back then. In today's society, although sometimes you have to face the dilemma of finding a job after graduation, it is much better than the current precarious situation.

After a busy day, Yang Chang leaned on the boat and said to Yang Ye: "Sir, do you think we can really defeat the zombies?"

When Yang Ye heard this question, he began to answer without hesitation: "Of course it's okay to defeat the zombies, it's just a matter of time. Even tank-type zombies can't really stop tanks, especially under all kinds of powerful firepower." , The crowd tactics of zombies are useless."

"But zombies can mutate." Yang Chang continued to ask.

"So what if it can mutate? Humans will evolve!" Yang Chang said disdainfully: "Other animals in the direction of evolution or mutation are all about enhancing physical strength or endurance. Only humans evolve the brain, so it's just For millions of years, humans have become the masters of the earth, and as long as other animals do not evolve their brains, they will never be able to defeat humans."

"But aren't zombies infected and mutated on the basis of humans? Will these zombies have wisdom?" Yang Chang continued to ask.

Yang Ye spread his hands helplessly, and said, "If you ask me, I don't know. I'm not a student of biology, so I can't give you a clear explanation. Speaking of which, let's take a break now while we have nothing to do." , if we wait until the president returns, we will have to be busy."

Hearing this, Yang Chang already felt very tired. He had been busy all day during the day, and rescued more than 5,000 people back to the base. Bring all the silver jewelry, it seems that as long as you go out, you must bring a little money with you. The most ridiculous thing is that a self-proclaimed writer, while carrying half a bag of rice and a notebook handbag, said in his mouth: "This is the guy I eat, and I can't lose it anywhere."

After careful questioning, Yang Chang found out that this is an author who writes on the Internet, but his grades are not good, and the manuscript fee from coding is almost enough to make ends meet. The more I talked about it later, the more helpless the author became. He sighed and said: "It is too difficult to get ahead on the Internet now. If you write more realistically, you will be caught easily. If you want to play around the corner, you will be targeted. There are always people in history. So, ah, I can only write a superficial one, so that everyone can be well.”

Yang Chang had nothing to say about this, because he didn't read it, so he didn't care about this guy's complaints, and besides, he basically had no chance to write about it in the future.

And at this time, in a community near the pier, Ren Jing and a group of people lit a fire in the room, and the vermicelli found on the road today was cooking in the pot. In order to prevent the fire from being seen from the outside, all the windows were covered. On the cloth. Ren Jing found a chair and sat by the fire, without saying anything.

The others also sat down around the fire, and they all fell silent. This morning, they used these people in the combat team as bait to attract zombies, and finally took the opportunity to escape from the roof. After much deliberation, the most dangerous place is the safest place. So, Ren Jing led people to a residential building near the pier. All the doors here were opened, and the zombies were dead all over the place. It was obviously cleaned up by Shen Feng, so there will be no zombies in this place. .

Looking at the flickering flames, Ren Jing's heart was full of regrets. He didn't understand why he chose to betray before. He was already in power when he followed the Self-Aid Association. The core of the club, but after betrayal, only one morning later, he was surrounded by zombies, and then abandoned everything that appeared here, and now he is reduced to the point where he can only eat vermicelli. of people found that they also had to cover the windows.

Zhu Yan didn't care about these. Seeing that the vermicelli in the pot was ready to eat, she picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to scoop up the vermicelli, saying, "Hurry up and eat, how can you gain strength if you're not full?"

Ren Jing glanced at this woman, and suddenly felt itchy hands. He really wanted to slap her at this moment. If it wasn't for this woman's instigation, how could he betray the Self-Aid Association? If he hadn't betrayed, he would still be the Self-Aid Association now The leader of the combat team.

Ren Jing had already seen the terror of the Self-Aid Association during the day. At that time, there were ships of all sizes around the pier, and thousands of people were organized to carry supplies to the base in Hezhou. It can be said that after today's hard work, The strength of the Self-Aid Association has been greatly enhanced, and today's Self-Aid Association can really regain Luzhou!

