Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 707 Underground Space

Xu Xing is very curious about where the water source for these twenty people comes from. If there is no food to eat, the highest record of human starvation is more than 20 days. Drinking water without eating, but if there is no water, No matter how strong a person is, they can resist for four or five days. They can resist for more than a week. dying.

However, at this moment, footsteps were heard outside the cave, and Xu Xing instinctively put her hand on the handle of the knife, as if she might strike at any time.

But the miners waved their hands quickly at this time, as if to indicate that the people who came were not enemies.

The vines at the entrance of the stone room were suddenly separated from the two sides. A guy in military uniform had already walked in. There were five or six water bottles in his hands. Seeing that there were other people in the stone room, he was stunned. , asked as soon as he opened his mouth: "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, what he spoke was standard Chinese. Obviously judging from his face, he felt that Xu Xing was from China, and one of his hands was secretly stretched behind his waist, looking very wary of the one who just appeared. people.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Xu Xing knew that the other party was guarding her now, so she quickly explained: "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I'm here to save you, and I will take you back to Qiumen, you don't have to be so careful. "

Fortunately, the guy who just came back from fetching water can understand Chinese. After hearing what Xu Xing said at this moment, he immediately relaxed and passed the water bottle in his hand to other people. Everyone is also very short of water. Got it After the water bottle, start hydrating right away.

In caves, even if you find fuel, you dare not start a fire casually, not because you are afraid of attracting the attention of the enemy after starting a fire, but because the cave is underground, and the air condition is not good enough. If the oxygen is consumed after ignition , then everyone will be suffocated.

However, fortunately, the temperature is not too low underground. Even if there is no fire, it will not be frozen to death. The surrounding loess is the most suitable insulation material. Even if the ground has been frozen for three feet, the underground temperature will not There are too many variations.

Xu Xing looked at the group of people here, and said quickly: "I'll take you out of here, anyway, if you stay underground now, you won't have a better life."

"Do you know the way out?" the man fetching water asked hastily.

Xu Xing nodded and said, "No reminder, I do know a way to leave the underground directly. Although Qiuming is dilapidated now, the city is always safer."

Xu Xing looked at the miserable people present, and it was not a good choice to continue to let them stay here. Since she came to find mutated plants and save people, saving people at this time is also her job content.

Everyone was very happy when they heard that they were able to leave the underground world. It has been a long time since they entered the underground world. There is no sunlight in the underground, so they can't distinguish between day and night. They dream of Those who left the ground, as for what happened to the outside world, they were completely ignorant.

But at this time, the guy who fetched the water said quickly: "I just saw that the tree man has already acted. If we go out at this time, we will definitely be attacked. Why don't we wait until the tree man comes back? Go out again?"

Xu Xing also remembered that when he went down to the cave, the surrounding area was already very dark. If he went out, it might be in the dark, and the treants acted in the dark.

Thinking of this, Xu Xing gave up the idea of ​​taking people away immediately, and said in her heart: "I just leave the city lord for one night, so it should be fine, right?"

Xu Xing was also very uneasy at this time, it can be said that he was very disturbed. Obviously, the city lord ordered to kill that hateful scum, but he let people escape. , This is a very inappropriate thing, but Xu Xing also knows that there are more than 20 people in the cave who need protection, and now they can't leave easily, so Xu Xing has no choice but to stay.

Xu Xing trusted Shen Feng's fighting power very much. He believed that the three people on the city lord's side would be fine, so he saved them for the time being.

"Maybe, when I tell the city lord the way to the underground, he will praise me for it." Xu Xing thought silently in her heart.

However, Xu Xing suddenly remembered something at this time, and asked quickly: "By the way, where did you find the water source? Also, how do you know that the tree man has already moved? How did you know all this news?" ?”

The man who fetched the water was called Chatsev. After hearing Xu Xing's question, he quickly said, "When we were hiding underground, we have been investigating the situation underground, trying to find a way out, but we haven't found it yet. , but we also found places with underground water, as well as where the enemy is located, and there are caves leading to the enemy's lair."

When Xu Xing heard this, she was immediately pleasantly surprised, and quickly said: "Take me to see, I want to see where the enemy's lair is!"

The purpose of Shen Feng this time is to find the mutated plants, and then burn them directly, but recently he is just about to find the location of the enemy. As for where the enemy is hiding, it is completely unclear, but at this moment, maybe When Xing heard that there was a cave leading to the enemy's lair, she immediately became excited. If she could directly find the enemy's lair, wouldn't it be a great achievement?

"City Lord, I will not let you down, I will definitely return to you with useful information." Xu Xing thought silently in her heart.

Chatsev showed a embarrassed look at this time: "But the one over there is far away from here, and it will take at least two hours to go back and forth!"

"It's okay, it's okay, two hours is two hours, take me to see it quickly, I will take you out tomorrow, such important news, you must tell me at this time. "Xu Xing said stubbornly.

