Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 716 Mutual Generation And Mutual Restraint

Shrimp and crabs actually have blood. Most people have never seen it before. They think that shrimp and crabs are animals without blood. But in fact, the blood of shrimps and crabs is colorless, so most people just think it is when they see it. The water in the shrimp and crab body, as long as the water in the shrimp and crab body is oxidized outside, it will soon turn blue. This is the blood of the shrimp and crab.

Shen Feng then asked: "By the way, is there any other danger in the cave? Tell us to be careful."

Zhang Zi put the cap on the bottle and replied: "Passing through the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, there is no special danger in the future. Among them, you need to be careful. There is a cliff, which is more than ten meters wide from one end to the other. Use ropes to pass through in normal time, you may not be familiar with it when you are new here.”

Seeing the depressed mood of the soldiers here, Shen Feng thought to himself: "These people may not know the situation outside, it's better not to speak out, so as to save these people from being sad."

Now that Qiumen has been breached, the number of survivors is just over 200. Such a small number is really too small. It is even more unclear whether the family members of these soldiers are still alive. It will make these people sad, so it's better not to say it.

Back then, more than 5,000 people, including soldiers and miners, all rushed into the burrow just to find the treasure, but the treasure was not found, and there were only a few people left. It was not easy to get out , not to mention staying to save others, so it is understandable to feel depressed.

Jin Zijue suddenly asked, "How is Yue Hengyi?"

Back then, there were only six geniuses in the Ability Management Bureau, who were considered heroes who would save the country in the future. As a result, the country has not yet been saved, and something happened to Yue Hengyi, a genius. Jin Zijue was also very emotional.

Shen Feng said lightly: "Last month, the execution was just carried out. It happened to be the time when Yanjing was attacked, and the black mutated birds attacked the city. I heard that the whole city was in chaos. As a result, under this situation, Yue Hengyi His body is still missing, probably stolen by someone with a heart, after all, the ability to control gravity is too powerful, there must be many people staring at Yue Hengyi's body."

Jin Zijue couldn't help but let out a sigh, and said, "How did it become like this? I heard that it's because of love and hatred, isn't it so strange?"

"My subordinates reported that it was the newly established Tianlong Bureau of Yanjing and the Thirteen Taibao of Luliang Mountain who jointly framed Yue Hengyi. When Xiaoyue and I were at sea, we were attacked by the Thirteen Taibao. The one who escaped from birth only killed one person, the person who mastered the calcium element, unexpectedly, even if they returned to China, they would not let us go." Shen Feng said with emotion.

"I heard that Qin Kewei testified against Yue Hengyi in court. Why did this happen?" Speaking of Yue Hengyi's matter, Jin Zijue still found many doubts, and immediately began to ask.

However, Shen Feng was even more unclear about this matter, so he could only shake his head and replied: "I don't know, probably Qin Kewei was brainwashed, otherwise, in my impression, these two people are still It's very affectionate, and besides, it's hard to say whether the supernatural potion you have stored in Qin Kewei's hands is still there."

While the few people were chatting, Xiao Sheng, who had gone hunting, had already returned, still holding the prey in his hand, and the only prey that could be caught underground was the marmot. I heard that the marmot carried a lot of energy. Pathogenic bacteria that infect humans used to be sold in large quantities in vegetable markets in southern China, but after the incident was exposed, marmots stopped selling them, but now they are all trapped underground, and they can find food. Very nice, nothing more to ask for.

"Hey, brother-in-law, why are you here? Did you bring any presents?" Xiao Sheng couldn't help joking when he saw Shen Feng, obviously he didn't expect Shen Feng to appear under such circumstances.

Shen Feng was displeased, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, who is your brother-in-law? You and my sister are not married yet, maybe you will have a romantic relationship before you get married."

Shen Feng hated Xiao Sheng calling himself that, because the matter was so sudden, the relationship between sister and Xiao Sheng started in a sudden situation, and Shen Feng didn't even know about this matter, Therefore, Shen Feng did not want to accept this brother-in-law either.

Seeing Shen Feng's attitude, Xiao Sheng also smiled and didn't take it seriously, and then asked: "Did your sister ask you to come to me?"

Xiao Sheng is not an idiot. After he found out that the person who appeared in the cave was Shen Feng, he guessed the fact that the headquarters must be indifferent to the situation of the Ability Management Bureau. Therefore, under the worry, Shen Yu had no other choice but to find Shen Feng from Yuzhou asked for help from his younger brother. Shen Feng was also very kind and brought people to the rescue.

Shen Feng said lightly: "It is indeed what you guessed. If my sister hadn't begged me, I wouldn't bother to talk to you, but it's just right, just pay back your favors. When you save someone and go out, you should hurry back to Rongcheng Go thank my sister."

When Xiao Sheng received such an answer from Shen Feng, he immediately didn't know what to say. At first, he just saved Shen Yu because he was on the way, but now, he was also supported because of Shen Yu. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion .

"Shen Yu is so kind to me, I will definitely not let her down. When I return to China, I will marry her right away." Xiao Sheng said seriously.