The rest of the evolutionaries also started to fish for vermicelli. When they were in the battle group, they could eat whatever they wanted every day, and the worst ones could eat rice and pickles. Now it’s time to eat vermicelli, and it’s only been a day. The gap is already so obvious that I can only think that things are impermanent when I think about it.

While eating vermicelli, Zhu Yan looked at Ren Jing and asked, "Where are you going in the future? If our goals are different, we should go our separate ways."

"Break up?" Ren Jing sneered immediately when he heard this: "Do you think I will let you leave? Is it too easy to think that I have ended up in such a mess? I think I can hack you to death now."

"I'm just joking." Zhu Yan gave up immediately as soon as she listened to Ren Jing's threat. She is an ordinary person, unable to stop Ren Jing's attack, and now that she has no means to threaten Ren Jing, she naturally dare not object.

Ren Jing looked at the people around him, and said in a deep voice: "Right now we are hiding in troubled waters to fish in troubled waters. If there is a chance in the future, maybe we can join the Self-Aid Association again."

"How is it possible?" The evolutionists around were all stunned: "The group of people from the Self-Aid Association learned of our betrayal, and I'm afraid they wanted to kill us in their dreams. How could we rejoin?"

Ren Jing continued: "Just disfigure the face, then change the name, don't reveal the identity of the evolutionary for the time being, and slowly gain the trust of the Self-Aid Association."

The evolutionists fell silent for a while, and they were all thinking about the feasibility of this plan. It seemed that they could indeed do so without revealing their identities.


After the night fell, Shen Feng looked at the Yangtze River in the distance and finally heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that this adventure is worthwhile. Now these zombies are still attacking the buildings continuously, and the pier has already taken the opportunity to save them. There are a lot of people, and with the addition of these people, there is no shortage of manpower in the base for the time being.

Shen Feng is standing on the top of the building, looking down at the group of zombies below. The focus is on the small zombie sitting on the shoulders of the strong zombie. Shen Feng has already determined the role of this zombie, basically it has no combat power, but It can command other zombies.

Shen Feng's target is also this little zombie. The zombie with the ability to command is simply terrifying. The more than 400 people in the battle group have experienced a long time of fighting, but they are surrounded by death, and they have no resistance at all. strength. You know, these 400 people are already half of the fighting force of the battle group, but under the command of the little zombies, these 400 people can't even break through. Obviously, if you want to defeat these zombies, you must first destroy them. their chain of command.

At this time, Shen Feng also felt a little lucky, the zombie's intelligence was not particularly high, because the commanding zombie below obviously hadn't heard an old saying: "Shoot a man first, shoot a horse, catch a thief first, catch the king!" Shen Feng was about to do something. The most important thing is the beheading action. As long as the command of the zombies is destroyed, the rest of the zombies can be defeated one by one.

But it is also very difficult to complete the beheading operation. First of all, there is the problem of escape. There are at least a dozen mutant zombies beside the command zombies. If you want to kill the command from so many zombies and A smooth escape is simply a fantasy.

Shen Feng only knew of one person who had done this kind of thing, and that was Xin Qiji, but Xin Qiji also rushed with his people, and one person could behead the enemy general. Shen Feng really couldn't think of anyone who could do it.

"Today, let me try something that others can't do." Shen Feng looked excitedly at the zombie below, and quietly drew out the long sword around his waist.

In the building at this time, Li Minghua was organizing the personnel of the combat team to fight, and the students from the college that he had brought with him before had also begun to join the battle. From the perspective of the situation, the time for the zombies to break into the building is only a matter of time. Everyone has reached the top floor of the building, and there are only fifty people who survived, and the others have all been bitten to death by the zombies.

Li Minghua has been fighting for a whole day. Although his body is still fighting non-stop, it is already at the end of his battle. He feels extremely tired. He really wants to fall on the ground and sleep. In the hands of the zombies, he could only pull himself together and continue to resist with the rest of the people.

"Hold on! The president will definitely bring someone to rescue us." Li Minghua shouted in a hoarse voice.