Xu Xing has already said this to this level, and it's not easy for Chatsev to refuse, after all, he still has to rely on Xu Xing to lead him away from the ground, and this cannot be offended, otherwise, if the other party repents, he will miss leaving in vain It's time for the underground.

Afterwards, Chatsev took Xu Xing and left the hiding place, carrying five or six empty water bottles with him. The water source brought back just now has been drunk by more than 20 people, and no one has any extra water. device, so I can only come back with six kettles at a time, and fetching water is done in turns.

The cave was dug out by mutated marmots, but it wasn't big enough. Xu Xing couldn't stand up straight when walking in the cave. In this way, after walking a certain distance, Xu Xing's waist would become sore and limp. In fact, the best way to walk in this kind of cave is to kneel and crawl on the ground. This is the most energy-saving way of action, but Xu Xing is not allowed to do this out of human dignity.

When children crawl on the ground, no one will say anything, because everyone knows that children cannot walk, and crawling is the only way they can move.

However, if adults kneel and crawl on the ground, they are as low as livestock and will be looked down upon by others.

After thinking of this, Xu Xing could only endure the weakness of her waist and limbs in silence, and continued to move forward.

After walking for more than an hour, I went through many forks. Every time I passed a fork, Xu Xing would drop something as a marker to make sure that I didn’t take the wrong path. Finally, Xu Xing followed Chatsev, Found a hole with light.

Before getting close, Xu Xing could hear the sound of "rumbling". When he got closer, his eyes were stunned.

Outside the entrance of the cave where Xu Xing is located, there is a huge space. Although it is still underground, a huge waterfall can be seen flowing out of the entrance of the cave, and finally falls downward. The height of the waterfall can be more than 30 meters. The rumbling sound I heard before was the sound of the waterfall falling into the pool.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a scene underground. The waterfall falls from the sky and makes a loud noise. This is a huge space. It seems that the ground has been torn apart at this time, and directly below the torn ground is a pool. In the middle of the pool is an island in the center of the lake. A huge tree grows from here, with a height of fifty meters. There are colorful fruits on this tree, and it is emitting fluorescence at this time. The light that was seen was emitted from these fruits. Although a single fruit is nothing, the range of illumination is limited. At that time, when tens of thousands of fruits were shining, the cave was shining like daylight.

"This must be a mutated plant. It's really huge. It's unimaginable that such a tall tree grows underground." Xu Xing began to sigh silently in her heart. At this time, she could hardly believe what she saw. , There is such a space in the underground world, and there are such big trees.

This tree, Xu Xing couldn't tell what kind of tree it mutated from. He could only see the huge canopy, which almost filled the entire underground space. There were many paper strips hanging down from the top of the tree. The small cage, although it looks small, is relatively speaking, because Xu Xing saw that there were many animals in these translucent cages, and even such a ferocious Siberian tiger was among them.

Xu Xing was carefully observing the underground space, while Chatsev stretched out his hand from the hole and put the kettle on the nearby stone wall. When the waterfall falls, there is also water flowing on the stone wall, so just put the kettle Move over, it will be filled in no time.

Xu Xing continued to observe, trying to find the treants, but found that there were only a dozen or so sporadic treants wandering around. There was a glowing fruit growing on the heads of these treants, which looked like a tree from a distance. It was as if they were lighting a lantern. Seeing this scene, Xu Xing also figured it out.

The scum I met before said that the tree man had one eye. Shen Feng didn't believe it at the time, but now it seems that there is just a glowing fruit on the tree man's head.

"If it's about the same, let's go back. Now that we have found the enemy's lair, the problem is simple. Next time, I will lead people to sweep the hole directly. I don't believe that we can't defeat the mutated plants." Xu Xing said at this time Having obtained enough information, I am very relieved, no matter how the city lord blames himself, as long as he can inform the city lord of such important news, then the city lord will definitely not punish himself.

While Xu Xing was secretly happy, Chatsev quickly poured water into his mouth, he came out rarely, and of course he wanted to drink from the water source.

Next, Chatsev was going to continue to reach out to irrigate, but at this moment, a vine suddenly flew over, grabbed Chatsev's arm with lightning speed, and then pulled it hard , actually directly dragged out a man who was five big and three thick.

Chatsev didn't expect that, he had been pouring water at the entrance of this cave for a long time, and there was no accident during this period, and no tree person found him, but at this time, he was dragged out of the cave entrance, facing the cave below. The pool fell, and Chatsev let out a scream.

"Ah... help me..." Chatsev's loud cry for help echoed in the air, and it sounded miserable. In the end, he fell heavily into the pool.

This happened unexpectedly, Xu Xing wanted to reach out to help, but at this time it was not even Xu Xing's turn to lend a helping hand, and Chatzev had already been taken away, which made Xu Xing feel a sense of panic Uneasy emotions.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen vines emerged from the canopy and chased towards the entrance of the cave. It was obvious that Xu Xing had also been exposed at this time.

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