Shen Feng shrugged and said lightly: "Don't tell me these things, it won't do any good, you should talk to my sister about these things, at this moment, think about how to save people, One of my men has also been captured."

Xiao Sheng patted his head, obviously remembering the current task, so he said quickly: "Yes, yes, let's discuss the matter of saving people. Now that you are here, we will be able to deal with tree people. The reason why we To fail is to underestimate the power of the treant, this thing is invulnerable to bullets and bullets, and tanks can't enter the depths of the cave, and there is no way to attack with shells, it will be much easier after you come here."

Saying that, Xiao Sheng immediately took Shen Feng to watch the last difficulty in the cave: "Look, there is a big crack with a width of 20 meters here, and there is a cave on the opposite stone wall, that is the mutated plant." It’s the last hiding place, have you seen the luminous fruit over there? They can’t be eaten, they are all used for lighting.”

Shen Feng and Lu Xian hurriedly looked towards the opposite side of the crack, and they could see that this was originally a connected cave, but suddenly a crack appeared, dividing the well-endowed cave into a natural moat with a width of 20 meters, so The wide ravine is definitely an insurmountable obstacle for ordinary people.

Shen Feng stretched out his head on the edge of the cliff and looked down. The bottom is bottomless, and the sound of water can be heard vaguely, and there is actually water flowing out of the cave opposite. It seems that the waterfall deep in the cave is drained from the outlet. .

"There may be an underground river below here, but it's hard to say where it leads to." Shen Feng said seriously.

When Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan were in desperation before, they encountered an underground river. At that time, Shen Feng jumped, but he did not expect to be washed into the Yongding River. Now that Shen Feng encountered the underground river again, this time Shen Feng didn't dare to gamble. It's okay to be brought to the outside world by the underground river. If it didn't work, wouldn't he just die down there?

"City Master, look at the top, there are also cracks, and it seems that the light can still be seen." Lu Xian pointed to the light above his head and said seriously.

Shen Feng also looked up, and he really saw a long ray of light. It seemed that he could reach the top from the crack.

"A Line of Sky!" Shen Feng murmured. There is a famous scenic spot in China, the Line of Sky. It is said that it is a very narrow canyon. If you look up from the bottom, you can only see a line, so the name is called a line. sky.

"Don't think about it, you can't get out from above. Zhang Zi has tried it before, and the top is just a gap of tens of centimeters. One person can get out, but more people can't. If you want to go out, then We can only find another way." Xiao Sheng said seriously.

After Shen Feng heard this, he gave up the idea of ​​going in and out of the crack. If it can be realized, then use the rope ladder to go up and down. Isn't it very simple?

Next, Shen Feng focused on the cave on the opposite side of the ravine. He could vaguely see a light appearing in the cave, most of which were illuminated by fluorescent fruits. The most difficult thing was the treant. Shen Feng is not sure about defeating the tree now. People, because tree people are invulnerable to swords and guns, and they don't feel pain yet, it is really too difficult to deal with this kind of thing.

Suddenly, Shen Feng remembered Xiao Sheng's ability, so he asked quickly: "Isn't the flame you used just enough to restrain these treants? Why can't you win?"

Xiao Sheng smiled wryly, and said: "You underestimate the tree people too much. My flame is indeed able to restrain most of the mutated plants, but these tree people often hide in their old nests and soak in water. Trees can absorb water. My patience has also increased, and my ability is no longer suitable for fighting tree people."

"Well, then the mutated plants here are really difficult to deal with. They have already guessed that they may be attacked by flames, so they hide here specially. They are really difficult opponents." Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

Jin Zijue continued: "Besides, the mutated plants here are very thieves. During the day, the tree people never appear outside, and they are specially asked to go out hunting at night. Even if they want to use the sun Even if you irradiate them, you won’t find such an opportunity.”

"The power of flame can be temporarily resisted by tree people, so why not use oil?" Shen Feng asked suddenly. After oil is burned, it can't be extinguished by water casually. It can burn along with water. An inextinguishable flame is definitely a good choice to deal with treants.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to leave the cave, but it is still very easy for Xiao Sheng to go out, so Shen Feng also thinks that using oil to burn the tree man is a good choice.

As soon as Xiao Sheng heard this, he said quickly: "No, if this is burned, the innermost mutated plant will not be available, and we have to take the plant heart back."

Obviously, Xiao Sheng can also think of a way to use oil to fight, but he is unwilling to use this method, because the original purpose is to find mutated plants and bring them back to China to produce evolutionary genes. Is it a waste of effort?

Shen Feng nodded and said seriously: "Yes, yes, you are right, we should take the plant heart back, let's find a way."

Although he agreed with the other party's statement, Shen Feng began to think in his heart: "We must find a way to burn the heart of the plant, but the most important thing right now is to rescue Xu Xing and the others, what should we do?"

Jin Zijue said directly: "It's not easy? Just tonight, when the tree man was out, we rushed in to save people. With Shen Feng's speed, saving people is not a simple matter." ? There is also a special need to have people hold back the treants who are going out."

"You can try it. Before, our speed was not enough to break through the tree man's defense. Shen Feng, you are so fast, you must be able to save people successfully." Xiao Sheng also agreed.

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