Although Li Minghua knew that the president would probably not come, there were so many zombies here, even if the president brought people to rescue, it was impossible to break through the siege of the zombies.

Thinking of the battle that took place during the day, Li Minghua felt extremely uncomfortable. He thought that it would be enough to block the zombies on the first floor, but unexpectedly, the zombies started to climb up by stepping on the heads of their companions, and broke through the windows on the second floor. Entering, the combat team had no choice but to retreat to the third floor, and then the third and fourth floors were breached by zombies piled up. There were still more than 500 people when they left the academy today, but at this time, there are almost less than 50 people. Moreover, these fifty people will die soon, which is really painful.

At this time, someone suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure appearing on the roof in the distance, and quickly shouted: "There are people upstairs over there!"

Li Minghua turned his head to look, but found a figure in the distance holding two long swords in his hand. Although he couldn't see who it was, but besides the president, could there be anyone else holding the two swords? ? Immediately, tears welled up in Li Minghua's eyes, and he muttered to himself: "The president has come to save us, the president has come to save us!"

At this time, the bright moon was hanging high, Shen Feng jumped down from the roof of the building with a long sword in his hand, and went straight to the group of mutated zombies below. The strong zombies heard the wind and looked up quickly, but only saw a figure falling, Afterwards, Shen Feng stabbed out with a sword, and the strong zombie carrying the little zombie was pierced through the chest by the long sword.

Shen Feng looked at the little zombie on the shoulder of the zombie, and chopped down with another long sword, cutting off one arm of the little zombie on the spot. Next, without waiting for the little zombie to escape, Shen Feng pulled out the long sword from the chest of the strong zombie. Sword, a sword pierced the little zombie's abdomen.

From the moment Shen Feng landed to the time when he killed the strong zombie and cut off the arm of the little zombie, it took only one breath. At this time, the other mutated zombies didn't even react.

The little zombie was pierced through the abdomen, and was still alive. It opened its mouth and let out a sharp cry. Shen Feng was very close to the zombie. After hearing the sharp sound, he suddenly felt bored in his chest, as if he wanted to kill impulse. The sound was extremely penetrating, and if it had been louder, Shen Feng suspected that he might be deafened by the sound.

After the sharp scream appeared, all the zombies around rushed towards Shen Feng, even the mutated zombies, they all attacked Shen Feng, it seemed that the little zombie gave an order, so the zombies all turned their guns and started Attack Shen Feng.

Shen Feng drew out the long sword from the little zombie's belly, sneered at the attack of the surrounding zombies, and then a whirlwind rolled up around him, and he used the "hurricane eye", all the surrounding zombies were blown away in an instant, only the heaviest The tank zombie stepped back a few steps, but was not blown away.

Shen Feng put the left-handed sword back into the scabbard, then grabbed the commanding zombie by the back of the neck, jumped to the sidewalk tree, then jumped to the top of the building, and ran towards the distant pier without looking back. The captured little zombie had no ability to resist, and immediately started screaming, asking all the other zombies to come to save him.

However, Shen Feng's speed is very fast. After using "Follow the Wind", only speed-type zombies can follow from a distance, and other zombies can't catch up with Shen Feng at all. While running away, Shen Feng saw the group of zombies attracted to him on the street, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, as if he could use this zombie in his hand.

The densely packed zombies on the street seemed to have heard the order, and they turned their heads and walked towards the distant pier. Such a huge group of zombies filled the nearby streets, like ants in a nest, and there was no way to count them. Find out how many zombies exist here. But these zombies had only one goal, and that was to capture their leader Shen Feng. At this time, the zombies around the granary were all mobilized, and they were all walking towards the distant pier.

The zombies besieging the building gradually dispersed, and finally, Li Minghua, who was hiding on the roof, survived. Looking at the tide of zombies going away, he suddenly felt lucky to survive the catastrophe. He didn't expect that he survived in the end, and the president really came to rescue him!

"We survived!" Li Minghua said this in a hoarse voice, and then leaned against the wall and couldn't stand up anymore. He was very tired and just wanted to take a good rest at this time.

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